Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight On…


Communication is one of the key factors necessary for improving resident safety and overall care within a nursing home. Strong communication builds relationships between staff and residents. Click on the links below to learn more.

Music Therapy in Mental Health Treatment

Music Therapy in Mental Health Treatment

  • January 27, 2017:  “Let’s Express Ourselves”: An Overview of Music Therapy in Mental Health Treatment
  • Location: CenterPointe Hospital Gym, St. Charles
  • Presenters:  Teresa Stamey, MT-BC and Catherine Decker, MA, MT-BC

Music is a powerful, non-threatening tool that can be used to help individuals of all ages who struggle with mental health issues. It can be used to explore personal feelings and therapeutic issues such as self-esteem or personal insight. It can help make positive changes in mood and emotional states. It can also give individuals a sense of control over life through successful experiences. During our time together we will explore music and the therapeutic benefits it has on the human spirit.


For more information, please see the event site here. Online registration is also available here.

Conversations with Carmen

Conversations with Carmen

  • February 10, 2017:  The New CMS Dementia Care-Focused Survey:  Create a Proactive, Preventive Culture – Part 2
  • Guest Host:  Megan Mannan, Action Pact Consultant

This CMS survey ascertains a community’s compliance with Care and Services for a Resident with Dementia, Unnecessary Drugs, Assessment and Care Planning. Become familiar with the survey, surveyor worksheets and how both have been integrated into the survey process. Most importantly, ensure you know best practices both recognized by CMS and the culture change movement. Learn to view “behaviors” as communication; recognize dementia-related communications; be individual-centered, not institution-centered as CMS requires; offer meaningful engagement by all staff all day to reduce antipsychotics. It’s time to create a proactive, preventive, individualized, resident -focused dementia care culture.


Please see the Action Pact event for more information including registration.

2017 Annual Provider Meetings Input

2017 Annual Provider Meetings Input

It’s a new year and your 2017 Provider Meetings are already in the works!  The Quality Assurance and Education Unit staff are currently in the planning phase and are considering the best topics to provide the most beneficial information.  We would like to hear from you about what LTC related topics you believe would be helpful, informative, and  ‘worth the drive’.  If you’ve also been thinking- Gee I wish they would do a presentation on……., then you are cordially invited to be part on our planning team!  Please feel free to forward your suggestions to:

Staffing Data Submission Reminder

Staffing Data Submission Reminder

Staffing Data Submission Reminder: As of July 1, 2016, electronic submission of staffing data through the Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) is mandatory for all Long Term Care Facilities. You have up to 45 days after the end of the quarter to submit data for Federal Fiscal Quarter 1 (October 1, 2016-December 31, 2016.) The final submission file for this quarter is due on February 14, 2017.  Submit early to avoid system delays.


Please note that an updated policy manual and FAQ are now posted on the PBJ website.


For questions related to software or technical requirements, please email


For questions related to PBJ policies, please email


PBJ website link:

Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight On…

Leadership in Long-Term Care

A leader’s actions can shape the culture of an organization. Strategy 1 of the National Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative’s “Change Package” stresses the expectation for excellence in leadership, strong mission and values, and an accepting non-punitive culture. Click on the following links to learn more.


MU Sinclair School of Nursing Conference

MU Sinclair School of Nursing Conference

  • March 3, 2017:  Infection Preventionists Leading the Way to Reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections
  • Location:  Peachtree Banquet Center, Columbia

The purpose of the conference is to enhance the leadership skills of IPs in translating research to practice and engaging stakeholders, including the front line staff, in order to improve the clinical and administrative outcomes of patients with HAIs.


Please visit the conference page here for more details including registration info.

Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action

Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action

  • January 19, 2017:  Building the Foundation for a New Year: Using Language to Guide Your Culture Change Journey
  • Guide:  Joan Devine, Director of Education, Pioneer Network

Words can influence how we think, feel and even act. And so, as we embrace person centeredness and strive to approach the development of more person-centered practices in our work, we know that how we say what we say can make a difference in what people do! Join us for the first Hot Topic Webinar of 2017 where Joan Devine, Director of Education for the Pioneer Network and author of “Word of the Week: Building A Culture Change Dictionary” will guide you on a journey to discover words and phrases that can make a difference as we work to change the culture in our communities, and to change our own perceptions about aging and the work we do.


  • February 16, 2017: Building the Foundation for a New Year: The New Regulations — What They Mean for the Pioneers On Their Journey to Culture Change
  • Guide:  Karen Schoenemann, MPA, BA. Consultant, Author and trainer for CMS

We have all heard that the new regulations include requirements for the implementation of person-centered practices in nursing homes— what does this mean for those just starting on their journey as well as for those who are well beyond the minimal standards that the regulations generally require?” Join Karen Schoeneman, a founding member of the Pioneer Network and former Deputy Director of the Division of Nursing Homes for CMS, as she provides a glimpse into what communities can achieve as they work to meet and exceed the new regulations, and she’ll share the role that Pioneer Network and others have played over the past 20 years to get us where we are today.



  • March 16, 2017: Building the Foundation for a New Year: Using Pioneer Network and Other Resources to Guide Your Culture Change Journey
  • Guide:  Cathy Lieblich, Director of Network Relations, Pioneer Network

We know we want to change practices, to bring more person centeredness to our communities as we strive to meet and exceed the new regulations, but how? Have you been looking for some guidelines, training tools, tips that can help? That’s just the sort of thing you would expect to get from a network! Join Cathy and the guides from the communities as they explore the many resources available through the Pioneer Network’s new website; where to find them; how to use been used and the outcomes they have produced.



  •  April 20, 2017: Building the Foundation for a New Year: Understanding the Workforce Crisis — An Introduction to Root Causes and Real Solutions
  •  Guides:  Susan Misiorski, National Director of Coaching and Consulting Services, PHI and Anna Ortigara, Organizational Change Consultant, PHI

Consistent and dedicated staff are key to creating a person-centered environment, but how do you make that happen when employers of direct care workers– including certified nursing assistants, home health aides, and personal care assistants– are facing staffing shortages at crisis levels. Together, we’ll explore the top 5 reasons for the caregiving crisis, and share a range of interventions from quick wins to bold changes that address the fundamental quality of caregiving jobs.


MLN 2017 Programs

Cape Girardeau






Jefferson City


Kansas City






Park Hills


Poplar Bluff










St. Joseph


St. Louis

Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight On…

Data-Driven Improvement

Part of implementing quality assurance performance improvement (QAPI) is evaluating processes to identify opportunities for improvement. Identifying which processes to evaluate begins with knowing the potential data sources available. To learn more, click on the following links.


MDS Trainings 2017

MDS Trainings 2017

RAI Process from Start to Finish

  • January 24-25, 2017: Columbia
  • April 4-5, 2017: Kansas City
  • June 20-21, 2017: St. Louis
  • August 8-9, 2017: Columbia
  • October 18-19, 2017: Springfield

This workshop will look at the RAI process from beginning to end. The MDS is used for both a clinical assessment and a financial assessment and this workshop will discuss the rules on scheduling these assessments and meeting the requirements individually and combined. Item-by-item coding will be reviewed. From coding the MDS, we will then look at the CAA to care plan process. Finally, we will review how to stay up-to-date in this ever-changing world of MDS 3.0.


Medicare from Start to Finish

  • March 20, 2107: Columbia
  • May 23, 2017: Springfield
  • July 18, 2017: Kansas City
  • September 19, 2017: St. Louis
  • November 13, 2017: Columbia

This one-day workshop will begin with how to gain access to and read the MDS reports from CASPER in order to self-audit your RAI process.  The completion of the MDS is becoming more and more difficult and confusing.  This workshop will help the MDS Coordinator and other members of the interdisciplinary team to understand the admitting criteria and the ongoing documentation needs of the Medicare resident.  The RAI process in relationship to Medicare is also confusing and errors can be a financial nightmare for facilities.  This workshop will help clear up the confusion surrounding the process.

Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight On…

Data-Driven Improvement

Part of implementing quality assurance performance improvement (QAPI) is evaluating processes to identify opportunities for improvement. Identifying which processes to evaluate begins with knowing the potential data sources available. To learn more, click on the following links.


Measuring Quality Improvement (video)

QAPI at a Glance (PDF)

QAPI Video Series (login required)

Education on Health for Seniors

Education on Health for Seniors

Our Chronic Disease Prevention and Maintenance for Seniors has put together a web page with some great links for education on health for seniors. The site was meant to be a one stop shop for general information for Seniors with Chronic Disease, including the following:

  • General Prevention
  • Cancer
  • Asthma/COPD
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Alzheimers
  • HIV/STD/Hepatitis
  • falls


Please share this link as appropriate:

S&C: 17-12-NH: Long-Term Care (LTC) Regulation: Enforcement of Rule Prohibiting Use of Pre-Dispute Binding Arbitration Agreements is Suspended so Long as Court Ordered Injunction Remains in Effect

S&C: 17-12-NH:  Long-Term Care (LTC) Regulation: Enforcement of Rule Prohibiting Use of Pre-Dispute Binding Arbitration Agreements is Suspended so Long as Court Ordered Injunction Remains in Effect

  • Enforcement Suspended Until and Unless Injunction is Lifted: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will not enforce the new rule prohibiting skilled nursing facilities, nursing facilities and dually-certified facilities from using pre-dispute binding arbitration agreements while there

Please see the S & C attached or you may view it online at

New F-Tags for Recent LTC Regulation Changes

New F-Tags for Recent LTC Regulation Changes

  • January 25, 2017: Independence
  • January 26, 2017: Columbia
  • January 27, 2017:  St. Louis

MLN bring speaker Al Litwiller, former regulator with a State Survey Agency, former Administrator, and President of Litwiller Consulting LLC, Plainfield, Illinois to drill down and examine methods of compliance for the benefit of our residents and thriving at survey time. During this session, we will consider the specific changes effective now in the F-tags and how to best implement those new requirements. This will be a fast-paced session looking at the many changes


Please see MLN’s event page for more information including registration.

Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight On…

National Influenza Vaccination Week December 4-10, 2016

Help promote influenza vaccinations by participating in National Influenza Vaccination Week. Click on the following links for tips to assist your facility in promoting awareness as well as educating staff, residents and family members about the importance of influenza vaccinations.

Emergency Protocol Update/Reminder

Emergency Protocol Update/Reminder

SLCR developed a protocol for communication between long-term care homes and the Section for Long-Term Care Regulation (SLCR), in the event a disaster occurs that results in a loss of a necessary service (electricity, water, gas, telephone, etc.). This protocol was established to streamline communication so that homes can focus on what is most important – the safety and well-being of the residents.


The phone number for Region 5 (Macon) has changed. This is the only change to the document attached.

S&C 17-09-ALL: Infection Control Pilot: 2017 Update

S&C 17-09-ALL:  Infection Control Pilot: 2017 Update

Project Overview:  The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is in the second year of a three year pilot project to improve assessment of infection control and prevention regulations in Long Term Care (LTC) facilities, hospitals, and during transitions of care.  All surveys during the pilot will be educational surveys (no citations will be issued) and will be conducted by a national contractor.


Second Year Activities: Using draft surveyor Infection Control Worksheets (ICWS) based on the new Long Term Care regulation as well as a revised hospital surveyor ICWS, 40 hospital surveys will be paired with surveys of LTC facilities, in order to provide an opportunity to assess infection prevention during transitions of care. In addition, CMS will pilot technical assistance opportunities for facilities in efforts to improve their infection control programs to meet these new regulations. The draft ICWSs are attached to provide transparency of CMS pilot expectations.


Please see the S&C including all documents below or view it online at
