Highest Practicable Level of Well-being is Required by Regulation – Conversations with Carmen

Highest Practicable Level of Well-being is Required by Regulation

June 20, 2014:  Conversations with Carmen

Guest:  LaVrene Norton, MSW, Action Pact Founder and Executive Leader, with Carmen Bowman, Edu-Catering, Regulator turned Educator, Hostess of Conversations with Carmen.

LaVrene Norton was one of the leaders of the culture change movement who identified the seven essential domains of well-being in 2002.  Together LaVrene and hostess Carmen Bowman will “take it up a notch” by showing how CMS nursing home regulations require that the highest practicable level of well-being be maintained or attained for each person and how the domains of growth, comfort, security, identity, autonomy, connectedness, meaning and joy are not only what really matter to people but are also embedded in regulatory requirements.  To learn more and register for this web-based talk show, please visit http://actionpact.com/calendar/event_details/conversations_with_carmen_webinar.

MC5 Regional Meetings – July 2014

Please visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at www.momc5.com/regional-meetings.html or click on the regional links below to view upcoming meetings near you!

Central (Jefferson City/Columbia)
East (St. Louis)
East Central (Rolla)
North Central (Chillicothe)
Northeast (Macon)
Northwest (St. Joseph)
Poplar Bluff
Route 71 (Nevada)
Southeast (Cape Girardeau)
Southwest (Springfield)
West (Independence)
West Central (Sedalia)


One-Day Workshop: The Nurse’s Guide to Person-Centered Care

June 25, 2014:  Kansas City, Ks.

Sleeping, waking, bathing – we want to live according to our own daily life rhythms.

This culture change workshop is designed for nurses who believe that residents should be able to continue to direct their own lives while living in a nursing home. REGISTER HERE or view the flyer:  Nurses Guide to Person-Centered Care Workshop June 25, 2014.

To learn more, please visit the Action Pact website at http://actionpact.com/calendar/event_details/nursing_and_home_integrating_quality_care_with_life.

Dr. Bill Thomas’ Second Wind Tour – Spring 2014

The Second Wind Tour – This Changes Everything

May 22, 2014 in Kansas City, Mo. Dr. Bill Thomas-Second Wind Tour

Inspired by Thomas’ new book examining the baby boom generation’s reluctant generational second coming of age – Second Wind: Navigating the Passage to a Slower, Deeper and More Connected Life – the Second Wind Tour will bring a unique “non-fiction” theater experience blending the spoken word, innovative set design, film, and music to 25-cities in the spring of 2014.  To learn more, visit The Eden Alternative at www.edenalt.org/events-and-offerings/special-events/, or visit http://secondwindtour.org/.

Special Notice:  The Eden Alternative has a number of tickets remaining to distribute in Kansas City and would like to invite you to share the registration link.  Tickets are free and available on a first come, first serve basis – please visit: www.eventbrite.com/e/second-wind-tour-kansas-city-mo-tickets-10696853577?aff=eden.

Dementia Beyond Disease – Conversations with Carmen

Dementia Beyond Disease

May 16, 2014:  Conversations with Carmen

Guest: Al Power, MD, Board-certified Geriatrician, Eden Educator, Author of Dementia beyond Drugs and Dementia beyond Disease.  To learn more and register for this web-based talk show, please visit www.actionpact.com/calendar/event_details/conversations_with_carmen_webinar.

Alive Inside – A Story of Music & Memory

Special Free Screening Coming to a Theatre Near You!

You are invited to attend a free screening of “Alive Inside,” a documentary about the power of music to restore some neurological function and quality of life to nursing home residents with Alzheimer’s disease and other conditions.

June 11, 2014 – St. Louis (Des Peres 14)
June 12, 2014 – Lake Ozark (Eagles’ Landing 8)
June 13, 2014 – Bethany (BigTime Cinema) 

Stay after the film for a live question & answer session with Dan Cohen, MSW, founding Executive Director of Music & Memory.

Discover the power of music. Do not miss this truly inspirational and heart-warming film!

Advanced registration is not required.

  • FREE Nursing Home Administrator 2.0 Patient Care CEUs
  • FREE Social Worker 2.0 CEUs
  • FREE Activity Professionals 2.0 CEUs

Please view the flyer here: Alive Inside – A Story of Music and Memory June 2014

This event is sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association St. Louis Chapter, the Section for Long-Term Care Regulation, the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5), and Primaris. Read more about this event in New Generations – Volume 12, Issue 2, Spring 2014!

New Generations Quarterly Newsletter – Spring 2014

The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation has published New Generations – Volume 12, Issue 2, Spring 2014.

A complimentary color copy will be distributed via regular mail to each licensed home in Missouri. The spring issue is now available on the Department’s website, along with an archive of previous issues.  Please visit http://health.mo.gov/seniors/nursinghomes/providerinfo.php.

24th Annual Caring for the Frail Elderly Conference

August 15 – 16, 2014:  Holiday Inn Select Executive Center – Columbia, Mo.

The Caring for the Frail Elderly Conference is the premiere Midwest conference dedicated to improving care for the frail elderly.  This inter-professional meeting advances care for older patients in clinical, hospital, nursing home, and end-of-life settings.  Since 1991, this annual event has provided state-of-the-art information on medical management, interdisciplinary care, and system change for physicians, nurses, social workers, state surveyors, nursing home administrators, attorneys, pharmacists, and other professionals.  To learn more, please visit http://medicine.missouri.edu/cfe/.

MC5 Regional Meetings – May / June 2014

Please visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at www.momc5.com/regional-meetings.html, or click on the regional area links below.


May 7, 2014:  Southwest

Webinar #3: Security is More Than an Alarm System

MC5 and Primaris Learning Collaborative

MC5 Southwest May 7, 2014

Location:  The Library Center, 4653 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield, Mo.


May 9, 2014:  East

Through the Looking Glass

MC5 East May 9, 2014

Location:  Brentwood Community Center, 2505 S. Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood, Mo.


May 20, 2014:  East Central


MC5 and Primaris Learning Collaborative

MC5 East Central May 20, 2014

Location: The Centre, 1200 Holloway Rd., Rolla, Mo.


May 21, 2014:  Northwest

Phishing for Memories: Helping Reel in the Catch!

MC5 Northwest May 21, 2014

Location:  East Hills Library, 502 N. Woodbine Rd., St. Joseph, Mo.


May 23, 2014:  Poplar Bluff

Person Centered Care in Activities

MC5 Poplar Bluff May 23, 2014

Location: DHSS, 2875 James Blvd., Poplar Bluff, Mo.



CENTRAL – Columbia

June 3, 2014:  De Minner will not be able to present “Dementia Care Mapping” on June 3. Culture Change for Surveyors will be presented by DHSS State Culture Change Coordinator Sam Plaster.

Not only is Culture Change the right thing to do, it is required by regulations. Come learn how State long-term care surveyors are taught to apply Culture Change concepts to the regulatory process.

FREE Administrator (2A) and Social Worker CEUs available!

Location: The Neighborhoods by Tiger Place, Community Room, 3003 Falling Leaf Court, Columbia, Missouri. There is no charge to attend, but registration in advance would be appreciated. RSVP to Beth at bbusseau@cmaaa.net or 573-443-5823.


SOUTHEAST – Cape Girardeau

June 6, 2014:  Developing Foundational Tools for Change: A Discussion of four Organizational Practices, presented by Julie Ballard, R.N., Director of Culture Change, Health Systems Inc.
This session will focus on lessons learned from the Pioneer Network Learning Collaborative which MC5 participated in over 2012-2013. Many useful tools were created from this Collaborative and are now part of the “Pioneer Network Starter Toolkit: Engaging Staff in Individualized Care.” The four foundational organizational practices of dedicated assignment, huddles, CNAs in care planning, and quality improvement closest to the resident will be highlighted.
FREE Administrator and Social Worker CEUs Available!

Location: Cape Girardeau Public Library, 711 North Clark St., Cape Girardeau, Missouri. RSVP to John Langley at cypress@americareusa.net.


NORTH CENTRAL – Chillicothe

June 12, 2014:  Staff Retention and Stability

Presented by Primaris Program Manager Kent McGeeney, LNHA, MPA, MSE.



June 17, 2014:  MC5 and Primaris Learning Collaborative – It Takes a Team to Provide High Quality Individualized Care

Utilizing the Pioneer Network National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series on Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care.  Monthly meetings will be facilitated by Primaris Program Manager Nursing Home Services Alexis Roam, MSN, RN.

Special Offer from the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5)

Special Offer from the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5)

The Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) would love to see every senior care organization in Missouri represented at the annual Pioneer Network Culture Change Conference.

MC5 would like to help every community / organization in Missouri.  Here’s how:

  • If you send one person to the conference, you will receive a $50.00 gift certificate, good at the Pioneer Network Bookstore and participating vendors.
  • If you send four or more people, you will receive an additional $50.00 gift certificate.
  • If one of the people you send is a direct caregiver, you will receive an additional $25.00 gift certificate.

MC5 would love to see everyone come back home from the conference fired up and ready to move forward with new and innovative ideas for their Culture Change journey!  For more information, please visit the MC5 website at www.momc5.com.

Pioneer Network’s 14th Annual Culture Change Conference, “Journey to the Heartland,” will be held Aug. 4 to 7, 2014, at the Sheraton Kansas City-Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo.

