The Section for Long-Term Care has published New Generations – Volume 12, Issue 1, Winter 2014. This issue is now available on our website, along with an archive of previous newsletters. Please visit
Category: Culture Change
Good Care Should be a Given!
January 17, 2014: Conversations with Carmen
Guest: Maricel Glova, RN, Action Pact Consultant and experienced DON.
Quality of life includes quality of care. In your community, do residents get to the bathroom when they need to? Better yet, are residents’ bathroom needs anticipated? In addition to the obvious benefits, this also leads to preventing falls. Is mouth care happening regularly every day? Are medications administered according to residents’ schedules? And is sleep honored according to the person’s circadian rhythm?
Hear strategies for the varying stages of culture – from traditional to households – for ensuring that good care is a given. Only then can a resident achieve highest practicable well-being. This is not only a great idea but also a federal requirement.
To learn more and register for this web-based talk show, please visit
To learn more about Action Pact, click on the links below:
MC5 Regional Meetings – February 2014
Visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at
Customer Service: Beyond a Warm Welcome
Location: Lenoir Woods, LSS, Nifong Hall, 3710 South Lenoir St., Columbia.
RSVP to Beth at or 573-443-5823.
February 7, 2014: Southeast MEETING LOCATION CHANGE
Culture Change for Surveyors
State Culture Change Coordinator Sam Plaster will share the culture change training that is provided to Missouri’s long-term care surveyors.
Please note location change: Chateau Girardeau, 3120 Independence St., Cape Girardeau.
RSVP to John Langley at
February 18, 2014: East Central
Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care Series
Primaris Program Manager Nursing Home Services Alexis Roam, MSN, RN, will facilitate monthly meetings.
Location: The Centre, 1200 Holloway St., Rolla.
RSVP to Mary Ehrenreich at or 314-801-0462; or Tracy Rosenow at or 573-265-3271.
February 28, 2014: Poplar Bluff
Overcoming Resistance to Change
Presented by University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing, Nursing Home Leadership Coach Dave Walker.
Location: DHSS Large Conference Room, 2875 James Blvd., Poplar Bluff.
RSVP to Carrie Drake at, or Kristen Starkey at
For more information about these regional meetings, please visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at
Safety Reminders: Holiday Decorations
It is that time of year when people are decorating their homes and businesses with festive décor and anticipating upcoming holiday celebrations. Residents and staff in your care home also look forward to festivities and enjoy holiday decorations. It is important for residents, staff and visitors to carry on traditions and to feel a sense of joy and peace we all want this time of year.
The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation (SLCR) wants to help you and your residents have a safe holiday season by sending out the following safety tips, references and regulatory reminders.
Fires or other accidents are not something anyone wants!
Safe decorations include:
- Artificial Christmas trees, and decorations that are non-combustible or flame retardant.
- UL approved decorative lighting (use in supervised areas and turn off when not in use).
- UL approved outdoor lighting.
- Holiday decorations, including evergreen wreaths, ornaments, photos, etc. can be used on resident’s doors, and in hallways, as long as they do not exceed 3 ½” in depth and they are not blocking the entrances or exits.*
*Any combustible decorations hung from doors or walls in corridors may be used with a waiver. Non-rated combustible decorations cannot exceed 20% of the wall space in an exit egress corridor.
SLCR published an article regarding holiday decorating in the winter 2011 edition of the quarterly newsletter. Please visit
Although the 2000 Edition National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101® Life Safety Code (LSC) is the official reference, the 2012 Edition contains some less restrictive requirements. Please refer to the CMS memo regarding waivers here: CMS Memo S&C 13-58-LSC 2000 Edition National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101® Life Safety Code (LSC) Waivers, or visit the CMS website at
Prohibited decorations include displays, hangings, and other decorations that block exits, visibility of exits, or fire protection appliances. Never hang decorations from fire sprinkler heads or pipes.
NFPA 101, Section Combustible decorations shall be prohibited in any health care occupancy unless they are flame retardant.
NFPA 101, Section Means of egress shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions or impediments to full instant use in the case of fire or other emergency.
NFPA 101, Section No furnishings, decorations, or other objects shall obstruct exits, access thereto, egress therefrom, or visibility thereof.
Please note, some county or city local ordinances may also require compliance with more restrictive standards, including the International Fire Code (IFC).
- F323: Electrical Safety – Any electrical device, whether or not it needs to be plugged into an electric outlet, can become hazardous to the residents through improper use or improper maintenance. Electrical equipment such as electrical cords can become tripping hazards. Halogen lamps or heat lamps can cause burns or fires if not properly installed away from combustibles in the resident environment. The Life Safety Code prohibits the use of portable electrical space heaters in resident areas.
- Extension cords may be used on a TEMPORARY basis. For information regarding the use of extension cords, please visit the SLCR website at
- Can candles be used in nursing homes under supervision, in sprinklered facilities?
CMS Memo S&C-07-07: Nursing Home Culture Change Regulatory Compliance Questions and Answers
Answer: Regarding the request to use candles in sprinklered facilities under staff supervision, National Fire Protection Association data shows candles to be the number one cause of fires in dwellings. Candles cannot be used in resident rooms, but may be used in other locations where they are placed in a substantial candle holder and supervised at all times while they are lighted. Lighted candles are not to be handled by residents due to the risk of fire and burns.
This holiday season, consider using battery-operated flameless candles. They look and smell real! Learn more about candle fire safety from the U.S. Fire Administration at
If you have any questions regarding the Life Safety Code, please contact SLCR at 573-526-8524. We wish you a wonderful and safe holiday season.
MC5 Regional Meetings – January 2014
Visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at
January 8, 2014: Northwest
Person-Centered Care in Behavioral Health
Interventions to keep people in the home, and when it is time to intervene with inpatient care
Location: East Hills Library, 502 North Woodbine Rd., St. Joseph. RSVP to Karen Fletchall at or 660-564-3304; or Freda Miller at or 660-822-6209.
January 8, 2014: Southwest
Webinar #1: The Big Picture
MC5 and Primaris Learning Collaborative
Please view the flyer here: January 8, 2014 Southwest MC5 and Primaris
Creating Well-Being for Those Who Live with Dementia: Alternatives to Medication Use
Would you like to provide your staff with high quality training from world-renowned experts, but just can’t afford it? Now you can! MC5 and Primaris have teamed up to bring you the six part webinar series developed by Dr. Al Power and The Eden Alternative. Each meeting will include one of the hour-long webinars, followed by a learning session led by Primaris Program Manager Judy Halley, RN-BC, LNHA. Location: Council of Churches, 627 N. Glenstone, Springfield. RSVP to
January 10, 2014: East
All Aboard!
Caregiver Empowerment in Culture Change: Mentoring, Assigning, and Engaging for a Better Life
Successfully delivering person-centered care greatly depends on caregiver commitment to the Culture Change effort. This presentation will include the community-wide mentoring program at Parc Provence, the use of consistent assignment at West County Care Center; and caregiver huddles, memory care training, and QAPI responsibilities at Bethesda Dilworth. Location: Brentwood Community Center, Rm. 104, 2502 S. Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood. RSVP to Ruthie at or 314-801-0446.
January 17, 2014: Route 71
Caring for Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease in a Culture Change World
Location: Community Center, 200 North Ash, Nevada. RSVP to
January 21, 2014: East Central
Please view the flyer here: January 21, 2014 new location East Central MC5 and Primaris Collaborative
Operationalizing Person-Centered Care and Building Capacity for QAPI – Part I: Aligning Daily Documentation and Communication
MC5 and Primaris Learning Collaborative
Pioneer Network Webinar Series on Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care. Monthly meetings will be facilitated by Primaris Program Manager Nursing Home Services, Alexis Roam, MSN, RN.
Monthly meetings will include:
Facilitation with Alexis Roam
Sharing with all group members
Please note location change: Comfort Inn and Suites, 1650 Old Wire Outer Road, Rolla.
Registration in advance is appreciated – please RSVP to or 314-801-0462; or to or 573-265-3271.
January 22, 2014: Northeast
Exercise Makes a Difference: Why and How to Incorporate Daily Exercise in Person-Centered Care
Location: Loch Haven Senior Living Community Apartments, New Activity Rm., 701 Sunset Hills Dr., Macon.
RSVP to Wendy or Katie at 660-385-3113.
January 22, 2014: West
Culture Change 101
Presented by Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services State Culture Change Coordinator Sam Plaster.
Location: Centerpoint Medical Center, East Auditorium, 19600 East 39th St., Independence. RSVP to Kathy Vogt or Leslie Carter at 816-228-5655.
For more information about these regional meetings, including available CEUs, please visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at
The Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change
The Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5)
by Sam Plaster, State Culture Change Coordinator
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed by Congress in 2010 requires that all nursing homes develop Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) programs, ensuring that homes continuously identify and correct quality deficiencies as well as sustain performance improvement. While the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has yet to promulgate the specific regulatory requirements, many homes are already initiating or improving their QAPI processes… to read more and view photos click here: MC5
Nursing Home Quality Initiatives – Questions and Answers
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes national campaign coordination group developed a set of common questions and answers for nursing homes, in order to clarify how some of the many initiatives relate to and are aligned with each other. The purpose is to help nursing homes better understand how to participate in and benefit from various initiatives.
- Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI)
- National Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative (NNHQCC)
- National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes
- Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Home’s Campaign
- Alignment of Quality Initiatives
Questions include:
- Must nursing homes use CMS QAPI tools and resources to be considered in compliance with the QAPI regulation?
- What is the National Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative (NNHQCC)?
- What is a LAN?
- How does the mission of the National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes align with non-pharmacological, person-centered care approaches?
- What does a nursing home have to do to become part of Advancing Excellence?
- How does QAPI overlap or align with topic specific initiatives such the NNHQCC, the National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes, and Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes?
- If we participate in the NNHQCC or Advancing Excellence or the National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes, are we implementing QAPI?
Find the answers to these questions and more – click on the link below
This document is also available for download by visiting
MC5 Regional Meetings – December, 2013
Visit the NEW Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at
December 3, 2013: Central
The Parkinson Journey: From Diagnosis to Treatment to Cure
Free CEUs for nursing home administrators and social workers.
Location: N.H. Scheppers Distributing Co., The Clydesdale Rm., 1306 Hathman Pl., Columbia. RSVP to Beth at 573-443-5823 or
December 6, 2013: Southeast
What I’m Really Trying to Say Is…
Strategies for Reducing Antipsychotics for the Dementia Resident, presented by Chateau Girardeau Staff Educator/MDS Coordinator Wendy Boren, RN.
Location: Cape Girardeau Public Library, 711 N. Clark St., Cape Girardeau.
December 11, 2013: West-Central
No Fear: How to Have a Body Alarm Free Home
Presented by Jaque Bershauer, LPN, and Regina Owens, RN, Missouri Veterans Home, Warrensburg. Free CEUs – pending approval.
Location: Methodist Church, The Celebration Center, 1701 W. 32nd, Sedalia. RSVP to Kathy Ray-Smith at or call 1-800-748-7826, or 660-747-3107.
December 12, 2013: North Central
The Path to Culture Change
Presented by Dave Walker, LTC Leadership Coach, Sinclair School of Nursing, University of Missouri. Mr. Walker will present the five key domains from the Artifacts of Culture Change. This tool can be used to create a benchmark for person-centered care in your home and can help “jump start” your journey. A film clip from “If I had a Million” will be shown with discussion to follow. Free CEUs for nursing home administrators and social workers – pending approval.
Location: Livingston County Public Library, 450 Locust St., Chillicothe. RSVP to Judy Bagley at, or 660-748-4407.
Pioneer Network’s 2014 National Conference- Request for Proposals
August 4 – 7, 2014: Journey to the Heartland
Pioneer Network’s 14th Annual Culture Change Conference, “Journey to the Heartland,” will be held Aug. 4 to 7, 2014, at the Sheraton Kansas City-Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo. Visit to learn more.
From your own journey experience, develop a proposal to be one of 85 education sessions – the proposal submission deadline has been extended to January 24. Visit
New Generations – Autumn 2013 Quarterly Newsletter
The Section for Long-Term Care has published New Generations – Volume 11, Issue 4, Autumn 2013. This issue is now available on our website, along with an archive of previous newsletters. Please visit
Personalized Med Pass
November 15, 2013: Conversations with Carmen
Guest: Marilyn Oelfke, RN, Action Pact Consultant, retired administrator Perham Living. To learn more about this web-based talk show, please visit
To learn more about Action Pact, click on the links below:
MC5 Regional Meetings – November, 2013
- November 8, 2013: East
Music & Memory: Bringing Joy to Persons with Dementia Through Personalized Music
Location: Brentwood Community Center, Rm. 104, 2505 South Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood. RSVP to Ruthie at 314-801-0446 or
- November 19, 2013: East Central
Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care
In 2012, Missouri was selected by Pioneer Network to participate in the National Learning Collaborative: Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care. In Missouri, 19 homes completed the 16-month collaborative, putting in place four foundational practices – consistent assignment, huddles, involving CNAs in care planning, and Quality Improvement closest to the resident – and then using the practices to individualize care for improvements in high priority clinical areas, such as reducing falls, alarms, rehospitalizations, antipsychotic medications, and pressure ulcers. View the video documenting some of the incredible results experienced by Missouri homes that participated:
The national collaborative has concluded, but it is not too late for your team! MC5 and Primaris are partnering to bring the learning collaborate tools to the East Central Region. Monthly meetings will be facilitated by Primaris Program Manager Nursing Home Services, Alexis Roam, MSN, RN. To learn more and join the collaborative, plan to attend the next East Central MC5 meeting. Your home does not have to be in the East Central region to participate. Location: Presbyterian Manor, 1200 Homelife Plaza, Rolla. RSVP to Mary Ehrenreich at 314-801-0462 or; or Tracy Rosenow at 573-265-3271 or View the flyer here: MC5 and Primaris – Using MDS as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care.
- November 20, 2013: Northwest
Durable Power of Attorneys and the Appointed Decision Maker – presented by Attorney Doug Tschauder. Appointed Decision Makers in Long-Term Care – presented by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Section for Long-Term Care Regulation Supervisor Jamie Dixon.
Location: East Hills Library, 502 North Woodbine Rd., St. Joseph. RSVP to Karen Fletchall at or 660-564-3304, or Freda Miller at or 660-822-6209.
- November 27, 2013: Northeast
Location: Loch Haven Senior Living Community Apartments, New Activity Room, 701 Sunset Hills Dr., Macon. RSVP to Wendy or Katie at 660-385-3113.
Visit the NEW Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at
The Benefits Beyond Less Falls from Eliminating Alarms
October 18, 2013: Conversations with Carmen
Final show in the series on Eliminating Alarms and Preventing Falls!
Guest: Theresa Laufmann, RN, Co-DON, Oakview Terrace, SD – an alarm-free home for 6 years. To learn more and register, please visit
To learn more about Action Pact, click on the links below:
New Data Show Antipsychotic Drug Use is Down in Nursing Homes Nationwide
Nursing homes are using antipsychotics less and instead pursuing more patient-centered treatment for dementia and other behavioral health care, according to new data released on Nursing Home Compare in July by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Please read this press release on the CMS website:
Creating Well-Being for Those Who Live with Dementia: Alternatives to Medication Use -A Webinar Series
Developed by Dr. G. Allen Power and The Eden Alternative, presented in association with Pioneer Network
In spite of growing awareness of the lower benefits and higher risks of antipsychotic drug use in people living with dementia, we cannot successfully reduce these medications until we find more effective approaches to care. This 6-part webinar series will describe how the Eden Alternative Domains of Well-Being™ provide a powerful framework for caring for people who live with dementia. Coming up next:
- November 12, 2013: Security is More Than an Alarm System
- December 10, 2013: Understanding the Many Levels of Autonomy
- January 7, 2014: Defining Purpose, Meaning & Growth
- February 4, 2014: Creating Joy by Decoding Distress
MC5 Board Seeking Candidates
The MC5 Board is currently seeking candidates to serve on its Board. If you are interested in applying for a three-year term, please send your resume, a brief bio, and a short statement explaining your interest in person-centered care and serving on the Board. Please send the requested information to Joan Devine at by Friday, September 6 at 12:00 noon. Visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at
Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action – Pioneer Network Webinars
- September 26, 2013: The Evidence for a Return on Investment on Person-Centered Care Initiatives
- October 15, 2013: The Secrets to Leading Transformational Change
- November 6, 2013: Getting Started or Restarted on Culture Change
- December 5, 2013: Tools to Operationalize the New Dining Practice Standards
To learn more and register for these upcoming events, please visit
Well-Being for All: Living with Dementia Beyond Drugs
October 3, 2013: Alzheimer’s Association St. Louis Chapter – Speakers Series Evening Program
Book Signing: 5 p.m.; Program: 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Join Dr. G. Allen Power, internationally acclaimed gerontologist, author and Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Rochester, as he discusses ways to embrace current alternative practices, other than the use of medication, and addresses the most common challenges facing individuals living with dementia and their caregivers. This program is free. Location: Ethical Society of St. Louis, 9001 Clayton Road, St. Louis. View flyer here: Well-Being for All 10-03-2013. You may also visit visit or Register online here.
Mouth Care Without a Battle©
Mouth Care Without a Battle© is an evidence-based approach to person-centered daily mouth care for persons with cognitive and physical impairment. Research has linked poor oral hygiene to bad outcomes such as pneumonia, chronic pain, poor oral intake and reduced quality of life. Mouth Care Without a Battle© combines best practices in oral hygiene with proven techniques to overcome resistance to care among persons with dementia and other related conditions. To learn more, please visit
MC5 Regional Meetings – October 2013
Central – October 1, 2013: Rehospitalizations? INTERACT Program!
Presented by Primaris Program Manager Nursing Home Services and INTERACT Trainer Alexis Roam.
Coffee and Networking 9:45 a.m.; Program 10 a.m.
Location: N.H. Scheppers Distributing Co., The Clydesdale Room, 2300 St. Mary’s Blvd., Jefferson City. RSVP to Beth, or 573-443-5823.
Southeast – October 4, 2013: Lessons Learned from the Pioneer Network National Conference
Registration 9:15 a.m., Program 9:30 a.m.
Location: Cape Girardeau Public Library, 711 N. Clark St., Cape Girardeau.
Southwest – October 15, 2013: Culture Change for Surveyors
Presented by State Culture Change Coordinator Sam Plaster.
Program 10 a.m.
Location: Council of Churches, 627 North Glenstone, Springfield. Please RSVP to
Route 71 – October 18, 2013: Mouth Care Without a Battle
We will be viewing Mouth Care Without a Battle. This training is valuable for everyone, but will be especially beneficial for nursing staff. Please plan to bring as many direct caregivers as you can.
Program 10 a.m.
Location: Community Center, 200 North Ash, Nevada. RSVP to
West – October 23, 2013: Experiences of an Administrator Who Moved Into His Own Home
Presented by Missouri Veterans Home Warrensburg Administrator and MC5 Vice President Eric Endsley.
Program 9 a.m.
Location: St. Mary’s Manor, 111 Mock Ave., Blue Springs. RSVP to Kathy Vogt, 816-228-5655,, or Leslie Carter,
To learn more, please visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at
MC5 Regional Meetings – September 2013
West Central – September 11, 2013: Developing Tools for Champions: A Discussion of Organizational Practices for Building the Foundation for Person-Centered Care
Presented by Lutheran Senior Services Director of Performance Improvement and MC5 Board President Joan Devine.
