Health Education Unit Updates

The DHSS Health Education Unit is conducting Weekly Instructor Info Webinars/Q&A Meet-Ups. These sessions will be held same day and time each week – every Tuesday at 2:00 pm.

Please see the link to join these weekly meetings provided on our CNA Registry webpage (in the announcements towards the bottom of the homepage).

If you have questions, please call our office at 573-526-5686.

Infection Control and Assessment and Response (ICAR)

QIPMO has formed an Infection Control and Assessment and Response (ICAR) team with a primary goal to assist Missouri Long-Term Care Facilities navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and other infectious diseases.

Members of the ICAR Team are available for voluntary, no cost visits (virtual and/or in-person) to any residential care, assisted living, and skilled nursing facility in Missouri. These visits are intended to consultative and collaborative in nature with a non-regulatory focus to evaluate inflection control practices. Visits will consist of:

  • completion of a standardized assessment of infection control processes, focusing on highly-transmittable infectious diseases
  • observations of infection control practices
  • preliminary feedback with supplemental educational resources

See flyer for full details.

Follow up to Missouri’s Dental Screening Survey of Older Adults

The Office of Dental Health conducted a dental screening survey of residents at 22 random long-term care facilities starting in 2020 and ending the summer of 2022. For those 22 long-term care facilities that participated-Thank you for allowing us into your facility in order to gather the necessary information for the dental screenings. We appreciate your willingness to allow us to come and visit your residents, especially after COVID. We know these past few years have been difficult with the pandemic, but we appreciate you working with us for this important information.

Attached is a break-down of what was found in those random nursing homes. While this is not looking at every older adult resident in the state, it is felt it represents a good amount to make assumptions on what would possibly be found if we conducted this screening on every older adult resident. As noted in the attachment, of those older adults with teeth, 40% of them have untreated decay and 29% are in need of periodontal care. The Office of Dental Health has been working with clinics to encourage them to provide care to this underserved population. We will also be developing some training for staff and caregivers on the importance of proper dental care.

Again, thank you for allowing us to conduct this screening. If you have any questions, please contact us at or 573-751-5874. We wish everyone a safe, enjoyable and healthy holiday season!

FREE Training on Mental Health First Aide

In-person Adult MHFA Courses:
December 3, 2022 | 9:30a – 5:30p | Doniphan – Register Here
December 7, 2022 | 9:00a – 5:00p | St. Joseph, MO – Register Here
December 12, 2022 | 9:30a – 5:30p | Cape Girardeau – Register Here

In-person Youth MHFA Courses:
December 6, 2022 | 10:00a – 4:30p | Cape Girardeau – Register Here
December 7, 2022 | 8:30a – 3:30p | St. Louis – Register Here

Virtual Adult MHFA Courses:
December 9, 2022 | 8:30a – 3:30p | Virtual – Register Here
December 15, 2022 | 8:30a – 3:30p | Virtual – Register Here

Free trainings sponsored by Missouri’s Department of Mental Health and other sponsors. They are only available to individuals who live or work in Missouri. To find additional courses click here.

MALA Train the Trainer

January 4, 2023: 2023 Train the Trainer
March 1, 2023: 2023 Train the Trainer
May 10, 2023: 2023 Train the Trainer
July 12, 2023: 2023 Train the Trainer
September 20, 2023: 2023 Train the Trainer
December 6, 2023: 2023 Train the Trainer

Participants must receive approval in order to attend this workshop. Those wishing to attend must submit the application and all other necessary paperwork to MALA at least two weeks prior to the workshop date.


2023 MANHA Winterfest

February 1-3, 2023: Navigating the Storm

Missouri Association of Nursing Home Administrators is pleased to invite you to attend our Winterfest Convention and Trade Show. The goal of this conference is to provide long-term care administrators and their staff practical and inspirational education hours along with the opportunity to network and socialize with colleagues. It is also the only MANHA sponsored conference that provides you a chance to view the latest technology, products, and services offered by suppliers.

Qualified Fire Alarm Inspector/Installer in Certified Facilities

The fire alarm annual inspection, semi-annual inspection, and repairs must be performed by a qualified individual. Recently, SLCR has observed several instances across the state of unqualified individuals inspecting/repairing fire alarm systems. NFPA states the qualifications needed for the inspector performing these types of services.

NFPA 72, 2010 edition:

10.4.3 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Personnel. (SIGTMS)* Service personnel shall be qualified and experienced in the inspection, testing, and maintenance of systems addressed within the scope of this Code. Qualified personnel shall include, but not be limited to, one or more of the following:
(1)*Personnel who are factory trained and certified for the specific type and brand of system being serviced
(2)*Personnel who are certified by a nationally recognized certification organization acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction
(3)*Personnel who are registered, licensed, or certified by a state or local authority to perform service on systems addressed within the scope of this Code (The State of Missouri does not have its own certification program, therefore this option is not applicable.)
(4) Personnel who are employed and qualified by an organization listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for the servicing of systems within the scope of this Code Evidence of qualifications shall be provided to the authority having jurisdiction upon request.

When completing the LSC portion of the survey, LSC surveyors must verify the inspections and maintenance performed on the fire alarm system(s) were completed and signed off by a qualified person from the listed qualifications in NFPA. The facility is required to provide this certification to the surveyors at the time of the survey. Some companies list the inspector qualifications on the inspection and maintenance reports. These same regulations do not apply to the sprinkler system.

National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET) is not the only option available for certifications, as inspectors can be qualified by other means; however, it is the most common nationally recognized certification. For NICET, the individual must be a Fire Alarm Systems Level II or higher. SLCR staff can search for an individual through the NICET website at:

Please contact Scott Wiley (573-526-8552 or and/or Steven Vest (573-526-8608 or with any questions regarding the qualifications of fire alarm inspectors.

NHSN Long-Term Care Post-Release October 2022

Below is important information regarding modifications to the Point of Care Test Reporting Tool, the Long-term Care Facility COVID-19 Module, and the COVID-19 Vaccination Module. The changes described below took effect with the October 2022, NHSN release. Resources on the NHSN LTCF COVID-19 Module webpage and the COVID-19 Vaccination Modules webpage have been updated, where indicated, with revised forms, instructions, FAQs and CSV templates.

Point of Care (POC) Test Reporting Tool:
The following enhancements were made.

Additional POC devices were added to the NHSN system.
Although some are titled, “At-Home,” the devices below have been provided POC Emergency Use Authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. If you are using any of these devices, please check the model’s name and ensure you choose the correct device from the drop-down menu.

  • DxLab COVID-19 Test_ DxLab Inc.
  • MicroGEM Sal6830 SARS-CoV-2 Saliva Test_ MicroGEM U.S., Inc.
  • OHC COVID-19 Antigen Self Test_ OSANG LLC
  • QuickVue At-Home OTC COVID-19 Test_ Quidel Corporation
  • Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card_ Xiamen Boson Biotech Co., Ltd.

COVID-19 Pathway Data Reporting:
Please refer to the data reporting pathways below to learn about enhancements that were made within each pathway.

Resident Impact and Facility Capacity Pathway:
No enhancements

Staff and Personnel Impact Pathway:
No enhancements

Supplies and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Pathway:
No enhancements

Therapeutics Pathway:
An issue regarding csv upload for group and facility users was recently identified and a resolution has been implemented. Facility and group users are now able to successfully upload csv files.

State Veterans Homes COVID-19 Event Reporting Tool:
No enhancements

Weekly NHSN COVID-19 Vaccination Data Modules

Person-Level COVID-19 Vaccination Forms
If you use the optional Person-Level COVID-19 Vaccination Forms to submit your weekly COVID-19 vaccination data, demographic variables are now required for individuals currently in the facility (i.e., those without an end date or discharge date) to save and submit data. Please keep in mind that if you are unable to obtain this information, you can select ‘Unknown.’

Analysis Reports
The Long-Term Care COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage bar chart reports are once again available for use. These reports are called “Bar Chart – LTC HCP COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage” and “Bar Chart – LTC Resident COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage”.

CMS Reporting Deadline
The deadline for quarterly reporting of COVID-19 vaccination coverage data for long-term care facilities to fulfill CMS Quality Reporting Program requirements covering Quarter 2 of 2022 (April 1, 2022-June 30, 2022) is November 15, 2022.

For questions about any of these updates, please send an e-mail to the NHSN Helpdesk at with the subject line identifying the topic of the message.

Action Required: iQIES Provider Security Official Recruitment

As previously announced, CMS is preparing to release the Internet-facing, cloud-based system, referred to as the Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES) for Minimum Data Set (MDS) submission in early 2023.

Although the MDS submission functionality will not be available immediately, we strongly encourage Provider Security Officials (PSOs) to request access to iQIES as soon as possible, as doing so will allow for a smoother transition prior to the go live date. The individual designated as the PSO must work for the provider and will be responsible for approving or rejecting iQIES user access requests for their respective organizations, including vendors. A user will not be granted access unless a PSO approves the request. The first PSO for your provider will need to be approved by CMS. Once approved, PSOs can approve additional Provider Security Official role requests.

