Wanted: COVID-19 Vaccine Champions

The sooner we’re all vaccinated for COVID-19, the safer we’ll all be. And that is especially true for point of care staff. That’s why the Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN), in collaboration with the Missouri Nursing Home Advisory Council, is seeking brief statements from the frontline – why your staff members chose to be vaccinated.

Peer-to-peer encouragement can boost vaccine confidence as well as vaccination rates.

Would any of your team members be willing to share their vaccination “story?” All it takes is completing a brief online form and uploading a photo, which could be a selfie, the staff member being vaccinated, or even an image to depict the reason they got vaccinated such as to keep their loved ones and residents healthy.

To participate, simply share the COVID-19 Vaccine Experience Consent form with staff or complete it for them (with their consent).

The collection of powerful impact statements will be developed into posters and social media posts so that we can spread the word, rather than the virus.

Questions? Email HQI.

Monthly Infection Control and Prevention Webinar Series: What you need to know to keep you, your patients and community safe.

June 2021 -December 2022 – 2nd Tuesday of each month from 12-1 p.m.: ICP Monthly Webinar Series

June 10 – Inaugural Webinar: Vaccines are Safe – How we know!
Lynelle Phillips, MPH, RN, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of Public Health, School of Health Professions, Extension Service Nurse Specialist, University of Missouri, Columbia

  • General rules of vaccines
  • FDA approval process and Emergency Use Authorization Use (EUA) process
  • How were we able to get a vaccine to market in such a short time and still cut no corners?
  • Compare the different vaccines – safety and efficacy
  • Is the lesser protection by J&J significant enough to be important? J&J Case Study.


July 8 – How do COVID vaccines affect immunity to COVID?
Taylor Nelson, DO, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, University of Missouri Health Care, Columbia. Board Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine/Infectious Disease

  • Natural immunity vs vaccine-induced immunity – which is best?
  • How long does the vaccine protect me?
  • What is Herd immunity and is it reasonable to expect we will ever achieve it?
  • If I’ve had COVID, why get vaccinated?
  • To boost or not to boost?
  • I’m young, isn’t it less risky to take chance with COVID than the vaccine?


August 10 – Environmental Health: Air Purification and Quality
Loie Couch, RN, BS, CIC, FAPIC, Infection Prevention Specialist, Barnes Jewish Christian (BJC) Hospital, St. Louis

  • Functions of a ventilation system
  • Benefits and limitations of bi-polar ionization
  • Minimum filtration requirements
  • Apply filtration flexibility on a space-by-space approach
  • Appropriate use of UV light disinfection and accompanying hazards
  • Visible light disinfection and its appropriate use and considerations

Missouri partnerships ensure access to COVID-19 vaccines for homebound residents

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) announced a partnership between the Area Agencies on Aging, local public health agencies, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to ensure homebound adults have a streamlined and accessible vaccination experience across the state. Understanding that various communities have already developed a plan for vaccinating homebound individuals in their area, the partnerships established by the State are to merely supplement and allow these efforts to continue at the local level.

COVID-19 vaccination of homebound persons presents unique challenges to ensure the appropriate vaccine storage, temperatures, handling, and administration to ensure safe and effective vaccination.  Both CDC and CMS define homebound persons as those that need the help of another person or medical equipment such as crutches, a walker, or a wheelchair to leave their home, or their medical provider believes that their health or illness could get worse if they leave their home, and they typically do not leave their home. 

The homebound referral process begins with the Area Agencies on Aging who are experts in discerning homebound status. Adults who are homebound and want to be vaccinated in their home can register through their local Area Agency on Aging or through the Missouri Vaccine Navigator registry by indicating they are homebound. Individuals reaching out to the State COVID-19 Hotline seeking vaccination for a homebound individual will be directed to their local Area Agency on AgingThe homebound individual, their caregiver, family member, or healthcare provider can make the referral. 

