FAQs for NHSN users that report weekly COVID-19 Vaccination Data for LTC Facilities

November 2, 2021: FAQs for NHSN users that report weekly COVID-19 Vaccination Data for Long-term Care Facilities

CDC will host a webinar to review recent updates to the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) weekly COVID-19 vaccination data reporting modules. This webinar will focus on addressing some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) from facilities, reviewing data entry issues, and highlighting helpful training materials and resources.

Join the listen-only webinar to hear comprehensive responses to your FAQs based on the updates made to these modules. Thank you for submitting data to the NHSN weekly COVID-19 Vaccination Module for long-term care facilities.

Please use the link below to register:

Topic: FAQs for NHSN users that report weekly COVID-19 Vaccination Data for Long-term Care Facilities
Date: Tuesday, November 02, 2021
Time: 2:30 PM EST
Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Evaluation and Assessment Measures for Title XIX Recipients and Applicants – REGULATION UPDATE NOTICE

The Department of Health and Senior Services, Section for Long-Term Care Regulation has drafted emergency and proposed amendments regarding adding the level-of-care evaluation and assessment requirements back that were effective prior to October 31, 2021, in order for those individuals who would have qualified for Title XIX funded services prior to October 31, 2021, to be eligible to receive services funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (temporary enhanced federal medical assistance percentage). Therefore, a second level-of-care determination will be utilized from October 29, 2021, until the funding from the American Rescue Plan Act has been expended.

The emergency amendment for 19 CSR 30-81.030 was filed on October 15, 2021, with an effective date of October 29, 2021, and expiration of April 26, 2022. The emergency amendment can currently be viewed at: https://www.sos.mo.gov/adrules/EmergenciesforInternet/emergency. The proposed amendment covering this same material will also be published in the same issue of the Missouri Register. The Register publication date is November 15, 2021 for the emergency and proposed amendments and can be found at: http://www.sos.mo.gov/adrules/moreg/moreg.asp.

NOTE: The public comment period for the proposed amendment will be from November 15, 2021 – December 15, 2021. The Department will be accepting comments during the comment period by mailing the comments to: Carmen Grover-Slattery, Regulation Unit Manager, Section for Long-Term Care Regulation, Division of Regulation and Licensure, PO Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570 or by emailing to: RegulationUnit@health.mo.gov.

The proposed amendment can be reviewed on our website at: https://health.mo.gov/about/proposedrules/.

Level of Care Transformation

Exciting transformation is coming for the Level of Care (LOC) process effective 10/31/2021! Our current LOC Process (many of us have referred to as the DA124 A/B forms) is undergoing major changes!

Here are some of the highlights:

The application process will all be ELECTRONIC. You will fill out and submit forms online on the COMRU website at https://health.mo.gov/seniors/nursinghomes/pasrr.php. For example, the forms will be able to be sent from the hospital to the nursing home to COMRU, all in one system. This electronic link will be available starting October 29, 2021. COMRU will not process these application until November 1, 2021.

The process of evaluating Level of Care will also change. New areas will be evaluated and previous areas will be changed in order to provide the best assessment for determining Level of Care. You can read about the new process in the proposed Regulation at 19 CSR 30-81.030, https://health.mo.gov/about/proposedrules/, which will go into effect on 10/31/2021.

To help facilities prepare for these changes, COMRU will be hosting a webinar. Additional trainings to follow.

Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.

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Meeting password: 3YXgTsdkc37

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Resident Council Survey for LTC Ombudsman

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program would like to know if you are interested in recognizing your facilities Resident Council President by posting a sign outside of their room identifying them and their role.

Some of the benefits are:

  • Increasing the Presidents confidence in their role, boosting overall morale
  • Other residents can easily identify who their President is and know where to go if they need to talk
  • Promotes awareness to new residents and families that a Resident Council exists and provides a point of contact

State Office would be in charge of designing and purchasing the signs. But before we do, we want to know if this is something to pursue based off your feedback.

Please provide your feedback by completing this brief, two question Survey Monkey. All submissions are anonymous.

You can find the survey here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DMSNHTH. The survey will close Tuesday, November 9, 2021.

The Resident Advocate Newsletter – October 2021

The October 2021 Resident Advocate is now available.