Organizations must complete the steps below to register a Provider Security Official as soon as possible:

 ***IMPORTANT: General user onboarding begins November 15, 2022. At that time, if your organization has not yet successfully registered at least one PSO, users will not be able to complete their access requests. The delay for assigning a PSO places an organization in jeopardy of a smooth transition to iQIES.***

  1. Identify at least one individual who will be the Provider Security Official (PSO). Note: At a minimum, at least one PSO needs to be selected, but CMS highly recommends at least two PSOs are designated so there is a higher likelihood that someone will be available to approve/reject iQIES access requests. The PSO must work for the provider and cannot be a vendor.
  2. Create an account in the HARP system using your corporate email address* at: Note: HARP User IDs cannot be adjusted. As such, please refrain from using facility names or any special characters (such as # or &) when creating the HARP User ID. *If the facility handles 2 or less providers and does not have a corporate email domain, the PSO may use a personal email address.
  3. Access iQIES at: and log in with your HARP credentials (completed in step 2 above) to request the Provider Security Official role for YOUR specific provider CMS Certification Number (CCN).
  4. Once the PSO role request has been submitted AND approved, you will receive notification via email. At this point you will be one of the designated PSOs for your CCN and have the authority to approve/reject subsequent requests for access of various role types to your provider’s CCN.

Please see iQIES Quick Reference Guide – Provider Security Official for more information to onboard the PSO Role in iQIES:

Please Note: Currently, we are only onboarding MDS. You do not need to register for a HARP/iQIES account for Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) submissions.


For more information on HARP or iQIES, please refer to the following resources:



If you have questions or require assistance, please contact the iQIES Service Center at or by phone at (800) 339-9313.

Nursing Home Administrator License Renewals for 2023 and forward

Administrators due to renew in 2023 and forward are required to complete all required continuing education (CE) clock hours in-seat or can complete a maximum of half of the total required hours through online continuing education programs (web-based, teleconference, self-study and webinar).

Refer to the “License Renewal Checklist” on the website

Please contact the Board of Nursing Home Administrators with any questions or concerns at

COMRU Updates

Applications Being Deleted

Please ensure all processed online applications and Level 2 screenings have been printed/saved for your records. Facilities (SNFs) will need to have copies of these documents prior to them being deleted.

Processed applications will be deleted from the COMRU online system 60 days after completion.

Additionally, effective November 4, 2022, if a correction has not been resubmitted back to COMRU within 60 days of notification, the online application will be deleted.

COMRU Webinar Training

There will be a webinar/Q&A session regarding the online process on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm.

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2474 027 7616
Meeting password: W4mbfuJ2Hk5

Join by phone
1-650-479-3207 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
+1-312-535-8110 United States Toll (Chicago)

SNF Quality Reporting Program (QRP) Submission Deadline Reminder

SNFs are required to report data to meet the SNF QRP requirements. The submission deadline for the SNF QRP is approaching. MDS and NHSN data for 4/1/22 through 6/30/22 must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. on November 15, 2022.

The Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 must be transmitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) through the Assessment Submission and Processing (ASAP) system to the Quality Improvement Evaluation System (QIES). Data for the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) measures must be submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). No additional data submission is required for the claims-based measures.

As a reminder, it is recommended that providers run applicable CASPER reports prior to each quarterly reporting deadline, in order to ensure that all required data has been submitted.

Swingtech sends informational messages to SNFs that are not meeting APU thresholds on a quarterly basis ahead of each submission deadlines. If you need to add or change the email addresses to which these messages are sent, please email and be sure to include your facility name and CMS Certification Number (CCN) along with any requested email updates.

More information about SNF QRP can be found on the following webpages:
CMS SNF QRP Data Submission Deadlines webpage –
CMS SNF QRP Help webpage –
CMS SNF QRP Measures and Technical Information webpage –
CMS SNF QRP Training Webpage –

Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) Submission Deadline Reminder

Nursing homes are required to electronically submit direct care staffing information to the Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) system. Submissions must be received by the end of the 45th calendar day (11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time) after the last day in each fiscal quarter to be considered timely. PBJ data for 7/1/22 through 9/30/22 is due November 14, 2022.

Please submit PBJ data as soon as possible to avoid delays. CMS recommends running staffing reports in CASPER prior to the submission deadline to ensure the accuracy and completeness of submissions. Please remember, the Final File Validation Report verifies that the submission was successful.