The Area Agency on Aging makes contact with the homebound individual to obtain consent and gather the pertinent information to coordinate the vaccination in their home.  In some cases, caregivers and other household members may also be vaccinated at the same time as the homebound individual to prevent vaccine wastage. The Area Agency on Aging turns over the list of registered homebound individuals to their local public health agency or EMS provider who then schedules the in-home appointments. The AAA may also provide the homebound individual with courtesy appointment reminders via phone as many do not have internet or email access. 

The City of St. Louis Department of Health teamed up with the St. Louis Fire Department, Team Rubicon and the St. Louis City Area Agency on Aging to provide their homebound residents COVID-19 vaccination opportunity.

“This program will provide much-needed protection against COVID-19 for clients who may find it difficult to visit a vaccine clinic,” says Dr. Fredrick Echols, Acting Director of Health for the City of St. Louis. “By bringing the vaccine to them, we remove the barrier of travel and ensure these clients are not left behind in the vaccination process.”

[View Photo]  James Thompson, EMS Supervisor, and Mary Sullivan with Team Rubicon vaccinate a homebound resident of St. Louis City.

Kansas City’s homebound vaccination strategy involves a partnership between the Mid-America Region Council (MARC) Area Agency on Aging, the local health departments of Cass, Clay and Platte Counties and Kansas City, as well as multiple EMS and fire districts.

Chief Chip Portz of Central Jackson County Fire District said, “By partnering with our local health department and by taking advantage of reimbursement opportunities, the Central Jackson County Fire Protection District is able to provide this vital community service to a very vulnerable population without using emergency crews who would normally be protecting the rest of our citizens. We use off-duty paramedics in a non-emergency role to ensure our emergency response capacity is not diminished or compromised.”

[View Photo]  Central Jackson County Fire District, Captain Paramedic, Nathan Manley is providing vaccination to a homebound resident.

Lee’s Summit Assistant Fire Chief, Dan Manley, who has been instrumental in regional emergency planning, arranged a vaccine event for MARC Aging and Adult Services staff as well as their community partner who is delivering meals to self-isolating congregate and homebound older adults during COVID.

“Having our staff and volunteers vaccinated protects our most vulnerable homebound residents that we serve,” said Manley.

If you or someone you know is homebound or unable to visit a COVID-19 vaccination clinic without assistance, please call the COVID-19 Hotline at 877-435-8411 and press option 4 to be routed directly to your local Area Agency on Aging to make a vaccine appointment. You can also register homebound individuals for the vaccine by visiting Missouri’s COVID-19 website, MOStopsCovid.com. COVID-19 Hotline hours of operation are Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Individuals are encouraged to call soon to ensure their names are added to the list.  

News Release: State adds five additional language options to Missouri Vaccine Navigator

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has launched the Missouri Vaccine Navigator in five additional languages for non-English speaking individuals. Already available in English and Spanish, Vaccine Navigator now also allows individuals to register and find vaccination appointments throughout Missouri in Chinese, French, Korean, Portuguese and Russian.

All individuals over the age of 12 are now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine in Missouri, regardless of their citizenship. (Pfizer is the only vaccine authorized for those ages 12-17).

Approximately 775,000 individuals are currently registered in Missouri Vaccine Navigator, which is powered by Qualtrics. The system allows individuals to register and schedule an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine by viewing vaccination events throughout the state.

In addition to helping individuals register for a vaccine, the Missouri Vaccine Navigator will remind registrants when it is time to schedule their second dose. Two of the vaccines currently authorized for use (Pfizer and Moderna) require two doses, and the second dose is critical to ensure individual and community protection.

The Missouri Vaccine Navigator also integrates with ShowMeVax, the state’s immunization database for providers. Vaccination events using the Missouri Vaccine Navigator for scheduling enables  coordinators to quickly load vaccination administration data into the system and avoid cumbersome data entry.

Once an individual is registered with Missouri Vaccine Navigator, the scheduling platform becomes available and can be accessed as often as needed or until vaccination is achieved.

Those with online accessibility issues are encouraged to call the COVID-19 hotline at 877-435-8411 for registration assistance. Language translation and other services are available to callers.

COVID-19 vaccines are completely free for everyone in the U.S. Get the facts at  MOStopsCovid.com.

