The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation has published the LTC Bulletin – Volume 10, Issue 3, Fall 2012 newsletter. Please visit
Category: Culture Change
MC5 Opportunity
The MC5 Board is currently seeking a candidate to serve a one-year term position on its board. If you are interested in applying for the position, please send your resume, a brief bio, and a short statement explaining your interest in person-centered care and serving on the MC5 Board. Please send the requested information to Angela Keeven at by Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 12:00 noon. Thank you for your interest in MC5 and the culture change movement!
Reducing Anti-Psychotics Through Individualized Care – Medical Perspective and Case Studies
Series #4 of the National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series on Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care
- September 20, 2012: Part Nine – Individualizing Care and Environments: Non-pharmacologic Interventions Instead of Anti-Psychotic Medications
- October 18, 2012: Part Ten – Promoting Mental Health Through Team-based Individualized Assessment and Care Planning
For additional information, please visit the website:
LTC Bulletin – 10th Anniversary Issue
The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation has published the summer 2012 issue of the LTC Bulletin. Please visit
Nursing Home Leadership Assistance
In cooperation with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, the MU Sinclair School of Nursing at the University of Missouri offers a Nursing Home Leadership Coaching Service to assist nursing home administrators and key operational leaders to meet the leadership challenges of the long-term care industry. The services offered focus on helping nursing home administrators deal effectively with the complex management issues they face each day in their business and personnel operations. The coaching is tailored to meet individual administrator needs within the context of each person’s unique operational situations, as well as within the variety of corporate and business models in Missouri. Designed as a voluntary service, the Nursing Home Leadership Coach assists with such issues as Operational Improvement, Corporate Compliance, Budget Analysis, Regulations, Process Improvement Leadership Skills, Staff Retention, Contract Review, Survey Readiness, Staff Training, Quality of Life, and Culture Change. The Coaching Service works collaboratively with our existing QIPMO program. Dave Walker, LNHA, functions as the NHA Coach. Nursing home administrators interested in consulting with Mr. Walker should contact Jessica Mueller, Project Coordinator at the MU Sinclair School of Nursing at (573) 882-0241 or by e-mail at Please visit:
Nursing Home Survey Manual: Resource Available!
Dave Walker, MU NHA Coach, has created a Long-Term Care Survey Manual for use by nursing home staff. The purpose of the manual is to provide guidance on how to comply with State and Federal regulations. The manual offers numerous forms and policies for nursing homes to consider using in order to prepare for their annual survey visit. The manual is available at, and may be downloaded by section or in its entirety.
2012 Annual Long-Term Care Provider Meetings
Sponsored by the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services, Section for Long-Term Care Regulation (SLCR).
Topics Include:
SLCR Updates / Rule Changes Regulatory Update Provider Meetings 2012
CPR and Elopement Issues CPR and Elopement Provider Meetings 2012
2012 Life Safety Code Life Safety Code Update Provider Meetings 2012
New Dining Practice Standards New Dining Practice Standards Provider Meetings 2012
Update from the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5)
Please view the flyer and agenda here: 2012 ANNUAL PROVIDER MEETINGS
MC5 Hosts: National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series on Using the MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care – Series Two
MC5 Hosts: National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series on Using the MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care – Series Two
You are invited to join Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) for a free group viewing of the Pioneer Network’s webinar and facilitated discussion: Series Two: Clinical Applications, Part Four and Five
The following topics will be presented through group webinar and facilitated discussion:
Part Four: Promoting Mobility, Reducing Falls, and Eliminating Alarms Through Individualized Care
Lead Presenter: Joanne Rader, RN, MN, PMHNP, Pioneer Network co-founder, who led restraint elimination efforts, is an expert in understanding behavior as communication, the importance of proper mobility and seating devices, and is the author of Bathing Without a Battle.
Part Five: Individualized Dining: New Practice Standards
Featuring: Carmen Bowman, MHS, who facilitated the CMS and Pioneer Network’s Creating Home in the Nursing Home II: A National Symposium on Culture Change and the Food and Dining Requirements and the subsequent Pioneer Network Food and Dining Clinical Standards Task Force.
