Missouri Nursing Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Reimbursement Opportunity

On March 1, 2023, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) released information about the Missouri Nursing Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Award, a reimbursement opportunity available to Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) and Long Term Care and Other Nursing Facilities (LTC).

Beginning March 1, facility owners and operators may apply for reimbursement for expenses incurred between July 1, 2022 and August 31, 2023, directly related to preparing, preventing, and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The intention of this funding is to provide supplemental support to Missouri’s skilled nursing, other long-term care and other nursing facilities during their response to SARS-CoV-2 infections, and also to build and maintain the infection prevention infrastructure necessary to support resident, visitor, and facility healthcare personnel safety. If you operated a Skilled Nursing Facilities or Long Term Care and Other Nursing Facilities licensed with DHSS between July 1, 2022 and August 31, 2023, you are eligible for reimbursement for allowable expenses.

After the application period was opened March 1, 2023, the program was made aware of additional federal administrative requirements that impact the implementation of the program. These requirements do not change the eligibility criteria for facilities or the allowable cost categories but do identify that expenditures for activities that were previously paid or reimbursed by federal funds are not allowed for reimbursement through this award. Only expenses that have not been reimbursed by another federal fund source are allowable for reimbursement from this opportunity.

A very few additional facilities have also been made eligible for this opportunity. This does slightly impact the eligible amount per licensed bed for both skilled nursing facilities (SNF) and long-term care and other nursing facilities (LTC/Other), but the impact is less than a percentage point different in each type of facility.

Facility operators that have already applied for these funds do not need to do anything to adjust their applications, but do need to be aware of the additional guidance and revised amounts, and be prepared to assure that costs submitted for reimbursement meet the federal requirements. DHSS will provide additional information to existing applicants and will advise if any adjustments or additional information are needed on a case-by-case basis.

Updated guidance and eligible amounts are posted on the DHSS website for COVID-19 Health Care Professionals under the heading “Information for Long-Term Care Facilities” at the following link: https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus/professionals.php.

All questions should be directed to the DHSS Strike Team via email at LTCStrikeTeam@health.mo.gov.

This program is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award ending May 10, 2024 totaling $14,994,016 with 100 percent funded by CDC/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.

Post PHE Modifications and Registration Information for the LTCF COVID-19 Module

Below is important information regarding Long-term care facilities (LTCF) and reporting COVID-19 data to NHSN once the Public Health Emergency has ended.

Long-term care facilities that are CMS certified will still need to report to the LTCF COVID-19 Module Surveillance Pathways (Resident Impact and Facility Capacity, Staff and Personnel Impact, and Therapeutics) and the COVID-19 Vaccination Module once the Public Health Emergency is declared over on May 11, 2023

In 2020, CMS published an IFC (CMS-5531-IFC) requiring all LTC facilities to report COVID-19 information using the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) (42 CFR 483(g)). This requirement was extended through a final rule (CMS-1747-F) and is set to terminate on December 31, 2024. This excludes the requirements at § 483.80(g)(1)(viii), which will continue to support national efforts to control the spread of COVID-19.

Please note, the COVID-19 Module Surveillance Pathways (Resident Impact and Facility Capacity, Staff and Personnel Impact, and Therapeutics) and the COVID-19 Vaccination Module are two separate modules and data will need to be reported to both on a weekly basis. Reporting to only one module does NOT satisfy the CMS reporting requirements.

NHSN provides a pathway to report data but is not a regulatory or enforcement body. Please direct any questions and/or concerns regarding reporting requirements and penalties/fines to CMS for further information.

The COVID-19 Module Surveillance Pathways will undergo updates in response to the end of the Public Health Emergency, including:

  • Reducing vaccination elements to include only up to date status for residents with a positive COVID-19 test
  • Removal of influenza data field
  • Removal of staffing and supply shortages data fields
  • Removal of deaths in the Staff and Personnel Impact Pathway
  • Removal of the therapeutics pathway
  • Addition of a new data field, hospitalizations, in the Resident Impact and Facility Capacity Pathway to assess relevant outcome data on residents with a positive COVID-19 test.

New Updates to the NHSN LTCF COVID-19 Module Surveillance Pathways Webinars

Specific details regarding these changes will be reviewed during upcoming training webinars.

Registration Information for Upcoming Training Webinars

Please register in advance and plan to attend one of the training sessions to learn more about the new updates. Each webinar will cover the same information; therefore, you may only need to attend once.