Cream of the Crop Webinars

CE Available for Nurses, Social Workers, Nursing Home Administrators, and pharmacotherapeutics (RX)
We hand selected 12 of our most popular webinars from 2020.

Sessions for NHA CE:

Age Friendly Health Systems
John Morley, MD, Professor Geriatrics, St. Louis University Medical School
This session will address recognizing and managing geriatric syndromes. The 4M framework will be included to ascertain specific health outcome goals and care preferences.

Preserving Integrity in Turbulent Times
Cynda Ruston, PhD, RN, FAAN, Anne & George L. Bunting Professor of Clinical Ethics, German Institute of Bioethics/School of Nursing, Professor of Nursing & Pediatrics, John Hopkins University
Listen to a recognized and international leader in nursing ethics, from John Hopkins University. This session will focus on selected sources of moral suffering, consequences of moral suffering, and offers a pathway of moral resilience by restoring integrity.

Medication Considerations in the Elderly During the COVID-Pandemic
Curt Wood, R.PD., BCGP, FASP, Elder Care Pharmacy Consultant, LLC
Medication usage is even more critical in a pandemic as many long-term care communities are experiencing outbreaks of the virus. Ideas on gradual dose reduction and managing chronic diseases will be discussed.

Resiliency: Using Gratitude to Thrive Through Adversity
T.J. Sweet, MHA, Practice Manager, Ellis Administration, University of Missouri Hospital, Columbia
Learn how to use strategies to validate feelings and practical ways to support colleagues when exposed to high stress levels in uncertain times. Learn to thrive despite adversity and maintain a resilient mindset using gratitude.

Reducing Meds – The When, What and How to Minimize Adverse Outcomes
Craig Sever, BS, R.Ph., Clinical Coordinator Eversprings Pharmacy, St. Louis, Missouri
The speaker will provide insight on how to pharmacologically assess the most reducible meds and develop an appropriate reduction strategy for older adults.

COVID-19 Testing and other Necessary COVID-19 Related Invoices – Important Update: Please Read!

ALFs, ICFs, and RCFs that have billed for “other” costs as of 5/3/2021 may continue to submit “other” necessary COVID-19 related invoices through June 30, 2021. All “other” invoices (as of 5/3/2021) submitted by ICFs, ALFs, and RCFs must include a new signed addendum.

SNFs may continue to bill for “other” necessary COVID-19 related invoices through June 30, 2021.

All Long-Term Care facilities (SNFs, ICFs, ALFs, and RCFs) may continue to submit testing invoices until further notice.

Due to time constraints, please do not wait until the last minute to submit these invoices.

The web portal can be found here: https://apps.dss.mo.gov/LongTermCareCovid19Invoices/

CMS Memo QSO-21-19-NH: Interim Final Rule – COVID-19 Vaccine Immunization Requirements for Residents and Staff

Interim Final Rule – COVID-19 Vaccine Immunization Requirements for Residents and Staff

CMS has issued QSO-21-19-NH, which outlines the Interim Final Rule – COVID-19 Vaccine Immunization Requirements for Residents and Staff. This rule establishes Long-Term Care (LTC) Facility Vaccine Immunization Requirements for Residents and Staff. This includes new requirements for educating residents or resident representatives and staff regarding the benefits and potential side effects associated with the COVID-19 vaccine, and offering the vaccine. Furthermore, LTC facilities must report COVID-19 vaccine and therapeutics treatment information to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). Please read through the memo carefully for facility actions and effective dates.

See the memo or visit https://www.cms.gov/files/document/qso-21-19-nh.pdf for complete details.

CMS Social Media Campaign – Community Champions

On May 5, 2021, as a part of CMS’ ongoing COVID response efforts to support the long term care community, CMS debuted their first social media video highlighting staff, also referred to as Community Champions, who moved from being initially uncertain about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine to accepting the vaccine – and encouraging their peers to do the same.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, staff in nursing homes have been providing ongoing care to our nation’s most vulnerable. This social media campaign is intended to help increase vaccine acceptance amongst long-term care staff.

The Resident Advocate Newsletter – May 2021

The May 2021 Resident Advocate is now available.

The Resident Advocate provides:

  • Information on residents’ rights and care issues
  • News and updates on national policy
  • Self-advocacy tips for obtaining person-centered, quality care

This issue includes updates on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and suggestions for staying engaged and advocating for yourself to continue to receive the care you deserve. This issue also features an article on COVID-19 prevention tips and ideas to stay connected with friends and family during isolation.

This newsletter is a great resource to share with long-term care residents. Nursing home staff, long-term care Ombudsman programs, family members, and other advocates are encouraged to forward this newsletter to residents or print and share copies with residents. Download this issue or past issues from this webpage.

Missouri Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities

DHSS has updated its guidance to reflect recent changes to CMS’ visitation guidance and to clarify and provide examples of those considered outside health care workers, which includes hospice workers (all disciplines). The changes include:

Visitor Vaccination Status
When both the resident and all of their visitors are fully vaccinated and while alone in a resident’s room or the designated visitation room, residents and their visitor(s) can choose to have close contact (including touch) and to not wear source control. Visitors should wear source control and physically distance from other healthcare personnel and other residents/visitors that are not part of their group at all other times while in the facility.

Visitors shall be given the opportunity to disclose their vaccination status to determine if the visitor may have close contact (including touch) and not wear source control while alone in a resident’s room or the designated visitation room, however the facility may not require visitors to disclose their vaccination status or to show proof of vaccination. Visitors that decline to disclose their vaccination status should adhere to the infection control principles of COVID-19 infection prevention for unvaccinated persons.

Outside Health Care Workers
Clarified and provided examples of outside health care workers and the expectation that outside healthcare workers must be permitted to come into the facility. Health care workers who are not employees of the facility, such as hospice workers (all disciplines), Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel, dialysis technicians, laboratory technologists, radiology technologists, social workers, clergy, etc., but provide direct care to the facility’s residents, must be permitted to come into the facility as long as they are not subject to a work exclusion due to an exposure to COVID-19 or showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 after being screened.

Communal Dining and Group Activities
Fully vaccinated residents can participate in communal dining and group activities without use of source control or physical distancing. If unvaccinated residents are present, all residents should use source control when not eating and unvaccinated residents should continue to remain at least 6 feet from others.

Revised CMS Memos

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services release two revised QSO memos today. Below is a summary of the major revisions in each memo. Please read each in its entirety for all revisions. DHSS guidance will be updated to reflect the revisions in the CMS Visitation memo, however all facilities may begin using this revised guidance immediately.

CMS QSO-20-38-NH Revised – Updated Guidance Regarding Testing
The major revision to this document is regarding routine testing of staff. Routine testing of unvaccinated staff should be based on the extent of the virus in the community. Fully vaccinated staff do not have to be routinely tested. Facilities should use their county positivity rate in the prior week as the trigger for staff testing frequency.

CMS QSO-20-29-NH Visitation
The major revision to this document is regarding group activities and communal dining. The CDC has provided additional guidance on activities and dining based on resident vaccination status. For example, residents who are fully vaccinated may dine and participate in activities without face coverings or social distancing if all participating residents are fully vaccinated; if unvaccinated residents are present during communal dining or activities, then all residents should use face coverings when not eating and unvaccinated residents should physically distance from others. See the CDC guidance Updated Healthcare Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations in Response to COVID-19 Vaccination for information on communal dining and activities.

Missouri Vaccinators to Resume Janssen/J&J Vaccine

The CDC and FDA lifted the pause on the Janssen/J&J vaccine, and use of the vaccine will resume in Missouri. Please follow the links below to updated information for Missouri.

Useful Tools for Tracking Staff and Resident COVID-19 Vaccinations

How Are You Tracking Staff and Resident COVID-19 Vaccinations?

As COVID-19 vaccination rates increase, there is an opportunity for your nursing home to ensure accurate vaccine tracking among team members and residents.

The Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN) has developed COVID-19 vaccination administration and tracking tools to show you at-a-glance where your facility coverage stands and what gaps you need to address. Not only do these tools strengthen compliance monitoring, they also can complement the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) COVID-19 vaccine reporting and help you target improvement efforts.

Click the links below to access the following tools:

Standing Orders for Naloxone and COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing

With the appointment of Acting Director of Health and Senior Services Robert J. Knodell, the Department has issued identical orders and standing orders as to what was in place prior to this transition. The only differences are the date and signatories. As Acting Director Knodell is not a physician, those medical standing orders that may only be authorized by a physician have been re-issued under the authority of the DHSS State Epidemiologist, Dr. George Turabelidze who has held an unrestricted physician license in Missouri since 1996. These updated orders cover COVID-19 vaccination and testing needs as well as Naloxone administration and are intended to mitigate any challenges associated with transition.

For purposes of administration needs, the following information is provided for the purpose of execution of the established orders in an appropriate authorized manner:

Dr. George Turabelidze
NPI Number: 1750496246

The revised orders may be found at the following links:

COVID-19 FREE Testing

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services continues to offer FREE COVID-19 testing. Individuals seeking a free testing opportunity are not required to pre-register or have an appointment, simply show up to one of the events below to receive the test. A government issued ID is not a requirement for this testing, but having one available onsite speeds up the registration process. Testing is still a very important tool in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

Event information can always be found at www.health.mo.gov/communitytest. Additional sites (with regular or one-time opportunities) may be added as indicators suggest the need for additional testing.

Updated Guidelines for the Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibody Treatment of COVID-19

Health Advisory 4-13-22

SARS-CoV-2, virus causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19), has been evolving over time, resulting in genetic variation in the population of circulating viruses across the world, including the United States. Some of those variations in viral genome can cause resistance to one or more of the monoclonal antibodies (mAb) therapies authorized to treat COVID-19. The ongoing surveillance of human and sewage samples by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) indicates rise in variant SARS-CoV-2 in Missouri, similar to other states. This DHSS Health Advisory urges health care providers in Missouri to follow newly updated COVID-19 mAB treatment guidelines issued by the National Institute of Health (NIH).

Please view the full Health Advisory for all details – Updated Guidelines for the Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibody Treatment of COVID-19 (4.13.21).

Missouri Pauses J&J COVID-19 Vaccine Administration

Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine administration is being paused in Missouri until further notice.

“In an abundance of caution and as per federal guidelines, we are pausing vaccination with Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine until further notice in Missouri,” said Dr. Randall Williams, director of the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS). “We anticipate having more information shortly to make further decisions about overall vaccine distribution in light of this new development and will continue to update citizens who have been vaccinated with the J&J vaccine after the advisory committee meets at the federal level tomorrow.”

A new standing order for this vaccine has been issued by DHSS and is effective immediately.

People who have received the J&J vaccine who develop severe headache, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath within three weeks after vaccination should contact their health care provider. Patients with other clinical questions should contact their health care provider or call the COVID-19 hotline at 877-435-8411.

Providers are asked to keep any on-hand J&J vaccine in the appropriate storage unit and label it “quarantine-do not use” until further notice.

As the State of Missouri receives more information, it will be made available.

Long-Term Care Facility Regulatory Waiver Updates

On 5/1/2021, the following long-term care facility waivers will either end or implementation guidance has been revised. See the implementation guidance(s) below for full details.

Effective 05/01/2021, the following regulatory waivers will end for all facilities (including Medicare/Medicaid certified):

Residential Care Facilities and Assisted Living Facilities
19 CSR 30-86.022(3) fire extinguisher inspections/maintenance
19 CSR 30-86.022(4)(A) and (C) range hood extinguishing system testing
19 CSR 30-86.022(9)(C) and (D) fire alarm system inspections/certification
19 CSR 30-86.022(11)(D),(E) and (F) and §198.074.2-4 RSMo., sprinkler system inspections/certification
19 CSR 30-86.032(13) electrical inspections
19 CSR 30-86.042(37) residential care facility documentation of the resident’s current medical status and any special orders or procedures
19 CSR 30-86.047(26) assisted living facility documentation of a physical examination prior to admission