July 16, 2012, Monday, 9:00am – 1:30pm
Media Room, Breeze Park, 600 Breeze Park Dr., St. Charles
Please visit the MC5 website:
Pioneer Network’s National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series THREE on Using the MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care
Pioneer Network’s National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series Three: Operationalizing OBRA: A Performance Improvement Approach to Individualizing Care:
- June 19, 2012: Part Seven MDS and Quality of Life: Operationalizing Customary Routines
- July 19, 2012: Part Eight MDS and QAPI: How to Improve Outcomes through Just-in-Time Assessment, Care Planning and Quality Improvement by Staff Closest to the Residents
Pioneer Network continues its groundbreaking webinar series to introduce why and how to put in place the organizational culture changes necessary to integrate MDS 3.0 so that it contributes to strong organizational performance. Hundreds of participants from around the nation heard up-to-date information from the CMS MDS team and concrete strategies presented by practitioners who have integrated culture change and the MDS to improve resident, staff and organizational outcomes. Please visit:
Missouri Nursing Homes Have Happy Clients, MU Researchers Say
Nursing home residents, family members pleased with long-term care facilities throughout the state
Visit: to view the entire article
March 26th, 2012 COLUMBIA, Mo. – As loved ones age and face challenges that prevent them from living on their own, family members often struggle with the decision to place their relatives in nursing homes. Sometimes viewed as last alternatives, long-term care facilities can have reputations as hopeless, institutionalized environments. Now, those negative perceptions are changing, say two University of Missouri researchers in the Sinclair School of Nursing. After conducting a statewide survey of Missouri nursing homes, the researchers found that nearly 90 percent of nursing home residents and their family members are satisfied with the residents’ long-term care facilities…
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services funded the survey that was developed by MyInnerView, a national research firm that evaluates long-term care facilities. Nursing homes could participate in the survey at no cost, and each facility that participated received its own report outlining its strengths and areas for improvement. “The individualized reports will help nursing home administrators target specific areas for improvement, which will allow them to use their funds wisely,” said Rantz, who also leads the Quality Improvement Program for Missouri (QIPMO), a state-funded program that provides clinical services to skilled nursing facilities. An executive summary of survey results can be found at
Long-Term Care Bulletin Spring 2012
The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation has published the LTC Bulletin, Volume 10, Issue 1, Spring 2012. This issue is available on our website – please visit
Culture Change Learning Collaborative
Don’t miss this EXCITING OPPORTUNITY. The Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) and the Pioneer Network are offering skilled nursing homes in Missouri a chance to apply to be a part of a FREE Culture Change Learning Collaborative over the next 16 months. This includes Culture Change training, support, and networking opportunities as well as help on your Culture Change Journey. The deadline for submitting the application is Friday, March 16, 2012. For more details and application information visit: DON’T DELAY….APPLY TODAY!
Culture Change: Sam Plaster, State Culture Change Coordinator, Visits Homes in Missouri
Please click on the links below:
Artifacts of Culture Change Tool
There is a tool available to help you assess your home’s progress on the culture change journey. With the assistance of providers, researchers, and contractor Carmen Bowman of Edu-Catering, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) developed the Artifacts of Culture Change assessment tool. Through funding from the Commonwealth Fund, the Pioneer Network developed an interactive web-based version of the Artifacts of Culture Change for providers to input and score their data online. Use of the tool is FREE. All identifying characteristics of your home are coded and only you can monitor your home’s progress. However, you can check out the trends in homes across the country. Look at homes like yours: Under 50 residents, 50 to 100 residents, more than 100 residents, in big cities, small towns, urban or rural, profit, not-for-profit, or government ownership, Medicare-Medicaid certified and a combination of characteristics of homes just like yours. For more information please go to
State Culture Change Coordinator
The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation (SLCR) is pleased to announce that Sam Plaster has taken on a new role as the State Culture Change Coordinator! Culture change is one of the top priorities of SLCR, and because regulatory issues are inextricably intertwined in the culture of nursing homes, SLCR is a natural arena for the discussion and coordination of culture change efforts. The recent resignation of Julie Ballard from the Ombudsman Program left the Department of Health and Senior Services without a clear figurehead for the coordination of these initiatives. Sam’s regulatory experience, his familiarity with current culture change projects, and his relationships with our many industry partners make him well-qualified to lead this charge. In his new role, Sam will be responsible for maintaining and gradually expanding Missouri’s leading role as a national model for long-term care that is more homelike and person-centered. Among the many duties of his new role are the following:
• Ensure that consideration is given to culture change efforts in the Section’s Policy, Regulation and Exceptions processes.
• Offer culture change training and presentations across the state for providers, surveyors and the public.
• Serve as a regulatory advisor to MC5 – Missouri’s stakeholder coalition for the promotion of culture change.
• Spotlight culture change successes with DHSS publications.
• Represent SLCR on the Pioneer Network National Culture Change conference committee and work to ensure that as many surveyors and providers as possible are able to attend the conference, which will be held in St. Charles, Missouri in August 2011.
Multi-state corporations operating in Missouri have consistently remarked that the Department’s leadership with regard to culture change efforts clearly rivals that of other states, and regional participants at MC5 meetings have been vocal in their appreciation that the Section has been represented at many of these important gatherings. In his new role, Sam will help keep Missouri at the forefront of this important national movement. Please join us in congratulating and thanking Sam for his efforts and his dedication to this significant new responsibility.