Care Plans: What Do We Need To Know? – Free Webinar

Free QIPMO Webinar with several dates to choose from!

  • October 29, 2013
  • October 30, 2013
  • November 4, 2013
  • November 5, 2013
  • November 6, 2013

View the flyer here:  Care Plans QIPMO Webinar 2013 or visit QIPMO’s MDS webpage at

To register, visit  Upon registration, participants will receive a confirmation email containing additional webinar information.  Handouts will be available prior to the webinar.

MC5 Regional Meetings – November, 2013

  • November 8, 2013:   East

Music & Memory:  Bringing Joy to Persons with Dementia Through Personalized Music

Location:  Brentwood Community Center, Rm. 104, 2505 South Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood.  RSVP to Ruthie at 314-801-0446 or


  • November 19, 2013:   East Central

Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care

In 2012, Missouri was selected by Pioneer Network to participate in the National Learning Collaborative: Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care.  In Missouri, 19 homes completed the 16-month collaborative, putting in place four foundational practices – consistent assignment, huddles, involving CNAs in care planning, and Quality Improvement closest to the resident – and then using the practices to individualize care for improvements in high priority clinical areas, such as reducing falls, alarms, rehospitalizations, antipsychotic medications, and pressure ulcers.  View the video documenting some of the incredible results experienced by Missouri homes that participated:

The national collaborative has concluded, but it is not too late for your team!  MC5 and Primaris are partnering to bring the learning collaborate tools to the East Central Region.  Monthly meetings will be facilitated by Primaris Program Manager Nursing Home Services, Alexis Roam, MSN, RN.  To learn more and join the collaborative, plan to attend the next East Central MC5 meeting.  Your home does not have to be in the East Central region to participate.  Location:  Presbyterian Manor, 1200 Homelife Plaza, Rolla.  RSVP to Mary Ehrenreich at 314-801-0462 or; or Tracy Rosenow at 573-265-3271 or View the flyer here: MC5 and Primaris – Using MDS as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care


  • November 20, 2013:  Northwest

Durable Power of Attorneys and the Appointed Decision Maker – presented by Attorney Doug Tschauder.  Appointed Decision Makers in Long-Term Care – presented by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Section for Long-Term Care Regulation Supervisor Jamie Dixon.

Location:  East Hills Library, 502 North Woodbine Rd., St. Joseph.  RSVP to Karen Fletchall at or 660-564-3304, or Freda Miller at or 660-822-6209. 


  • November 27, 2013:  Northeast

Music & Memory

Location:   Loch Haven Senior Living Community Apartments, New Activity Room, 701 Sunset Hills Dr., Macon.  RSVP to Wendy or Katie at 660-385-3113. 

Visit the NEW Missouri Coalition Celebrating Care Continuum Change (MC5) website at


Transition Guidelines for SNF PPS Policy and MDS 3.0 Effective October 1, 2013

The memo Transition for Implementation of FY 2014 SNF PPS MDS 3.0 Policy Changes describing the transition guidelines for SNF PPS policy and MDS 3.0 changes effective FY 2014 related to the final rule, is located on the SNF PPS Spotlight webpage, under the Downloads section:

Reminder: MDS 3.0 Discharge Assessments

This reminder is available on the CMS MDS 3.0 RAI Manual webpage:

CMS is providing an opportunity to rectify the current situation related to missing and incomplete discharge assessments.  Homes must complete missing discharge assessments as soon as possible, but no later than September 30, 2013.  Homes can self-audit their MDS assessments by accessing the CASPER system and requesting a MDS 3.0 Resident Roster or a MDS 3.0 Missing Assessment Report.  If you need assistance accessing or interpreting these reports, please contact the State MDS Unit at 573-751-6308, or 573-522-8421,

Resident Assessment Instrument and Medicare Workshops

October 8 – 9, 2013: RAI Process from Start to Finish

This workshop is for individuals in long-term care who coordinate and/or code the MDS and need a better understanding of the complexity of the RAI process.  New MDS Coordinators and those who need a refresher are strongly encouraged to attend. 

NEW – November 12, 2013:  Medicare from Start to Finish

This workshop will help the MDS coordinator and other members of the interdisciplinary team to understand the admitting criteria and the ongoing documentation needs of the Medicare resident.

Please view the informative brochure here: RAI and Medicare from Start to Finish Workshops, or visit

PEPPER for Skilled Nursing Homes to be Distributed August 30, 2013

What is the Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Report (PEPPER)?