Program: 10 a.m. – Noon. Location: Methodist Church, The Celebration Center, 1701 W. 32nd, Sedalia. RSVP: Kathy Ray-Smith,, 800-748-7826 or 660-747-3107.
East – September 13, 2013: Using Humor to Minimize Stress and Maximize Living
Presented by Mary Kay Morrison, Founder/Director of Humor Quest
8 a.m. Networking and light breakfast; 8:15 a.m. MC5 News and Updates; 8:30 a.m. Program; 10:45 a.m. Our Stories of Culture Change.
NEW Location for 2013 – Brentwood Community Center, Room 104, 2505 South Brentwood Boulevard, Brentwood. RSVP to Ruthie, or 314-801-0446.
North Central – September 13, 2013: Interact (Intervention to Reduce Acute Care Transfers)
Presented by Primaris Program Manager Kent McGeeney, MSE, MPA, LNHA.
Program: 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Location: Livingston County Public Library, 450 Locust St., Chillicothe. RSVP to Judy Bagley at, 660-748-4407 or Suzanna Hughes at, 660-247-5011
East Central – September 17, 2013: Where Do we Go Next? Review of 2013 Missouri Health Care Association Conference and Discussion of Future Topics.
Please bring your ideas for topics you would like to see covered at future meetings.
Refreshments and Networking: 9:45 a.m. – 10 a.m. Program: 10 a.m. – Noon. Location: Benchmark Healthcare Center of Rolla, 1200 McCutcheon, Rolla. RSVP: Mary Ehrenreich 314-801-0462, or Tracy Rosenow 573-265-3271,
Northwest – September 18, 2013: Interact (Intervention to Reduce Acute Care Transfers)
Presented by Primaris Program Manager Kent McGeeney, MSE, MPA, LNHA.
9:15 a.m.; Program: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Location: East Hills Library, 502 North Woodbine Road, St. Joseph. RSVP Karen Fletchall at, 660-564-3304, or Freda Miller at, 660-822-6209.
Northeast – September 27, 2013: Puppies for Parole
Presented by Missouri Department of Corrections Deputy Division Director Cyndi Prudden and Reentry Program Manager Dena Sikoutris.
Registration 9:30 a.m.; Program 10 a.m.
Location: Loch Haven Senior Living Community Apartments, New Activity Room, 701 Sunset Hills Dr., Macon. RSVP to Wendy or Katie at 660-385-3113.
Please visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at
Eliminating Alarms and Proactively Preventing Falls by Engaging with Life
September 20, 2013: Conversations with Carmen
Guest: Jennifer Crimmins, Administrator Friendship Haven, Fort Dodge, Iowa. To learn more and register, please visit
To learn more about Action Pact, please click on the links below:
The Key to Alarm Elimination and Proactive Prevention of Falls: Relationships
August 16, 2013: Conversations with Carmen
Guest: Leslie Pedtke, Administrator, Aviston Countryside Manor, and developer of Through the Looking Glass. To learn more and register, please visit
MC5 Regional Meetings – August 2013
Southeast – August 2, 2013: Blue Ducks: Bringing the WHO into Culture Change
Cape Girardeau Public Library, 711 N. Clark St., Cape Girardeau. RSVP to John Langley,
Central – August 6, 2013: Challenges of Dental Hygiene
N.H. Scheppers Distributing Co., The Clydesdale Room, 1306 Hathman Place, Columbia. RSVP to Beth, or call (573) 443-5823. Please view the flyer: MC5 Central Regional Meeting August 6 2013
Poplar Bluff – August 16, 2013: Liberalized Medication Pass
DHSS Large Conference Room, 2875 James Blvd., Poplar Bluff. RSVP to
Please visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at
New Generations – Summer 2013 Quarterly Newsletter
The Section for Long-Term Care has published New Generations – Volume 11, Issue 3, Summer 2013. This issue is now available on our website, along with an archive of previous newsletters. Please visit