Residents’ Rights to Vote – 2020 Elections

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has brought on many limitations and restrictions for nursing home residents, they still retain their right to vote. Below are some informational materials for residents and facilities to help achieve this during the 2020 elections.

  • Residents’ Right to VOTE – explains that residents still have the right to vote during the pandemic and what the facilities can/cannot do to assist with the voting process. The Ombudsman Program encourages facilities to hang this up so that residents can easily read it.
  • Voting – What Residents Need to Know – explains qualifications and eligibility to vote, voting options, how to register, how to locate a free notary for those who choose the mail-in option etc. Again, the Ombudsman Program encourages facilities to hang this up so that residents can easily read it.
  • Tip Sheet for Facilities – information for facilities only that simply explains best practices and ways they can help residents to vote.

Community Testing Opportunities

The next round of community testing events will take place in the following counties. Additional events are expected to be scheduled throughout the coming weeks. Missourians can register now for these events at and also continue to check back for future opportunities to be tested at an event nearby.







St. Charles

The Family Arena

St. Charles

September 17-19

Sept. 17  7AM – 5PM


Sept. 18  10AM – 7PM


Sept. 19  7AM – 5PM


Cherokee Pass


September 18

7AM – 12PM


Perryville City Park


September 19

7AM – 3PM

St. Francois

Farmington Firehouse


September 21

7AM – 3PM


Faith Community Church

House Springs

September 22-23

Sept. 22  10AM – 7PM


Sept. 23  7AM – 5PM


Centennial Hall Building Vernon County Fairgrounds


September 23

7AM – 3PM


Butler Aquatics Center Parking Lot


September 24

7AM – 12PM

Cape Girardeau

Arena Park

Cape Girardeau

September 25

7AM – 5PM


Cameron High School


September 26

7AM – 3PM

Register for testing at:
or call (877) 435-8411


Community Testing Opportunities

The next round of community testing events will take place in the following counties. Additional events are expected to be scheduled throughout the coming weeks. Missourians can register now for these events at and also continue to check back for future opportunities to be tested at an event nearby.


County Location City Dates Times


The Crossing Church


September 14-15

Sept. 14
12PM – 7PM


Sept. 15
7AM – 12PM


Maryville Community Center


September 14

10AM – 7PM


Arch Methodist Church


September 16

10AM – 7PM

St. Charles

The Family Arena

St. Charles

September 17-19

Sept. 17
7AM – 5PM


Sept. 18
10AM – 7PM


Sept. 19
7AM – 5PM


Cherokee Pass


September 18

7AM – 12PM


Perryville City Park


September 19

7AM – 3PM

St. Francois

Farmington Firehouse


September 21

7AM – 3PM


Faith Community Church

House Springs

September 22-23

Sept. 22  10AM – 7PM


Sept. 23  7AM – 5PM

Cape Girardeau

Arena Park

Cape Girardeau

September 25

7AM – 5PM

Register for testing at:
or call (877) 435-8411


Understanding Trauma and Ensuring Person-Centered Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic Training Series

During the month of September, the National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center will be releasing four training topics for three audiences. The topics are person-centered care; trauma-informed care; compassion fatigue; and anxiety and grief in a time of COVID-19. Each topic will include one webinar recording for facility administrators, direct care staff, and family members of individuals living in long-term care facilities. The first training released is on person-centered care.

View the training webinars, PowerPoint slides, and on-demand training course with quiz question and answers.

CMS QSO 20-38 NH: Interim Final Rule (IFC), CMS-3401-IFC, Additional Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency related to Long-Term Care (LTC) Facility Testing Requirements and Revised COVID-19 Focused Survey Tool – Effective Date: September 2, 2020

Please read this memo carefully. This memo outlines testing requirements for nursing homes including testing of symptomatic residents and staff, testing in response to an outbreak and routine testing of staff. A revised focused infection control survey protocol is also included which incorporates the requirements in this memo. If attempts to meet the 48-hour turn-around time cannot be met, it is very important that homes document their specific attempts to comply with the testing requirements as outlined in the memo. Routine testing frequency for staff is based on the county-level positivity rates which will be updated weekly (see section titled, “COVID-19 Testing”): NOTE: This memo applies to homes certified for Medicare and/or Medicaid. It does not apply to residential care or assisted living facilities.

