Qualified Fire Alarm Inspector/Installer in Certified Facilities

The fire alarm annual inspection, semi-annual inspection, and repairs must be performed by a qualified individual. Recently, SLCR has observed several instances across the state of unqualified individuals inspecting/repairing fire alarm systems. NFPA states the qualifications needed for the inspector performing these types of services.

NFPA 72, 2010 edition:

10.4.3 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Personnel. (SIGTMS)* Service personnel shall be qualified and experienced in the inspection, testing, and maintenance of systems addressed within the scope of this Code. Qualified personnel shall include, but not be limited to, one or more of the following:
(1)*Personnel who are factory trained and certified for the specific type and brand of system being serviced
(2)*Personnel who are certified by a nationally recognized certification organization acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction
(3)*Personnel who are registered, licensed, or certified by a state or local authority to perform service on systems addressed within the scope of this Code (The State of Missouri does not have its own certification program, therefore this option is not applicable.)
(4) Personnel who are employed and qualified by an organization listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for the servicing of systems within the scope of this Code Evidence of qualifications shall be provided to the authority having jurisdiction upon request.

When completing the LSC portion of the survey, LSC surveyors must verify the inspections and maintenance performed on the fire alarm system(s) were completed and signed off by a qualified person from the listed qualifications in NFPA. The facility is required to provide this certification to the surveyors at the time of the survey. Some companies list the inspector qualifications on the inspection and maintenance reports. These same regulations do not apply to the sprinkler system.

National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) is not the only option available for certifications, as inspectors can be qualified by other means; however, it is the most common nationally recognized certification. For NICET, the individual must be a Fire Alarm Systems Level II or higher. SLCR staff can search for an individual through the NICET website at: https://nicet.useclarus.com/view/verify/.

Please contact Scott Wiley (573-526-8552 or Scott.Wiley@health.mo.gov) and/or Steven Vest (573-526-8608 or Steven.Vest@health.mo.gov) with any questions regarding the qualifications of fire alarm inspectors.

Life Support and Life Safety Code

There has been some confusion about the definition of “life support”, specifically related to the type of generator required. Life support refers to any function performed by equipment, which if stopped, could result in loss of human life or serious injuries. NFPA 99, 2012 edition: 3.3.42 defines Electrical Life Support Equipment as an electrically powered equipment whose continuous operation is necessary to maintain a patient’s life.

Life support is not limited to a ventilator. For example, it can be a BiPAP or suctioning machine. Facility staff should receive clarification from the physician prior to admission as to whether or not the equipment is necessary to maintain the resident’s life.

If a facility accepts a resident who requires life support, it is important to ensure all the following requirements are met per NFPA 99 and 110:

  • The facility must have a definition of life support;
  • The admission agreement must state the facility will accept a resident on life support;
  • The generator must comply with the standards of a Type 1 Essential Electrical System (ESS) (a Type 1 EES has the most stringent requirements for providing continuity of electrical service – the Acceptance Testing paperwork will show the type), complying with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA);
  • Testing and maintenance must be maintained as outlined in the NFPA;
  • Depending on the generator, the power must be split into two or three branches, that would include critical care, life safety and mechanical;
  • There must be plans to show which rooms/areas are supported by the life support electrical system;
  • All outlets must be marked (such as a red outlet cover) to show which plugs will support life support functions.

NFPA 110, 2010 edition:

4.4-Level. This standard recognizes two levels of equipment installation, performance, and maintenance.

4.4.1-Level 1 systems shall be installed where failure of the equipment to perform could result in loss of human life or serious injuries.

4.4.2-Level 2 systems shall be installed where failure of the EPSS to perform is less critical to human life and safety.

4.4.3-All equipment shall be permanently installed.


 Electrical Systems – Essential Electric System Categories

Critical care rooms (Category 1) in which electrical system failure is likely to cause major injury or death of patients, including all rooms where electric life support equipment is required, are served by a Type 1 EES.

Smoke Zones vs. Fire Zones


We have recently noticed several facilities that have used their fire alarm zones as part of their evacuation plan. The fire alarm zones are the zones on the fire alarm panel used to help staff identify the location of the fire. These are different from smoke zones, which are the zones in the building created to prevent the spread of smoke and fire and allow staff time to complete a full evacuation of the building. Many facilities have fire alarm zones that do not match the smoke zones in the facility. Often times there are more fire zones to help staff identify the location of a fire.

To start a smoke zone evacuation, it may be necessary to evacuate multiple fire alarm zones at the same time. The evacuation plans need to have these smoke zones clearly labeled and all staff need to know where they will move the residents in the event of a fire. The facility cannot base their evacuation plans on the fire alarm zones.

In this example, the facility has eight fire alarm zones (Fire Zones 1-8). The facility has a smoke barrier wall that divides the facility into two smoke zones (Smoke Zones A and B). The facility also has a secured unit, but the controlled egress doors (locked keypad doors) are not a part of the smoke barrier wall, so the secured unit is part of Smoke Zone A.

