Federal and State COVID-19 Vaccination Programs

The Federal Government and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services have developed COVID-19 vaccination distribution programs and we strongly encourage you to enroll your community in both programs. The federal program focuses on residents and the Missouri program focuses on staff. Enrollment in both programs is essential to ensure residents and staff have access to the COVID-19 vaccine when the vaccine becomes available. Information about the programs, including the enrollment process is below. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about either program.


Federal Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care ProgramRegistration deadline TODAY, November 6
The national vaccine distribution program for long-term care residents.

To prepare for the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine, the federal government has partnered with pharmacies to distribute and administer the vaccine to residents in long-term care facilities. This program is free of charge and covers all of the reporting requirements associated with the vaccine.

Long-term care facilities (nursing homes, assisted living, residential care, adult day communities, ICF/IIDs and other congregate settings for older adults) have until Friday, November 6th to register with the CDC on how they want to receive and administer the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. Federally certified nursing homes will be able to register through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) website, while other settings (assisted living, residential care, adult day communities and ICF/IIDs) can register at REDcap Sign-Up Form.

We strongly encourage all long-term care facilities to participate and register. This is critical to ensuring our vulnerable residents are among the first to receive a vaccine when it becomes available.

The documents below further explain the program.

Federal Pharmacy Partnerships Program_102620
LTCF Program Overview_Final


Missouri COVID-19 Program – Updated Information

In addition to the national vaccine distribution program for long-term care facility residents, the Department of Health and Senior Services has developed a vaccine distribution program for long-term care facility staff.

To accomplish facility staff vaccination there will be three scenarios. Facilities choosing scenario 1 or 2 – information regarding this enrollment process will be distributed in the near future.

  1. Partner with a local pharmacy to provide onsite vaccination of staff;
  2. Partner with a local public health agency to provide vaccine to staff either onsite or offsite; or
  3. Enroll as a COVID-19 vaccination provider using the process described below
  4. Must have to be able to store and administer vaccine (which may be ultra-cold temperatures and doses up to 975)
  5. Facilities will receive vaccine at no cost
  6. Vaccination supplies at no cost
  7. PPE for vaccination at no cost


Process for Enrolling as a COVID-19 Vaccination Provider

There is no deadline to enroll in the state COVID-19 vaccination program.

If you have further questions about the Missouri COVID-19 program, please email cv19vaxenroll@health.mo.gov.

NIOSH’s Second EHMR Federal Register Notice Webinar

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 1:00 PM EDT – 2:00 PM EDT
NIOSH’s Second Elastomeric Half-Mask Respirator (EHMR) Federal Register Notice Webinar

Elastomeric half mask respirators (EHMRs) are reusable respirators that may be worn in a healthcare setting and supplement the supply of disposable respirators available to healthcare workers. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)-in coordination with the Strategic National Stockpile-posted a Federal Register Notice (FRN) titled “A National Elastomeric Half Mask Respirator (EHMR) Strategy for Use in Healthcare Settings During an Infectious Disease Outbreak/Pandemic”.

Through this FRN, NIOSH is seeking input regarding the national distribution plan of purchased EHMRs, as well as identifying potential organizations interested in receiving a portion of these EHMRs with the commitment to provide a report of user acceptability and feasibility of implementation.

NIOSH is seeking organizations including, but not limited to:

  • Hospital systems, individual hospitals, and/or specific hospital units (i.e., emergency department, intensive care units)
  • Outpatient care settings (i.e., offices, clinics, home care, urgent care, rehab centers)
  • Long term care facilities
  • Dental practices
  • First responder organizations (i.e., police, fire, EMS)

To learn more about how your organization can participate in this effort, please join us for a webinar on November 18 from 1:00-2:00pm (ET). NIOSH will provide an overview of EHMRs, a summary of the FRN, expectations of potential participants, next steps, and answer any questions you may have. Registration for the webinar is here.