Skilled Nursing Facility and Intermediate Care Facility (certified and state licensed only)
19 CSR 30-85.022(8) fire extinguisher inspections/maintenance
19 CSR 30-85.022(9) range hood extinguishing system testing
19 CSR 30-85.022(10)(C) fire alarm system inspections/certification
19 CSR 30-85.022(11)(A) sprinkler system inspections/certification
19 CSR 30-85.032(31)(B) electrical inspections
19 CSR 30-85.042(7) written agreements with outside resources used to provide services to the residents.
19 CSR 30-85.042(21) comprehensive orientation program within sixty (60) days of employment with nursing assistants who have not successfully completed the state-approved training program.

Adult Day Care Programs
19 CSR 30-90.050(8)(D)3.C- orders concerning treatments and medications
19 CSR 30-90.070(2)(A) annual written approval from the appropriate local fire safety officials, certifying that the facility complies with local fire codes
19 CSR 30-90.070(2)(C) fire extinguisher inspections/maintenance

Effective 05/01/2021, the following regulatory waiver implementation guidance has been amended for all facilities (including Medicare/Medicaid certified):

Tuberculosis testing: 19 CSR 30-85.042 (27), 19 CSR 30-86.042 (17) and (18), 19 CSR 30-86.047(18) and (19), and 19 CSR 30-90.040(7)

Regular visiting hours: 19 CSR 30-85.042 (11)


19 CSR 30-86.022 and 86.032 Waivers revised eff 5-1-2021
19 CSR 30-86.042 RCF waivers effective 5-1-21
19 CSR 30-86.047 ALF waivers effective 5-1-2021
19 CSR 30-85 SNF-ICF Waiver eff 5-1-2021
19 CSR 30-85.042-27 SNF-TB testing revised eff 5-1-2021
19 CSR 30-90 ADC waivers effective 5-1-2021

Summary of CDC Guidance on Quarantine

On March 29, 2021, the CDC issued updated guidance regarding quarantining nursing home residents. Whether a resident should be quarantined depends on factors such as vaccination status, exposure to someone with COVID-19, and length of time outside of the facility. This summary provides basic information about quarantine and indicates when quarantine is necessary. https://theconsumervoice.org/uploads/files/issues/Quarantine_summary_4-5-21_v2.pdf.

Reimbursement for COVID-19 Outbreak Testing and Other Necessary Expenses – Deadline Extended to June 30, 2021

Deadline Extended to June 30, 2021

All LTC facilities (SNF-ICF-RCF-ALF) may submit for reimbursement of outbreak testing through March 31, 2021.

All Skilled Nursing Facilities may invoice for other necessary COVID-19 expenditures up to a maximum cap of $345 per licensed bed. The previous cap of $303, which originally expired on December 30, 2020, has been extended to June 30, 2021 and the cap increased to $345 which is a $42 per licensed bed increase. Facilities cannot bill for expenses that have been previously invoiced.

All other facilities may submit invoices for other necessary COVID-019 expenses up to the previous existing cap of $330/licensed bed, which originally expired on December 1, 2020 and has been extended to June 30, 2021. Facilities cannot bill for expenses that have been previously invoiced.

If any facility previously submitted for reimbursement and did not get reimbursed up to the cap, they can submit for additional reimbursement up to the cap. If you have previously submitted invoices for reimbursement that meets or exceeds the cap, please do not resubmit those items. They are being re-reviewed at this time.

Please see this link for the portal and other additional information: https://apps.dss.mo.gov/LongTermCareCovid19Invoices/.

CMS Memo: QSO-21-17-NH: Updates to Long-Term Care (LTC) Emergency Regulatory Waivers issued in response to COVID-19

CMS continues to review the need for existing waivers issued in response to the Public Health Emergency (PHE). Over the course of the PHE, nursing homes have developed policies or other practices that we believe mitigates the need for certain waivers.