COVID-19 LTCF Guidance
This document has been revised to include guidance on the use of antigen tests and updates to guidance made over the last several weeks (specifically related to the change in timeframes for transmission-based precautions and updated reporting guidelines). The guidance can be found at:

Guidance on Reopening of Long-Term Care Facilities
This document has been revised to include guidance on the use of antigen tests. The guidance can be found at:


CMS Memo – QSO-20-38-NH
Missouri Interim Guidance for LTCF COVID-19 8-31-2020
Missouri Guidance on Reopening of Long-Term Care Facilities 8-31-20

Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities Act

Effective August 28, 2020, the Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities Act became law. Due to concern for spread of COVID-19, current state and federal guidelines are in place that restrict visitation of all visitors and non-essential health care personnel to residents of long-term care facilities. Please see the Guidance for LTC Facilities Regarding Electronic Monitoring Device Placement, Discontinuance or Removal.

National Training Program to Strengthen Nursing Home Infection Control Practices Launched

QSEP has two new courses available for Long-Term Care staff about COVID-19!

One course is geared towards front-line staff, and the other is geared towards management. The courses are:

  • Targeted COVID-19 Training for Frontline Nursing Home Staff
  • Targeted COVID-19 Training for Nursing Home Management

Please see more information about how the courses may be accessed at the following link:

2020 MHCA Annual Convention & Trade Show – A Virtual Experience

September 1-30, 2020: MHCA 72nd Annual Convention & Trade Show
Location: VIRTUAL

Each year we look forward to seeing you at the MHCA Annual Convention & Trade Show. This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented our profession with so many extraordinary challenges and has changed the way we must gather together. Now more than ever it is so important that we share our collective experiences and knowledge with one another and MHCA is dedicated to providing a platform to accomplish this. Please make plans to join this Virtual Conference from the comfort and safety of your home, facility or office.

Regulation Update Notice

House Bill (HB) 1387, known as the “Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities Act” will become law on August 28, 2020. As a result, the Section for Long-Term Care Regulation has drafted emergency and proposed rules based on that legislation. The emergency and proposed rule sets forth requirements to implement HB 1387 regarding the use of electronic monitoring devices in long-term care facilities. This legislation gives residents of long-term care facilities the right to place electronic monitoring devices in their rooms. Sections 198.610 -198.632, RSMo, outline the parameters of electronic monitoring and requires the department to promulgate rules to implement authorized electronic monitoring and to develop an electronic monitoring device acknowledgment and consent form which must be completed and signed by residents and roommates prior to an electronic monitoring devices being installed and utilized.

The emergency rule was filed on August 20, 2020, with an effective date of September 3, 2020 and expiration of March 1, 2021. A proposed rule covering this same material will also be published in the same issue of the MO Register. The Register publication date is October 1, 2020.

NOTE: The public comment period will be from October 1-31, 2020. The Department will be accepting comments during the comment period by mailing the comments to Craig Schnieders, Interim Director of the Division of Regulation and Licensure, PO Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570 or by emailing to

The proposed rules can be reviewed on our website at:

Battelle Demobilization

Throughout the COVID-19 response, the Battelle CCDS system has been an important part of lengthening the life of N95 masks, safely. Missouri users will continue to have access to decontamination through Battelle for the foreseeable future, however, some changes are coming for those who use the Battelle CCDS site at the Jefferson City Armory. This site will be demobilized with a projected final closure date of September 12.

Battelle will directly correspond with all users of the CCDS and provide them shipping labels to another Battelle site in a surrounding state. The shipping of masks will be at no cost. Due to increased shipping time, there may be some delays noted – so please plan accordingly.

If your facility is signed up as a Battelle user, you will receive direct correspondence from Battelle in the next 7-10 days. Until told otherwise by Battelle, you may continue to send your masks to the Jefferson City Armory.

2020 Pioneer Network Virtual Gathering – Envisioning the Future

September 1-3, 2020: Envisioning the Future

Join Pioneer Network for three days of networking, education, and discussion with some fun as we Envision the Future of senior living and the world of aging services.

Envisioning the Future: 2020 and Beyond won’t be your typical, sit in front of the computer and watch a screen type of event. Instead, you’ll be part of the action. Each day will start with an opportunity for attendees to gather together to kick off the day. Mid-day, we will again come together for the daily keynote session. In between, there will be concurrent sessions addressing the hottest topics of the day, And at the end of each day, there will be an opportunity to gather around virtual tables with fellow pioneers, sharing information and envisioning the future together.

