In our continued effort to support the well-being of older adults, the Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN) has launched a campaign to promote and increase adult vaccinations (including the COVID-19 vaccine) that are proven to lower the risk of illness, hospitalization and death.

The “Your Health Can’t Wait, Vaccinate!” campaign features a variety of free resources to help encourage community members, healthcare providers and older adults to get and stay current with their vaccinations. These resources include social media messaging (images and sample posts), informational pocket cards, customizable letters, sample email signatures and flyers.

Bookmark the HQIN Resource Center and visit often to access the latest additions. New tools are added as information becomes available from nationally recognized agencies and organizations (CDC, ACIP, etc.).

Please join us in spreading the word about lifesaving vaccines. Attached is a sample newsletter article that can be used in electronic or print communications, or even on your organization’s website.

New Rule Change – effective 06/30/23

19 CSR 73-2.130 – Notice of Change of Contact Information and Missouri Administrator Employment

  1. Each administrator shall notify the board office of his/her current contact information within ten (10) calendar days of change for any of the following:
    1. Personal contact information, which shall include administrator license number, personal mailing address, email, and telephone number(s); and
    2. Missouri administrator employment, which shall include, administrator license number, facility name, mailing address, telephone number(s), and employment dates.

Please visit for the online form for BNHA.

Please note: The Board of Nursing Home Administrators and the Section for Long Term Care Regulation (SLCR) each have requirements for reporting a Change of Administrator/Manager in a Long Term Care Facility. Please be sure to follow the requirements for each Section.

For SLCR, please submit the change of administrator or manager via a letter or by using the online form. Forms/letters can be submitted via email to or by mail to Department of Health and Senior Services, Section for Long-Term Care Regulation, Licensure and Certification Unit, PO Box 570, 920 Wildwood, Jefferson City, MO 65102.

VOYCE Community Education Series

September 19, 2023: Guidance on Guardianship and Public Administration
October 17, 2023: Dealing with Dementia: When is it Time to Take the Keys Away?
November 16, 2023: Put Yourself First While Planning the Last Chapter
December 12, 2023: Aging in Place Part 1: What’s in it for Me?
January 16, 2023: Aging in Place Part 2: Comparing Programs and Financials

VOYCE believes it is essential for long-term care residents, their loved ones, and the professionals who care for them to have up-to-date knowledge on topics affecting their community. That is why VOYCE’s Education Program is vital to fulfilling its mission. VOYCE provides free education to empower individuals and families to make better-informed decisions about the continuum of care and better understand those personally and professionally connected to aging adults. Join VOYCE for free webinars monthly on imperative topics affecting individuals and their families across the continuum of care.


August 30, 2023: For the Love of Quality Care: Implementing Innovative Education

Advocates for quality care, caregivers, family and friends, and aging care professionals; this webinar is truly for everyone! Training and education on dementia, meaningful activities, and person-centered care should be practice-focused and brief. Join VOYCE to learn about the practice videos and modules available and how to disseminate them, and you’ll be one step closer to ensuring quality care for all! Saint Louis University’s Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program, along with Memory Care Home Solutions, has developed brief practice videos and modules on topics important for professionals in long-term care and other care settings. They include topics like loneliness and isolation, polypharmacy, infection, meaningful activities, geriatric assessment, dementia, and more. This presentation will provide insight into the use of these resources and the positive impact they have on training and outcomes for consumers. This event is free and open to all who are interested.


October 10, 2023: Summit to Protect Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities

VOYCE will host a series of four stakeholder summits to hear from the community and professional stakeholders about their experiences with Missouri’s abuse response system. October’s summit is the second in the series. The summits are open to everyone, as we are all stakeholders in responding to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. We hope to use this time to gather pain points from the community and learn how the system can be improved. The input received from the Stakeholders Summit will be used to create our final project- a strategic plan for restructuring and improving the system. Please register in advance to join.


October 12, 2023: Professional Development: Residents’ Rights Regarding Sex and Intimacy

Sexual rights are human rights at all stages of life. This presentation will shed light on the challenges older adults face regarding sexuality, including physical changes, personal and societal stigmas around older adults’ sexual activity, isolation, changes in brain functioning, and the loss of a partner. Those who provide services must understand their role in treating sexual expression as a right and serving all patients holistically and with dignity.