If a fire occurs in Fire Zone 4, it means that an evacuation of all residents would need to occur throughout Smoke Zone B, which would include all residents in Fire Zones 3, 4, and 5. The evacuation plan may mention things like room number, dining rooms, etc., but should avoid using fire zones to describe the smoke zones. Although it is important to know which smoke zone activated the fire alarm system, staff cannot move the residents from Fire Zone 4 to Fire Zone 5, as they are still within Smoke Zone B. Staff must completely move the residents out of Smoke Zone B.

In addition, it is significant to note if a fire occurred in Smoke Zone A (i.e. Fire Zones 1 or 6), the staff would need to move residents in the secured unit from Smoke Zone A. Staff cannot leave the residents in the secured unit since a smoke barrier wall does not protect the secured unit and it is not its own smoke zone.

The facility must have the evacuation plans posted on at least every floor of the facility [19 CSR 30-85.022 (33)(B)(2)] which directs all staff, residents, and visitors where to go in the event of a facility evacuation. The policy and procedure for evacuations also needs to be in the emergency preparedness manual.

NFPA 99, 2012 edition Where buildings are required to be subdivided into smoke compartments, fire alarm notification zones shall coincide with one or more smoke compartment boundaries or shall be in accordance with the facility fire plan.

Recall Class 1 High Priority: Tyson Frozen RTE Chicken Products Potentially Associated with Listeria

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Recall Alert

To:         Local Public Health Agencies
From:    Dusty Johnson
Date:     07/06/2021

CLASS:  Class I High Priority

This announcement is distributed to Environmental staff and LPHA Administrators.

  • Please notify the affected facilities in your jurisdiction ASAP.
  • Conduct follow-up checks within 2 working days.
  • See attached distribution information.
  • See the original announcement for examples of labels.

 Necessary Information:

 Tyson Foods Inc., a Dexter, Mo. establishment, is recalling approximately 8,492,832 pounds of ready-to-eat (RTE) chicken products that may be adulterated with Listeria monocytogenes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today.

The frozen, fully cooked chicken products were produced between December 26, 2020 and April 13, 2021. The products that are subject to recall are listed here. View the labels here.

The products subject to recall bear establishment number “EST. P-7089” on the product bag or inside the USDA mark of inspection. These items were shipped nationwide to retailers and institutions, including hospitals, nursing facilities, restaurants, schools and Department of Defense locations.

On June 9, 2021, FSIS was notified of two persons ill with listeriosis. Working in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state public health partners, FSIS determined there is evidence linking the Listeria monocytogenes illnesses to precooked chicken produced at Tyson Foods Inc. The epidemiologic investigation identified three listeriosis illnesses, including one death, between April 6, 2021 and June 5, 2021. During routine sample collection, FSIS collected two precooked chicken samples from two establishments that are closely related genetically to Listeria monocytogenes from ill people. One of the samples was collected at Tyson Foods Inc. FSIS is continuing to work with federal and state public health partners to determine if there are additional illnesses linked to these products.

Additional information on the investigation may be found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

Consumption of food contaminated with L. monocytogenes can cause listeriosis, a serious infection that primarily affects older adults, persons with weakened immune systems, and pregnant women and their newborns. Less commonly, persons outside these risk groups are affected.

Listeriosis can cause fever, muscle aches, headache, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance and convulsions sometimes preceded by diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms. An invasive infection spreads beyond the gastrointestinal tract. In pregnant women, the infection can cause miscarriages, stillbirths, premature delivery or life-threatening infection of the newborn. In addition, serious and sometimes fatal infections in older adults and persons with weakened immune systems. Listeriosis is treated with antibiotics. Persons in the higher-risk categories who experience flu-like symptoms within two months after eating contaminated food should seek medical care and tell the health care provider about eating the contaminated food.

FSIS is concerned that some product may be in consumer and institutional freezers. Consumers should not eat these products. Institutions should not serve these products. These products should be thrown away or returned to the place of purchase.

FSIS routinely conducts recall effectiveness checks to verify recalling firms notify their customers of the recall and that steps are taken to make certain that the product is no longer available to consumers. When available, the retail distribution list(s) will be posted on the FSIS website at www.fsis.usda.gov/recalls.

Members of the media who have questions regarding the recall can contact Derek Burleson, Communications Manager, Tyson Foods, at (479) 290-6466 or derek.burleson@tyson.com. Consumers who have questions can contact Tyson Foods customer relations, at (855) 382-3101.

Consumers with food safety questions can call the toll-free USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 1-888-MPHotline (1-888-674-6854) or live chat via Ask USDA from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Eastern Time) Monday through Friday. Consumers can also browse food safety messages at Ask USDA or send a question via email to MPHotline@usda.gov. For consumers that need to report a problem with a meat, poultry, or egg product, the online Electronic Consumer Complaint Monitoring System can be accessed 24 hours a day at https://foodcomplaint.fsis.usda.gov/eCCF/.