The Nursing Home COVID-19 Action Network ECHO

The Nursing Home COVID-19 Action Network ECHO is kicking off the week of November 9, 2020 and you are invited to participate!

Medicare and/or Medicaid certified nursing homes that actively participate in the Network can receive up to $6,000 in compensation, along with free CME/CNE/LNHA credits for participating staff.

The Nursing Home COVID-19 Action Network ECHO will address the following goals:

  • Keep the virus from entering nursing homes where it has not entered
  • Identify residents and staff who have been infected with the virus early
  • Prevent the spread of the virus between staff, residents and visitors
  • Provide safe and appropriate care to residents with mild and asymptomatic cases
  • Ensure staff have the knowledge, skills and confidence to implement best-practice safety measures to protect residents and themselves
  • Reduce social isolation for residents, families, and staff during these difficult times

The Missouri Telehealth Network (MTN) at the University of Missouri is collaborating with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Project ECHO and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) to advance improvements in COVID-19 preparedness, safety and infection control in nursing homes.

Our goal is to recruit up to 105 nursing homes to participate in this virtual community of practice, where nursing home staff can engage with experts and their peers and share cases for real-time discussion and advice.

MTN will be holding several informational webinars next week to explain the project in further detail, and to answer any questions the organizations may have. Below are links register for each of the webinars. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.



If you are interested in learning more about this project, and are unable to attend any of the above, please contact Lindsey Beckmann at beckmannli@health.missouri.edu.

CARES Act Funding

Updated – 10/26/2020

To: Residential Care Facilities, Intermediate Care Facilities, and Assisted Living Facilities

On October 7, 2020, Governor Parson announced $10 million in CARES Act funding to support assisted living, intermediate care, and residential care facilities with uncompensated necessary COVID-19 related expenses. These facilities may submit invoices to the Department of Social Services through an online portal located here https://apps.dss.mo.gov/LongTermCareCovid19Invoices/.

Providers must complete and submit an attestation located on the site.

Please note: Social Services has already been accepting and processing invoices for uncompensated COVID testing costs related to outbreaks and reopening requirements. This is a different, additional reimbursement process and you must complete the new attestation located on the site, in order to submit invoices for other uncompensated necessary COVID-19 related expenses.

If you do not submit the correct attestation, Social Services cannot process your invoice. Invoices must be received by November 15, 2020

Community Testing Opportunities

The next round of community testing events will take place in the following counties. Additional events are expected to be scheduled throughout the coming weeks. Missourians can register now for these events at health.mo.gov/communitytest and also continue to check back for future opportunities to be tested at an event nearby.







Osage County Fairgrounds


October 26

8AM – 1PM


Lybyer Enhanced Technology Center

West Plains

October 27

12PM – 5PM


First Assembly of God

Jefferson City

October 27

9AM – 5PM


Lions Club Den & Park


October 28

2PM – 7PM

New Madrid

Public Safety Center

New Madrid

October 29

9AM – 1PM


Ozark Empire Fairgrounds


October 30-31

Oct. 30 9AM – 7PM

Oct. 31 7AM – 4PM


Whitely Park

Poplar Bluff

October 30

9AM – 5PM


Eldon Community Center


November 2

9AM – 2PM


Moniteau County Fairgrounds


November 4

9AM – 2PM


Shelby County Fairgrounds


November 6

9AM – 2PM


Heritage Park Softball Complex

St. Joseph

November 7

7AM – 3PM


Scotland County Health Department/ Home Health Agency


November 7

9AM – 2PM

Register for testing at:
or call (877) 435-8411

New Resource – Dementia Care

The California Partnership to Improve Dementia Care has created six resource videos on the topic of COVID-19 and residents living with dementia.

