Pioneer Network’s National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series THREE on Using the MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care

Pioneer Network’s National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series Three:  Operationalizing OBRA: A Performance Improvement Approach to Individualizing Care:

  • June 19, 2012: Part Seven MDS and Quality of Life: Operationalizing Customary Routines
  • July 19, 2012: Part Eight MDS and QAPI: How to Improve Outcomes through Just-in-Time Assessment, Care Planning and Quality Improvement by Staff Closest to the Residents

Pioneer Network continues its groundbreaking webinar series to introduce why and how to put in place the organizational culture changes necessary to integrate MDS 3.0 so that it contributes to strong organizational performance.  Hundreds of participants from around the nation heard up-to-date information from the CMS MDS team and concrete strategies presented by practitioners who have integrated culture change and the MDS to improve resident, staff and organizational outcomes.  Please visit: