MDS 3.0 QM (Quality Measurement) Report Updates

The MDS QM reports will be updated to reflect measure updates identified in the MDS 3.0 QM User’s Manual v12.1 available at, effective October 1, 2019.

Additionally, the previous SNF QRP Percent of Residents with Pressure Ulcers That are New or Worsened (S002.02) has been added to the MDS QM reports and the MDS Provider Preview and Resident-level Preview Report to allow for continued tracking on this measure.

While being updated, the following reports will not be available from the CASPER system:

  • MDS 3.0 Facility Level Quality Measure Report
  • MDS 3.0 Resident Level Quality Measure Report
  • MDS 3.0 Quality Measure Monthly Comparison Report
  • MDS 3.0 Facility Characteristics Report (add CMS logo, update privacy statement)

Once the report updates have completed, an additional memo will be sent.

If you have any questions concerning this information, please contact the QTSO Help Desk at or 1 (888) 477-7876.

DRAFT version of the 2020 MDS item sets v1.18.0

A new DRAFT version of the 2020 MDS item sets (v1.18.0) has been posted. This version is scheduled to become effective October 1, 2020. Please note that Section G was removed from all Federal item sets.

The files are located in the Downloads section of the MDS 3.0 Technical Information webpage:

Informal Dispute Resolution (IDR) Changes

Section 198.545, RSMo requires the department of health and senior services to contract with the federally designated Medicare Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) in this state to conduct IDR conferences. To comply with this requirement, the department contracted with TMF Health Quality Institute (the federally designated Medicare QIO) who subcontracted with Primaris Healthcare Solutions to conduct IDR conferences.

Effective November 8, 2019, CMS awarded the federally designated Medicare Quality Improvement Organization contract for Missouri to Health Quality Innovators (HQI). Because of this change, the department’s contract with TMF automatically terminated. The department is discussing a possible contract with HQI, but at this point there is no contract for IDR services. Should a facility request an IDR during this time, two options are available: 1) The department will conduct the IDR conference, or 2) The facility can delay the conference until a permanent solution is determined.

If you have any questions regarding this change in process, please contact Shelly Williamson at or at 573-526-4872.

Online Reporting Now Available for Adult Abuse, Neglect and Financial Exploitation

In Missouri, during fiscal year 2019, the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) received and investigated 39,144 reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation involving seniors and adults with disabilities living in the community and in long-term care facilities.

The Department proudly announces the integration of a new online reporting system for mandated reporters which will ensure all concerns of abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of the elderly and adults with disabilities are reported quickly.

The new Adult Abuse and Neglect Hotline online reporting system will allow for secure electronic submission of adult abuse, neglect and exploitation report information, from mandated reporters and public citizens into a secure, encrypted database available 24/7 on a web-based platform as an alternative to calling the Adult Abuse and Neglect Hotline.

We ask all mandated reporters to please partner with us by entering reports online and allowing greater accessibility to the hotline for the public. In partnership, the Department would like to share the Online Reporting Flyer with you and encourage you to display it where it will serve as a reminder to mandated reporters.

The Adult Abuse Hotline is operational from 7 a.m. until midnight, seven days a week, 365 days a year. If you suspect abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of the elderly or an adult with a disability call the Adult Abuse Hotline at (800) 392-0210 or visit to report online. The online reporting system is available 24/7; however, it is only monitored by intake staff during the hotline’s hours of operation.

If you have any questions regarding online reporting, please reach out to the Department at (573)751-2413 or

MALA Train the Trainer 2020

January 15, 2020: 2020 Train the Trainer
March 4, 2020: 2020 Train the Trainer
May 6, 2020: 2020 Train the Trainer
July 1, 2020: 2020 Train the Trainer
September 2, 2020: 2020 Train the Trainer
November 11, 2020: 2020 Train the Trainer

Participants must receive approval in order to attend this workshop. Those wishing to attend must submit the application and all other necessary paperwork to MALA at least two weeks prior to the workshop date.

MDS PDPM Webinar Series

January 17, 2020 – February 21, 2020: MDS PDPM 6-Week, 6 Session Webinar Series Assessment, Coding & Systems Orientation & Proficiency Series

This 6-week, 6 session webinar series provides MDS section-by-section coding guidance under PDPM and insights for optimal data collection, supportive documentation, and consistent coding accuracy. Live sessions are completed weekly over 6 weeks and review key MDS sections under PDPM. Recordings are provided with full-series purchase for ongoing on-demand access for new hire orientation and as a staff development resource. Reduce the learning curve for clinical reimbursement staff and drive PDPM coding accuracy and compliance with this MDS series taught by Proactive’s expert instructors.

2020 MLN Nursing Home Administrator Conference

February 27-29, 2020: 29th Annual Nursing Home Administrator Conference
Location: Lodge of the Four Seasons, Lake Ozark

Nursing Home Administrators will be provided with essential information needed to effectively serve long-term care residents and successfully perform their leadership role and job responsibilities. This conference was specifically designed to provide more than 20 hours of CE in 2 ½ days.

