On September 29, 2023, you received information from the LTC List Serve regarding the Infection Prevention Toolkit that would be delivered to your facility later this month as part of the COVID Prevention and Response Project of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS). DHSS has entered into an agreement with Concordance Healthcare Solutions to deliver this Infection Prevention Toolkit to your facility with costs being paid by the Nursing Home & Long-Term Care Facility Strike Team and Infrastructure Project.
Contents of this Infection Prevention Toolkit include:
Pulse Oximeter: Fingertip
Digital Non-Contact Thermometer
3M Fit Testing Kit: BITREX
3M Fit Testing Solution: Saccharin 55 mL Fluid Volume
3M Respirator Wipes: Non-Alcohol
Glo Germ Glo Box Kit with 8oz gel
For those facilities who are in need of Respiratory Fit Testing assistance please contact the Healthcare Associated Infections/Antimicrobial Resistance Program at LTCStrikeTeam@health.mo.gov.
We will be using the administrator’s name and facility address as listed on the DHSS Website https://health.mo.gov/seniors/nursinghomes/licensecert.php as well as the information for the eight hospital based skilled nursing facilities for delivery and contact purposes. Shipment of the Toolkits will begin the week of October 23, 2023.
Phase II of the COVID Prevention and Response Project will focus on working with the facilities in hopes of acquiring needed communication equipment to assist in outbreak control, training and real-time communication with healthcare providers and the Strike Team. In the coming weeks you will receive information on how to order these devices.
Please contact Mary Menges, Project Specialist, at mary.menges@health.mo.gov should you have any questions or concerns regarding with project.