NHSN – Reporting Cumulative Vaccination Data on Additional and Booster Doses

National Healthcare Safety Network Users:

This is a reminder that for weekly COVID-19 vaccination data reporting, you should be reporting cumulative data for Question 5, the number of individuals who have received an additional or booster dose. This means that for each reporting week, you should be reporting the total number of individuals in Question 1 who have ever received an additional or booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine as of that week, since additional/booster doses became available in August 2021. You should not limit reporting to the number of individuals who received new additional/booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine during that reporting week.

To accurately report cumulative COVID-19 vaccination data for a reporting week, you should first report the total number of individuals at the facility for that week (Question 1).

  • For Question 2 (primary vaccination series): Of the individuals reported in question #1, report the number of individuals who have ever received COVID-19 vaccination (at that facility or elsewhere) since it became available in December 2020.
  • For Question 5 (additional/booster doses): Of the individuals reported in question #1, report the number of individuals who have ever received an additional or booster dose (at that facility or elsewhere) since August 2021.

For additional guidance on how to report cumulative data, please see the following Quick Learn demonstration, posted on the NHSN Vaccination website at: Reporting Weekly Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Data (cdc.gov).

We appreciate your time and effort reporting COVID-19 vaccination data in NHSN. Please contact NHSN@cdc.gov with “COVID-19 Vaccination” in the subject line with any additional questions or concerns.