Healthcare-Associated Infections Spotlight On…

Clostridium difficile Infections  

Clostridium difficile infections (CDIs) have recently increased in both incidence and severity. Click on the following links to learn more about assisting in prioritizing prevention strategies.

Burden of Clostridium difficile Infection in the United States
Key Interventions and Strategies for the Prevention of Clostridium difficile Infections  (video) 

TMF QIO/QIN- National Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative to track and prevent Clostridium difficile infections

There is still time to join the Primaris NH team in the groundbreaking National Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative.  This project offers the opportunity to learn to track and prevent Clostridium difficile infections and report in the National Healthcare Safety Network system, before there is a penalty, with our help and free resources.

Environmental scans in Missouri show pockets of higher rates of C Dif.  Your facility may be in a market area where there are more patients at high risk – this presents an opportunity to improve care in MO.  Hospitals now are looking for cost savings in the post discharge timeframe, so having credible data and low readmissions can show you as a good partner. Join us as we learn how to make MO safer for our family of residents!


For more information, call or email Program Managers or Program Coordinator

Program Managers

Program Coordinator

Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight On…

New Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has created new guidelines for prescribing opioids to improve resident safety and communication among providers and residents. Click on the following links to view the guideline core requirements and checklist for prescribing opioids for chronic pain.

Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain (PDF)
Checklist for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain (PDF)

CMS has released Design for Nursing Home Compare Five-Star Quality Rating System: Technical Users’ Guide, dated July 2016

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) made several changes to the quality measure (QM) domain of the Five Star Nursing Home Quality Rating System.   These include the addition of five new measures and several methodological changes.

The manual is available at

2016 Annual Provider Meetings

Please join us for one of the 2016 Annual Long Term Care Provide Meeting.

  • Region 1 – September 15, 2016
    Cox Medical Center, South Foster Auditorium
    3801 South National Avenue, Springfield
  • Region 2 – November 4, 2016
    Southeast HEALTH, Harrison Room
    1701 Lacey Street Cape Girardeau
  • Region 3 – September 28, 2016
    Hilton Garden Inn Independence, Independence Room
    19677 E. Jackson Drive, Independence
  • Region 4 – September 27, 2016
    Stoney Creek Inn, Frontier Room
    1201 Woodbine Road, St. Joseph
  • Region 5 – September 22, 2016
    Macon Comfort Inn, Trophy/Maple Room
    1821 North Missouri, Macon
  • Region 6 – October 17, 2016
    Governor’s Office Building, Room 450
    200 Madison Street, Jefferson City
  • Region 7 – October 6, 2016
    Embassy Suites St. Louis Airport, Missouri Ballroom
    11237 Lone Eagle Drive, Bridgeton

The Provider Meetings will continue to be held in two sessions, the first session will be for Residential Care Facilities/ Assisted Living Facilities and the second session will be for the Skilled Nursing Facilities/Intermediate Care Facilities.  This year in order to avoid repetition in the program we will conduct a combined session for all provider types to cover topics of interest relevant to all.  The combined session will run from 10:15 until noon.  This session will include a presentation by the Missouri State Highway Patrol as well as a presentation regarding involuntary discharge.  Registration is not required.  CEU’s will be available for Nursing Home Administrators.

Presentation handouts will not be available on the day of each meeting but may be printed from the attachments.  Please see the attached 2016 Provider Meeting Agenda and Handouts.

MLN’s Oktoberfest, Nursing Home Administrator Conference

October 12-14, 2016:  Nursing Home Administrator Conference
Location:  Hilton Branson Convention Center, Branson

It is time to discover new experiences at the NHA Oktoberfest Conference in beautiful Branson!  The purpose of the activity is to enable the learner to acquire/ increase knowledge and skills to better care for the elderly.  Expert speakers will get you recharged while providing the latest information on hot topics in long-term care.

Please find registration and more information here.

MLN Geriatric Emergencies Workshop

September 21, 2016:  Kirksville Area Technical Center, Kirksville
September 22, 2016:  Tiger Place, Columbia
October 5, 2016:  Cape Girardeau Career & Technology Center, Cape Girardeau
October 6, 2016:  Cardinal Ritter Sr. Services on the Cardinal Carberry Campus, St. Louis

MLN brings you this workshop to educate health care professionals to effectively treat older residents in emergency situations. The objectives for this workshop include: 1. Discuss the aging process and the changes that occur over time. 2. Demonstrate multiple assessment tools. 3. Describe communication techniques for the elderly. 4. Discuss medical/legal issues and do not resuscitate (DNR).

Please see the Workshop brochure and more information including registration here.