  • Therefore, CMS is announcing it is ending:
    • The emergency blanket waivers related to notification of Resident Room or Roommate changes, and Transfer and Discharge notification requirements;
    • The emergency blanket waiver for certain care planning requirements for residents transferred or discharged for cohorting purposes.
    • The emergency blanket waiver of the timeframe requirements for completing and transmitting resident assessment information (Minimum Data Set (MDS)).
  • CMS is providing clarification and recommendations for Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Programs (NATCEPs)

For more details, please see the full memo at https://www.cms.gov/medicareprovider-enrollment-and-certificationsurveycertificationgeninfopolicy-and-memos-states-and/updates-long-term-care-ltc-emergency-regulatory-waivers-issued-response-covid-19.

COVID-19 FREE Testing

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services continues to offer FREE COVID-19 testing. Individuals seeking a free testing opportunity are not required to pre-register or have an appointment, simply show up to one of the events below to receive the test. A government issued ID is not a requirement for this testing, but having one available onsite speeds up the registration process. Testing is still a very important tool in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

Event information can always be found at www.health.mo.gov/communitytest. Additional sites (with regular or one-time opportunities) may be added as indicators suggest the need for additional testing. The following events are available for the month of April 2021:

St. Louis Area

    • Every Monday – 11:00 am -7:00 pm
      IBEW Local #1
      5850 Elizabeth Avenue
      St. Louis, MO 63110
    • Every Thursday – 11:00 am -7:00 pm
      Laborers Local #110
      4532 S Lindbergh Blvd
      St. Louis, MO 63127
    • Every Saturday – 11:00 am -7:00 pm
      Machinist Lodge #777
      12365 St Charles Rock Rd
      Bridgeton, MO 63044

Central MO Area

    • Sunday (dates below)
      11:00 am – 7:00 pm

      April 11, 18
      American Legion #1423
      Tanner Bridge Road
      Jefferson City, MO 65101

Southwest Area

    • Every Tuesday – 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
      Mother’s Brewing Company
      Open Lot located on the corner of West College and Grant Avenue
      Springfield, MO 65806

Kansas City Area

    • Every Monday – 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
      Heavy Construction Laborers, Local #663
      7820 Prospect
      Kansas City, MO 64132
    • Every Thursday – 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
      Heavy Construction Laborers, Local #663
      7820 Prospect
      Kansas City, MO 64132
    • Every Saturday – 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
      Teamsters Local #955
      4501 Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd.
      Kansas City, MO 64130

Southeast Area

    • Sunday (dates below)
      11:00 am – 7:00 pm

      April 25
      Red Show Barn
      410 Kiwanis Drive
      Cape Girardeau MO 63701

Vaccine Information

This COVID-19 Vaccine document outlines processes to address the ongoing vaccination needs for residents and staff in long term care communities.

  • For residents and staff who received their first dose at the final clinic conducted by CVS or Walgreens and are in need of a second dose of Moderna vaccine: Regional Implementation Teams and the Missouri National Guard will be coordinating with local partners to provide onsite vaccine for these residents and staff. Please review the attached document for additional information on this process.
    • Walgreens has indicated they will also be conducting outreach to those communities where they provided onsite clinics to ensure there is opportunity for administration of this second dose. This outreach by Walgreens may be ideal for ensuring residents who have been discharged to home have access to the vaccine if they don’t have the ability to return to the long term care community for the second dose.
  • For residents and staff who have yet to receive vaccine (new residents and staff, and residents and staff who did not receive vaccine at the onsite clinics): Several options are outlined in the attached document for ensuring ongoing access to vaccine. The University of Missouri-Columbia COVID Accountability Team (CAT) team will be available to assist communities with determining which option best meets their needs and with navigating through the process. DHSS hosted a WebEx call on Monday, March 29th at 1:30 for long term care communities that are interested in becoming a vaccinator. The WebEx was recorded and can be viewed by clicking on the link below.

Long Term Care Facilities and Vaccination-20210329 1830-1

Thank you to our partners for assisting us with developing these processes and for assisting with coordination efforts moving forward! Questions related to ongoing vaccine efforts may be addressed to Shelly Williamson at shelly.williamson@health.mo.gov.