CMS Memo: QSO-20-03-NH

Updates and Initiatives to Ensure Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing updates and initiatives aligning with the CMS strategic initiative to Ensure Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes. These updates and initiatives include:

  • Phase 3 Interpretive Guidance: CMS will be releasing updated Interpretive Guidance and training for the Requirements for Participation for Long-Term Care (LTC) However, this guidance will not be released by the November 28, 2019 implementation date of the regulations. We will be releasing the guidance in the second quarter of calendar year 2020, along with information on training and implementing related changes to The Long Term Care Survey Process (LTCSP). While the regulations will be effective, our ability to survey for compliance with these requirements will be limited until the Interpretive Guidance is released.
  • Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Revision of Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities: Arbitration Agreements: On July 18, 2019, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a final rule establishing requirements related to the use of binding arbitration agreements. This final rule amends the requirements that Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities must meet to participate with Medicare and Medicaid. The final rule can be found at:
  • Actions to Improve Infection Prevention and Control in LTC Facilities: CMS has created a nursing home antibiotic stewardship program training; updated the Nursing Home Infection Control Worksheet as a self-assessment tool for facilities; and is reminding facilities of available infection control resources.
  • Release of Toolkit 3, “Guide to Improving Nursing Home Employee Satisfaction”: CMS has created a toolkit that helps facilities improve employee satisfaction.

Please see the full memo download at

MANHA – Infection Preventionist Boot Camp

February 4-5, 2020: Infection Preventionist Boot Camp
Location: Harrah’s Casino & Hotel, North Kansas City

You have been named the Infection Preventionist for your facility. You have completed your certification for the IP but still aren’t sure where to start or how to go about doing the job with confidence. We are here to give you the confidence you need! Bring your laptop and your infection control policy and procedures and leave with assurance that you and your facility are where they need to be with IPCP and all its requirements.

We will review the CMS 23-hour training as the core to IPCP development and review your IPCP and its accompanying policy and procedures to improve your confidence. We’ll build your personal library of resource material, develop your tracking logs and QAPI communication tools and finally we will create a schedule of routine tasks for you to adhere to for purposes of maintaining compliances.

2020 MANHA Winterfest

February 5-7, 2020: 2020 MANHA Winterfest Conference & Trade Show
Location: Harrah’s Casino & Hotel, North Kansas City

Missouri Association of Nursing Home Administrators is pleased to invite you to attend our midyear conference, Winterfest. The goal of this conference is to provide long-term care administrators and their staff practical and inspirational education hours along with the opportunity to network and socialize with colleagues. It is also the only MANHA-sponsored conference that provides you a chance to view the latest technology, products, and services offered by suppliers.

Updated MDS 3.0 Data Specification

On November 8, 2019, CMS posted an updated errata (V3.00.3) to their MDS Technical Information webpage ( for the FINAL version (v3.00.1) of the MDS 3.0 Data Specifications, currently in production. Two issues were identified. One edit, -3941, will be deleted, and one edit, -3965, will be added. These changes will go into production on December 3, 2019. Once in production, these two changes will be retroactive, applying to all assessments with target dates on or after October 1, 2019.

MC5 Testimonials

MC5 is gearing up to celebrate 15 years as an organization! We are excited and invite you to celebrate by sharing YOUR story.

  • How has MC5 impacted you or your organization?
  •  What features of MC5 do you enjoy most?
  •  What have you learned through a Regional Group training, Road Show or Conference?

Testimonials received from communities, businesses, or individuals will be featured on our website and social media. Send a short written paragraph or short video to or directly post it on our Facebook Page.

We appreciate your partnership to help us continue our mission to promote and support ongoing collaboration within the adult care continuum to create environments where dignity and value of each individual who lives and works there is respected and celebrated.

Conversations with Carmen

November 15, 2019: Shedding Light on Dementia for Family, Friends and Care Givers
Guests: Linda Bump, MPH, RLD

Continuing the conversation on how we can stay in relationship, even when we must “give care” as a family member, friend or caregiver.

In this show, we’ll discuss approaches to support daily activities from self-care, to eating, to pursuing leisure.

In our last conversation, we detailed the five human needs of comfort, identity, inclusion, attachment and occupation. This show will have a special focus on the human need of occupation and will discuss specific ways and techniques to help persons living with dementia continue as much of their normal, daily occupation as possible.

Pioneer Network’s Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action

November 21, 2019: Creating Daily Pleasures in Outdoor Spaces: Making It Happen in All Seasons
Guide: Maggie Calkins, PhD, EDAC, Ideas Institute

Panelists: Betsy Miller, Director of Resident Services & Hilary Boucher, Life Enrichment Manager, White Horse Village, Newtown Square, PA and Barbra Hileman, Activity Director, Garvey Manor & Our Lady of the Alleghenies Residence, Hollidaysburg, PA

For you and me, spending time outdoors is a normal part of life, and something we miss when weather and circumstances keep us indoors for extended periods of time. But for residents living in nursing homes and assisted living communities, and even for elders living in their own homes, opportunities to enjoy outdoor living are often rare, even in ideal weather, but certainly when conditions are less than ideal due to cold, heat, snow or rain.