CMS S&C Memo 16-40-NH/HHA/CLIA: Notice of Interim Final Rule (IFR) Agjusting Civil Monetary Penalties (CMPs)

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has published in the Federal Register on September 6, 2016 an IFR which adjusts for inflation CMP amounts authorized under the Social Security Act.  (See Adjustment of Civil Monetary Penalties for Inflation)

The IFR establishes new section 45 CFR Part 102, which lists the new CMP amounts and ranges as adjusted by the IFR for affected regulations.  The changes made by the IFR are effective on September 6, 2016.

The IFR addresses all applicable CMPs under the authority of HHS but we are highlighting only on those CMPs assessed for Skilled Nursing facilities (SNFs), Nursing Facilities (NFs), SNFs/NFs, Home Health Agencies (HHAs), and Clinical laboratories.

Please see Attachment A for this S&C here.

For more information about this memo you may visit

CMS S&C Memo 16-37-ALL: Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Clearance

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) worked collaboratively with the OCR to revise the OCR clearance process for new providers and Changes of Ownership (CHOW).

The new process requires that providers successfully submit electronically an attestation of compliance with the civil rights requirements to the OCR before the State Survey Agencies (SA) and Regional Offices (RO) may process requests for initial surveys or CHOWs.

Confirmation from OCR of successful submission of the attestation will meet the requirements for OCR clearance and eliminates the need for CMS ROs to issue provisional provider agreements.

OCR will begin receiving electronic attestations on September 1, 2016.

Please see the attached Medicare Application Instructions.

For more information about this memo you may visit

Busy Doing Nothing? How to Foster Purpose and Meaning for Seniors in LTC

Webinar –November 9, 2016 webinar 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. CT.
Presenter: Kathleen Weissberg, Select Rehabilitation

Are your residents busy doing nothing?  Are they actively engaged?  Research evidence indicates today’s seniors prefer continued engagement in meaningful and purposeful activities and occupations.  Those who are occupationally active show positive therapeutic benefits, demonstrate fewer negative behaviors, need less help with self-care tasks, report positive mood, and describe greater quality of life.

Please find registration and more information here.

Consumer Voice – Webinar series

  • Webinar  – Obtaining Quality Care for Residents with Dementia
    September 13, 2016: Webinar 1:00 p.m.-2 p.m.
    Presenter:   Jonathan Evans, MD

This webinar presents successful person-centered strategies that lead to quality care for residents with dementia.

  • Webinar  – Piecing Together Quality Long-Term Care
    October 11, 2016: Webinar 1:00 p.m.-2 p.m.
    Presenter:   Robyn Grant, MSW               

This webinar will walk you through the different pieces you, or your client, need to consider to obtain quality long-term services and supports.

More information and registration is available here

Empira researcher Sue Ann Guildermann coming to Missouri

Empira researcher Sue Ann Guildermann coming to Missouri to share research findings that link long-term care residents’ falls with sleep interruptions and discuss interventions proven to reduce falls and improve residents’ quality of life.

Three half-day seminars will be held, times and locations are forthcoming:

  • November 29, 2016 – Louis area
  • November 30, 2016 – Lake Ozark
  • December 1, 2016 – Kansas City area

CEUs will be available for long-term care administrators, social workers, and activity professionals.

Funding for this project provided by MOLANE, Missouri Health Care Association, MC5, and Health Systems, Inc.

RAI Manual Changes

QIPMO will be presenting two different webinars on changes to the RAI Manual that are being implemented October 1st, 2016.  One webinar will cover the new MDS Section GG and Delirium and the other webinar is on General MDS Manual Updates.  Both webinars will be presented on multiple days at different times.  There is no cost for the webinars.

To sign up for these webinars:

  • Section GG and Delirium, multiple dates and times from August 26, 2016 through September 9, 2016 visit enrollment webpage here .
  • General MDS Manual Updates, multiple dates and times from September 12 through September 28, 2016 visit enrollment webpage here.

CMS S&C Memo:16-33-NH: Protecting Resident Privacy and Prohibiting Mental Abuse Related to Photographs and Audio/Video Recordings by Nursing Home Staff

  • Each resident has the right to be free from all types of abuse, including mental abuse. Mental abuse includes, but is not limited to, abuse that is facilitated or caused by nursing home staff taking or using photographs or recordings in any manner that would demean or humiliate a resident(s).
  • This CMS memo discusses the facility and State responsibilities related to the protection of residents

The CMS memo is available at

CMS S&C Memo 16-31-NH: Mandatory Immediate Imposition of Federal Remedies and Assessment Factors Used to Determine the Seriousness of Deficiencies for Nursing Homes

  • CMS is implementing a national policy that requires the use of federal enforcement remedies when one or more residents suffer significant harm.
  • This new policy is effective for all surveys completed on or after September 1, 2016.

For more information you may visit

CMS has published the updated Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Manual and forms which will be effective 10/1/2016

Section GG Part 1:
Section GG Part 2:
Section GG Part 3:
Section GG Part 4: