TMF QIO/QIN- National Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative to track and prevent Clostridium difficile infections

There is still time to join the Primaris NH team in the groundbreaking National Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative.  This project offers the opportunity to learn to track and prevent Clostridium difficile infections and report in the National Healthcare Safety Network system, before there is a penalty, with our help and free resources.

Environmental scans in Missouri show pockets of higher rates of C Dif.  Your facility may be in a market area where there are more patients at high risk – this presents an opportunity to improve care in MO.  Hospitals now are looking for cost savings in the post discharge timeframe, so having credible data and low readmissions can show you as a good partner. Join us as we learn how to make MO safer for our family of residents!


For more information, call or email Program Managers or Program Coordinator

Program Managers

Program Coordinator