  • Activities for Patients with Dementia: Creative Ideas During COVID-19
  • Coping and Stress Management During a Pandemic
  • COVID-19: Tips for Reducing Emotional Distress in Patients with Dementia
  • How to Reduce Wandering in Patients with Dementia
  • Optimizing Dementia Care in the Era of COVID-19
  • Optimizing Person Centered and Family Dementia Care in the Era of COVID-19

The videos are housed on the link below:

Community Testing Opportunities

The next round of community testing events will take place in the following counties. Additional events are expected to be scheduled throughout the coming weeks. Missourians can register now for these events at health.mo.gov/communitytest and also continue to check back for future opportunities to be tested at an event nearby.







St. Charles

The Family Arena

St. Charles

October 16-17

Oct. 16 10AM – 6PM

Oct. 17 8AM – 4PM


Missouri State Southern University


October 16

10AM – 6PM


Benton County Health Department


October 17

12PM – 5PM


Hillsboro Civic Center


October 20

10AM – 7PM


Tri-County Fairgrounds

Mountain Grove

October 20

9AM – 1PM


Washington County Ambulance District

Mineral Point

October 21

11AM – 5PM


Buffalo Prairie Middle School


October 21

10AM – 2PM


Cash Savers Grocery Store Parking Lot


October 22

1PM – 6PM

Cape Girardeau

Arena Park

Cape Girardeau

October 23

7AM – 5PM


Brushy Creek Park


October 23

10AM – 2PM

Register for testing at:
or call (877) 435-8411


New Phase 3 Provider Relief Funding

On October 1st, under the leadership of President Trump, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), is announcing $20 billion in new funding for providers on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic. Under this Phase 3 General Distribution allocation, providers that have already received Provider Relief Fund payments will be invited to apply for additional funding that considers financial losses and changes in operating expenses caused by the coronavirus. Previously ineligible providers, such as those who began practicing in 2020 will also be invited to apply, and an expanded group of behavioral health providers confronting the emergence of increased mental health and substance use issues exacerbated by the pandemic will also be eligible for relief payments.

Providers can begin applying for funds on Monday, October 5, 2020.

“HHS has worked to ensure that all American healthcare providers receive support from the Provider Relief Fund in a fast and fair way, and this new round helps ensure that we are reaching America’s essential behavioral health providers and takes into account losses and expenses relating to coronavirus,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “We’ve worked with all of the resources we have across HHS to ensure that America’s heroic healthcare providers know they can apply for support.”

HHS has already issued over $100 billion in relief funding to providers through prior distributions. Still, HHS recognizes that many providers continue to struggle financially from COVID-19’s impact. For eligible providers, the new Phase 3 General Distribution is designed to balance an equitable payment of 2 percent of annual revenue from patient care for all applicants plus an add-on payment to account for revenue losses and expenses attributable to COVID-19.

Further, HHS recognizes constraints such as the stay-at-home orders and social isolation have been particularly difficult for many Americans. A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report found the prevalence of  symptoms of anxiety disorder in the second quarter of 2020 was approximately three times those that reported in the second quarter of 2019 (25.5% versus 8.1%); and the prevalence of depressive disorder was approximately four times that reported in the second quarter of 2019 (24.3% versus 6.5%). Our behavioral health providers have shouldered the burden of responding and confronting this expanded challenge triggered by the pandemic. When traditional face-to-face counseling was restricted and new telehealth flexibilities were put in place in response to the pandemic, many behavioral health providers invested in and adopted – PDF telehealth technologies to continue providing patient care. While some Medicare or Medicaid behavioral health providers have already received prior General Distribution payments, others have not. Working with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), HRSA developed a list of the nation’s behavioral health providers now eligible for funding, which includes, for example, addiction counseling centers, mental health counselors, and psychiatrists.


HHS is making a large number of providers eligible for Phase 3 General Distribution funding, including:

  • Providers who previously received, rejected or accepted a General Distribution Provider Relief Fund payment. Providers that have already received payments of approximately 2% of annual revenue from patient care may submit more information to become eligible for an additional payment.
  • Behavioral Health providers, including those that previously received funding and new providers.
  • Healthcare providers that began practicing January 1, 2020 through March 31, 2020. This includes Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, dentists, assisted living facilities and behavioral health providers.

Payment Methodology – Apply Early

All eligible providers will be considered for payment against the below criteria.

  1. All provider submissions will be reviewed to confirm they have received a Provider Relief Fund payment equal to approximately 2 percent of patient care revenue from prior general distributions. Applicants that have not yet received Relief Fund payments of 2 percent of patient revenue will receive a payment that, when combined with prior payments (if any), equals 2 percent of patient care revenue.
  2. With the remaining balance of the $20 billion budget, HRSA will then calculate an equitable add-on payment that considers the following:
    • A provider’s change in operating revenues from patient care
    • A provider’s change in operating expenses from patient care, including expenses incurred related to coronavirus
    • Payments already received through prior Provider Relief Fund distributions.

We know providers want to receive payments shortly after submitting their information. However, this distribution requires cooperation on the part of all applicants. Again, HHS is urging all eligible providers to apply early; do not wait until the last day or week of the application period. Applying early will help to expedite HHS’s review process and payment calculations, and ultimately accelerate the distribution of all payments.

All payment recipients will be required to attest to receiving the Phase 3 General Distribution payment and accept the associated Terms and Conditions.

Application Deadline

Providers will have from October 5, 2020 through November 6, 2020 to apply for Phase 3 General Distribution funding. HHS’s top priority is ensuring as many providers possible have an opportunity to apply. HHS will continue to host webinars to assist providers through the application process and the call center is also available to address questions.

HHS recognizes the multifaceted challenges of this pandemic cannot be won without frontline healthcare providers focused on containing the virus and delivering holistic care. Funding for this Phase 3 General Distribution was made possible through the bipartisan CARES Act and the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, which allocated $175 billion in relief funds to hospitals and other healthcare providers.

For updates and to learn more about the Provider Relief Program, visit: hhs.gov/providerrelief.

Community Testing Opportunities

The next round of community testing events will take place in the following counties. Additional events are expected to be scheduled throughout the coming weeks. Missourians can register now for these events at health.mo.gov/communitytest and also continue to check back for future opportunities to be tested at an event nearby.







Krug Park

St. Joseph

October 10

7AM – 1PM


Bollinger County Health Department

Marble Hill

October 10

7AM – 12PM


NEMO Fairgrounds


October 12

7AM – 12PM


Wayne County Courthouse


October 12

7AM – 1PM


The Crossing Church


October 13

7AM – 7PM


Lincoln County Fairgrounds


October 15

10AM – 6PM


Rocketdyne Church of Christ


October 15

10AM – 6PM

St. Charles

The Family Arena

St. Charles

October 16-17

Oct. 16 10AM – 6PM


Oct. 17 8AM – 4PM


Missouri State Southern University


October 16

10AM – 6PM


Benton County Health Department


October 17

12PM – 5PM

Register for testing at:
or call (877) 435-8411


Electronic COVID-19 Reporting of Point of Care Test Results to DHSS

Many long-term care facilities (LTCFs) have received or will receive COVID-19 antigen point of care (POC) testing machines and supplies from the federal government to help facilitate timely testing of residents and facility staff. Through the distribution of the machines, LTCFs will act as the diagnosing provider and now the laboratory for the tests which requires reporting of all test results to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS).

Properly submitting all test results (positive, negative, and other results) in a timely manner is important to the health and safety of the community. To expedite the reporting process, DHSS is requiring all facilities to submit test results in an electronic format with the ultimate goal of onboarding all LTCFs to electronic reporting within the next 30 days.

DHSS has assembled a team to assist you in this effort. Ryan Marsch and the DHSS Onboarding Team (ELR@health.mo.gov) will be your primary contacts as you onboard for electronic reporting of test results. Tracy Niekamp (tracy.niekamp@health.mo.gov) and Shelly Williamson (shelly.williamson@health.mo.gov) at the Division of Regulation and Licensure are also available to assist you with any questions.

Documentation and Reporting of Point of Care Test (POC) Results

By administering the POC tests, a LTCF is acting as a laboratory which is required to submit all COVID-19 test results (positive, negative, other) to DHSS for testing performed in their facility. The facility is also acting as the provider, and are required to submit case reports to DHSS.

Facilities, including K-12 schools, long-term care, and higher education institutions which administer POC tests may report all the necessary information for both the laboratory report and the case report on a single comma separated values file (CSV), which is a format-free version of a spreadsheet. A template will be provided to the facility by DHSS. Required data fields include facility information, patient demographics, lab results and basic information about symptoms.

The CSV file is then uploaded to a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) site, and is auto-ingested into the state’s disease monitoring platform, known as EpiTrax. This information is then immediately accessible to local and state health authorities.

For long-term care facilities, this means that they no longer need to complete an online CD-1 form for tests that they perform on-site, acting as a laboratory. Long-term care facilities must continue to submit an online CD-1 form to report positive COVID-19 cases that occur in their facilities if the test was performed by an external laboratory.

To successfully submit test results through SFTP, testing sites will need:

  • Reporting template from DHSS
  • Access to a computer/laptop with Microsoft Excel or an alternative application that can work with Excel files
  • Access to the Internet
  • User name and password for the secure upload site

There are three steps to onboarding to laboratory/case reporting:

Step 1: Starting Wednesday, October 7, DHSS will contact long-term care facilities in onboarding groups. Look out for an invitation email with the following resources:

  • A link to a brief survey for collecting contact information on the team member assigned to submit the data in your facility. Note: Once you receive this email, please complete this survey within 24 hours. If possible, we ask that you complete this survey in advance of the invitation email at this link: https://stateofmissouri.wufoo.com/forms/ma3vqye0hqzxkj/
  • This will help our team expedite this process and get you up and running as soon as possible.
    You may also find a link to this survey and additional information here: https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus/how-to-report-lab-results.php
  • A CSV Excel file to facilitate seamless reporting into EpiTrax, DHSS’ disease surveillance system
  • Electronic COVID-19 Laboratory Reporting Submission Instructions to walk through submitting files via SFTP
  • A second email with your SFTP credentials

Step 2: You will start to submit files via SFTP. To expedite this process, your first submission may consist of test data, as it will be for validation purposes only. DHSS will review the data for accuracy and reach out if any changes are necessary.

Step 3: Once your data is validated, you will go live for ongoing submissions. Properly formatted data ingests into EpiTrax where DHSS and local public health agencies document and track case investigation activities.

If you have questions about formatting your Excel files or how the process works, please contact ELR@health.mo.gov. There are over 1,000 facilities that may receive some type of point of care test, so be aware that there may be some delay in the onboarding process.

If you have already begun testing at your facility and need guidance for reporting while you work through the onboarding process, please contact ELR@health.mo.gov for assistance.

CLIA Requirements

Any site that performs laboratory testing must follow applicable regulatory requirements including federal, state and local mandates for testing, as well as requirements for the safety and confidentiality of personal information. Use of this authorized test is limited to Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) certified laboratories that meet the requirements to perform moderate, high or waived complexity tests and Point of Care (POC) settings operating under a CLIA Certificate of Waiver, Certificate of Compliance, or Certificate of Accreditation. If your site does not have a CLIA Certificate of Waiver or for more information about CLIA requirements, please contact the CLIA Program at DHSS by email CLIA@health.mo.gov or by telephone at 573-751-6318.

CMS Memo: QSO-21-02-NH

Compliance with Residents’ Rights Requirement related to Nursing Home Residents’ Right to Vote

Memorandum Summary

  • The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is affirming the continued right of nursing home residents to exercise their right to vote.
  • While the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency has resulted in limitations for visitors to enter the facility to assist residents, nursing homes must still ensure residents are able to exercise their Constitutional right to vote.
  • States, localities, and nursing home owners and administrators are encouraged to collaborate to ensure a resident’s right to vote is not impeded.