When: Thursday, June 1, 2023, 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: New Updates to the NHSN LTCF COVID-19 Module Surveillance Pathways
Register in advance for this webinar: https://cdc.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_lQ92SJReSe6gu3RlRbiqaA

When: Wednesday, June 7, 2023, 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: New Updates to the NHSN LTCF COVID-19 Module Surveillance Pathways
Register in advance for this webinar: https://cdc.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_WO7zz66lSwyFGUfEx2bU7g

When: Thursday, June 8 & Thursday June 13, 2023, 02:00 PM Eastern time (US & Canada)
Topic: New Updates to the NHSN LTCF COVID-19 Module Surveillance Pathways
Register in advance for this webinar: https://cdc.zoomgov.com/j/1605578239?pwd=TWxwb202WW9tSUpoTi9aVWRNZXBUQT09

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

For questions about any of these updates, please send an e-mail to the NHSN Helpdesk at NHSN@cdc.gov with the subject line identifying the topic of the message.

Important DHSS Update on PPE and Test Kit Supplies

Notice for Non-State Agency Healthcare Partners: The DHSS PPE Warehouse will end distribution of PPE items from the state cache on June 30, 2023.

This change comes as the federal public health emergency comes to end today, May 11, the supply chain has stabilized resulting in adequate stock at suppliers, and COVID cases/outbreaks trend downward. The State of Missouri plans to maintain a PPE cache for future public health emergencies and enhance overall healthcare preparedness. Facilities should prepare for June 30th by working with multiple vendors to procure supplies and maintain adequate stock that accounts for potential order or allocation delays. DHSS will continue to ship COVID antigen test kits and COVID/FLU antigen test kits as requested. For questions related to the end of PPE shipping, please reach out to sns@health.mo.gov.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding Opportunity for RCFs and ALFs

It’s not too late! The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is still accepting applications for ARPA reimbursement to operators of Residential Care Facilities (RCFs) and Assisted Living Facilities (ALFs) who have not yet applied. Through Missouri’s State Fiscal Recovery Funds, operators may seek reimbursement for expenses incurred between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022 that were directly related to preparing, preventing, and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you operate an RCF or ALF and haven’t already applied for this funding opportunity, please ensure you are registered as a vendor to receive payment from the State of Missouri. Before operators can complete an application for this opportunity, they must register as a vendor with the state’s financial system – SAM II. If the operating entity is already registered as a vendor with the State of Missouri, you do not need to re-register.

The SAM II registration Vendor Input Form can be found at https://oa.mo.gov/sites/default/files/vendor_input_ach_eftd.pdf. The completed Vendor Input Form must be sent directly to the Office of Administration by fax at 573-526-9813 or by mail to Office of Administration/Accounting, PO Box 809, Jefferson City, MO 65102.

Operator Tips in Registering as a Vendor with the State of Missouri:

  • Be sure to register only the legal operating entity and not all individual facilities owned by the same operating entity.
  • Be sure the address used in the State’s financial system is the same address that will be used as the operator’s address on the application and any accounts payable documentation.

Once SAM II registration is submitted, an application for reimbursement must be submitted through the State of Missouri’s American Rescue Plan Act (APRA) Portal located at https://moarpa.mo.gov/. Frequently Asked Questions and an Application Checklist can be found on the “Apply Now” page under the “Operators of Residential Care / Assisted Living Facilities” Grant Program. Requests for additional information about this opportunity should be submitted to LTCARPAReimbursements@health.mo.gov.

Funding for this initiative has been made available through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Missouri’s ARPA funding opportunities are located here: https://moarpa.mo.gov/available-funding-opportunities/.

Updated CMS Memos Related to COVID-19

CMS released the two memos below this past week. Homes may begin to change their policies and procedures and implement current CDC guidance.

QSO-20-38-NH Testing Expired
QSO-20-39-NH Visitation REVISED

Here is the link to the current CDC guidance for nursing homes: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/infection-control-recommendations.html#create.

CMS Memo: QSO-23-13-ALL: Guidance for the Expiration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE)

Memorandum Summary

  • Social Security Act Section 1135 emergency waivers for health care providers will terminate with the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) on May 11, 2023.
  • Certain regulations or other policies included in Interim Final Rules with Comments (IFCs) will be modified with the ending the PHE. Certain policies, such as the Acute Hospital at Home initiative and telehealth flexibilities have been extended by Congress through December 31, 2024.
  • Long Term Care and Acute and Continuing Care providers are expected to be in compliance with the requirements according to the timeframes listed below {in the memo}.