 Additional Information:

SLCR Life Safety Code Information Series

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation will be releasing a series of Life Safety Code Information. You may also view the entire Life Safety Code document for reference.

Today’s subject is:

Can residents have a microwave in their room?

K324 – Cooking is not allowed in resident rooms. NFPA and
K925 – Cooking appliances cannot be within 15 feet of an area of administration in a resident room.

NFPA 101, 2012 edition:
18/* Where residential cooking equipment is used for food warming or limited cooking, the equipment shall not be required to be protected in accordance with 9.2.3, and the presence of the equipment shall not require the area to be protected as a hazardous area.
18/* Within a smoke compartment, residential or commercial cooking equipment that is used to prepare meals for 30 or fewer persons shall be permitted, provided that the cooking facility complies with all of the following conditions:

(1) The space containing the cooking equipment is not a sleeping room.
(2) The space containing the cooking equipment shall be separated from the corridor by partitions complying with through
(3) The requirements of through (10) and (13) are met.

SLCR Life Safety Code Information Series

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation will be releasing a series of Life Safety Code Information. You may also view the entire Life Safety Code document for reference.

Today’s subject is:

What if a sprinkler head gets paint on it or has corrosion?

No one can successfully remove paint or corrosion from a sprinkler head and the facility must replace those sprinkler heads. There is currently not any UL listed paint remover.

NFPA 25, 2011 edition: Sprinklers shall be inspected from the floor level annually. Sprinklers shall not show signs of leakage; shall be free of corrosion, foreign materials, paint, and physical damage; and shall be installed in the correct orientation (e.g., upright, pendent, or sidewall). Any sprinkler that shows signs of any of the following shall be replaced:

(1) Leakage
(2) Corrosion
(3) Physical damage
(4) Loss of fluid in the glass bulb heat responsive element
(5) Loading
(6) Painting unless painted by the sprinkler manufacturer Any sprinkler that has been installed in the incorrect orientation shall be replaced. Any sprinkler shall be replaced that has signs of leakage; is painted, other than by the sprinkler manufacturer, corroded, damaged, or loaded; or is in the improper orientation. Glass bulb sprinklers shall be replaced if the bulbs have emptied.

SLCR Life Safety Code Information Series

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation will be releasing a series of Life Safety Code Information. You may also view the entire Life Safety Code document for reference.

Today’s subject is:

How often does the facility need to ensure the generator transfers power within 10 seconds?

  1. What information is required for the documentation?
  2. Does it have to be under load?

The facility staff must document a transfer within ten seconds at least annually. This documentation must include all legs with the amperage under load. The load test must last at least 30 minutes, which is in addition to (warm up is not allowed) cool down times. This is not a load bank test, which is available only for diesel generators who cannot meet at least 30% of load.

NFPA 110, 2010 edition:
4.3 Type. The type defines the maximum time, in seconds, that the EPSS will permit the load terminals of the transfer switch to be without acceptable electrical power. Table 4.1(b) provides the types defined by this standard.

SLCR Life Safety Code Information Series

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation will be releasing a series of Life Safety Code Information. You may also view the entire Life Safety Code document for reference.

Today’s subject is:

           What kind of documentation should a facility provide to the surveyor when on a fire watch?

Most facilities have one fire watch policy. If a facility has one policy, then the policy must have all the items in Chapter 15 within NFPA 25, 2011 edition. If the facility has two separate policies, the sprinkler system fire watch policy is required to include all the items in Chapter 15.

NFPA 25, 2011 edition:
Minimum Requirements This chapter shall provide the minimum requirements for a water-based fire protection system impairment program. Measures shall be taken during the impairment to ensure that increased risks are minimized and the duration of the impairment is limited.
Impairment Coordinator
15.2.1 The property owner or designated representative shall assign an impairment coordinator to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
15.2.2 In the absence of a specific designee, the property owner or designated representative shall be considered the impairment coordinator.
Tag Impairment System
15.3.1 A tag shall be used to indicate that a system, or part thereof, has been removed from service.
15.3.2 The tag shall be posted at each fire department connection and the system control valve, and other locations required by the authority having jurisdiction, indicating which system, or part thereof, has been removed from service.
Impaired Equipment
15.4.1 The impaired equipment shall be considered to be the water-based fire protection system, or part thereof, that is removed from service.
15.4.2 The impaired equipment shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: Sprinkler systems, Standpipe systems, Fire hose systems, Underground fire service mains, Fire pumps, Water storage tanks, Water spray fixed systems, Foam-water systems, Fire service control valves
Preplanned Impairment Programs
15.5.1 All preplanned impairments shall be authorized by the impairment coordinator.
15.5.2 Before authorization is given, the impairment coordinator shall be responsible for verifying that the following procedures have been implemented:

(1) The extent and expected duration of the impairment have been determined.
(2) The areas or buildings involved have been inspected and the increased risks determined.
(3) Recommendations have been submitted to management or the property owner or designated representative.
(4) Where a required fire protection system is out of service for more than 10 hours in a 24-hour period, the impairment coordinator shall arrange for one of the following:

(a) Evacuation of the building or portion of the building affected by the system out of service
(b) An approved fire watch
(c) Establishment of a temporary water supply
(d) Establishment and implementation of an approved program to eliminate potential ignition sources and limit the amount of fuel available to the fire

(5) The fire department has been notified.
(6) The insurance carrier, the alarm company, property owner or designated representative, and other authorities having jurisdiction have been notified.
(7) The supervisors in the areas to be affected have been notified.
(8) A tag impairment system has been implemented. (See Section 15.3.)
(9) All necessary tools and materials have been assembled on the impairment site.

