CMP Application Process for Outdoor Visitation Aids

CMS has created a process to enable states to approve requests to purchase tents for outdoor visitation and/or clear dividers (e.g. Plexiglass or similar product) to create a physical barrier to reduce the risk of transmission during in-person visits. The parameters are detailed in the instructions portion of the application template (below). This template and process will reduce the amount of time for approval of CMP funds for tents and dividers that will assist homes in facilitating visits with residents and aid in prevention of the spread of COVID-19.

The application is for nursing homes certified to participate in Title 18 and Title 19 of the Social Security Act. We encourage companies that operate more than one home to complete one application for all certified homes to the extent possible. This will reduce the number of applications and will help expedite the approval process.

Applications should be submitted to Questions regarding the application process may be sent to this address as well.

Once an application is approved, SLCR will contact each applicant to explain the payment process, which will be similar to that of the CMP application/payment process for technology.

COVID-19 In-Person Visitation Application Template – 20200918
COVID-19 In-Person Visitation Application FAQ final – 20200918