Last Call for Applications – Missouri Nursing Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Reimbursement Opportunity

This is the last call for new applications from Long Term Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities in Missouri to receive reimbursement funding from the Missouri Nursing Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Reimbursement opportunity. Applications will be accepted up to August 31, 2023 for COVID expenses incurred between July 1, 2022 and August 31, 2023.

The intention of this funding is to provide supplemental support to Missouri’s skilled nursing, other long term care and other nursing facilities during their response to SARS-CoV-2 infections, and also to build and maintain the infection prevention infrastructure necessary to support resident, visitor, and facility healthcare personnel safety.

To apply for this reimbursement opportunity and more information on this grant can be found on the Health Care Professionals page on the DHSS website in the Information for Long-Term Care Facilities tab.

Questions and concerns can be sent to

Nursing homes are required to electronically submit direct care staffing information to the Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) system. Submissions must be received by the end of the 45th calendar day (11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time) after the last day in each fiscal quarter to be considered timely. PBJ data for 4/1/23 through 6/30/23 is due August 14, 2023.

Please submit PBJ data as soon as possible to avoid delays. CMS recommends running staffing reports in CASPER prior to the submission deadline to ensure the accuracy and completeness of submissions. Please remember, the Final File Validation Report verifies that the submission was successful.

Please note: If you need assistance with the PBJ quarterly submission and the deadline falls on a weekend, you must contact the QIES/iQIES Service Center no later than the Friday before the submission deadline, as the Service Center will be unavailable to assist on the weekend.

More information about PBJ can be found on the following webpages:
CMS PBJ webpage –
PBJ Reference Manuals –
PBJ Training –

SNFs are required to report data to meet the SNF QRP requirements. The submission deadline for the SNF QRP is approaching. The following data must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on August 15, 2023:

  • MDS data for 1/1/23 through 3/31/23;
  • NHSN data for COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel for 1/1/23 through 3/31/23;

The Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 must be transmitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) through the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES). Data for the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) measures must be submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). No additional data submission is required for the claims-based measures.

As a reminder, it is recommended that providers run applicable MDS reports prior to each quarterly reporting deadline, in order to ensure that all required data has been submitted.

Swingtech sends informational messages to SNFs that are not meeting APU thresholds on a quarterly basis ahead of each submission deadlines. If you need to add or change the email addresses to which these messages are sent, please email and be sure to include your facility name and CMS Certification Number (CCN) along with any requested email updates.

More information about SNF QRP can be found on the following webpages:
CMS SNF QRP Data Submission Deadlines webpage –
CMS SNF QRP Help webpage –
CMS SNF QRP Measures and Technical Information webpage –
CMS SNF QRP Training Webpage –

August 30, 2023: For the Love of Quality Care: Implementing Innovative Education

Advocates for quality care, caregivers, family and friends, and aging care professionals; this webinar is truly for everyone! Training and education on dementia, meaningful activities, and person-centered care should be practice-focused and brief. Join VOYCE to learn about the practice videos and modules available and how to disseminate them, and you’ll be one step closer to ensuring quality care for all! Saint Louis University’s Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program, along with Memory Care Home Solutions, has developed brief practice videos and modules on topics important for professionals in long-term care and other care settings. They include topics like loneliness and isolation, polypharmacy, infection, meaningful activities, geriatric assessment, dementia, and more. This presentation will provide insight into the use of these resources and the positive impact they have on training and outcomes for consumers. This event is free and open to all who are interested.


October 10, 2023: Summit to Protect Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities

VOYCE will host a series of four stakeholder summits to hear from the community and professional stakeholders about their experiences with Missouri’s abuse response system. October’s summit is the second in the series. The summits are open to everyone, as we are all stakeholders in responding to abuse, neglect, and exploitation. We hope to use this time to gather pain points from the community and learn how the system can be improved. The input received from the Stakeholders Summit will be used to create our final project- a strategic plan for restructuring and improving the system. Please register in advance to join.


The American Medical Association has released information related to use of Monoclonal Antibody and Oral Antiviral Treatment of COVID in Nursing Homes. The study shows that although oral antiviral use has been found to be greater in nursing homes than the community, overall use among nursing home residents has been low and may not be commensurate with residents’ elevated risk. See the attached information from the AMA and this article from US News.

Nursing Homes Used COVID Meds Less Than Expected During Pandemic (

August 23, 2023: Solving our Workforce Challenges by Successfully Recruiting and Retaining Immigrant Healthcare Staff
Presenters: Bill Lowe, President & CEO, Chicago Methodist Services; Chona Lucila, John Knox Village; and Joe Mulligan, Managing Director, Cain Brothers

With the workforce crisis continuing and our aging population growing, organizations are having to look beyond our borders to find the caregiving workers needed. Please join LeadingAge during this webinar to learn how visa-acquired healthcare workers are an answer and how you may become involved in recruiting and retaining them within your organization. Hear trends and data about the workforce shortage impact, forecast, and what you can do to weather the storm. This session will cover various work visa categories and the employer-sponsored visa application process.

October 15-17, 2023: Smooth Cruising with MALA
Location: Margaritaville, Osage Beach

The conference agenda and registration is now available and includes several speakers and presentations over a three-day period. The option to attend all or just one day is included on the registration form.

Please see the conference link for further details.

COMRU is providing the following guidance regarding the online application entitled “Application started prior to 07-16-2023” (the green link).

COMRU will be providing you with a “Survey Access Code”; please note this is different from the return code.

  • The “Survey Access Code” will allow the submitter to access the application to check the status.
  • If the submitter clicks “Submit- Ready for Processing by COMRU” or “Save and Return Later”, the submitter will be provided with a “Return Code”. At this point, the “Survey Access Code AND the “Return Code” will be needed to access the application in the future.
  • Please do not click the “Start Over” button, as this will DELETE the Entire Application. (COMRU will not be able to retrieve the application if this occurs).

Please do not hesitate to contact COMRU at 573-522-3092 for any questions.

The Strike Team has made an informative webinar for SNF/LTC and Other facilities describing the Missouri Nursing Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Reimbursement Opportunity. This webinar reviews; how to get to the site where they can find the application, the Application Guidance and Frequently Asked Questions, steps needed to apply, and other useful information. This webinar has been posted to the Health Care Professionals page on the DHSS website.

August 9 & 10, 2023: Essentials of the LTC Director of Nursing Role – Part 1
Virtual: August 9 (12:15pm-4pm) & August 10 (1pm-4pm)

LeadingAge Missouri in partnership with LeadingAge Iowa is pleased to announce a virtual series that will take place in three segments over the second half of 2023 that will aid in developing the Director of Nursing (DON) role in nursing homes. Elements of this series will focus on understanding CMS programs that impact reimbursement and quality assurance; survey processes and regulations; and human resources, customer service, and leadership.

Each segment of this series is designed to provide in-depth information and discussion on each topic without taking the series in a sequential order or taking all 3 sections of the series. By making each of the 3 segments standalone, you can better address succession planning by having individuals attend as their nurse leadership skills are identified. Additional sections in this series will be added to the events calendar in September and December.

August 16, 2023: Senior Day at the State Fair
Location: Mathewson Building, Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia

The Annual Missouri State Fair is right around the corner! As in years’ past, Senior Day at the State Fair is sponsored by the Department of Health and Senior Services and Missouri Association of Area Agencies on Aging. This yearly tradition at the State Fair honoring Missouri’s most valuable resource, senior citizens, typically draws over 800 people.

September 18-20, 2023: The Greater Good
Location: The Chase Park Plaza, St. Louis

Welcome to the 2023 LeadingAge Missouri Annual Meeting + EXPO. We have incorporated some changes to our planning to support everyone’s mission of collaboration, networking, and sharing. You’ll find an open exhibit hall for ease of access for attendees, exclusivity times, CEU approval for exhibitor visits, a social reception for all, and the opportunity to be part of the Innovation Café. We have expanded education to be inclusive of the entire spectrum of long-term care in Missouri. The greater good is more than a theme, it’s part of a mission. We all continue to be the greater good through learning and collaboration; Missouri is a leader in the field of compassion, togetherness, and Midwest values.

This is where GREATER GOOD begins – and you need to be a part of it.

We have some good news and some bad news!

The bad news….due to a required change in the database platform, the COMRU online applications for Level 1/Level 2 (old DA124s) forms will no longer be accessible by your CURRENT RETURN CODES after Friday, July 14, 2023.

The good news…you can still access the online applications and COMRU can continue to process applications you submitted! However, as of MONDAY, JULY 17, a NEW RETURN CODE will be required to access all applications entered prior to July 17, 2023.

Please note – this change will not affect any application initiated after July 17, 2023. You will continue to receive a valid return code for all new applications submitted to COMRU after July 17, 2023.

What do I need to do?!