Please see the full details in the memo.

Discordant Results between COVID-19 Point of Care Antigen and PCR Tests in Nursing Homes

The Center for Health Policy Evaluation in Long-Term Care has issued, “Preliminary Report: Discordant Results between COVID-19 Point of Care Antigen and PCR Tests in Nursing Homes”. Discordant results include situations when an antigen test is positive, but the RT-PCR test is negative. (Please see the full report here.)

Recommendations made included:

  • Continued use of Point of Care devices for widespread testing in SNFs.
  • Ensure users understand the importance of following manufactures protocols and CDC recommendations to conduct confirmation testing when antigen tests are positive among asymptomatic individuals.
  • Need for clearer guidance on what providers should do when the antigen test and confirmation tests are discordant with respect to patient care decisions, cohorting decisions, family notifications, NHSN reporting, and triggering an outbreak investigation.

In response, the CDC has updated their Frequently Asked Questions to address facility response if confirmatory RT-PCR testing is performed in response to a positive antigen test and results are discordant. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/faq.html#Testing-in-Nursing-Homes

Community Testing Opportunities

The next round of community testing events will take place in the following counties. Additional events are expected to be scheduled throughout the coming weeks. Missourians can register now for these events at health.mo.gov/communitytest and also continue to check back for future opportunities to be tested at an event nearby.







Krug Park

St. Joseph

October 10

7AM – 1PM


Bollinger County Health Department

Marble Hill

October 10

7AM – 12PM


NEMO Fairgrounds


October 12

7AM – 12PM


Wayne County Courthouse


October 12

7AM – 1PM


The Crossing Church


October 13

7AM – 7PM


Lincoln County Fairgrounds


October 15

10AM – 6PM


Rocketdyne Church of Christ


October 15

10AM – 6PM

St. Charles

The Family Arena

St. Charles

October 16-17

Oct. 16 10AM – 6PM


Oct. 17 8AM – 4PM


Missouri State Southern University


October 16

10AM – 6PM


Benton County Health Department


October 17

12PM – 5PM

Register for testing at:
or call (877) 435-8411


Community Testing Opportunities

The next round of community testing events will take place in the following counties. Additional events are expected to be scheduled throughout the coming weeks. Missourians can register now for these events at health.mo.gov/communitytest and also continue to check back for future opportunities to be tested at an event nearby.








2nd Baptist Church


October 2-3

Oct. 2 9AM – 7PM


Oct. 3 7AM – 5PM


East Central College


October 2-3

Oct. 2 8AM – 5PM


Oct. 3 7AM – 12PM


Holden Community Activity Center


October 4

10AM – 4PM


The Crown


October 6

7AM – 7PM


St. Robert Community Center

St. Robert

October 6

8AM – 2PM


First United Methodist Church


October 7-8

Oct. 7 7AM – 7PM


Oct. 8 7AM – 3PM


MO State Fairgrounds Swine Barn


October 7

10AM – 6 PM


Krug Park

St. Joseph

October 10

7AM – 1PM


Bollinger County Health Department

Marble Hill

October 10

7AM – 12PM


NEMO Fairgrounds


October 12

7AM – 12PM


Wayne County Courthouse


October 12

7AM – 1PM

Register for testing at:
or call (877) 435-8411

CMS Memo: QSO-20-41-ALL

Guidance related to the Emergency Preparedness Testing Exercise Requirements- Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Memorandum Summary

  • Emergency Preparedness Testing Exemption and Guidance – CMS regulations for Emergency Preparedness require specific testing exercises be conducted to validate the facility’s emergency program. During or after an actual emergency, the regulations allow for an exemption to the testing requirements based on real world actions taken by providers and suppliers.
  • This worksheet presents guidance for surveyors, as well as providers and suppliers, with relevant scenarios on meeting the testing requirements in light of many of the response activities associated with the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE).

Please see the full details in the memo.

