Conversations with Carmen

Action Pact: Conversations with Carmen

April 13, 2018: Cognitive Health and Resident Engagement
Guest Presenter: Megan Hannan, Action Pact Consultant, Developer of PersonFirst® program

We have been exploring resident health and well-being holistically, and in March we were inspired by The Transformative Power of Purpose, when we learned about and heard from residents of Rockport Healthcare Services’ 70 communities in California who serve the homeless in their respective communities every month. In keeping with our theme, the show in April will look at the connection between engagement and cognitive health. Megan will share the most current research in cognitive science, brain health and engagement. We’ll discuss types of engagement and suggestions for ensuring meaningful engagement, as well as outcomes of engagement on well-being, quality of life and staff satisfaction.

MC5 Roadshow Conference

MC5 Roadshow Conference

May 21, 2018: Inspired Leaders, Inspired Teams, Inspired Results
Location: St. Joseph Medical Center, Kansas City

May 22, 2018: Inspired Leaders, Inspired Teams, Inspired Results
Location: Hilton Garden Inn Conference Center, Columbia

May 23, 2018: Inspired Leaders, Inspired Teams, Inspired Results
Location: St. Charles Community College, Cottleville

As you walk through the hallways, does EVERYONE truly appear as engaged as they do on your website? Imagine the levels of service our external customers would experience if all staff “embraced change,” “owned problems,” and took “personal accountability” for creating a service-driven community. Imagine if every member of every department was committed to the mission, vision, values of the organization. Imagine if every leader took seriously their role as a coach, advocate, and mentor and felt intimately linked to the success of their staff.

As leaders, we have the ability and accountability to close the gap between the promises of the website and reality. MC5 Welcomes Internationally Renowned Workplace Culture Expert, Christopher Ridenhour! Please see the flyer or the MC5 Roadshow Conference webpage for more details.

MC5 Restorative Sleep Vitality Program

MC5 Restorative Sleep Vitality Program

April 3, 2018: Making a Night and Day Difference: Creating a Culture of Restorative Sleep
Location: Holiday Inn St. Louis-Route 66, St. Louis

April 4, 2018: Making a Night and Day Difference: Creating a Culture of Restorative Sleep
Location: White Oak Living Center, Independence

Part 1 – Making a Night and Day Difference: Creating a Culture of Restorative Sleep

Empira, a consortium of Aging Service providers in Minnesota, will share the findings from their Restorative Sleep program that has made a night and day difference for the residents they serve. This program was developed after identifying sleep fragmentation as a primary contributor to falls, behavioral expression, pain, incontinence, skin breakdown, unnecessary use of antipsychotics, and decline in function.

Empira will share successful strategies for creating a culture of sleep with consideration of all 24 hours in a day. This is Part 1 of a three part series. Join all or some of these presentations. Please see the Restorative Sleep Vitality Program flyer for more details.

Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action

Pioneer Network’s Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action Webinar

April 19, 2018: The New Alzheimer’s Association’s Dementia Care Practice Recommendations: Supporting the Emotional Well-Being of Individuals Living with Dementia
Guide: Danelle Hubbard, BSW, MA, Director of Family Services, Alzheimer’s Association, Colorado Chapter

This webinar will provide a brief overview of the New Dementia Care Practice Recommendations related to the emotional well-being of individuals living with dementia. Participants will learn about behavioral and communication challenges along with person-centered care strategies that offer healthier emotional support.

May 17, 2018: Meet and Go Beyond New CMS Regulations by Engaging Residents with Real LIfe (focus: Activities Critical Element Pathway)
Guide: Carmen Bowman, MHS, BSW, Owner Edu-Catering

The institution has failed us by compartmentalizing parts of the persons we serve and then compartmentalizing who serves which part of the divided person. All staff need education, encouragement and permission to engage residents. Contrived group activities often fail people, they need personalized and purposeful engagement to fill their otherwise empty days. See what can happen when all team members learn the value of meaningful engagement to move from “activity programming” to meaningful engagement with real life. Soon gone are the days of groups. Residents are telling us they don’t want them, and many can’t function in them. We need to design the use of budgeted time differently. Engagement holds promise for reducing depression, anxiety, falls and more. If Bingo is the best we can do, that is not a compliment; be inspired to compete with Bingo. Residents want meaning and purpose, to give and contribute. From serving Baby Boomers, to people living with dementia, it needs to be different.