Please see the full memo for complete details at https://www.cms.gov/medicare/provider-enrollment-and-certification/surveycertificationgeninfo/policy-and-memos-states/guidance-expiration-covid-19-public-health-emergency-phe.

New CMS QI Voices Audio Series Offers Nursing Home Leaders the Facts About COVID-19

Vaccines, Treatments and Promising Practices to Improve Resident Outcomes

CMS QI Voices: Improving COVID-19 Outcomes in Nursing Homes Across America, a new audio series produced by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), is available for listening at https://qioprogram.org/cmsqivoices.

This audio series is designed to help busy medical directors, administrators and directors of nursing and education keep residents and staff safe with actionable information to increase COVID-19 vaccination and use of available treatments and improve infection prevention efforts in nursing home and long-term care settings.

In a special series of three 15-minute episodes, CMS Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lee Fleisher leads clinical discussions with experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Biologics and Research and the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response. These episodes cover:

  • The safety and efficacy of the new bivalent COVID-19 vaccine in long-term care.
  • The benefits, risks and side effects of therapeutics for nursing home residents diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • National programs and partnerships that support nursing homes teams’ efforts to promote COVID-19 infection prevention and vaccination.

In the remaining five-minute episodes, CMS leaders talk with CMS Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organizations (QIN-QIOs) and the nursing homes they serve to discuss:

  • How to increase COVID-19 vaccine confidence in care settings with high resident turnover.
  • How one nursing home is using the power of peer ambassadors to increase vaccine confidence.
  • What nursing home staff need to keep doing to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
  • When, who and how to cohort in your nursing home.
  • How a nursing home serving Native American residents uses a culturally inclusive approach to address health equity and increase vaccine confidence.

The CMS QI Voices: Improving COVID-19 Outcomes in Nursing Homes Across America audio series is available wherever listeners have online access. Nursing home teams may listen at https://qioprogram.org/cmsqivoices or contact LTC@hqi.solutions for more information about the audio series.

COMRU Training

COMRU will be hosting a webinar/Q&A session regarding the online process and the ending of the COVID 19 waiver via WebEx.

April 24, 2023: Join Meeting Here
Time: 10:00 a.m.

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2460 830 8201
Meeting password: 67tMfa2hU6R

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-650-479-3207,,24608308201## Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
+1-312-535-8110,,24608308201## United States Toll (Chicago)

Assessment of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Long-Term Care Facilities

The Delta variant quickly became the predominant circulating SARS-CoV-2 strain in the USA during summer 2021. Missouri identified a high number of outbreaks in long-term care facilities (LTCFs) across the state with low vaccination rates among LTCF staff members and poor adherence to mitigation measures within local communities. Ten long-term care facilities in Missouri worked with CDC to evaluate case data to assess disease transmission, vaccination status, and outcomes among residents and staff, including onsite visits to facilities with recent COVID-19 outbreaks in communities with substantial transmission to assess mitigation measures. Attached is a copy of the published findings from that study.

CMS Memo: QSO-23-10-NH: Strengthened Enhanced Enforcement for Infection Control Deficiencies and Quality Improvement Activities in Nursing Homes

Memorandum Summary

  • CMS has rescinded memorandum QSO-20-31-ALL, the Enhanced Enforcement for Infection Control Deficiencies, and replaced it with memorandum QSO-23-10-NH, revised guidance for Strengthened Enhanced Enforcement for Infection Control Deficiencies. This revised guidance strengthens enforcement efforts for noncompliance with infection control deficiencies. The enhanced enforcement actions are more stringent for infection control deficiencies that result in actual harm or immediate jeopardy to residents. In addition, the criteria for enhanced enforcement on infection control deficiencies that result in no resident harm has been expanded to include enforcement on noncompliance with Infection Prevention and Control (F880) combined with COVID-19 Vaccine Immunization Requirements for Residents and Staff (F887).
  • CMS is providing guidance to the State Survey Agencies and CMS locations on handling enforcement cases before and after the revisions of Enhanced Enforcement for Infection Control Deficiencies.
  • Quality Improvement Organizations have been strategically refocused to assist nursing homes in combating COVID-19 through such efforts as education and training, creating action plans based on infection control problem areas, and recommending steps to establish a strong infection control and surveillance program.

