June 16, 2020: Jefferson City
This state-required and MO Dept of Health & Senior Services-approved workshop is designed to prepare registered and licensed nurses to supervise nurse assistant students during their required on-the-job experience.
June 16, 2020: Jefferson City
This state-required and MO Dept of Health & Senior Services-approved workshop is designed to prepare registered and licensed nurses to supervise nurse assistant students during their required on-the-job experience.
June 18, 2020: Jefferson City
This workshop is designed to prepare RNs to instruct Medication Technician students for long-term care facilities in MO. Upon completion, attendees will be able to identify specific requirements and regulations for the Medication Technician training, utilize appropriate testing methods, determine appropriate curriculum, list requirements of examination and registration process.
July 20-23, 2020: Jefferson City
Participants in this 36-hour course will learn how to identify the activity needs of residents as well as design programs to maintain and/or increase the residents’ capability of activities in daily living. Upon successful completion, attendees will have met the requirements as outlined in the MO DHSS rules and regulations.
The Quality Improvement Program for Missouri (QIPMO) has published MDS Tips and Clinical Pearls – Volume 7, Issue 2.
In this issue:
Please visit QIPMO’s website here for this and other previous newsletters.
MU Nursing Outreach is pleased and excited to now offer the ELDA in a totally online format.
Open enrollment – start when you are ready. A full year to complete. You are in control!
Join us for the MU Leadership Development Academy for Nurse Leaders and Nursing Home Administrators in Long-Term Care. We know that Long-Term Care can be challenging. With an 11 year proven track record, hundreds of graduates and life-changing testimonials, this leadership course is designed for busy LTC professionals, all while earning 50 hours of CE credit. The academy has been proven to increase leadership skills and improve confidence, which will help to create a working environment that encourages teamwork and quality improvement. Thanks to support from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, this proven certificate program is offered at NO COST to RNs and NHAs from Skilled Nurse Facilities in Missouri. The complimentary option is available to Missouri SNFs since the support for this Academy is provided by CMP funds designated for Missouri.
For more information visit our web site: extension2.missouri.edu/programs/nursing-outreach/enhanced-leadership-development-academy or contact Todd Winterbower at winterbowert@missouri.edu, 573-882-0215.
April 23, 2020: Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI): Introducing Best Practices that Strengthen LGBTQ Inclusive Communities
Guides: Sherrill Wayland, Director of National Education Initiatives. SAGE and Dan Stewart, Associate Director, Aging Equity Project, HRC
Join guides from the LEI Leadership team and Advisory Council to learn about the Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI) and how your community can be among the early adopters of best practices in creating welcoming and supportive long-term care communities inclusive of LGBTQ community members. Your guides will describe the need for LGBTQ inclusivity, success stories for adopting LGBTQ inclusive policies and practices and the steps you can take today to join the LEI program.
February 21, 2020: Can We Do Better? Part 2 – How to Get Real
Guest: Sonya Barsness, Gerontologist
Starting with “Something is better than nothing” is backwards. We have to start with the person and with real. Rather than starting with what people can’t have, i.e. “We can’t have a real baby 24/7,” start with SHE LOVES BABIES. Leaders in the culture change movement have cautioned, “What is lacking is real life. Real life is not found in programs. Real life is in the give and take of everyday life,” and that our goal should be “rampant normalcy.” Hear how real life leads to less depression, less need for medications, fewer falls and great quality of life. Think through how to become facilitators of real life. Consider the gamut of possibilities from disingenuous to authentic. Do you offer true choice or just token choice causing elders to “settle,” and think, “Well, it’s better than nothing?”
March 3, 2020: Dementia Care: CMS Toolkits Call
Speakers: Cathleen Lawrence, CMS; Michele Laughman, CMS; Sheila Hanns, CMS; and Dara Graham, CMS
Target Audience: Consumer and advocacy groups; nursing home providers; surveyor community; prescribers; professional associations; and other interested stakeholders
National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care and Quality Assurance Performance Improvement
During this call, learn about new CMS toolkits for nursing homes:
Additionally, CMS provides updates on the progress of the National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes. A question and answer session follows the presentations.
April 7-8, 2020: 67th Annual Long-Term Care Convention
Location: Margaritaville Lake Resort, Osage Beach
MLN’s primary goal during the Annual Long-Term Care Convention is to provide educational and networking opportunities that help our valued members, long-term care administrators and professionals, health care providers and guests.
A great line-up of speakers will talk on current topics that are important to you and your industry. One of our featured topics is leadership. In the presentation, Leadership: Eliminating Road Blocks on the Way to Success, attendees will develop tools to maintain strong and effective leadership while eliminating roadblocks. Effective leadership during team establishment, new processes, new PDPM, and new employee integration is not an easy task. Times and technology are always evolving in healthcare and leaders have to spearhead implementation of new, best practices and do so with a great attitude. You will learn to identify leadership tools to overcome common roadblocks in route to successful leadership.