This issue includes:

  • Residents Across the Country Share Their Experiences Living in a Nursing Home
  • Compassionate Care Visits – Must Be Individualized and Person-Centered
  • The Fight Against Chemical Restraints

This newsletter is a great resource to share with long-term care residents. Nursing home staff, long-term care Ombudsman programs, family members, and other advocates are encouraged to forward this newsletter to residents or print and share copies with residents. Download this issue or past issues from this webpage.

Pioneer Network Hot Topics – Culture Change in Action

November 16, 2021: Recharge with a Nature Fix
Speaker: Tammy Marshall, Biophiliac & Longevity Expert and Founder & CEO of Biophilia Pharma

Join Pioneer Network for the last of the 2021 Share the Vision webinars, where speaker, Tammy Marshall, Biophiliac & Longevity Expert and Founder & CEO of Biophilia Pharma, will share with attendees the power of nature in supporting health and well-being – not only the residents you support, but for you!

Tammy will explain the value of nature as a health equity and the science behind nature immersion (Yes, spending all those hours outdoors engaging with nature has value beyond just the fact that you like it and it is fun!) She will share tips on how you can find yourself a nature fix, how it is all about knowing thyself.

In Tammy’s work, she has seen how supporting residents so that they can enjoy the outdoors is often very challenging for care communities, and as we approach the winter months, that challenge can become greater, and so Tammy will also be sharing ways to bring the outdoors in.

Action Pact’s Conversations with Carmen

November 19, 2021: Creating Connectedness
Presenter and Host: Carmen Bowman

LTC communities face daunting challenges when it comes to the difficulties of staffing right now. Employees have increased expectations of their leaders and managers than in the past. For organizations to thrive during rapid change, they need a mindset shift from traditional problem solving to an increased emphasis on the needs of the employee and the vital roles they hold. Learn to identify the top reasons why employees leave, and ideas for a culture that honors and includes employees like never before.

2021 Annual SLCR Provider Meeting – SAVE the DATE

Sponsored by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Section for Long-Term Care Regulation in partnership with MU Sinclair School of Nursing, this year’s SLCR Provider Meeting will be held virtually.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

With the meeting being conducted virtually this year, registration will be required. The link to register along with session information will be coming soon. Please stay tuned to the LTC Information Update for more details.

CNA Testing Update

Beginning 09/01/2021 all full CNA tests are done through Headmaster D & S. Please see the information on Testing Updates In Missouri for clarification on how to proceed with setting up the final examination for students.

For up to date information or any questions, feel free to visit the Health Education Unit webpage or you may call 573-526-5686 or email at cnaregistry@health.mo.gov.

RAI Manual Updates

CMS released a PDF file labeled “MDS 3.0RAIManualv1.17.1R.Errata.October.1.2021,” available in the Downloads section of the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual webpage. This file contains revisions to pages in Chapter 6 of the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual v1.17.1R that update the NTA Comorbidity Score Calculation table. Changed manual pages are marked with the footer “October 2019 (R).” The errata document begins with a table that lists all identified revisions and the pages to which they have been applied. Following the table are the actual corrected replacement pages for insertion into the printed manual.

CMS Memo QSO-20-38-NH: Interim Final Rule (IFC), CMS-3401-IFC, Additional Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency related to Long-Term Care (LTC) Facility Testing Requirements

Long-Term Care (LTC) Facility COVID-19 Testing Requirements (QSO 20-38-NH, revised 9/10/2021)

Please read the memo carefully. CMS has revised testing requirements for nursing homes including testing of symptomatic residents and staff, and routine testing of staff. Two major changes are:

  • Facilities now have two options to conduct outbreak testing, through either a contact tracing or broad-based testing approach. See Table 1.
  • Routine staff testing is now based on the facility’s county level of community transmission instead of county test positivity rate. The link to determine county level of community transmission is in the memo. The frequency of testing has also been updated. See Table 2.


Table 1: Testing Summary

Testing Trigger



Symptomatic individual identified

Staff, vaccinated and unvaccinated, with signs or symptoms must be tested.

Residents, vaccinated and unvaccinated, with signs or symptoms must be tested.

Newly identified COVID- 19 positive staff or resident in a facility that can identify close contacts

Test all staff, vaccinated and   unvaccinated, that had a higher-risk exposure with a COVID-19 positive individual.

Test all residents, vaccinated and unvaccinated, that had close contact with a COVID-19 positive individual.