Please see the full memo for complete details at https://www.cms.gov/medicare/provider-enrollment-and-certification/surveycertificationgeninfo/policy-and-memos-states/strengthened-enhanced-enforcement-infection-control-deficiencies-and-quality-improvement-activities.


Seminar: Public Health Emergency Ending – What’s Next?

April 6, 2023: Holiday Inn Route 66, St. Louis
April 13, 2023: Courtyard by Marriott, Columbia
April 26, 2023: Stoney Creek Hotel & Conference Center, Independence

The Public Health Emergency (PHE) is scheduled to end as of May 11, 2023. Moving forward it will be essential to apply pandemic lessons learned to maintain and improve processes that will benefit residents/families, staff and facility leadership.

Fit Testing Train-the Trainer Sessions

March 31, 2023: Fitzgibbon Hospital, Marshall
April 12, 2023: Heisinger Bluffs Western Campus, Jefferson City
April 27, 2023: DHSS Regional Office, Poplar Bluff
April 28, 2023: Cape Girardeau Public Library, Cape Girardeau
May 2, 2023: Comfort Inn and Suites, Macon
May 25, 2023: Maranatha Village Community Center, Springfield

Regional Respiratory Fit Testing Train-the-Trainer sessions are being offered throughout Missouri by the Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN), which is the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Innovation Network – Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) for the state, and the Quality Improvement Program for Missouri (QIPMO) Infection Control and Assessment Response (ICAR) Team. The training is to ensure long-term care facilities have qualified staff to provide respirator fit testing. In addition, the attendee can train others in the proper procedures for fit testing. This training is for qualitative testing using a hood and not quantitative testing.

See flyer for information on Fit Testing Training sessions.

Funding Opportunity for Missouri Nursing Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Award

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) is excited to announce the Missouri Nursing Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Award, a reimbursement opportunity available to Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) and Long Term Care and Other Nursing Facilities (LTC). Beginning March 1, 2023, facility owners and operators may apply for reimbursement for expenses incurred between July 1, 2022 and August 31, 2023, directly related to preparing, preventing, and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you operated a Skilled Nursing Facilities or Long Term Care and Other Nursing Facilities licensed with DHSS between July 1, 2022 and August 31, 2023, you are eligible for reimbursement for allowable expenses.

Owner/operator applicant must be registered as a vendor with the State of Missouri prior to submitting an application. If not already registered, visit https://missouribuys.mo.gov/registration. Vendor name and address used in registering as a vendor must be the same vendor name address used on the reimbursement application. Be sure to register only the operating entity and not all individual facilities owned by the same company.

Please see the attached Frequently Asked Questions and Application Checklist documents below.

Missouri Nursing Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Award FAQ Checklist
Missouri Nursing Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Award Application
Missouri Nursing Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Award Eligible Facilities

All questions should be directed to the DHSS Strike Team via email at LTCStrikeTeam@health.mo.gov.

Public Health Emergency (PHE) 1135 Waivers: Updated Guidance for Providers

On February 9, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the Public Health Emergency (PHE) for COVID-19 will end on May, 11, 2023. COVID-19 remains a significant priority for the Biden-Harris Administration and over the next several months, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will work to ensure a smooth transition. During the PHE, CMS has used a combination of emergency authority waivers, regulations, enforcement discretion, and sub-regulatory guidance to ensure easier access to care during the PHE for health care providers and their beneficiaries.

Some of the flexibilities that were created during the pandemic were recently expanded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023. Others, while critical during our initial responses to COVID-19, are no longer needed. CMS has made further updates to our CMS Emergencies Page with useful information for providers – specifically around major telehealth and individual waivers – that were initiated during the Public Health Emergency (PHE).

Please reference the following guidance in response to the PHE ending May 11, 2023:

Provider-specific fact sheets about COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) waivers and flexibilities: https://www.cms.gov/coronavirus-waivers

CMS COVID-19 Waivers and Flexibilities for Providers include:

  • Physicians and Other Clinicians
  • Hospitals and CAHs (including Swing Beds, DPUs), ASCs and CMHCs
  • Teaching Hospitals, Teaching Physicians and Medical Residents
  • Long Term Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities and/or Nursing Facilities)
  • Home Health Agencies
  • Hospice
  • Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities
  • Long Term Care Hospitals & Extended Neoplastic Disease Care Hospitals
  • Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)
  • Laboratories
  • Medicare Shared Savings Program
  • Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies
  • Medicare Advantage and Part D Plans
  • Ambulances
  • End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Facilities
  • Participants in the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program
  • Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

 Department of Health & Human Services Fact Sheet: https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2023/02/09/fact-sheet-covid-19-public-health-emergency-transition-roadmap.html

In the coming weeks, CMS will be hosting stakeholder calls and office hours to provide additional information. Please continue to visit the CMS Emergencies Page for continuous updates regarding PHE sunsetting guidance as information becomes available to the public.

Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) Flexibility Ending May 11, 2023

With the recent announcement from the White House regarding the official end of the Public Health Emergency on May 11, 2023, the waiver that allowed nursing homes to admit new residents who have not received PASRR Level I screenings and Level II evaluations will terminate on May 11, 2023.

That date is beyond the 60 notice that CMS has previously said would be given to allow states to unwind any COVID related changes to their PASRR program. As such, CMS will expect states to resume the completion of PASRR activities prior to admission as of May 12, 2023.

The PASRR process requires that all applicants admitting to Medicaid-certified nursing facilities be screened for possible serious mental disorders or intellectual disabilities and related conditions. This initial pre-screening is referred to as PASRR Level I, and is completed prior to admission to a nursing facility. A negative Level I screen permits admission to proceed and ends the PASRR process unless a possible serious mental disorder or intellectual disability arises later. A positive Level 1 screen necessitates an in-depth evaluation of the individual by the state-designated authority, known as PASRR Level II, which must be conducted prior to admission to a nursing facility.

Long-term care facilities, hospitals, and other referral agencies should educate admission and discharge planners to this requirement- as it is a return to pre-COVID activities that they may be unfamiliar with.

CMS Releases Updated Resources to Prepare for the May 11 End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and National Emergency

January 30: The Biden Administration announced its intent to end the COVID-19 national emergency and public health emergency declarations on May 11, 2023. To ensure a smooth transition and help protect the health and well-being of the American people, CMS has taken immediate action to update fact sheets and other supporting resources to prepare for changes that will occur beginning on May 11.

Registration Open – Promoting COVID-19 Bivalent Vaccinations for Older Adults: Long-Term Care Provider Perspectives

February 9, 2023: Promoting COVID-19 Bivalent Vaccinations for Older Adults Webinar (3:00-4:00 p.m. ET)

Register for the upcoming Communities of Practice webinar focused on promoting COVID-19 bivalent vaccinations for older adults and residents/staff in long-term care settings; speakers will present successful strategies in increasing bivalent booster uptake in their communities.

Moderated by CDC’s State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial (STLT) Task Force.

Featuring presentations from:

  1. Patrick Cote, PharmD, Director, Pharmacy Services, Good Samaritan Society (Sanford Health), North Dakota
  2. Kaylea Watkins, RN, CIC, Infection Preventionist, Providence Mount St. Vincent, Seattle, WA
  3. Winter Viverette, MAIO, MATD, Infection Prevention Specialist, Healthcare Settings, Chicago Department of Public Health
  4. Karen McDonald, BSN, RN, Vice President, Chief Clinical Officer, Mission Health Communities

Register Now: https://phf-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5y6WJDbzQduEy5z1exaBxQ

HQI/ASCP Webinar Invite

January 31, 2023: Clearing the Path for a Healthy New Year: Improving Bivalent Booster Rates in Long-Term Care

Join a FREE interactive panel discussion with frontline pharmacists and nursing home staff who will discuss effective strategies for improving bivalent COVID-19 vaccine rates in skilled nursing homes. You will have the opportunity to pose questions to these national and frontline leaders.

This session will be led by American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) Chief Executive Chad Worz, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP and Health Quality Innovators (HQI) Vice President and Senior Consulting Manager Sheila McLean, MBA, LNHA, CPHQ.

We invite nursing home administrators, directors of nursing, infection preventionists and pharmacists to join this session to learn new tactics and workflows that reduce staff stress, and how to improve vaccination rates by building and expanding on already established pharmacy partnerships.


COVID-19 Article

New virus variants are causing significant change in symptoms, and WHO list of COVID symptoms is becoming less relevant. There is a shift to “cold” like presentation without loss of smell/taste, etc. Unfortunately, for older citizens, delirium and psychiatric effects are longer lasting now.