In this webinar, Maggie Calkins, will share WHY being able to enjoy time outdoors is important and HOW caregivers and families can support making it happen. She will discuss the health benefits of spending time outdoors in terms of stress, mood, concentration, sleep and more. She will also explore the differences in designing for active and passive use of outdoor spaces and share creative ideas for non-traditional outdoor elements, from green houses to hydroponic gardening to fishing, golfing and yerts.

And then team members from two Communities will share stories of how they are making it happen, how outdoor living is a part of life for the residents in their homes.

Pioneer Network’s Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action  (Free Webinar)

December 19, 2019: This Holiday Season, Give the Gift that Keeps Giving
Guide: Brian LeBlanc, Marketing and Public Relations Executive

Join us for a conversation about how to make the holidays the best they can be not only for persons living with dementia, but for their Care Partners and for each of us.

Brian will share his thoughts on things like: what are some of the most meaningful gifts you can give; how can holiday traditions have a positive effect on individuals; and what are well-intentioned things that people do during the holidays that add to the stigmatization created around elders and those living with dementia.

SNF QRP Threshold Noncompliance Messages

CORMAC used to send out informational messages to SNFs that were not meeting the SNF QRP APU threshold on a quarterly basis ahead of each submission deadline. Swingtech will now send out these messages. If SNFs signed up for these messages with CORMAC they do not need to sign up again, but anybody who newly signs up for these messages will need to send their request to and must include email addresses they wanted these messages to go to along with the facility name and CMS Certification Number (CCN).

Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Quality Reporting Program (QRP) Deadline

The submission deadline for the SNF Quality Reporting Programs (QRP) is approaching. MDS data for April 1 – June 30 (Q2) of calendar year (CY) 2019 are due with this submission deadline. All data must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on November 18, 2019.

As a reminder, it is recommended that providers run applicable CASPER reports prior to each quarterly reporting deadline, in order to ensure that all required data has been submitted.

Swingtech sends informational messages to IRFs, LTCHs, and SNFs that are not meeting APU thresholds on a quarterly basis ahead of each submission deadlines. If you need to add or change the email addresses to which these messages are sent, please email and be sure to include your facility name and CMS Certification Number (CCN) along with any requested email updates.

Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) Deadline

The submission deadline for PBJ is approaching. PBJ data for 7/1/19 through 9/30/19 is due on November 14, 2019. CMS uses PBJ data to determine each facility’s staffing measure on the Nursing Home Compare tool on website, and calculate the staffing rating used in the Nursing Home Five Star Quality Rating System. Once a facility uploads their data file, they need to check their final Validation Report, which can be accessed in the Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reporting (CASPER) folder, to verify that the data was successfully submitted. CMS also strongly recommends that nursing homes run the following CASPER reports to review the accuracy and completeness of the data that they have entered: 1700D Employee Report, 1702D Individual Daily Staffing Report, and/or 1702S Staffing Summary Report. In addition, facilities should be running the MDS Census reports that are also available in CASPER to verify that their census is accurate.

More information about PBJ can be found on the CMS webpage

CMS Memos Released

CMS Memo: QSO-20-01-NH: Consumer Alerts added to the Nursing Home Compare website and the Five Star Quality Rating System

Memorandum Summary

  • Abuse Indicator – CMS is updating the Nursing Home Compare website to make it easier for consumers to identify facilities with instances of non-compliance related to abuse.
  • Consumer Alert for Oregon Nursing Homes – CMS will be adding a consumer alert on the Nursing Home Compare website for all Oregon facilities indicating that incidents of abuse may not be reflected on the Nursing Home Compare This action is in response to a recommendation by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).


CMS Memo: QSO-20-02-NH: Updates to the Nursing Home Compare website and the Five Star Quality Rating System

Memorandum Summary

  • CMS is removing the quality measures related to residents’ reported experience with pain from the Nursing Home Compare website and the Five Star Rating System.
  • We are also advising providers we will be updating the thresholds for quality measure ratings, according to the plan introduced in CMS Memorandum QSO-19-08-NH, in which the thresholds will be updated every six months. The first update will take place April 2020.
  • We are listing the dates the Nursing Home Compare website and the Five Star Rating System will be updated over the next few months.


In addition, the Technical User Guide has also been updated on the following website:

MLN Workshops

Practice Gratitude: Find Joy

October 16, 2019: Cape Girardeau
October 24, 2019: Columbia
October 29, 2019: Poplar Bluff
October 30, 2019: Kirksville


Awaken Customer Loyalty

October 22, 2019: Chillicothe
November 5, 2019: St. Louis
November 6, 2019: Columbia


Leadership: Eliminating Road Blocks on the Path to Success

October 29, 2019: Kansas City
November 12, 2019: Springfield
November 14, 2019: St. Louis