Emergency Impairments
15.6.1 Emergency impairments shall include, but are not limited to, system leakage, interruption of water supply, frozen or ruptured piping, and equipment failure.
15.6.2 When emergency impairments occur, emergency action shall be taken to minimize potential injury and damage.
15.6.3 The coordinator shall implement the steps outlined in Section 15.5.
15.7 Restoring Systems to Service
When all impaired equipment is restored to normal working order, the impairment coordinator shall verify that the following procedures have been implemented:

(1) Any necessary inspections and tests have been conducted to verify that affected systems are operational. The appropriate chapter of this standard shall be consulted for guidance on the type of inspection and test required.
(2) Supervisors have been advised that protection is restored.
(3) The fire department has been advised that protection is restored.
(4) The property owner or designated representative, insurance carrier, alarm company, and other authorities having jurisdiction have been advised that protection is restored.
(5) The impairment tag has been removed.

SLCR Life Safety Code Information Series

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation will be releasing a series of Life Safety Code Information. You may also view the entire Life Safety Code document for reference.

Today’s subject is:

The facility must test receptacles (outlets) annually.

    1. What are the four test needed on non-hospital grade outlets?
    2. Are facilities required to document each electrical outlet annually?
    3. What documentation should the facility retain for each electrical receptacle?
    4. What happens if an outlet fails the inspection?
    5. What inspections does the facility need for hospital-grade outlets?

NFPA 99, 2012 edition: Receptacle Testing in Patient Care Rooms. The physical integrity of each receptacle shall be confirmed by visual inspection. The continuity of the grounding circuit in each electrical receptacle shall be verified. Correct polarity of the hot and neutral connections in each electrical receptacle shall be confirmed. The retention force of the grounding blade of each electrical receptacle (except locking-type receptacles) shall be not less than 115 g (4 oz.).

The facility needs to document every outlet in the patient areas. The inspection report needs to show every outlet tested and includes areas such as resident rooms. The facility staff need to complete all four tests annually. These inspections may be a pass/fail for the four tests; however, the pass/fail must be for each specific test (e.g. grounding, polarity), and the pass/fail cannot just be for the outlet.

If the facility does not label every outlet, then there needs to be a system so everyone reading the documentation will know which outlet was tested. An example could be starting at the entrance, going around the room clockwise/counter clockwise, and naming the first outlet A, the second B and so on, until all outlets are recorded on the inspection sheet. The facility needs to document their system and use the same system throughout the facility. If one or more of the outlets in a room/area are hospital grade, the facility staff may document it on the form to show why annual testing did not occur (if applicable).

When an outlet fails any of the four tests, the facility needs to replace the outlet with a hospital grade outlet and staff need to document they replaced the outlet on the inspection sheet.

For any hospital grade outlet, the facility must create a system to complete a risk assessment and decide how often they want to complete the maintenance/testing, which can be longer than annually. The risk assessment system must be in place as soon as the facility has a hospital grade outlet. When due for an inspection and testing, these outlets must also be individually itemized on the documentation.









NFPA 99, 2012 edition:
10.3 Testing Requirements – Fixed and Portable.
10.3.1* Physical Integrity. The physical integrity of the power cord assembly composed of the power cord, attachment plug, and cord-strain relief shall be confirmed by visual inspection.
10.3.2* Resistance. For appliances that are used in the patient care vicinity the resistance between the appliance chassis, or any exposed conductive surface of the appliance, and the ground pin of the attachment plug shall be less than 0.50 ohm under the following conditions:

(1) The cord shall be flexed at its connection to the attachment plug or connector.
(2) The cord shall be flexed at its connection to the strain relief on the chassis. The requirement of shall not apply to accessible metal parts that achieve separation from main parts by double insulation or metallic screening or that are unlikely to become energized (e.g., escutcheons or nameplates, small screws).
10.3.3* Leakage Current Tests. General. The requirements in through shall apply to all tests. Tests shall be performed with the power switch ON and OFF. Resistance Test. The resistance tests of shall be conducted before undertaking any leakage current measurements.* Techniques of Measurement. The test shall not be made on the load side of an isolated power system or separable isolation transformer.* Leakage Current Limits. The leakage current limits in 10.3.4 and 10.3.5 shall be followed.
10.3.4 Leakage Current – Fixed Equipment. Permanently wired appliances in the patient care vicinity shall be tested prior to installation while the equipment is temporarily insulated from ground. The leakage current flowing through the ground conductor of the power supply connection to ground of permanently wired appliances installed in general or critical care areas shall not exceed 10.0 mA (ac or dc) with all grounds lifted. Testing Intervals. The facility shall establish policies and protocols for the type of test and intervals of testing for patient care–related electrical equipment. All patient care–related electrical equipment used in patient care rooms shall be tested in accordance with or 10.3.6 before being put into service for the first time and after any repair or modification that might have compromised electrical safety. Touch Leakage Test Procedure. Measurements shall be made using the circuit, as illustrated in Figure, with the appliance ground broken in two modes of appliance operation as follows:

