COVID-19 Testing Reimbursement

Below is a communication to providers around billing for COVID 19 testing. This includes information for billing Medicaid and for testing and treatment of the uninsured.  DHSS is working on guidance to assist homes in determining the best way to obtain facility-wide testing for their communities. Further guidance will be forthcoming.

Provider Communication – Billing for COVID 19 Testing

Visitor Restrictions and Non-Essential Services (Beauty Shop)

At this time, DHSS is continuing to follow the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services related to restricting visitors in long term care homes. On 4/27/20, our Department Director, issued an order continuing the current restrictions on visitors in long term care homes. We know that these restrictions are incredibly hard on residents, families and friends- however- we have also seen the devastation that COVID-19 can quickly bring in a long term care home- both in small counties and large cities. We are closely monitoring the situation at state and federal levels. We are hopeful families and residents will soon be united face to face. Until then, we encourage you to assist family in communicating with their loved ones virtually, via FaceTime or Skype. Non-essential services, including beauty shop should also be restricted. DHSS has posted guidance for Community Integration for adults 65 and older and other high risk populations. These tools will assist you in helping individuals to reintegrate into the community, once the restrictions have been lifted.

State of Missouri COVID-19 Analytics Update

The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) posted to the website on 5/5/2020 a presentation showing the multiple data points to inform Missouri’s COVID-19 response. Included in this data, but not limited to the below, is:

  • Hospitalized cases by region
  • Hospital and ICU bed availability by region
  • Cumulative and daily testing numbers
  • Positivity Rates and Positivity Rates by county
  • Cases and Cases per 100K by county
  • New case growth, including 7-day % case increase
  • Modeling of hospitalization rates

Here is the link to this data.


First Phase of “Show Me Strong Recovery” Plan and Economic Reopening Order

Goes into effect at 12:01 a.m., Monday, May 4, 2020
Statewide Stay-at-Home Order still applies until then.

We have received several questions regarding the impact the Economic Reopening Order has on long-term care communities. The order addresses long-term care communities, specifically in paragraph #3 of the order, which states, “In accordance with the guidelines from the President, the CDC, and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, people shall not visit nursing homes, long-term care facilities, retirement homes, or assisted living homes unless to provide critical assistance or in end-of-life circumstances. Elderly or otherwise vulnerable populations should take enhanced precautionary measures to mitigate the risks of contracting COVID-19.”

The guidance below issued by the Department on March 13th and March 17th continues to be in place.
LTC Memo
LTC Leaving Facility

CMP Application Process for Communicative Technology

CMS has created a process to enable states to approve requests for communicative technology that meet CMS parameters. The parameters are detailed in the instructions portion of the application template (below). This template and process will reduce the amount of time for approval of CMP funds for technology that allows residents to engage in virtual social and telehealth visits as restrictions have been placed on visitors to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The application is for nursing homes certified to participate in Title 18 and Title 19 of the Social Security Act. We encourage companies that operate more than one home to complete one application for all certified homes to the extent possible. This will reduce the number of applications and will help expedite the approval process.

Applications should be submitted to Questions regarding the application process may be sent to this address as well.

Once an application is approved, SLCR will contact each applicant to explain the payment process.

COVID-19 Application Template Final
COVID-19 Application FAQ

State Waiver for Intermediate Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities – Testing for Tuberculosis

SLCR has issued guidance for the implementation of state waivers related to tuberculosis testing for employees and staff. Please read through this important guidance.

Questions regarding these waivers should be directed to

Please see the attachments below for details.
Intermediate Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities – Testing for Tuberculosis 4-23-20
TB Testing – 85.042-27- 4-23-20

Fusion Cell Day 16 – DHSS Press Release on Testing/Follow-up to PPE Marketplace

The Department of Health and Senior Services issued a news release today explaining “Increased testing capacity allows Missouri to expand criteria for patient testing”.

The full press release is available here

Also, great news, as of yesterday almost 400 providers had signed up for Missouri PPE Marketplace. Remember to access that source through the Department of Economic Development’s website

Thanks so much for everyone who has entered information. This will inform the PPE need across the state as well as help identify new suppliers and manufacturers of PPE. Remember you have to use Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or Opera as your Internet browser. Also, we have heard that emails to complete the registration are going to junk or spam email folders. This is being addressed, but please check those folders if you have started the registration process and have not gotten your email.