DHSS Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities to Establish Essential Caregiver Programs and to Allow Visits

Revised guidance was released today for long-term care facilities in Missouri that choose to establish an Essential Caregiver program and/or resume general visits either inside or outside the facility. Facilities should have a policy in place to determine how contact with loved ones can occur while protecting the health of residents. Each facility will ultimately make the decision as to whether or not to adopt this guidance. Certified Skilled Nursing Facilities and Intermediate Care Facilities are required to follow the guidance provided in QSO-20-39-NH, titled Nursing Home Visitation – COVID-19.

The revised guidance is attached and can also be found at https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus/professionals.php under the Long-Term Care Facilities link.

DHSS Visitation Guidance 9-22-20

CMP Application Process for Outdoor Visitation Aids

CMS has created a process to enable states to approve requests to purchase tents for outdoor visitation and/or clear dividers (e.g. Plexiglass or similar product) to create a physical barrier to reduce the risk of transmission during in-person visits. The parameters are detailed in the instructions portion of the application template (below). This template and process will reduce the amount of time for approval of CMP funds for tents and dividers that will assist homes in facilitating visits with residents and aid in prevention of the spread of COVID-19.

The application is for nursing homes certified to participate in Title 18 and Title 19 of the Social Security Act. We encourage companies that operate more than one home to complete one application for all certified homes to the extent possible. This will reduce the number of applications and will help expedite the approval process.

Applications should be submitted to slcr@health.mo.gov. Questions regarding the application process may be sent to this address as well.

Once an application is approved, SLCR will contact each applicant to explain the payment process, which will be similar to that of the CMP application/payment process for technology.

COVID-19 In-Person Visitation Application Template – 20200918
COVID-19 In-Person Visitation Application FAQ final – 20200918

PPE Available for Licensed Long-Term Care Facilities

The Department of Health and Senior Services has gowns, alcohol prep pads, surgical masks, and shoe covers that can be ordered by long term care facilities in bulk. Please follow the survey monkey link (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KPY7ZWW) to place your order. If you are part of a larger corporation, your management company may want to submit an order for your organization.

Questions can be sent to Marcia.Davis@health.mo.gov.

Please note: If you have an active outbreak and submitted an order last week- do not submit another order this week. Thank you.

N95 Info

Fit Under Fire: Situational Strategies to Achieve the Best Respirator Fit During Crisis

To aid healthcare facilities experiencing shortages of N95 respirators due to high demand across the nation, CDC developed the Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of N95 Respirators in Healthcare Settings which provides options on how to optimize supplies of disposable N95 filtering facepiece respirators (commonly called “N95 respirators”) in healthcare settings when there is limited supply. Proper fit of N95s is critical to your infection control/respiratory protection program.

For more information, please visit https://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-science-blog/2020/03/16/n95-preparedness/.

Residents’ Rights to Vote – 2020 Elections

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has brought on many limitations and restrictions for nursing home residents, they still retain their right to vote. Below are some informational materials for residents and facilities to help achieve this during the 2020 elections.

  • Residents’ Right to VOTE – explains that residents still have the right to vote during the pandemic and what the facilities can/cannot do to assist with the voting process. The Ombudsman Program encourages facilities to hang this up so that residents can easily read it.
  • Voting – What Residents Need to Know – explains qualifications and eligibility to vote, voting options, how to register, how to locate a free notary for those who choose the mail-in option etc. Again, the Ombudsman Program encourages facilities to hang this up so that residents can easily read it.
  • Tip Sheet for Facilities – information for facilities only that simply explains best practices and ways they can help residents to vote.

Community Testing Opportunities

The next round of community testing events will take place in the following counties. Additional events are expected to be scheduled throughout the coming weeks. Missourians can register now for these events at health.mo.gov/communitytest and also continue to check back for future opportunities to be tested at an event nearby.