Action Pact’s Culture Change Now – Conversations with Carmen

August 21, 2020: Meaningfully Engage Individuals – In their Rooms – Especially Those Living with Dementia
Presenters: Carmen Bowman, with Guest Host Megan Hannan

Join us for oodles of ideas to meaningfully engage individuals with their surroundings, especially those living with dementia. Perhaps we are in our biggest challenge ever, to provide meaningful engagement to persons alone in their rooms. What a great opportunity to be creative! Institutionalized, isolated people need the gift of our intentionality to be able to engage naturally with their surroundings, even when there is not a pandemic. We can help to overcome boredom. Get a long list of ideas, contribute to it, and allow it to inform your work into the future.

Leadership and Laughter: The Courage to be Fearless in the Workplace

August 27, 2020: Leadership and Laughter: The Courage to be Fearless in the Workplace
Presenter: Diana Jordan, Professional speaker / author, entrepreneur, CEO, advocate for women’s health and Internationally Certified Laughter Therapist

A dynamic Virtual Presentation delivered with wisdom & a twist of humor!

Purpose:  Learn how courageous leaders can use humor to cope with today’s demands, bolster their effectiveness, build relationships and teamwork. and improve organizational outcomes.

Target audience:  Leaders and aspiring leaders in any health care setting.  If you want to learn how to see the positive in all kinds of changes and use your common sense of humor to deal with challenging situations in the workplace, this webinar is for you!

More Information:

Immunization Webinar Series – FREE!

Starting August 20, 2020: Immunization Webinar Series

The purpose of this series of 5 webinars is to update the knowledge base regarding immunization practices and vaccine recommendations based on national guidelines and the latest evidence to guide practice.


  • VFC 411 Immunization Scheduling
  • VFC 411 The Basics
  • Influenza Vaccination
  • COVID-19 Vaccine
  • Vaccine Hesitancy

More Information:

Electronic COVID-19 Case Reporting – Now Available

The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is pleased to announce the availability of Electronic COVID-19 Case Reporting. All entities currently required to complete a Communicable Disease Case Report (CD-1) should begin reporting positive COVID-19 cases via the new system*. This system will replace the paper CD-1 process and allow for more timely, appropriate, and accurate data for COVID-19 case reporting.

The new system also fulfills the requirement for residential congregate facilities to report COVID-19 cases under the Congregate Facility Reporting Order. Congregate facilities will no longer need to enter positive case information into the former system, which has been taken down.

The Electronic COVID-19 Case Reporting System can be found on DHSS’ main COVID-19 webpage: Please do not enter lab result information unless you are a reporting laboratory or you are entering on behalf of the laboratory.

Testing spreadsheets should continue to be provided by facilities to the Division of Regulation and Licensure. Testing spreadsheets can be uploaded at:

*If your organization has already developed an electronic reporting process with DHSS, please continue to follow this process. The Electronic Reporting System is a replacement for those entities currently emailing, faxing or mailing a CD-1 form for COVID-19 case information.

In order to allow for more accurate submission of your data on the Electronic COVID 19 Case Reporting form, please note the following:
      -When you hit the “Submit” button on page 5 of the form make sure you add today’s date.
      -Make sure you choose Resident, Staff, Contracted Staff or “No” on page 2 of the form.

Provider Relief Payment Opportunities – Update

As of July 15th, 192 qualifying Medicaid & CHIP eligible providers in Missouri have applied for the Medicaid & CHIP Provider Relief Fund distribution out of the 5,725 providers identified in the data that your team supplied to CMS. Of these, 93 Medicaid & CHIP providers have been paid from this distribution. To ensure that all qualifying providers are aware of the opportunity, as well as the new application deadline, we are requesting that states reach out to your medical, dental, and long-term services and supports (LTSS) providers to remind them that they can begin the application process here. 

The application deadline has been further extended to offer providers additional opportunity to apply for funding. You must act by Friday, Aug. 28, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. ET to be considered for payment from this distribution. Read more about the extension here.

To support these efforts, included below some resources that the HRSA team has released on the Provider Relief Fund to share:

  • Program Overview:
    The bipartisan Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act provide $175 billion in relief funds to hospitals and other health care providers, including those on the front lines of the coronavirus response. A portion of these funds, under the Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Provider Distribution, provide help for providers and clinicians who treat our most vulnerable populations, including low-income and minority patients. This is allocated for eligible providers that participate in state Medicaid and CHIP Programs and that did not receive a payment from the Provider Relief Fund General Allocation. The payment to each provider will be approximately 2 percent of reported gross revenue from patient care.
  • Fact Sheet
    The Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) released a Fact Sheet for Medicaid and CHIP Providers that is now available on the Provider Relief Fund website.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
    In order to better address your most important concerns, HRSA has updated their FAQs to address common questions, including those submitted during the previous webcasts. The FAQs include expanded information on eligibility, application, payment process, and more.
  • Additional Information
    For additional information, please call the Provider Support Line at (866) 569-3522; for TTY, dial 711. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday. Service staff members are available to provide real-time technical assistance, as well as service and payment support.

