COMRU System Enhancements

We are currently testing enhancements to the COMRU online submission system which will result in some newer applications being reviewed ahead of older applications. These enhancements are aimed at reducing the number of returned applications for corrections, resulting in faster processing times. Please do not reach out to COMRU staff if you have a newer application reviewed and have older applications that have not been reviewed – this will only slow down processing times.

Some of the enhancements made to the system include:

  • The “Submit” button will be removed from the online application once COMRU has done a preliminary review to determine if the application is a Level 1 or Level 2.
  • On the Level 1 form, Section D, if one of the diagnoses are marked, an error message will populate if the question is not answered YES.
  • A reminder message will populate if the application has a point count under the mandated 18-point requirement for SNF placement.
  • On the Level of Care form, Section D, the comment area below the “Treatment” section will be required to be answered if 6 points is indicated.

In order to assist COMRU with decreasing the amount of time to process submitted applications, please review the online training posted on the COMRU webpage