Please note: If you need assistance with the PBJ quarterly submission and the deadline falls on a weekend, you must contact the QIES/iQIES Service Center no later than the Friday before the submission deadline, as the Service Center will be unavailable to assist on the weekend.

More information about PBJ can be found on the following webpages:
CMS PBJ webpage –
PBJ Reference Manuals –
PBJ Training –

VOYCE’S Upcoming Community Education

November 8, 2022: Protecting Seniors from Financial Abuse and Fraud
Presenter: Lauree Peterson-Sakai, VOYCE Board Chair

Financial fraud is the fastest-growing form of elder abuse. Broadly defined, financial elder abuse is when someone illegally or improperly uses a vulnerable senior’s money or other property. Financial scams targeting seniors are prevalent and costly. The FBI estimates that seniors lose more than $3 billion each year to fraudsters. Scammers go after seniors because they believe older adults have a significant amount of money in their accounts. Unfortunately, seniors are susceptible to financial fraud due to higher levels of trust in those appearing to be official representatives of legitimate organizations and due to the ever increasingly complex methods fraudsters use to appear legitimate.


December 13, 2022: Signs of Abuse – How to Identify the Signs of Abuse and Protect Your Loved One
Presenter: Robin Pendelton, Training Technician, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Abuse can happen to any older person. Knowing how to identify the different types of abuse, how to recognize the signs, and where to get help is vital. Abuse can happen to any older person, by a loved one, a hired caregiver, or a stranger. Abuse can happen at home, at a relative’s home, or in an eldercare facility. There are many different types of abuse including physical, emotional, sexual, abandonment, financial, and neglect.

Free CE Webinar – Enhanced Barrier Precautions in Nursing Homes

November 15, 2022: Implementation and Use of Enhanced Barrier Precautions in Nursing Homes
Presenters: Abimbola (Bola) Ogundimu, DrPH, RN, CIC, CPHQ; Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, CDC; Heather Jones, DNP, NP-C; Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, CDC; and Linda Behan BSN, RN, CIC; Consultant; Long Term Care Infection Prevention, LLC
Moderator: Kara Jacobs Slifka, MD, MPH; Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, CDC

You are invited to a webinar discussing Enhanced Barrier Precautions in nursing homes. Enhanced Barrier Precautions protect nursing home residents and staff from germs that can cause serious infections and are hard to treat.

Join for a detailed review and discussion about this CDC infection prevention and control recommendation. In addition, hear directly from a long-term care Infection Preventionist about her successes and challenges implementing Enhanced Barrier Precautions in several nursing homes. Presentations will be followed by a conversation with the experts about frequently asked questions from the field.

MC5 Events

November 18, 2022: Person Centered Care While Individualizing Activities Year Round
Location: Cape Girardeau

This group of activities professionals will share ideas on how to individualize an activity program to meet resident’s needs. With the upcoming holiday season, they will focus on activities that are fun, engaging, and person centered throughout the holiday season as well as throughout the entire year. Come prepared to share your robust activity program ideas and learn how to develop activities program that residents can’t resist.

Reminder – Data for CMS Quality Reporting Programs Due Soon!

This message contains reporting deadline reminders for the CMS Quality Reporting Programs. The National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) encourages facilities to enter data in timely manner ahead of the deadlines in order to ensure data completion and accuracy. Make sure to allow ample time before the deadline to review, and if necessary, correct your HAI data. Data entered in NHSN after the submission deadline are not sent to CMS and will not be used in CMS pay-for-reporting or pay-for-performance programs. Data can be reviewed by using the Analysis reports within NHSN.

If you are unable to enter data into NHSN, it is possible that your Facility Administrator or Patient Safety Primary Contact has not accepted the updated NHSN Agreement to Participate and Consent. For questions or assistance with the updated Consent form and/or reassignment of the Facility Administrator or Primary Contact, please contact as soon as possible.

The following data must be entered into NHSN by November 15, 2022, for facilities that participate in certain CMS quality reporting programs.