PEPPERs Available for SNFs

Fourth quarter FY 2019 Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Reports (PEPPERs) are available for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs). These reports summarize provider-specific data statistics for Medicare services that may be at risk for improper payments. Providers can use the data to support internal auditing and monitoring activities.

For More Information:

NHSN-Missouri Group Request and Data Entry

Many long-term care facilities have begun reporting COVID-19 data into the CDC’s NHSN Long-term Care Component. In an effort to have a more complete representation of COVID-19 data for the State of Missouri, we are asking facilities who are not yet reporting (SNF, ICF, ALF, RCF, ICF/IID) to consider reporting data through the CDC’s NHSN Module and those facilities that are currently reporting to begin sharing their data (conferring rights) with DHSS. In order to share the data you enter into the CDC’s NHSN site, you must join the “Missouri Group” within NHSN and select the option to “Confer Rights”.

Once you have completed the NHSN enrollment process and received your acceptance notification from NHSN, you can login to the NHSN site to:

  1. Access the COVID-19 Module within the Long-Term Care Component
  2. Join the Missouri Group (using the guidance below)
  3. Confer rights to grant the state health department access to your facility’s information.

How do I join the Missouri Group and confer rights to the department?

NHSN website provides instructions –

The document is titled: NHSN Data Sharing: Joining a Group and Accepting the Confer Rights Template.

Please use the following information to join the Missouri group:
Group ID: 20503
Use password: MHIRS29

DHSS is also encouraging facilities to report each day. This will allow more accurate and timely data that could be used for increased allocation of resources for facilities that start to see increased cases, rather than responding up to a week later when outbreaks are identified.

A Frequently Asked Questions document is now available on the NHSN LTCF COVID-19 Module website. The document was developed to answer the most common questions received from facility and group users participating in the NHSN LTCF COVID-19 Module. The questions are organized by the four COVID-19 Module pathways, as well as enrollment, groups, the CMS rule, and data entry and analysis. Additionally, at the end of the document, there are examples of how to count data for reporting.

State and Community-Based COVID-19 Testing Qualified Vendor List

An updated list of laboratories on state contract has been placed on the DHSS website at under the Word document titled State and Community-Based COVID-19 Testing Qualified Vendor List.

This Qualified Vendor List has information regarding daily testing capacity, specimen types, billing, turn-around-time, etc., for the laboratories on state contract. The pricing is for work completed at the state/local government’s request, but may be honored for private entities at the lab’s discretion.

This information is being provided to assist with completing testing either for an outbreak situation or for reopening purposes. There are laboratories not listed on the qualified vendor list that conduct testing as well. There is no requirement to utilize a laboratory on this list.

SNF QRP COVID-19 PHE Tip Sheet is Available

The SNF COVID-19 PHE Tip Sheet is now available. This tip sheet is designed to assist Skill Nursing Facility (SNF) providers in understanding the status of the SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). Also provided is practical guidance to address SNF quality data submission requirements starting July 1, 2020, now that the temporary SNF QRP exemptions from the COVID-19 PHE have ended. Please navigate to the SNF QRP Training webpage to download this document.

SNF Patient Driven Payment Model (PDPM) Interrupted Stay Billing Issue

A new issue is affecting some inpatient hospital and Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) claims when an interrupted stay is billed at the end of the month. The system incorrectly assigns edits U5601-U5608 (overlapping a hospital claim). If you billed the interrupted stay correctly, and your claim is rejected, modify your billing so the claim spans past the last day of the interrupted stay:

  • Bill two months at a time, or
  • Bill a month plus the days in the following month that span the interrupted stay plus 1 day

Adjusting the statement covered from and through dates to encompass the entire interrupted stay will allow your claim to process and pay correctly. Medicare Administrative Contractors will finalize any suspended claims that meet the criteria, so you can make corrections and resubmit your claim.

If we rejected an inpatient hospital claim, the hospital should ask the SNF to modify their claim. Until October 5, a SNF cannot submit an adjustment to a paid claim; they must cancel the paid claim and all subsequent claims in the same stay and resubmit them in sequential order.

CMS will correct the system in the future.