April 19-20, 2020: MALA Spring 2020 Conference
Location: Camden on the Lake, Lake Ozark
Information including the conference agenda and registration for attending the Missouri Assisted Living Association’s 2020 Spring Conference is now available.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently designated Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN) to assist Missouri nursing homes over the next five years. HQIN worked with more than 900 nursing homes during the previous phase of federal funding.
Join nursing homes across the United States receiving no-cost support for quality improvement. You can improve care for residents, increase job satisfaction for staff, and even increase your Total Quality Score and star rating.
HQIN membership is collaborative and includes learning opportunities from regional high-performing facilities that share best practices and helpful tips. With your time at a premium, HQIN’s trainings are designed to be quick-hitting, bite-size segments for clinicians and frontline staff. Resources include printable tools you can use and share with staff, and educational programming that can be attended live or viewed at your convenience.
Get started today! For more information and to sign up for the HQIN nursing home quality improvement initiative, visit www.hqin.org. Questions? Contact Dana Lammert at dlammert@hqi.solutions or 314-712-9176.
February 20, 2020: Compassion: A Competency for Today’s Aging Services Leader
Guide: Denise Borgoyn, NHA, SHRM-SCP, Borgoyn Consulting Services, The Compassion Projects, Author “28 Ways of Compassion”
While the work of changing the culture of aging is happening, we should recognize that aging services staff need person-centered care too and must be placed at the top of the organizational agenda.
How can our workforce give the best in person-centered care if it isn’t shown them through attention and compassion from their leaders? The answer is that they probably can’t. The reality is that most leaders know how important compassion is in their roles. The problem is that these leaders say they just don’t know how to enhance their compassionate behavior in the workplace. The good news is – compassion is teachable!
Join Denise Borgoyn, author of 28 Ways to Compassion, for this crucial conversation as we explore the nature of compassion, how and why it matters, and learn concrete actions to improve communication and compassion to give our staff the support they need and deserve.
March 20, 2020: Best Practices in Dementia Care with Teepa Snow
Location: Busch Student Center, St. Louis
Join Memory Care Home Solutions & Gateway Geriatric Education Center on March 20, 2020 as they present “Best Practices in Dementia Care” with Teepa Snow! During this all-day continuing education event, dementia expert Teepa Snow will teach strategies for supporting people living with dementia during regular interactions, care delivery, & daily engagement. Through her engaging instruction, Teepa will emphasize how creating a positive and caring environment rather than ‘dealing with the behavior’ after it is established is the most effective caregiving model!
For more information and to register, please visit www.memorycarehs.org/events.
Early bird registration is available before February 1st. Group, student and family care partner reduced registration rates are also available. Contact Amy Sobrino at 314-645-6247 or asobrino@memorycarehs.org for more information.
As you are likely aware, the response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak is rapidly evolving. On January 18, 2020, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) disseminated a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Health Update on this outbreak. The CDC Health Update includes recommendations for health care providers pertaining to 2019-nCoV (https://health.mo.gov/emergencies/ert/alertsadvisories/pdf/cdc-update1-17-20.pdf). The specific topics covered include patient evaluation, reporting, specimen collection, testing, and recommendations for infection control.
For the most up-to-date information regarding the outbreak of 2019-nCoV, please continue to check the CDC website (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html). Please be aware that guidance for health care and public health professionals is subject to change, and that updated guidance will be disseminated through the CDC website and the Missouri Health Alert Network (HAN). All HAN documents are archived and available on the DHSS website at: https://health.mo.gov/emergencies/ert/alertsadvisories/index.php.
Please see the most frequently cited deficiencies report from the fourth quarter of 2019.
This is a reminder that providers will no longer be able to submit a Social Security Number (SSN)-based Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN) or Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) number on the MDS in item A0600B or on the Medicare claim beginning January 1, 2020. Instead, the Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) must be used.
For additional details and resources regarding use of the MBI, please refer to the MLN Matters Article to learn how to get and use MBIs.
Due to the holidays, there will not be a Five-Star provider preview report deposited in CASPER for December 2019 and Nursing Home Compare will not be updated on its normal schedule. The next scheduled refresh will occur January 29, 2020.
January 23, 2020: Resources You Can Use to Educate, Advocate, Warm the Soil, Advance Person-Centered Care and Accelerate Culture Change (And They’re Free!)
Guides: Kim McRae, Co-Founder, Culture Change Network of Georgia and President, Have a Good Life; Rose Marie Fagan, A Co-Founder and Founding/Former Executive Director, Pioneer Network and Steering Committee, Culture Change Network of Georgia; and Joan Devine, Director of Education, Pioneer Network
Do you need some new resources to help educate and inspire the general public, care partners and change agents about the WHO, WHAT and WHY of culture change and person-centered care? Well, look no further! The Culture Change Network of Georgia (CCNG) may have just what you are looking for!
Through the generosity of a CMP grant, and through partnerships with organizations like Pioneer Network, they have produced short educational videos on topics from “What is Culture Change?” to “State Culture Change Coalitions: Key to Advancing Change at the Local Level” to “Culture Change and Person-Centered Care: What’s the Difference?” to “Why Worry About Words: WORDS MATTER.”