Long-Term Acute Care Facilities (LTACs/LTCHs) that participate in the Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program:
2022 Quarter 2 (April 1 – June 30) CLABSI and CAUTI data (all bedded inpatient locations)
2022 Quarter 2 (April 1 – June 30) C. difficile LabID Events (FacWideIN, all healthcare-onset, and community-onset)
2022 Quarter 2 (April 1 – June 30) COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel

Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) that participate in the Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program:
2022 Quarter 2 (April 1 – June 30) COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel

Please ensure that at least one individual at your facility can access NHSN via their Secure Access Management Services (SAMS) account and has been assigned appropriate user rights in NHSN to enter and view your facility’s data. To guarantee that your data is accurately entered into NHSN, verify that; 1) your monthly reporting plans are complete; 2) you’ve entered appropriate summary and event data or checked the appropriate no events boxes; and 3) you’ve cleared all alerts from your NHSN facility homepage. For additional guidance on ensuring your data are accurately sent to CMS for Quality Reporting purposes, please visit our website and navigate to the appropriate section(s) for your facility type:

If you have any questions, please contact the NHSN Helpdesk: The NHSN Helpdesk is staffed Mondays thru Fridays, 7 am-5 pm ET, excluding Federal Holidays.

MC5 Meetings

West Central MC5 Region

November 2, 2022: Are We Making Progress or Spinning Our Wheels?
Presenter: Carol Scott, BS, Former MO Ombudsman, Trainer

This presentation will take a look at the past and discuss what the future can hold. Culture change doesn’t have an end date. It’s a continuous road that organizations must commit to on a daily basis.


Farmington MC Region

November 4, 2022: Psychiatry and Culture Change
Presenter: Gabe Crawford, NP

This program will give attendees the opportunity to learn new approaches to psychiatry related to culture change. Attendees will learn alternate treatments for dementia residents and will learn how to decrease the use of psychotropics.

Show-Me ECHO

Show-Me ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) uses videoconferencing to connect interdisciplinary teams of experts with clinicians and other healthcare professionals. Together participants and teams collaborate in interactive, individualized, case-based learning environments to develop skills and discuss best practices. Some ECHOs meet every week, some twice a month, and some have a completely different timeline. We know how challenging it can be to commit time away from your other responsibilities, but by building and supporting a strong community of learners, the ECHO model improves care access, quality, and efficiency. Show-Me ECHO learning sessions offer free continuing education and are provided at no cost to participating sites and individuals. Check out the ECHO schedule to see when you can attend the next session!

PAC/LTC: Post-Acute & Long-Term Care
2nd & 4th Thursdays: 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Topics or Learning and Discussion:

  • Post-Vaccination Practices: Including Visitation Policies and PPE practices
  • Ongoing COVID-19 Identification and Treatment: Plans for Recognizing Patients with COVID, Post-COVID Syndromes, Testing, Treatment and Cohorting
  • Emotional and Organizational Support for Staff
  • Vaccinations: Vaccine Confidence, Testing, Logistics, Ongoing Compliance and Complications
  • Addressing and Supporting Needs of Residents, Families or Care Partners: Isolation and Family Communication
  • Stopping the Spread (Infection Control): Building Sustainable Infection Control Practices
  • Leadership Communication for COVID-19: Huddles, Rounding, Etc.
  • Leadership Behaviors to Support Teams During COVID-19: Teamwork, Roles and Psychological Safety

Administrator License Renewals for 2023 and Forward

Administrators due to renew in 2023 and forward are required to complete all required continuing education (CE) clock hours in-seat or can complete a maximum of half of the total required hours through online continuing education programs (web-based, teleconference, self-study and webinar).

 Refer to the “License Renewal Checklist” on the website

 Please contact the Board of Nursing Home Administrators with any questions or concerns at

VOYCE’S Upcoming Community Education

October 11, 2022: Residents’ Rights and the Intersection of State Policy
Presenters: Chien Y. Hung, MSW, MA-G, RYT, Program Director, VOYCE; and Nicole Lynch, Policy and Advocacy Director, VOYCE

October is Residents’ Rights Month, an annual initiative highlighting the legally enshrined rights of long-term care residents throughout the United States. Residents’ Rights Month is an annual event designated by the Consumer Voice and is celebrated to honor residents living in all long-term care facilities and consumers receiving services in their home or community. It is a time for celebration and recognition, offering an opportunity for every facility to focus on and celebrate awareness of dignity, respect, and the value of each resident. Residents’ Rights are guaranteed by the federal 1987 Nursing Home Reform Law.

In this presentation, we will explore Residents’ Rights and examine some of the state laws VOYCE has successfully advocated for, including the Essential Caregivers Program Act and the Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities Act.

COMRU Online Application

We are aware that some providers are experiencing issues with the link to the COMRU online application. We apologize for this inconvenience. Please first try the following alternative link to see if this will work to access the online application:

If this link does not work, please contact COMRU at for assistance. 