(1) Power plug connected normally with the appliance on
(2) Power plug connected normally with the appliance off (if equipped with an on/off switch)

SLCR Life Safety Code Information Series

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation will be releasing a series of Life Safety Code Information. You may also view the entire Life Safety Code document for reference.

Today’s subject is:

Can residents have a microwave in their room?

K324 – Cooking is not allowed in resident rooms. NFPA and
K925 – Cooking appliances cannot be within 15 feet of an area of administration in a resident room.

NFPA 101, 2012 edition:
18/* Where residential cooking equipment is used for food warming or limited cooking, the equipment shall not be required to be protected in accordance with 9.2.3, and the presence of the equipment shall not require the area to be protected as a hazardous area.
18/* Within a smoke compartment, residential or commercial cooking equipment that is used to prepare meals for 30 or fewer persons shall be permitted, provided that the cooking facility complies with all of the following conditions:

(1) The space containing the cooking equipment is not a sleeping room.
(2) The space containing the cooking equipment shall be separated from the corridor by partitions complying with through
(3) The requirements of through (10) and (13) are met.

SLCR Life Safety Code Information Series

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation will be releasing a series of Life Safety Code Information. You may also view the entire document for reference.

Today’s subject is:

What is expected in a facility’s smoke compartment zone evacuation plan?

The facility needs to have a smoke compartment evacuation plan if they don’t plan to evacuate everyone immediately to the outside (meeting point) when the fire alarm sounds. The plan should begin with staff determining the need to evacuate. If evacuation is necessary, staff should begin evacuating residents in the immediate surrounding area of the fire, then the triangle of rooms around the room of fire origin (next to and across the hall from the room of origin), then the remaining rooms in the smoke compartment working away from the room of origin, trying not to cross the line of fire with the residents. Consider the fire exposure and Jack and Jill bathrooms. Some residents may be evacuated outside while others may be evacuated beyond a set of smoke doors.

Exit or Smoke Barrier



Fire 1




Exit or Smoke Barrier








The goal is to get all residents evacuated around the area of fire regardless of ambulatory status. After evacuation of the smoke compartment or origin and into another smoke compartment or an area of refuge; then it is determined whether an evacuation is needed further away (such as outside or a different smoke compartment). It may be prudent to evacuate based on ambulation status after evacuation of the zone of origin (ambulatory, wheelchair, bedridden). If the facility has a separate fire and evacuation plan, ensure the plans are consistent with the zone evacuation concept.

It would be wise to keep the plans simple and to have a written smoke compartment plan for every smoke zone in the building. Facilities may use things such as color-coded map/layouts. The facility needs to ensure when doing a zone evacuation, the residents are going to another smoke section, not just through a double door in the corridor (not all double doors are smoke/fire doors).

NFPA 101, 2012 edition:

4.7.3 Orderly Evacuation. When conducting drills, emphasis shall be placed on orderly evacuation rather than on speed.

SLCR Life Safety Code Information Series

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation will be releasing a series of Life Safety Code Information. You may also view the entire document for reference.

Today’s subject is:

Acceptable Plans of Correction

 A plan of correction (POC) must be submitted within 10 calendar days from the date the facility receives its Form CMS-2567. According to the State Operations Manual (SOM) §7317, an acceptable POC must:

Address how corrective action will be accomplished for those residents found to have been affected by the deficient practice;

Ensure every example, especially for those tags that encompass multiple deficient practices, has been addressed. K918 for example, covers generator installation, testing, maintenance, records, fuel, connections, and electrical mains and circuit breakers. If the SOD contains an example of the facility not completing the monthly 30 minute load bank test, an example of the diesel fuel not tested annually, and an example of the main and circuit breakers not inspected/tested annually, then each example needs to be identified on the POC and needs to state in detail what will be done to ensure each example is corrected.


Address how the facility will identify other residents having the potential to be affected by the same deficient practice;

How will all residents at risk for the deficient practice be identified? How will the deficient practice be corrected for all residents, not just the cited examples? For example, if five sprinkler heads are identified as having paint on them and cited as examples under K353, all sprinkler heads in the facility that have paint on them will need to be replaced, not just the five cited examples.