Join Kim McRae and Rose Marie Fagan as they share the story behind the videos and offer some ideas to spark a conversation about how you can use these free resources to advance culture change and person-centered practices.
And while we’re talking, Joan Devine, Director of Education with Pioneer Network will update you on the resources available through Pioneer Network in our Learning Resource Library and more.
February 4, 2020: Getting the PDPM Initial PPS Assessment Right! Best Practices for Pre-admission, Admission & Day 1-8 Processes
March 3, 2020: Applying Dollar Values to PDPM Characteristics & Avoiding Top Missed Opportunities with Case Studies
April 7, 2020: Effective Meetings for PDPM (UR/Medicare, Clinical, Triple Check
May 5, 2020: PDPM: Staff Development and Core Competency Essentials
June 2, 2020: Care Planning for the Complex Resident Under PDPM
July 7, 2020: All In! PDPM Supportive Documentation for Physicians, Nursing, Rehab, Dietary and Social Services
August 4, 2020: PDPM Quality Assurance and Outcomes Tracking
September 1, 2020: Addressing PDPM Medical Review Risks in the SNF Compliance and Ethics Work Plan
October 6, 2020: PDPM: Advancing Clinical Capabilities and Care Delivery
November 3, 2020: What We’ve Learned: Insights into Successful Providers from the First Year of PDPM
December 1, 2020: Year End PDPM Updates and 2021 Policy Changes
This series of webinars will focus on developing mastery of the skills required to successfully lead clinical reimbursement excellence under PDPM.
March 2-3, 2020: 2020 Mid-Year Conference & Lobby Day
Location: Capitol Plaza Hotel, Jefferson City
Missouri Health Care Association strives to provide the best collective efforts directed towards delivering service excellence and high quality in the health care profession. Registration information and details are now available. Please join MHCA as we continue to ensure Missouri’s most vulnerable citizens are receiving the proper care and attention they deserve, the right way, the first time.
March 18, 2020: Developing a 5-Star Work Plan
April 22, 2020: 5-Star QMs: Increased ADL Help, Ability to Move Worsened & Improvement in Function
May 20, 2020: 5-Star QMs: Pressure Ulcers
June 17, 2020: 5-Star QMs: Catheter, UTI
July 22, 2020: 5-Star QMs: Falls with Major Injury
August 19, 2020: 5-Star QMs: Antipsychotic Use
September 16, 2020: 5-Star QMs: Re-Hospitalizations, ER Visits, Successful Return to Community
October 21, 2020: 5-Star Health Inspections: Top Citations & How to Avoid Them – Part 1
November 18, 2020: 5-Star Health Inspections: Top Citations & How to Avoid Them – Part 2
December 16, 2020: 5-Star Staffing Rating
This series of webinars will focus on advancing results in the three domains of the CMS 5-Star Quality Rating System: Health Inspections, Staffing, and Quality Measures. You will gain insight into how the health inspection, staffing, quality measure, and overall rating is calculated. Tips on how to analyze your data and develop an effective action plan to achieve 5-Star status will be emphasized, along with practical facility application of QAPI elements to drive your 5-Star Ratings.
March 30-April 1, 2020: ALF Resident Assessment Training
November 2-4, 2020: ALF Resident Assessment Training
As required by 198.005 RSMo and 19 CSR 30-86.047, residents of Assisted Living Facilities are required to undergo a community-based assessment performed by an appropriately trained and qualified individual. This individual must complete a DHSS approved 24- hour training program prior to performing resident assessments. The MALA ALF Assessment Training satisfies this regulatory requirement.
The Department of Mental Health has a website with information on PASSR Level II Assessments that includes resources, interventions, and podcasts to assist in care planning. More info is available at www.dmh.mo.gov/dev-disabilities/programs/pasrr-level-ii-assessments.
DMH also has a Behavioral Health Crisis Hotline that is staffed by mental health professionals who can respond to crisis 24 hours per day 7 days per week. Information regarding the Behavioral Health Crisis Hotline can be found at www.dmh.mo.gov/mental-illness/program-services/behavioral-health-crisis-hotline.
January 17, 2020: Is Something Better Than Nothing?
Guest: Sonya Barsness, Gerontologist
Join Carmen and her guest Sonya Barsness as they think through this question. Not presuming to have the answers, they will examine the question through a range of common practices and. Building on former work together, we will look at customs such as folding towels or baby clothes that serve no purpose, fake animals and babies, fake plants, door covers, murals that disguise doorways and more. What are the pros and cons of fake life offerings and real life? Is something truly better than nothing? Are there unintended consequences?
With the retirement of Hellen Adrian, SLCR is pleased to announce the promotion of Angela Duvall as the RN Manager for the Training Unit and Health Education Unit in Central Office. Angela has been with SLCR for 12 years, with the last five years as a State Training Coordinator/FAN III. Angela has been a Registered Nurse for 24 years and is a certified CNA Instructor. Please join us in welcoming Angela to her new role!