Newly identified COVID- 19 positive staff or resident in a facility that is unable to identify close contacts

Test all staff, vaccinated and unvaccinated, facility-wide or at a group level if staff are assigned to a specific location where the new case occurred (e.g., unit, floor, or other specific area(s) of the facility).

Test all residents, vaccinated and unvaccinated, facility-wide or at a group level (e.g., unit, floor, or other specific area(s) of the facility).

Routine testing

According to Table 2 below

Not generally recommended


Table 2: Routine Testing Intervals by County COVID-19 Level of Community Transmission

Level of COVID-19 Community


Minimum Testing Frequency of

Unvaccinated Staff+

Low (blue)

Not recommended

Moderate (yellow)

Once a week*

Substantial (orange)

Twice a week*

High (red)

Twice a week*

+Vaccinated staff do not need to be routinely tested.


Please see the full memo for complete details at https://www.cms.gov/medicareprovider-enrollment-and-certificationsurveycertificationgeninfopolicy-and-memos-states-and/interim-final-rule-ifc-cms-3401-ifc-additional-policy-and-regulatory-revisions-response-covid-19-0.

New Enrichment Booklet for Residents

National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care has a NEW Enrichment Booklet offers residents a variety of activities to keep them entertained and active. This book includes puzzles, word searches and crosswords; prompts for residents to write about the connections in their lives; trivia questions, which can be done alone or with others; and more!

Download and print the Enrichment Booklet for free or purchase hard copies of the booklet from the online store.

MHCA Virtual Convention 2021

October 1-31, 2021: MHCA Virtual Convention

For those who attended the convention in-person but missed an education session, you now have access to any missed sessions as well. Therefore, all of the facilities that registered for the in-person Convention are automatically enrolled in the Virtual Convention! Please note – each facility registered for the Virtual Convention can allow an unlimited number of attendees from your registered facility to participate in the education sessions offered virtually.

If you could not attend the in-person Convention, you can register now for the Virtual Convention. Once the Virtual Convention begins, the education sessions will be available 24/7 and run through October 31.

Pioneer Network Hot Topics – Culture Change in Action

October 21, 2021: Someone Just for Me: Recognizing a Critical Role for Volunteers
Speaker: Dr. Paul Falkowski, Ph.D., Gerontologist, Author, Speaker, Educator

Long before COVID-19, professionals working in long-term care knew about the devastating effects of social isolation. Now because of COVID-19, social isolation has become an all too familiar term to the general population. We heard reports of people passing due to being disconnected from their families and friends during the past year. But what about the people who did not have family or friends?

Creating and sustaining intimate relationships takes time and commitment. In this session, you will learn the critical components for creating “authentic” relationships. You will learn how to recruit, screen for, and train a cadre of volunteers, who go on to become “companions” or, as one older woman observed, “…someone that is here just for me.” We’ll look at the transformational power volunteers like these can have on the people you serve, the people serving them, the volunteers themselves, and your surrounding community.

Action Pact’s Conversations with Carmen

October 15, 2021: Why Employees Leave and Ideas for Honoring, Retaining and Recruiting Them
Guest: Linda Shell, RN, PhD; with Host Carmen Bowman

LTC communities face daunting challenges when it comes to the difficulties of staffing right now. Employees have increased expectations of their leaders and managers than in the past. For organizations to thrive during rapid change, they need a mindset shift from traditional problem solving to an increased emphasis on the needs of the employee and the vital roles they hold. Learn to identify the top reasons why employees leave, and ideas for a culture that honors and includes employees like never before.

Action Pact’s Conversations with Carmen

November 19, 2021: Creating Connectedness
Presenter and Host: Carmen Bowman

LTC communities face daunting challenges when it comes to the difficulties of staffing right now. Employees have increased expectations of their leaders and managers than in the past. For organizations to thrive during rapid change, they need a mindset shift from traditional problem solving to an increased emphasis on the needs of the employee and the vital roles they hold. Learn to identify the top reasons why employees leave, and ideas for a culture that honors and includes employees like never before.