Address what measures will be put into place or systemic changes made to ensure that the deficient practice will not recur;

Has the deficient practice that caused the deficiency been identified? What changes will occur to prevent the deficient practice from reoccurring? For example, if K363 was cited on the SOD for examples of corridor doors not latching and having penetrations and gaps, all corridor doors shall be maintained to resist the passage of smoke. Who is responsible for inspecting the corridor doors and how often? Is there a system for direct care staff to report maintenance issues to the maintenance department? What in-services need to occur and who needs to be involved in the training.

Indicate how the facility plans to monitor its performance to make sure that solutions are sustained and;

How will the monitoring be accomplished? Who is responsible for monitoring and what are their qualifications? What is the frequency of monitoring? For example, K923 was cited for not securing oxygen cylinders within the oxygen storage room. Although this is considered a LSC issue due to the risk of fire, nursing staff are the primary handlers of the oxygen cylinders and typically access the oxygen storage room more than maintenance staff. In this case, the maintenance staff may have not been monitoring the oxygen storage room and relying on nursing to ensure the oxygen cylinders are secured. The POC should then identify who will monitor the oxygen storage room moving forward (Maintenance, Charge Nurse, DON, etc…?). What form will the individual use to document their monitoring and how often will monitoring occur (Daily, Weekly, etc…?). Do policies need to be revised related to who will monitor, how often, what forms will be used, and who will oversee to ensure the monitoring is being completed? Does the POC state whether the deficient practice is being addressed with the QA Committee on a regular basis?

Include dates when corrective action will be completed.

Is there a date for completion of the corrective action? Is the timeframe reasonable given the work that is being done? Remember, the deficient practice is not completely corrected until all work is finished. A deficiency cannot be corrected if an item has been ordered but not yet installed. An invoice or confirmation of a future installation or inspection will not put the facility back into compliance. Is a time limited waiver needed to accomplish this? If so, the facility should reach out to the department to discuss a waiver. For example, a facility was cited for not having access to their smoke barriers and their POC states they are adding an access door through the ceiling, the completion date on the POC should reflect when the access door will be physically installed and not just scheduled. Each specific deficiency should include a corrective action date and the facility should adhere to those dates as stated on the POC. Staff education should also be considered when determining the corrective action completion dates.

SLCR Life Safety Code Information Series

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation will be releasing a series of Life Safety Code Information. Please see the entire document for reference.

Today’s subject is:

The Life Safety Code requires a facility with a generator to manually exercise all breakers and itemize all of the electrical panels used for the generator.

    1. How often does this need to occur?
    2. Does the facility have to have to follow the same procedure for all panels, even if they are not connected to the generator?

The LSC requires annual inspection and annual testing on all electrical panels attached to the generator unless the manufacturer’s guide states otherwise.

This only applies to the panels the generator utilizes (which will include the panels used for the Life Safety branches).

NFPA 99, 2012 edition:* Circuit Breakers. Main and feeder circuit breakers shall be inspected annually, and a program for periodically exercising the components shall be established according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
A. Main and feeder circuit breakers should be periodically tested under simulated overload trip conditions to ensure reliability.

SLCR Life Safety Code Information Series

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation will be releasing a series of Life Safety Code Information.

Today’s subject is:

Does Life Safety Code allow candles in a certified facility?

Facilities may not use candles with wicks for décor. If a facility chooses to use candles as décor, the candle shall not have a wick, and the wick must be pulled out. It is not acceptable to have the wick cut flush to the candle.

Facility staff may use lit candles for a birthday celebration, but facility staff must continually supervise the candles while lit.

If a facility uses candles for religious purposes, these lit candles must be supervised 24/7 or be in a different occupancy with a 2-hour wall that separates it from the rest of the facility. The facility has the option to utilize an electric candle when it is not possible or practical to supervise the lit candles.

Please feel free to reach out to your regional office with any questions.

Potter Electric Recalls Addressable Pull Stations Single/Dual Action Due to Failure to Alert to Fire

This recall involves Potter Electric Addressable Pull Stations. When manually pulled, these red-colored devices are intended to activate a fire alarm in commercial and other buildings. Recalled models include: (1) Potter Electric Addressable Dual Action Pull Station, Model PAD100-PSDA, Part Number 3992720, with a date code Dec 03 2020; and (2) Potter Electric Addressable Single Action Pull Station, Model PAD100-PSSA, Part Number 3992721, with date codes Nov 10 2020, Nov 25 2020, Dec 01 2020, and Dec 03 2020. “Potter” is printed on the front of all devices. The date code is located inside the device.


Heat Detector Recall FYI

Edwards Recalls Mechanical Heat Detectors Due to Failure to Alert to Fire. This recall involves mechanical heat detectors used indoors to detect elevated temperatures as part of professionally installed fire detection systems for residential homes and businesses.

Please see the full recall description at https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls/2020/Edwards-Recalls-Mechanical-Heat-Detectors-Due-to-Failure-to-Alert-to-Fire.