**Special Note for Multi-Facility Organizations**
If you are part of a larger organization and would like to submit a request as one corporate entity instead of each facility, please email to make a request to register as one corporation. You will be required to put a Missouri facility address in the registration.

State Waivers for Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standards for Residential Care and Assisted Living Facilities

SLCR has issued guidance for the implementation of state waivers related to Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standards for Residential Care and Assisted Living Facilities. Please read through this important guidance.

Questions regarding these waivers should be directed to

Please see the attachments below for details.
RCF ALF 86.022 Waiver Implementation Guidance 4-23-2020
Residential Care and Assisted Living Facilities 4-23-20

Physical Plant Requirements for Intermediate Care, Skilled Nursing, Residential Care and Assisted Living Facilities

The Department of Health and Senior Services has issued waivers related to physical plant requirements:

  • Physical Plant Requirements for all levels of care regarding the two year electrical certification. This waiver allows the required written certification by a qualified electrician to be delayed. Facilities have until two (2) months after the state of emergency has concluded to be current with the required maintenance of electrical systems.

Questions regarding these waivers should be directed to

Please see the attachment below for details.
Physical Plant Requirements for Intermediate Care Skilled Nursing Residential Care and Assisted Living Facilities 4-22-20

Updated 1135 Waiver information related to Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR)

On April 21, 2020, CMS issued a COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Blanket Waivers for Health Care Providers, which extends the PASRR approval through the end of the emergency declaration.

Effective April 2, 2020 and through the end of the Federal Emergency Declaration, certified Skilled Nursing Facilities and Intermediate Care Facilities will continue to follow the process outlined in the PASRR 1135 Waiver Implementation 4-22-20 for new admissions into Medicaid-certified beds.

Questions regarding this process should be directed to

Rural Communities and COVID-19

In the past few weeks Missouri has seen an increasing spread of COVID-19 from population centers to more rural communities. This is concerning as rural areas tend to have more limited access to health care and populations that are older and have more chronic health conditions. During this time that we all have a role in protecting our communities and limiting the spread of this disease. Whether you have COVID 19, are a caregiver of an individual with COVID 19 , or just going out in public places, there are actions that you should be taking.

See the tip sheet for more information.

Economic Impact Payments/Stimulus Checks

The Treasury Department says that the first recipients of stimulus checks have been given to taxpayers that have already filed their 2019 (or 2018) tax returns and have provided direct deposit information to the IRS.

The stimulus money should be treated the same way as the Circuit Breaker Checks/Rent Rebate Checks.  Stimulus money should be used for the resident’s current or foreseeable needs.

In order for the facility to recoup the funds, the facility must have:

  • A signed admission agreement stating for residents that owe back Room & Board, the facility may recoup the additional funds; AND
  • The resident owes back Room & Board to the facility; AND
  • The resident or the resident’s guardian/conservator gives written authorization at the time of the withdrawal.

Please keep in mind:

  • Review the Resident’s Trust Fund balance to ensure the resident does not reach the Medicaid Spenddown Limit amount. The amount is currently $4,000 and will increase to $5,000 as of 07/01/20.
  • All Resident Funds must be kept separate from the facility’s funds.
  • The facility may keep in a petty cash fund up to $50 for each resident for whom the facility is managing funds.

Feel free to contact Lynn Gilmore, SLCR Sr. Auditor, at or 573-508-4150 if you have any questions.

State Waivers for Adult Day Care Programs

SLCR has issued guidance for the implementation of state waivers related to adult day care programs. Please read through this important guidance.

Questions regarding these waivers should be directed to

Please see the attachments below for details.
ADC Waiver Implementation Guidance 4-22-20
Adult Day Care Requirements 4-22-20

Long Term Care Facilities Exception to Licensure Requirements and Second Business Waiver

The Department of Health and Senior Services has issued waivers related to current exceptions and second business approvals:

  • Existing exceptions to state regulations for all levels of care will continue beyond the time specified in the approval notice. Facilities shall have until two (2) months after the state emergency has ended to submit renewal requests to the department.
  • Existing second business approvals to continue beyond the time specified in the approval notice. Facilities shall have until two (2) months after the state emergency has ended to submit renewal requests.