Community Education Webinar from VOYCE

November 9, 2021: Protect Your Hard Earned Assets – How to Stay Financially Secure
Presenter: Lauree Peterson-Sakai, SVP, Aging Risk Strategy Leader, Wells Fargo

Join VOYCE for this Community Education webinar. Remember the adage “Knowledge is Power”? That certainly applies to becoming well-informed on all that is involved with aging! Join Wells Fargo’s Aging Client Service Strategy Leader for an informative course on financial safety. Spend the hour breaking down what you need to know about identifying financial exploitation and providing easy tips on keeping you and your money safe throughout your golden years. Registration for this webinar is free.

For any enquiries, please contact jmcgeechan@voycestl.org.

10-Digit Mandatory Dialing Changes

10-Digit Mandatory Dialing Changes Will Impact Fire Alarm Panel Automatic Dialing

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted an order approving the designation of “988” as the 3-digit abbreviated dialing code for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. As a result of this designation, beginning October 24, 2021, a 10-digit telephone number (area code + phone number) will be required to complete all local calls from area codes 314, 417, 660, and 816. All licensed long-term care facilities in Missouri are required to have a fire alarm panel that dials a monitoring company during a trouble call or fire signal. It is imperative that facility staff verify or reprogram the fire alarm panel to ensure it will dial out with the area code. This will need to be confirmed with the fire alarm and/or monitoring company. For additional information regarding 10-digit mandatory dialing changes, please refer to the FAQs About 10-Digit Dialing document developed by the Missouri Public Service Commission.

Advoque Safeguard Issued Respirator User Notice

On September 17, 2021, Advoque Safeguard issued a user notice identifying 6 very small lots of the model SG100 N95 Particulate Filtering Respirator (TC-84A-9284) that require additional sampling for pressure testing. Any individual or organization in possession of any ASG100 product in the 6 lots should isolate the product and contact Advoque Safeguard Quality Control (qc@advoquesafeguard.com).

More information can be found on the NIOSH Manufacturer Notice webpage: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/usernotices/noticesmanufact.html under Advoque Safeguard.

VOYCE Professional & Community Education Series Webinar

October 12, 2021: Cannabis and CBD for Older Adults and LTC Residents

The use of cannabis and CBD products as alternative medical treatments has been widely contested in the United States. Yet, the use of these products can be highly beneficial to patients with a variety of health conditions – many of which are prevalent in aging and long-term care populations. Join us for a discussion with local experts about the function, benefits, and options for medical cannabis and CBD use. This course will also discuss the legal considerations for individuals and long-term care organizations interested in trying these alternative therapies. This webinar is available to both long-term care serving professionals and interested community members.

VOYCE Professional Education Series Webinar

September 28, 2021: Eliminating Elderspeak through Compassionate Communication

Understanding elderspeak as a type of biased communication is vital to prevent future ageist behavior towards older adult patients and, thus, improve health outcomes. Elderspeak, most commonly found in long-term care settings, has been identified as a growing communication barrier between younger and older generations, especially in healthcare. Effective communication between patients and providers improves trust and adherence to treatment plans. Health communication and cultural sensitivity training are crucial for incoming, young health providers. As Boomer clinicians age and retire, they will be replaced by millennials who will need to learn how to navigate intergenerational relationships with their new Boomer patients.

Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Medication Information

There has been a significant change in the ordering process for monoclonal antibody infusion medications. If you are currently utilizing these medications, please review the attached notice and plan on attending the webinar tomorrow. Also attached is information on reporting usage through the Teletracking system. Reporting through this system is highly encouraged as the usage reported will determine future amounts allocated to the state.

 Status Update re: Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Infusion Medication Ordering:

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) was notified by U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) yesterday, September 14, 2021, that effective immediately the states are responsible to review and approve all monoclonal antibody medication orders. This includes orders for REGEN-COV (casirivimab and imdevimab) and the Eli Lilly cocktail of bamlanivimab/etesevimab through AmeriSource Bergen. This was DHSS’ first notification of this change. We had no prior information to allow for planning, development of platforms for ordering/approvals or procedures, or messaging. Thus, all of this is occurring currently and as quickly as possible. Information on this change is still forthcoming from HHS, thus we may have process implementation delays at the state level as a result.

mAb Request Process Implementation and Timeline:

DHSS will host a webinar to introduce the state’s new mAb request process, details are below:

Friday, September 17, 2021

10:30-11:30 a.m.

Join from the meeting link



Join by meeting number

Meeting number (access code): 2462 582 1044

Meeting password: pcGjudFE679


Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
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