June 21, 2018: Activities of Daily Living – Supporting Independence (Focus on ADL and Rehab Restorative CEP)
Guide: Dr. Kathleen Weissberg , Select Rehab

As a caregiver, it is important to encourage independence in seniors and to provide the opportunity for them to maintain a better quality of life for themselves. Because of the many demands on our time in our daily roles in health care, it is easy to get into the habit of doing things “for” individuals rather than “with” them. Let’s face it — it can be more efficient to do everything yourself. But is that helping elders to maintain function, improve quality of life, stay healthier and live independently longer.

The true art of caregiving for the elderly extends beyond task-oriented responsibilities and includes engaging in activities that help maintain a healthy spirit and body.

In this session, you will learn about ways in which you can assist an individual with everyday activities of daily living while supporting independence and helping him/her keep a sense of self-respect.

Pioneer Network Conference

2018 Pioneer Network Conference

August 12-15, 2018: Pioneering a New Culture of Aging Conference
Location: Sheraton Denver Downtown, Denver, Colorado

Pioneer Network will be hosting our annual conference, Pioneering a New Culture of Aging, bringing together individuals from across the United States and other countries who care deeply about changing the culture of aging, creating opportunities for communication, networking and learning with and from each other as they share innovative thought and best practices.

You are invited to tour the conference website to learn about all the exciting opportunities you will have when you join your fellow Pioneers in Denver this coming August. We promise, as one of our attendees shared with us after her first Pioneer Network conference, that you will “find your people” and that during our time together in Denver, you will fill your bucket, and go back home renewed and ready to go the next mile, knowing that culture change and transformation are not destinations, but journeys, always works in progress.

Conversations with Carmen

Conversations with Carmen

February 9, 2018: Even When Care and Compliance are Nearly Perfect, What Kind of Life are Residents Living? And – The Artifacts of Living Well
Guest Presenter: Sonya Barsness, Gerontologist

Imagine a nursing home that has “good care.” It has good outcomes. Maybe even the care truly reflects the individualized needs and preferences of people who are living there. But beyond the day to day services that are provided, how are people living? Are their days revolved around care? Or does their care support them to live well? Let’s talk about more than care, and more than care plans. Join us to be pushed to the next level as we discuss LIVING plans and the idea of Artifacts of Living Well.

Conversations with Carmen

Conversations with Carmen

January 12, 2018: RESIDENT CHOICE BEYOND REGULATION: Sunny Hill’s Resident Staff-Hiring Committee 
Guests: Becky Haldorson, MS, LNHA, Administrator & Jamie Wesley, Resident 
Host: Carmen Bowman

Since 2007, Sunny Hill Nursing Home of Will County’s residents have served on an employee hiring committee, hiring their own caregivers. Managers review applications and conduct initial interviews but then applicants must meet with the resident committee which votes to accept or reject each applicant. Of almost 400 potential employees interviewed, the committee said no to approximately 50 and their opinion was honored. Learn how you too could honor resident choice to this degree. Administrator Becky Haldorson and resident Jamie Wesley, who serves on the committee, will share lessons learned, how to do this successfully, and in the end, inspire your community to live up to “this is your home now” – going beyond new CMS requirements for increased resident choice.

Pioneer Network’s Hot Topics

Pioneer Network’s Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action Webinar

January 18, 2018: Introduction to Critical Element Pathways (CEP): Using the Physical Restraint CEP to Support Reduction of Alarms 
Guides: Kim Roche, CMS, Cheryl Kruschke, Regis University and Joan Devine, Pioneer Network

Join our guides as they share insights into the Critical Element Pathways (CEP), a tool used by CMS to guide observation and investigation during the survey process – a tool that you can use in your quality improvement program as you monitor and improve practices in your nursing home.

Using the Physical Restraint CEP, webinar guides will share examples of person-centered practices that support the quality of life that you seek for your residents and the outcomes that CMS is looking for when they survey your home.


February 15, 2018: Eliminating Suffering for Residents with End Stage Dementia (Focus on Death and Hospice/End of Life CEP) 
Guide: Maureen Nash, MD, MS

When it comes to providing the best care at end of life for residents living with dementia, are we doing the best we can? Do we always recognize when someone is in the end stages of dementia so that we can provide interventions such as palliative care and hospice?

Join Dr. Nash, a board-certified physician in both internal medicine and psychiatry, and Medical Director of Providence Elderplace Oregon, a Program of All Inclusive Care of the Elderly, as she shares with you best practices that can help eliminate suffering for residents with end stage dementia. And then, together we will explore how these best practices support the CMS Focus on Death and Hospice/End of Life Critical Element Pathways, providing you with a tool to assess and monitor your practices.


March 15, 2018: A Person-Centered Approach to Infection Prevention (Focus on Urinary-Catheter-UTI and Urinary Incontinence CEP) 
Guide: Lynn Meyer, BSN, MPH, CIC (Certified Infection Preventionist)

Infection Prevention, antibiotic stewardship, Infection Preventionist…we see these words in the new CMS Conditions of Participation, but what exactly do they mean for the care partners and residents in our nursing homes? How do I prevent the spread of infection among residents and staff – after all, this is the residents home, it’s not a hospital! And besides…where can I find the time?!

Together with Lynn Meyer, you will explore best practices in infection prevention and see how they are supported by person-centered principles. Lynn will share tools and tips to help you keep it simple AND attain regulatory compliance.

**Learn More. Save more: See special pricing here if you purchase a bundle of webinars.

Pioneer Network’s Hot Topic: Culture Change in Action

Pioneer Network’s Hot Topic: Culture Change in Action

December 14, 2017: Leaders Can Influence Care: Successful Pain Management for Elders Living with Dementia
Guide: Jeannine Forrest, PhD

  • Discuss how the way you lead can influence clinical outcomes for residents.
  • Define the impact of poorly controlled pain on individual residents and organizational outcomes.
  • List ways that leaders can support better outcomes.

AHRQ Releases TeamSTEPPS

AHRQ Releases TeamSTEPPS 2.0 to Improve Patient Safety in Long-Term Care

AHRQ has updated its TeamSTEPPS® training for long-term care facilities. Now called TeamSTEPPS 2.0 for Long-Term Care, the curriculum updates have improved the usability and flow of materials, added training scenarios to reflect health care issues in long-term care settings, and added a new measurement module to help teams track progress. The revisions also bring this version of the TeamSTEPPS “train-the-trainer” curriculum in line with changes made to TeamSTEPPS 2.0 for hospital-based teams. Users may download and/or print all the free TeamSTEPPS 2.0 for Long-Term Care materials for training in any post-acute or long-term care facility.

MC5 Restorative Sleep Vitality Program (RSVP)

MC5 Restorative Sleep Vitality Program (RSVP)

MC5 is seeking 30 SNF communities to participate in an 18-month program to restore restful sleep to residents and elders. The Restorative Sleep Program seeks to promote active engagement during the day and restful restorative sleep at night.

MC5 will utilize Empira’s Restorative Sleep program, which was developed from evidence-based sleep hygiene research studies and consultation with subject matter experts. Using cutting-edge practices to enhance residents’ sleeping and waking patterns, Restorative Sleep has created new best practices outlining how all 24 hours of the day impact residents’ sleep quality.

Enrolling in this program will include commitment to implementing a multi-pronged approach including clinical, operational, and environmental interventions and solutions to create a culture of restorative sleep.

Please visit  for more details including the application to participate in the MC5 Restorative Sleep Vitality Program.

TMF QIN Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight on….

Antibiotic Resistance: How It Happens and Strategies to Decrease the Spread of Resistance

This nursing home training session provides a foundation of information about antibiotic resistance and opportunities for improving appropriate antibiotic use. It also includes strategies toward reducing resistance.

The session is one in a six-part series to support nursing homes in implementing antibiotic stewardship as well as preventing and managing Clostridium difficile infections. (1.3 Nursing Contact Hours Available)

Antibiotic Resistance: How it Happens and Strategies to Decrease the Spread of Resistance
Continuing Education Information: Nursing Home Online Training Series (PDF)

TMF QIN Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight on….

Nursing Home Training Session: Exploring Antibiotics and Their Role in Fighting Bacterial Infections

This nursing home training session provides information on the basics of antibiotics, their functionality, potential risks and side effects, general considerations for usage and prescribing and an introduction to why using antibiotics appropriately is important.

This session is the first in a six-part series to support nursing homes in implementing antibiotic stewardship as well as preventing and managing Clostridium difficile infections. (1.5 Nursing Contact Hours Available)

Nursing Home Training Session: Exploring Antibiotics and their Role in Fighting Bacterial Infections
Continuing Education Information: Nursing Home Online Training Series (PDF)

TMF QIN Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight on….

International Infection Prevention Week: Oct. 15-21

During International Infection Prevention Week – help break the chain of infection by educating health care professionals, administrators, legislators and consumers about the importance of preventing infections and improving outcomes. Click on the following links for more information and resources about promoting infection prevention in long-term care.

Infection Prevention and You in Long-Term Care
APIC: Infection Prevention in Long-Term Care Fact Sheet (PDF)
CDC: Hand Hygiene in Health Care Settings
CDC: Infection Prevention Tools for Long-Term Care

Conversations with Carmen

Conversations with Carmen

October 20, 2017:  Improving the Dining Experience for Residents – Honoring Choice, Exceeding Regulations
Guest Presenter:  Suzanne Quiring, RD, CDM, SuzyQ Menu Concepts

Want to provide a great dining experience, preferences and choice – and be in compliance with new CMS requirements? Learn how to work within budget & time restrictions, tackle cold food, high food waste, endless food preference lists issues and how to move away from tray and pre-plate service to self-determined meal delivery that honors resident choice while saving money. Photos, real examples and many ideas will be shared to help communities implement practical culture change ideas with the confidence of the literature, best practices and federal requirements to back them up.

For more details, including times and full registration, please visit

TMF QIN Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight on….

Reducing Incontinence

Urinary incontinence can cause a variety of issues in older adults. Tools are available for identifying and improving incontinence such as assessment techniques and established care plans. Click on the following links to learn more.

Sample Care Plan: Urinary Incontinence (PDF)
Urinary Incontinence Assessment in Older Adults (PDF)
Low-Risk Residents Who Lose Control of Their Bowel or Bladder (Long Stay) Root Cause Analysis Tool (Excel)

Pioneer Network’s Hot Topic: Culture Change in Action

Webinar Series:  Sharing Power – Creating Choice

Pioneer Network stands ready to help! In our final webinar series of 2017, join expert guides as they share with you tips, techniques, tools and a dose of inspiration, to help you grow leaders in your organization.

See the dates and topics below.  OR Click here to learn more about the Sharing Power – Creating Choice Series


October 19, 2017: Stuck in the Middle – Creating a Supervisor Training Experience for Mid-Level Staff
Guides: Elizabeth Schave-Bemis, VP Marketing, Promotions & Assisted Living Operations, United Methodist Home and Faith Wajdowicz, VP of Clinical Services, United Methodist Home

  • Define what is meant by a relationship-centered mission.
  • Discuss the challenges faced by mid-level staff.
  • Learn how to create a training module to support the educational needs of mid-level staff.


November 16, 2017: Effective Nurse Leadership: Leading Change with Enthusiasm
Guide: Kelly Papa, MSN, RN, Corporate Director of Learning Masonicare University

  • Discuss the skills needed to lead transformation when bringing culture change to your organization. 
  • List the steps required to facilitate change.
  • List methods used when creating a culture which is adaptable to change.


December 14, 2017: Leaders Can Influence Care: Successful Pain Management for Elders Living with Dementia
Guide: Jeannine Forrest, PhD

  • Discuss how the way you lead can influence clinical outcomes for residents.
  • Define the impact of poorly controlled pain on individual residents and organizational outcomes.
  • List ways that leaders can support better outcomes.

TMF QIN Spotlight On…

Reducing Inappropriate Use of Antipsychotic Medications – Alternatives

There are multiple ideas and suggestions for reducing antipsychotic medication use through alternative strategies. It is suggested that use of alternatives be carefully monitored with frequent reassessment. Click on the following links to learn more.


Checklist: Activities that may help improve nighttime sleep for residents with dementia (PDF)

Antipsychotic Alternatives (PDF)

Non-Pharmacological Approaches to Address Behaviors

Pioneer Network Hot Topics Webinar Series

Pioneer Network Hot Topics Webinar Series

June 15, 2017: The Care Plan Meeting in a Resident-Directed World(Part II)
July 20, 2017: Before and After the Care Plan Meeting
August 17, 2017: A Process for Care Planning for Resident Choice

Beginning in May, join us for the At the Table Webinar series where expert guides will explore with you Person-Centered Care Planning. Over the course of this four webinar series, you will gain an understanding of the new CMS conditions of participation, define processes and best practices, explore options for making the most of the meeting, and learn how to bring the care plan to life and balance risk for residents and your community. You can purchase the webinars individually for $59, or contact Pioneer Network Director of Education, Joan Devine to purchase the 4 Webinar Bundle at a discounted rate of $200.

2017 Pioneer Network Annual Conference

2017 Pioneer Network Annual Conference

July 30-August 2, 2017:  Person-Directed Care is Happening – Be a Part of It: Be the Future!
Location:  Rosemont, IL

Pioneer Network hosts an annual conference to showcase innovative thought and best practices in the long-term care culture change movement – as well as providing an opportunity for people interested in many aspects of culture change to network and inspire each other. Past conferences have been attended by more than a thousand people from across the United States and other nations who care deeply about changing the culture of aging. As always, we strive to make this event meaningful for people who are just starting on the culture change journey to build a sense of home and community for our Elders -as well as those who have been actively engaged in this mission for some time. Register Today

Conversations with Carmen

Conversations with Carmen

  • April 14, 2017:  From Annoyances to Conflict: How Much is Miscommunication Costing Your Organization?
  • Guest Presenter:  Ray Rusin, Quality Training Associates; Certified Workplace Conflict Mediator, retired RI Survey Agency Director

Day-to-day petty annoyances are experienced by each of us and are a fact of life. Without a strategic focus on recognizing and dealing with natural annoyances early, many grow into costly conflict events negatively impacting residents’ quality of care and quality of life.  We will discuss how ordinary annoyances interrupt the smooth operation of any organization, how to best prepare team members for coping with annoyances and ways to wisely handle any resulting conflicts. Find out what conflict may be costing your organization.


For more information and registration, please see the event details here.

Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight On…

Reducing Antipsychotic Medication Use – Additional Resources

Multiple resources are available to educate staff about reducing antipsychotic medication use. Click on the following links for more information:

Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight On…

Reducing Inappropriate Use of Antipsychotic Medications – Full Assessment

To address the ongoing challenge of reducing inappropriate antipsychotic medications, staff on all shifts should fully assess and learn as much as possible about a resident, including interviewing the resident, family and friends. These steps assist staff in understanding the different behaviors a resident may exhibit. To learn more about assessing a resident’s goals and needs, click on the following links.

Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight On…

Reducing Inappropriate Use of Antipsychotic Medications – Communication

Understanding dementia residents who are unable to communicate on the same level as others can aid in the reduction of inappropriate antipsychotic use. However, meeting their needs can become challenging if their behaviors are not understood. Click on the following links to learn more.