Questions regarding these waivers should be directed to

Please see the attachments below for details.
Long Term Care Facilities Exception to Licensure Requirements and Second Business Waiver 4-22-20
Residential Care and Assisted Living Facilities – Second Business Waiver 4-17-20

Missouri COVID Supply Solution – Message to Health Care Providers

The State of Missouri has been actively engaged in outreach to businesses in an effort to open up new supply chains for PPE and other critical medical supplies. In an effort to streamline this process, we are very excited to announce the Missouri COVID Supply Solution is live and ready for your use. This application is designed to match health care providers to suppliers of PPE and other medical supplies.

To participate, please go to the Missouri COVID Supply Solution to register as a health care provider using Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or Opera as your internet browser ( Once your registration is complete, you can immediately begin adding your current PPE inventory and amounts you want to purchase. Once you complete this step, you can begin searching PPE suppliers. In order for the state to understand demand for PPE supplies, please update your PPE inventory amounts every three days within the solution.

Thank you for your participation in the Missouri COVID Supply Solution.

CMS QSO 20-26-NH

Upcoming Requirements for Notification of Confirmed COVID-19 (or COVID-19 Persons under Investigation) Among Residents and Staff in Nursing Homes

  • Communicable Disease Reporting Requirements: To ensure appropriate tracking, response, and mitigation of COVID-19 in nursing homes, CMS is reinforcing an existing requirement that nursing homes must report communicable diseases, healthcare-associated infections, and potential outbreaks to State and Local health departments. In rulemaking that will follow, CMS is requiring facilities to report this data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in a standardized format and frequency defined by CMS and CDC. Failure to report cases of residents or staff who have confirmed COVID -19 and Persons under Investigation (PUI) could result in an enforcement action. This memorandum summarizes new requirements which will be put in place very soon.
  • Transparency: CMS will also be previewing a new requirement for facilities to notify residents’ and their representatives to keep them up to date on the conditions inside the facility, such as when new cases of COVID-19 occur.

Please see the memo for details.

CMS Answers Frequently asked Medicare Fee-for Service Billing Questions related to the COVID-19

Please see the document found on the CMS Current Emergencies webpage at under the Billing and Coding Guidance section. Information related exclusively to SNFs can be found on pages 34 and 35 but there may be other pertinent information to SNFs found throughout the document.

State Waivers For Assisted Living Facilities

SLCR has issued guidance for the implementation of state waivers related to assisted living facilities. Please read through this important guidance.

Questions regarding these waivers should be directed to

Please see the attachments below for details.
Assisted Living Waiver Implementation Guide
Assisted Living Facilities Requirements 4-14-20
Assisted Living Facilities Requirements 4-17-20

State Waivers For Residential Care Facilities

SLCR has issued guidance for the implementation of state waivers related to residential care facilities. Please read through this important guidance.

Questions regarding these waivers should be directed to

Please see the attachments below for details.
RCF Waiver Implementation 4-17-20
Residential Care Facilities 4-14-20
Residential Care Facilities 4-16-20

State Waivers For Skilled Nursing Facilities and Intermediate Care Facilities

SLCR has issued guidance for the implementation of state waivers related to skilled and intermediate care facilities. Please read through this important guidance.

Questions regarding these waivers should be directed to

Please see the attachments below for details.
SNF-ICF Waiver Implementation 4-17-20
Intermediate Care and Skilled Nursing 4-14-20
Intermediate Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities 4-14-20
Intermediate Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities 4-15-20
Intermediate Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities (2) 4-15-20

Residential Care Facility II Waivers

SLCR has issued guidance for the implementation of state waivers related to homes who are licensed as Residential Care Facilities (II) and comply with Administrative, Personnel and Resident Care Requirements under 19CSR30-86.043. Please read through this important guidance.

Questions related to these waivers can be emailed to

Please see the documents below for details.
RCF II Waiver Implementation Guidance 4-17-20
Residential Care Facility II Requirements 4-14-20
Residential Care Facility II Requirements 4-16-20