Multiport USB Chargers

We are starting to see more wall-plugged multiport USB chargers. These chargers meet the 2012 edition of NFPA 99’s definition of a Multiple Outlet Connection, under the requirements. Multiple Outlet Connection. Two or more power receptacles supplied by a flexible cord shall be permitted to be used to supply power to plug-connected components of a movable equipment assembly that is rack-, table-, pedestal-, or cart-mounted, provided that all of the following conditions are met:

  • The receptacles are permanently attached to the equipment assembly.
  • The sum of the ampacity of all appliances connected to the outlets does not exceed 75 percent of the ampacity of the flexible cord supplying the outlets.
  • The ampacity of the flexible cord is in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.
  • The electrical and mechanical integrity of the assembly is regularly verified and documented.
  • Means are employed to ensure that additional devices or non medical equipment cannot be connected to the multiple outlet extension cord after leakage currents have been verified as safe.

NFPA 70, 2011 edition; Definitions: Receptacle. A receptacle is a contact device installed at the outlet for the connection of an attachment plug. A single receptacle is a single contact device with no other contact device on the same yoke. A multiple receptacle is two or more contact devices on the same yoke.

NFPA 70, 2011 edition; Definitions: Plug (Listed as attachment plug and called a plug cap). A device that, by insertion in a receptacle, establishes connection between the conductors of the attached flexible cord and the conductors connected permanently to the receptacle.

*This means multiport USB charges should be treated the same as a power tap/power strip. They must be mounted and/or secured and plugged directly into an outlet. Multiport USB chargers should not be plugged into a power strip or surge protector in a long-term care facility.

MHCA Webinar – Maintenance and Testing of Fire Sprinkler Systems

February 13, 2019: Maintenance and Testing of Fire Sprinkler Systems
Presenter: Skip Johnson

In this module we will discuss the importance of maintaining water based fire sprinkler systems and how sprinkler system neglect can affect the systems from operating as they were originally designed and approved. This module will incorporate NFPA 13 & NFPA 25.

  • Brief touch on common sprinkler system types, component & descriptions/ definitions.
  • Why install sprinkler systems.
  • How to identify common problems effecting sprinkler systems and why they prevent systems from operating correctly.
  • Responsibility of the property manager and their sprinkler systems.

Life Safety Code Reminder

Life Safety Code Reminder: The 2012 NFPA annual door inspections need to be completed by July 5, 2017


NFPA 80, 2010 edition:


3.3.95 Qualified Person. A person who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, professional standing, or skill, and who, by knowledge, training, and experience, has demonstrated the ability to deal with the subject matter, the work, or the project. Functional testing of fire door and window assemblies shall be performed by individuals with knowledge and understanding of the operating components of the type of door being subject to testing. Before testing, a visual inspection shall be performed to identify any damaged or missing parts that can create a hazard during testing or affect operation or resetting.


5.2.4 Swinging Doors with Builders Hardware or Fire Door Hardware. Fire door assemblies shall be visually inspected from both sides to assess the overall condition of door assembly. As a minimum, the following items shall be verified:

(1) No open holes or breaks exist in surfaces of either the door or frame.

(2) Glazing, vision light frames, and glazing beads are intact and securely fastened in place, if so equipped.

(3) The door, frame, hinges, hardware, and noncombustible threshold are secured, aligned, and in working order with no visible signs of damage.

(4) No parts are missing or broken.

(5) Door clearances do not exceed clearances listed in 4.8.4 and

(6) The self-closing device is operational; that is, the active door completely closes when operated from the full open position.

(7) If a coordinator is installed, the inactive leaf closes before the active leaf.

(8) Latching hardware operates and secures the door when it is in the closed position.

(9) Auxiliary hardware items that interfere or prohibit operation are not installed on the door or frame.

(10) No field modifications to the door assembly have been performed that void the label.

(11) Gasketing and edge seals, where required, are inspected to verify their presence and integrity.

ALERT: ICAPP Voluntarily Recalls Certain Lots of Frozen Strawberries

ICAPP Voluntarily Recalls Certain Lots of Frozen Strawberries

  • Some facilities in Missouri were identified on ICAPP’s Distribution List.  Please check your inventory if you received shipments from ICAPP.