If you recently submitted the application (before July 17) – a new return code will be provided to you when COMRU reviews your application. Otherwise, if you need to make a change or need to receive the new code for applications initiated prior to July 14, 2023, please email the following to COMRU (

Name of Individual
Name of Facility
Admission Date (if admitted to SNF)

We appreciate your patience during this transition process and apologize for any inconvenience.

The purpose of this communication is to remind Nursing Home Providers to ensure you maintain accurate contact information and login credentials in the QIES system even though all Minimum Data Set (MDS) information is now being submitted via the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES) system. You will continue to receive important information regarding any findings of noncompliance with the requirement to report COVID-19 data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) in your CASPER Shared Folder. This means that facilities will need to continue to maintain two sets of login credentials, one set to access the CASPER Reporting application [CMS Network (CMSNet) and QIES Login credentials] and the HARP login credentials to continue submission of MDS records and accessing reports in iQIES.

Below is the link for the CASPER login. Please be sure that you are successfully logged into the CMS Network (CMSNet) prior to trying to access the CASPER link below.

See below to find your CASPER Shared Folder:

Image 1. Welcome to CASPER








Image 2. CASPER folders.










iQIES Service Center

For questions regarding your CASPER Shared Folder, please contact the QIES/iQIES Service Center by phone at (800) 339-9313 or send an email.

Memorandum Summary

  • Posting Nursing Home Affiliation on Nursing Home Care Compare: CMS will include ownership and operatorship affiliation information on our Nursing Home Care Compare website.
  • Posting Aggregate Nursing Home Performance Data on CMS will publish combined inspection, staffing, quality, and other performance metrics across groups of nursing homes with shared ownership and operatorship on

Please see the full memo for complete details at

July 11, 2023: Mastering QAPI
Presenter: Ralph Peterson, owner and operator of Ralph Peterson, LLC, a Management Development Company that specializes in helping Senior Care organizations REINVENT the way they do business

LeadingAge Missouri in partnership with LeadingAge Nebraska are excited to bring a new webinar!  Ralph Peterson will be sharing with us a hands-on & practical webinar on developing a QAPI program in senior living.

DESCRIPTION: Are you looking to improve the quality of care at your senior care center? Do you want to create a culture of excellence that will enhance the lives of your residents and their families? If so, then our 60-minute webinar on creating an effective Quality Assurance, Performance Improvement (QAPI) program is perfect for you!

In this webinar, we will explore the key elements of a successful QAPI program and how it can benefit your senior care center. We will use storytelling and analogies to make the concepts more relatable and memorable, and we will provide you with real-world examples to help you implement the program in your own center.

During this session, you will learn:

  • The importance of creating a culture of quality and how it can enhance the lives of your residents
  • The key components of a QAPI program, including data collection, analysis, and improvement planning
  • How to identify areas for improvement in your center and develop a plan to address them
  • How to engage your staff in the QAPI program and create a collaborative team environment
  • How to use performance data to drive positive outcomes for your residents and your center

By the end of this webinar, you will have the knowledge and tools to create an effective QAPI program that will enhance the quality of care at your senior care center. You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and share your own experiences with the group.

Tools for Everyone!

Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. Please register at the links below.

July 6, 2023: 9:30 am
July 13, 2023: 1:00 pm
July 20, 2023: 1:00 pm
July 26, 2023: 10:00 am
August 2, 2023: 9:00 am
August 10, 2023: 1:00 pm
August 16, 2023: 10:00 am

Additional Free Training:

Introduction to Trauma – Dr. Patsy Carter
Research has revealed that the prevalence of trauma is high particularly in specific target populations. This webinar will introduce viewers to the definition and prevalence of trauma, as well as examining the social, biological and health impact.

A Taste of Mental Health First Aid – Jermine Alberty and Rita McElhany
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take a Mental Health First Aid Class? MHFA-USA National trainer, Jermine Alberty offers a brief “Taste Of Mental Health First Aid.”

Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance-use issues.
If you would like to take the class or get more information visit

The DHSS Health Education Unit and Headmaster D & S would like to announce some revisions to the skills portion of the CNA exam shown in the Candidate Handbook effective July 1, 2023. Please see the new updated version at Missouri Nurse Aide Candidate Handbook ( for the changes.

Please contact the DHSS Health Education Unit at 573-526-5676 and/or Headmaster D & S at 800-393-8664 for any questions.