The Division of Community and Public Health shared the attached article from the British Medical Journal for long term care providers to review. 

New CMS Audio Series Delves into Health Care Quality

Thank you for your continued partnership in improving the health and well-being of one of our most vulnerable populations.

In line with our efforts to promote COVID vaccinations to nursing home teams and residents, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released a new audio series. Conversations with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Chief Medical Officer provides nursing homes with the facts on COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics that support better resident outcomes. In these conversations with Dr. Lee Fleisher, the CMS CMO, nursing home leaders will hear from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) experts.

As part of this audio series, titled Quality Improvement (QI) Voices: Improving COVID-19 Outcomes in Nursing Homes Across America, each episode gives listeners a closer look at the projects and the people who are improving health care quality and outcomes. These brief conversations include detailed show notes for even more insights into the process behind health care quality improvement – and how listeners might adapt these to their own organizations.

Three episodes, each under 15 minutes long, have been released: The Facts Behind the Updated COVID-19 Vaccine: Safety and Efficacy, Long-term Care Treatment Options for COVID-19 and CDC Programs for COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Vaccination in Nursing Homes. I encourage you to take full advantage of this cadre of information and resources.

COVID and Flu A/B Test Kits

  • ALERT: DHSS 30-Day Pause of PPE and Test Kit Shipping Operations on January 31, 2023

DHSS will pause shipping operations on January 31, 2023 for up to 30 days to complete inventory and transition warehouse operations to a new platform. Orders for PPE and Flow Flex Antigen Test Kits will need to be placed prior to January 27, 2023 for shipment on January 30, 2023. Please ensure your last order will cover PPE and Antigen Test Kit needs through March 1, 2023. During the pause, orders will not be processed or shipped. However, once shipping resumes March 1, 2023, PPE and Antigen Test Kits will be shipped daily upon approval and order processing.



DHSS is now offering free lifeSign Status COVID-19/Flu A&B Test kits to long-term care facilities.  These testing supplies are currently in limited supply, therefore, LTC facilities should continue to use COVID-19 antigen testing supplies as indicated. Orders may be placed now. Shipping will begin on Tuesday, January 17, 2023.

Application for Status COVID-19/Flu A&B Test Kits

When to use Flow Flex COVID-19 antigen test kit VS Status COVID-19/Flu A&B Test kit:

  1. Use Flow Flex for residents with known COVID-19 exposure
  2. Use Flow Flex for residents during the facility COVID-19 outbreak, or high COVID community level
  3. Use Status test kit if COVID exposure is unknown or unlikely
  4. Use Status test during the facility influenza outbreak, or high influenza activity in the community
  5. Do not use Status test for COVID detection if patient symptomatic for more than 5 days

Long Term Care Facilities must add to the facility’s CLIA certificate:

Adding lifeSign Status COVID-19/Flu A&B Test kits to Your CLIA Test Menu

The CLIA program has developed an email template that you can copy and paste, fill in the blanks, and email to CLIA@health.mo.gov to update your test menu to include lifeSign Status COVID-19/Flu A&B.

Email Subject line: Add COVID-19 Testing to existing CLIA Certificate for [FACILITY NAME]

Lab/Facility Name:


Existing CLIA Waived Lab #:


Lab Director Name:


Which COVID-19/ SARS-CoV-2 Waived Test system added?
Check [X] all that may apply.

[    ] Abbott BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card
[    ] Acon FlowFlex
[    ] Quidel Sofia 2 SARS-CoV-2 Antigen assay
[    ] Becton Dickinson Veritor™ Plus Antigen test kit
[    ] Abbott ID Now
[ X ] OTHER Waived test(s) approved by FDA EUA (specify below): lifeSign Status COVID-19/Flu A&B Test kits

As the Laboratory Director or administrator/owner’s agent of record for the CLIA facility holding a Waived Certificate identified above, I wish to append my facility’s existing CLIA# to include additional testing for COVID-19. I attest that my facility will provide reasonable assurances that:

  1. All testing personnel for COVID-19 will be provided adequate and documented training
  2. All Manufacturer’s Instructions for Use (IFU) will be strictly adhered to

All tests results (both positive and negative) will be reported to the proper public health entities under federal and state requirements. See MO DHSS link regarding reporting: https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus/how-to-report-lab-results.php



Reporting Positive Influenza Results

As a reminder, all influenza results must be reported on a weekly basis, in aggregate, to your LPHA using the Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza Weekly Worksheet for Reporters.