St. Charles

The Family Arena

St. Charles

September 17-19

Sept. 17  7AM – 5PM


Sept. 18  10AM – 7PM


Sept. 19  7AM – 5PM


Cherokee Pass


September 18

7AM – 12PM


Perryville City Park


September 19

7AM – 3PM

St. Francois

Farmington Firehouse


September 21

7AM – 3PM


Faith Community Church

House Springs

September 22-23

Sept. 22  10AM – 7PM


Sept. 23  7AM – 5PM


Centennial Hall Building Vernon County Fairgrounds


September 23

7AM – 3PM


Butler Aquatics Center Parking Lot


September 24

7AM – 12PM

Cape Girardeau

Arena Park

Cape Girardeau

September 25

7AM – 5PM


Cameron High School


September 26

7AM – 3PM

Register for testing at:
or call (877) 435-8411


Community Testing Opportunities

The next round of community testing events will take place in the following counties. Additional events are expected to be scheduled throughout the coming weeks. Missourians can register now for these events at health.mo.gov/communitytest and also continue to check back for future opportunities to be tested at an event nearby.


County Location City Dates Times


The Crossing Church


September 14-15

Sept. 14
12PM – 7PM


Sept. 15
7AM – 12PM


Maryville Community Center


September 14

10AM – 7PM


Arch Methodist Church


September 16

10AM – 7PM

St. Charles

The Family Arena

St. Charles

September 17-19

Sept. 17
7AM – 5PM


Sept. 18
10AM – 7PM


Sept. 19
7AM – 5PM


Cherokee Pass


September 18

7AM – 12PM


Perryville City Park


September 19

7AM – 3PM

St. Francois

Farmington Firehouse


September 21

7AM – 3PM


Faith Community Church

House Springs

September 22-23

Sept. 22  10AM – 7PM


Sept. 23  7AM – 5PM

Cape Girardeau

Arena Park

Cape Girardeau

September 25

7AM – 5PM

Register for testing at:
or call (877) 435-8411


Understanding Trauma and Ensuring Person-Centered Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic Training Series

During the month of September, the National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center will be releasing four training topics for three audiences. The topics are person-centered care; trauma-informed care; compassion fatigue; and anxiety and grief in a time of COVID-19. Each topic will include one webinar recording for facility administrators, direct care staff, and family members of individuals living in long-term care facilities. The first training released is on person-centered care.

View the training webinars, PowerPoint slides, and on-demand training course with quiz question and answers.

CMS QSO 20-38 NH: Interim Final Rule (IFC), CMS-3401-IFC, Additional Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency related to Long-Term Care (LTC) Facility Testing Requirements and Revised COVID-19 Focused Survey Tool – Effective Date: September 2, 2020

Please read this memo carefully. This memo outlines testing requirements for nursing homes including testing of symptomatic residents and staff, testing in response to an outbreak and routine testing of staff. A revised focused infection control survey protocol is also included which incorporates the requirements in this memo. If attempts to meet the 48-hour turn-around time cannot be met, it is very important that homes document their specific attempts to comply with the testing requirements as outlined in the memo. Routine testing frequency for staff is based on the county-level positivity rates which will be updated weekly (see section titled, “COVID-19 Testing”): https://data.cms.gov/stories/s/COVID-19-Nursing-Home-Data/bkwz-xpvg. NOTE: This memo applies to homes certified for Medicare and/or Medicaid. It does not apply to residential care or assisted living facilities.

COVID-19 LTCF Guidance
This document has been revised to include guidance on the use of antigen tests and updates to guidance made over the last several weeks (specifically related to the change in timeframes for transmission-based precautions and updated reporting guidelines). The guidance can be found at: https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus/professionals.php#collapseSix.

Guidance on Reopening of Long-Term Care Facilities
This document has been revised to include guidance on the use of antigen tests. The guidance can be found at: https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus/professionals.php#collapseSix.


CMS Memo – QSO-20-38-NH
Missouri Interim Guidance for LTCF COVID-19 8-31-2020
Missouri Guidance on Reopening of Long-Term Care Facilities 8-31-20