Resolution of Issues: NHSN Person-Level (Event-Level) COVID-19 Vaccination Forms

We want to provide an update on the issues related to the Person-Level (Event-Level) COVID-19 Vaccination Forms that occurred following the recent NHSN application update. These issues are now resolved, and users can do all of the following:

  • Users can search and filter their data
  • Users can import .CSV files that contain more than one row per individual (for example, if an individual was discharged and later re-admitted)
  • Users can modify all fields, including ID and name
  • Users can no longer delete staff IDs from the other event-level forms (e.g., from the POC tool) if the staff ID is linked to a staff vaccination record

As a reminder, users cannot delete rows. If you have incorrect data that needs to be removed, please do one of the following:

  1. Edit the row/ repurpose the row with someone else’s data, or
  2. Change the discharge/end date to a date that is before the person-level forms could be used to submit date (i.e., before 3/28/2022). This way, the incorrect row won’t contribute to any data that can be submitted. In addition, you should change the ID so that it is not linked to a real ID. Also, add a note to the Comments column on the far right to document that this entry is incorrect.

In addition, updated CSV materials for the Person-Level (Event-Level) COVID-19 Vaccination Forms are now posted to the website, and links are provided below. Please note that is it optional to use the CSV materials, as users can manage all data within the application without using the CSV files.


All resources:



.CSV variable description and file layout:

.CSV template and example – HCP:

.CSV template and example – Residents:

Please contact with “COVID-19 Person-level Vaccination Forms” in the subject line with any additional questions or concerns. Thank you for your efforts with submitting data to the Weekly COVID-19 Vaccination Modules.

NHSN Long-term Care Release September 2022

Below is important information regarding modifications to the Long-term Care Facility COVID-19 Module, and COVID-19 Vaccination Module. The changes described below will take effect after the September 2022 NHSN release. Resources on the NHSN LTCF COVID-19 Module webpage and the COVID-19 Vaccination Module webpage will be updated, where indicated, with revised forms, instructions, FAQs, and .CSV templates.

Point of Care (POC) Test Reporting Tool:

No enhancements

COVID-19 Pathway Data Reporting:

Please refer to the below data reporting pathways to learn about enhancements that will be made within each pathway.

Resident Impact and Facility Capacity Pathway:

The Primary Series Vaccination Status section of the Resident Impact and Facility Capacity Pathway has been revised with simplified language to account for the recent approval of the Novavax Vaccine. The reporting process for this pathway has not changed and users will not need to go back and make any revisions to their data. Please continue using the Table of Instructions, found on the LTCF COVID-19 Webpage, as a guide while reporting data for this pathway.

Staff and Personnel Impact Pathway:

No enhancements

Therapeutics Pathway:

For those that upload data via CSV files, please be sure to use the templates that are posted on the LTCF COVID-19 Module Webpage. The following therapeutics must be listed for each submission date within the CSV file.

Each Therapeutic should have a line within the CSV file:

  • Casirivimab plus Imdevimab (Regeneron)
  • Bamlanivimab plus etesevimab (Lilly)
  • Sotrovimab (GlaxoSmithKline)
  • Evusheld (AstraZeneca)
  • Bebtelovimab (Lilly)
  • Paxlovid (Pfizer)
  • Molnupiravir (Merck)

State Veterans Homes COVID-19 Event Reporting Tool

No enhancements

Weekly NHSN COVID-19 Vaccination Data

Optional NHSN Person-Level (Event-Level) Vaccination Forms

  • Enhanced security for Staff-Person-level (event-level) vaccination data.
  • Action item for users: If a user is not a NHSN facility administrator (FA) and submits person-level vaccination data for healthcare personnel, the user must have the ‘Staff/Visitor- Add, Edit, Delete’ and ‘Staff/Visitor- view’ boxes checked under user rights. A user with administrative rights can grant these additional rights to users. Facility administrators will continue to have access to these person-level vaccination data.

For questions about any of these updates, please send an e-mail to the NHSN Helpdesk at with the subject line identifying the topic of the message.

COMRU Update

Beginning October 3, 2022, the Level 2 determination letters will be sent from Bock Associates instead of COMRU. The Level 2 determination letter will continue to be uploaded to the online application. If you have any questions regarding the change in the determination letter, please contact COMRU at 573-522-3092 (option #4).

Please ensure the processed online application and Level 2 screening has been printed/saved for your records. COMRU will begin purging the online system in October, so all Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) will need to have copies of these documents prior to them being deleted.