      Early Bird Registration now through April 18 – visit www.pioneernetwork.net

Nursing and Home: Integrating Quality Care With Life – One-Day Workshop

May 15, 2014:  Kansas City, Ks.

Sleeping, waking, bathing – we want to live according to our own daily life rhythms.

This culture change workshop is designed for nurses who believe that residents should be able to continue to direct their own lives while living in a nursing home.  To learn more, please view the flyer here:  Action Pact’s Series Culture Change Workshops in Kansas City KS or visit http://actionpact.com/calendar/event_details/nursing_and_home_integrating_quality_care_with_life.

To learn more about Action Pact, click on the links below:




Hearing the Voice of Persons Living with Dementia – Conversations with Carmen

Hearing the Voice of Persons Living with Dementia

April 18, 2014: Conversations with Carmen…  A Monthly Webinar

Guest:  Megan Hannan, MS, Action Pact Consultant, Developer of PersonFirst®, author of Becoming Who They Were.  To learn more and register for this web-based talk show, please visit www.actionpact.com/calendar/event_details/conversations_with_carmen_webinar.

Alive Inside – Conversations with Carmen March 21, 2014

Alive Inside

March 21, 2014: Conversations with Carmen

Guest:  Dan Cohen, MSW, Founder and Executive Director of Music & Memory

Rooted in neuroscience research, the results are described as “nothing short of miraculous” and certainly contribute to efforts to reduce anti-psychotics.  To learn more and register for this web-based talk show, please visit www.actionpact.com/calendar/event_details/conversations_with_carmen_webinar or click here to register.

One-Day Workshop: Food for Thought – The Deep Seated Issue of Choice

April 23, 2014:  Kansas City, Ks.

This workshop focuses on resident-directed dining, bringing the principles and practices of the New Dining Best Practice Standards to your organization in an experiential and practical manner.  If you are in households or neighborhoods, it will spark new energy in your teams and generate an excitement about resident-directed life.  If you are committed to resident-directed life but still operate in a traditional organization, this workshop help you identify first steps and serve as a guide for your journey.  Please visit http://actionpact.com/calendar/event_details/food_for_thought.

To learn more about Action Pact, click on the links below:




From Inside Out: Gardens Meet Unmet Needs – Free Webinar

March 25, 2014:  Focusing on specific case studies, Jack Carman of Design for Generations will discuss how communities have worked together to create exciting outdoor gardens that involve both a person-directed process and excellent outcomes.  Please visit The Eden Alternative website at www.edenalt.org/component/option,com_registrationpro/Itemid,25/view,events/, or click here to register.

MC5 Regional Meetings – April 2014

April 1, 2014:  Central

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Location:  N.H. Scheppers Distributing Co., The Clydesdale Room, 2300 St. Mary’s Blvd., Jefferson City, Mo.


April 15, 2014:  East Central

MDS & Quality of Life: Operationalizing Customary Routines – MC5 East Central and Primaris Learning Collaborative

Location:  The Centre, 1200 Holloway St., Rolla, Mo.


April 18, 2014:  Route 71

Survey and Culture Change

Location:   Community Center, 200 North Ash, Nevada, Mo.


April 23, 2014:  Northeast

Ageism, Self Evaluation & Customer Service in Long-Term Care

Please view the flyer here:  MC5 North East April 23, 2014

Location:  First Church of the Nazarene, 32838 US Hwy 63, Macon, Mo.


April 23, 2014:  West

The Artifacts of Culture Change

Location:   Centerpoint Medical Center, East Auditorium, 19600 East 39th St., Independence, Mo.


For details, please visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at www.momc5.com/regional-meetings.html.

Person-Directed Clinical Practices – A QAPI Strategy

Developed by The Eden Alternative, presented in association with Pioneer Network

A 3-part webinar series to strengthen and support person-directed care

This 3-part webinar series will highlight how implementing person-directed care actually strengthens and supports efforts to improve aspects of clinical care, and in turn, alignment with QAPI guidelines. Participants will learn how to work smarter, not harder, by creating a fully integrated quality improvement strategy that honors quality of life and overall well-being for all involved in the care relationship.

To learn more, please visit http://www.pioneernetwork.net/Events/Upcoming/.

Click here to register for all three events


Strategies for Implementing a Fall Prevention Program that Works

April 10, 2014:  Pioneer Network Webinar

In 2008, Empira, a Minnesota consortium of skilled nursing homes, implemented a program to prevent and reduce resident falls in fifteen of their homes.  Register for this webinar and learn about the process and outcomes of Empira’s fall prevention program including how those homes became alarm-free, restraint-free, with corrected bed heights (no low beds), no floor mats, and the cautionary use of gripper socks.

Read more about this webinar and register by visiting www.pioneernetwork.net/Events/Webinars/HotTopics/.