For additional information about influenza, including Missouri’s reporting rules, please see https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/communicabledisease/cdmanual/pdf/Influenza.pdf or contact MO DHSS, Bureau of Communicable Disease and prevention at (573) 751 -6113.


Reporting Positive COVID-19 Tests

Facilities performing their own COVID-19 testing (antigen testing) must report positive results through one of the following portals:

  1. Missouri Disease Reporting Online Portal (MODROP)
  2. In bulk via HL7 or CSV file using the DHSS- Electronic Lab Reporting process
  3. National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) or the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) Informatics Messaging Services (AIMS) Platform.

Facilities using an external laboratory (PCR testing) must enter positive case information into MODROP.

The Missouri Disease Reporting Online Portal (MODROP). MODROP can be accessed directly from https://modrop.health.mo.gov/ or by using the existing ECD-1 link at https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus/case-reporting.php and selecting the MODROP button.

NOTE: The recommended browser for use of MODROP is Google Chrome. Other browsers may cause issues with MODROP.

Facilities will need to register for a MODROP account the first time they use the new portal. MODROP allows reporting of only COVID-19 cases. Reports of other reportable conditions may be faxed to 573-751-6417.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues utilizing MODROP or for questions about HL7 or CSV reporting, please reach out to the EpiTrax Help Desk via e-mail at epitrax@health.mo.gov.

Please see the FAQ and thank you for your efforts to provide complete and accurate COVID-19 data to public health.

Take Aim at a Healthy New Year Stakeholder Packets

According to the CDC, older adults are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19. This could mean hospitalization, intensive care, a ventilator to help them breathe, or possibly death. The risk increases as we age and those 85 years and older are the most likely to get very sick.

Our best defense against COVID-19 is vaccination. Vaccines reduce hospitalizations and deaths for those 65 and older. The Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN) recently launched a campaign to improve vaccination rates among our most vulnerable populations. As part of our Take Aim at a Healthy New Year initiative, we have developed an electronic informational package (below) to help you spread the word about vaccinations and how they can help keep us all healthier.

If you have any questions about this initiative, please contact the HQIN team at 1-877-731-4746 or email LTC@hqi.solutions.

Thank you for your commitment to our shared goals. We wish you a healthy new year!

7 Questions About the COVID Bivalent Vaccine
COVID Vaccine Encouragement Signature and Instructions
COVID Vaccine Social Media Messaging

Infection Control and Assessment and Response (ICAR)

QIPMO has formed an Infection Control and Assessment and Response (ICAR) team with a primary goal to assist Missouri Long-Term Care Facilities navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and other infectious diseases.

Members of the ICAR Team are available for voluntary, no cost visits (virtual and/or in-person) to any residential care, assisted living, and skilled nursing facility in Missouri. These visits are intended to consultative and collaborative in nature with a non-regulatory focus to evaluate inflection control practices. Visits will consist of:

  • completion of a standardized assessment of infection control processes, focusing on highly-transmittable infectious diseases
  • observations of infection control practices
  • preliminary feedback with supplemental educational resources

See flyer for full details.

Reporting Positive COVID-19 Tests

Facilities performing their own COVID-19 testing (antigen testing) must report positive results through one of the following portals:

  1. Missouri Disease Reporting Online Portal (MODROP)
  2. In bulk via HL7 or CSV file using the DHSS- Electronic Lab Reporting process
  3. National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) or the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) Informatics Messaging Services (AIMS) Platform.

Facilities using an external laboratory (PCR testing) must enter positive case information into MODROP.

The Missouri Disease Reporting Online Portal (MODROP). MODROP can be accessed directly from https://modrop.health.mo.gov/ or by using the existing ECD-1 link at https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus/case-reporting.php and selecting the MODROP button.

NOTE: The recommended browser for use of MODROP is Google Chrome. Other browsers may cause issues with MODROP.

Facilities will need to register for a MODROP account the first time they use the new portal. MODROP allows reporting of only COVID-19 cases. Reports of other reportable conditions may be faxed to 573-751-6417.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues utilizing MODROP or for questions about HL7 or CSV reporting, please reach out to the EpiTrax Help Desk via e-mail at epitrax@health.mo.gov.

Please see the FAQ and thank you for your efforts to provide complete and accurate COVID-19 data to public health.