The International Company for Agricultural Production & Processing (ICAPP) is voluntarily recalling certain lots of its frozen strawberries out of an abundance of caution in response to a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigation of an outbreak of Hepatitis A. For more information about this investigation, please visit FDA’s outbreak investigation website at www.fda.gov/Food/RecallsOutbreaksEmergencies/Outbreaks/ucm518775.htm. The recalled products were all distributed for sale to and use in food service establishments nationwide — not for use in food products offered for retail sale to consumers. Nonetheless, ICAPP is issuing this news release publicly to help mitigate any possible risk to the public health and to fully ensure that all recalled products are recovered. Although none of ICAPP’s own testing through an established surveillance program or through third party testing of retained samples has identified the presence of Hepatitis A in any of its products, ICAPP has decided to recall all frozen strawberries that it has imported into the United States since January 1, 2016 out of an abundance of caution. No other ICAPP products, frozen or fresh, are covered by this voluntary recall. ICAPP is conducting this voluntary recall after learning that frozen strawberries that it distributed may be linked to a recent Hepatitis A outbreak in the United States. ICAPP has been engaged with FDA in its investigation of this outbreak and is taking this action in consultation with FDA because Hepatitis A virus was detected in four lots of frozen strawberries that were exported to the U.S. by ICAPP. ICAPP is working closely with all of the U.S. distributors of this product to ensure that this recall is effective. Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease that results from exposure to the Hepatitis A virus, including from food. It can range from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a serious illness lasting several months. Illness generally occurs within 15 to 50 days of exposure and includes fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, abnormal liver tests, dark urine and pale stool. Hepatitis A vaccination can prevent illness if given within two weeks of exposure to a contaminated food. In rare cases, particularly consumers who have a pre-existing severe illness or are immune compromised, Hepatitis A infection can progress to liver failure. Persons who may have consumed affected product should consult with their health care professional or local health department to determine if a vaccination is appropriate, and consumers with symptoms of Hepatitis A should contact their health care professionals or the local health department immediately. ICAPP is fully committed to producing safe and high quality products; consumer safety is its top priority. ICAPP is conducting a comprehensive review of all of its operations and its suppliers to ensure that the food it produces is safe. ICAPP continues to work closely with federal and state authorities and is conducting this recall in cooperation with FDA. For questions or more information, consumers may contact ICAPP by email at customerservice@icapp.com.eg or by phone, between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Cairo local time, at (201)-541-1624.

Holidays & Decorating

It is that time of year when people are decorating their homes and businesses with festive décor and anticipating upcoming holiday celebrations.  Residents and staff in your care home also look forward to festivities and enjoy holiday decorations.  It is important for residents, staff and visitors to carry on traditions and to feel a sense of joy and peace we all want this time of year.

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation (SLCR) wants to help you and your residents have a safe holiday season by sending out the following safety tips, references and regulatory reminders.

Fires or other accidents are not something anyone wants!

Safe decorations include:

  • Artificial Christmas trees and decorations that are non-combustible or flame retardant.
  • UL approved decorative lighting (use in supervised areas and turn off when not in use).
  • UL approved outdoor lighting.
  • Holiday decorations, including evergreen wreaths, ornaments, photos, etc. can be used on resident’s doors, and in hallways, as long as they do not exceed 3 ½” in depth and they are not blocking the entrances or exits.*

*Any combustible decorations hung from doors or walls in corridors may be used with a waiver. Non-rated combustible decorations cannot exceed 20% of the wall space in an exit egress corridor.

Although the 2000 Edition National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101® Life Safety Code (LSC) is the official reference, the 2012 Edition contains some less restrictive requirements.  Please refer to the CMS memo regarding waivers here: CMS Memo S&C 13-58-LSC 2000 Edition National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101® Life Safety Code (LSC) Waivers, or visit the CMS website at www.cms.gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and-Certification/SurveyCertificationGenInfo/Policy-and-Memos-to-States-and-Regions.html.

Prohibited decorations include displays, hangings, and other decorations that block exits, visibility of exits, or fire protection appliances.  Never hang decorations from fire sprinkler heads or pipes.

NFPA 101, Section Combustible decorations shall be prohibited in any health care occupancy unless they are flame retardant.

NFPA 101, Section Means of egress shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions or impediments to full instant use in the case of fire or other emergency.

NFPA 101, Section No furnishings, decorations, or other objects shall obstruct exits, access thereto, egress therefrom, or visibility thereof.

Please note, some county or city local ordinances may also require compliance with more restrictive standards, including the International Fire Code (IFC).

  •  F323:  Electrical Safety – Any electrical device, whether or not it needs to be plugged into an electric outlet, can become hazardous to the residents through improper use or improper maintenance.  Electrical equipment such as electrical cords can become tripping hazards.  Halogen lamps or heat lamps can cause burns or fires if not properly installed away from combustibles in the resident environment.  The Life Safety Code prohibits the use of portable electrical space heaters in resident areas.
  • Extension cords may be used on a TEMPORARY basis.  For information regarding the use of extension cords, please visit the SLCR website at http://health.mo.gov/safety/ltcqa/questionsandanswers.php#no13.
  •  Can candles be used in nursing homes under supervision, in sprinklered facilities?

CMS Memo S&C-07-07: Nursing Home Culture Change Regulatory Compliance Questions and Answers

Answer:  Regarding the request to use candles in sprinklered facilities under staff supervision, National Fire Protection Association data shows candles to be the number one cause of fires in dwellings.  Candles cannot be used in resident rooms, but may be used in other locations where they are placed in a substantial candle holder and supervised at all times while they are lighted.  Lighted candles are not to be handled by residents due to the risk of fire and burns.

This holiday season consider using battery-operated flameless candles.  They look and smell real!

We wish you a wonderful and safe holiday season.  If you have any questions regarding the Life Safety Code, please contact SLCR at 573-526-8610.