Culture Change Linked to Reduced Survey Deficiencies in Nursing Homes

Nursing homes that have embraced culture change demonstrated a significant reduction in health-related survey deficiencies, a study shows.  Deficiency citations fell by 14.6 percent between 2004 and 2009 in homes that have implemented culture change relative to a control group of non-culture change nursing homes.  This study was published in a special supplement “Transforming Nursing Home Culture: Evidence for Practice and Policy” to the February 2014 issue of The Gerontologist.  The abstract is available by visiting http://gerontologist.oxfordjournals.org/content/54/Suppl_1/S35.abstract.

One-Day Workshop: Honoring Personhood

March 13, 2014:  Kansas City, Ks.

Study with experienced facilitator Megan Hannan to gain knowledge and learn ways of behaving that reinforce each individual’s sense of self.  This workshop is approved for 6 hours of CEUs for administrators.  Please view the flyer here:  Action Pact’s Honoring Personhood March 13, 2014 or visit http://actionpact.com/calendar/event_details/honoring_personhood.

To learn more about Action Pact, click on the links below:





The Validation® Method: A Tried and True Method of Reducing Antipsychotics

February 21, 2014:  Conversations with Carmen

Guest: Naomi Feil, MSW, SCSW.  Treat yourself to learning from developer Naomi Feil about the Validation® method, which provides a means for successfully communicating with persons with dementia – something desperately needed by them, their caregivers and family members.  To learn more and register for this web-based talk show, please visit www.actionpact.com/calendar/event_details/conversations_with_carmen_webinar.

To learn more about Action Pact, click on the links below:




MC5 Regional Meetings – March 2014

Visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at www.momc5.com.

Customer Service: Beyond a Warm Welcome

Location:  Lenoir Woods, LSS, Nifong Hall, 3710 South Lenoir St., Columbia.

RSVP to Beth at bbusseau@cmaaa.net or 573-443-5823.

Caring for Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease in a Culture Change World

Presented by Alzheimer’s Association Heart of America Chapter, Education Director Michelle Niedens.

Location:  Methodist Church, The Celebration Center, 1701 W. 32nd, Sedalia.

RSVP to Kathy Ray-Smith at kraysmith@goaging.org, 800-748-7826, or 660-747-3107.

Enhancing Communication:  Dealing with challenging “behaviors” and the principles of person-centered care

Presented by Alzheimer’s Association Northwest Region Dementia Care Specialist Brenda Gregg.

Location:  East Hills Library, 502 North Woodbine Rd., St. Joseph.

RSVP to Karen Fletchall at karen.fletchall@yahoo.com or 660-562-3515; or Freda Miller at fmiller@nwmoaaa.org or 660-822-6209.

Creating Well-Being for Those Who Live with Dementia:  Alternatives to Medication Use Webinar Series

Webinar #2:  Seeing & Relating to the Whole Person

Would you like to provide your staff with high quality training from world-renowned experts, but just can’t afford it?  Now you can!  MC5 and Primaris have teamed up to bring you the six part webinar series developed by Dr. Al Power and The Eden Alternative.  Each meeting will include one of the hour-long webinars, followed by a learning session led by Primaris Program Manager Judy Halley, RN-BC, LNHA.

Location:  Council of Churches, 627 North Glenstone Ave., Springfield.

RSVP to cindybutler@mchsi.com

Music & Memory

Sunnyview Nursing Home and Apartments Assistant Administrator Matt Arthaud will present video clips that demonstrate the benefits of personalized music for individuals with dementia.  The soon to be public documentary Alive Inside and the Music & Memory program will also be discussed.  The presentation will be followed by a brief Learning Circle training and discussion. Please view the flyer here:  MC5 North Central 03-13-14

Location:  BTC Bank, 400 West Business 36, Chillicothe

RSVP to Judy Bagley at jbagley@grm.net, or call 660-748-4407.

  • March 14, 2014:  East

Words Hurt:  How Using Culture Change Language Improves Care

Presented by Lutheran Senior Services Director of Performance Improvement Joan Devine.

Location:  Brentwood Community Center, Rm. 104, 2502 S. Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood.

Please RSVP by calling 314-432-3422.

Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care

MC5 East Central and Primaris Learning Collaborative

Please view the flyer here: MC5 East Central 03-18-14

Primaris Program Manager Nursing Home Services Alexis Roam, MSN, RN, will facilitate monthly meetings.

Location:  The Centre, 1200 Holloway St., Rolla.

RSVP to Mary Ehrenreich at mary.ehrenreich@alz.org or 314-801-0462; or Tracy Rosenow at tracy.rosenow@mvc.dps.mo.gov or 573-265-3271.

For more information about these regional meetings, please visit the Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at www.momc5.com/regional-meetings.html.