  • PEPPER is developed and distributed by TMF Health Quality Institute, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). 
  • National Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) claim data was analyzed to identify areas within the SNF Prospective Payment System (PPS) that could be at risk for improper Medicare payment.  PEPPER is a data report that contains a SNF’s Medicare claims data (obtained from the UB-04 claims submitted to the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) or Fiscal Intermediary (FI)). 
  • PEPPER contains provider-specific Medicare data statistics for discharges or services vulnerable to improper payments.  Target areas were identified based on a review of literature regarding SNF payment vulnerabilities, review of the SNF PPS, analysis of claims data and coordination with CMS subject matter experts.  PEPPER can support a facility’s compliance efforts by identifying potential overpayments or underpayments. 
  • All SNFs that have sufficient data to generate a report will receive a PEPPER.  The report shows how a SNF’s data compares to aggregate jurisdiction, state and national statistics.  If the SNF’s target area percent is at/above the national 80th percentile or at/below the national 20th percentile, the SNF is identified as at risk for improper Medicare payments.  PEPPER is only available to the individual SNF.

SNFs that are part of a short-term acute care hospital will receive their PEPPER electronically via QualityNet, sent to the hospital QualityNet Administrator.  All other SNFs will receive their PEPPER in hard-copy format via United States Postal Service first class mail.  The envelope will appear as the image below, addressed to the CEO/Administrator.  If still unable to locate, submit a request for assistance via the Help Desk. is the official site for information, training and support.

Training & resources for Skilled Nursing Homes are now available on the website at

If you have questions about the PEPPER reports, you may submit questions on this website through the Help/Contact Us tab.

Please do not contact your state QIO or state survey agency for assistance with PEPPER.

Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 Discharge Assessments – Not Completed and/or Submitted

Completing MDS 3.0 discharge assessments has been a requirement since October 1, 2010.  However, many homes are not completing these assessments. 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a Survey and Certification memorandum on August 23, 2013, which clarifies the assessments are required.  The memo helps surveyors understand what nursing homes should do when they have inactive residents on their resident roster, and how nursing homes can ensure compliance with these requirements. 

CMS is providing an opportunity to rectify the current situation related to missing and incomplete discharge assessments.  Homes must complete missing discharge assessments as soon as possible, but no later than September 30, 2013.  Homes can self-audit their MDS assessments by accessing the CASPER system and requesting a MDS 3.0 Resident Roster or a MDS 3.0 Missing Assessment Report.

If you need assistance accessing or interpreting these reports, please contact the State MDS Unit at 573-751-6308, or 573-522-8421,

Please review the CMS Memo – Ref: S&C: 13-56-NH online at

New MDS 3.0 RAI Manual Effective May 20, 2013

Nursing homes are expected to be aware of and implement the most current CMS policies regarding the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual.  The following website lists changes on change tables for quick reference.  The actual manual pages that have changed are also included.  Please visit the CMS website: and scroll to the Downloads Section:

MDS 3.0 RAI Manual v1.10 Replacement Manual Pages and Change [ZIP, 5MB]

MDS 3.0 RAI Manual v1.10 and Change [ZIP, 22MB]

MDS 3.0 RAI Manual v1.10 Appendix B Rev 5.15.2013.pdf [PDF, 108KB]

Please note the effective date is May 20, 2013, although previously noted as May 8, 2013 on the CMS website.  If you have any questions, you may contact Joan Brundick, BSN, RN, State RAI Coordinator, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Telephone (573) 751-6308 or email

Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care Webinar Series Five – Working Together for Better Outcomes

National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series on Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care:  SERIES 5: Working Together for Better Outcomes – Relational Coordination for Quality Improvement 

In Webinar Series Five of our National Learning Collaborative, teams of practitioners share how they have achieved better outcomes through key systems for relational coordination – consistent assignment, huddles, CNAs involvement in care planning, and Quality Improvement huddles among staff closest to the residents.

March 12, 2013 – Part 11:  It Takes a Team to Prevent and Heal Pressure Ulcers
Presenters: Teams from Glenridge Living Community, Augusta, Maine, and Oakview Terrace, Freeman, SD.  Staff from two homes will explain how they prevent and heal pressure ulcers by working better together.

May 7, 2013 – Part 12:  It Takes a Team to Provide High Quality Individualized Care
Presenters: Barbara Frank, B& F Consulting; Amy Elliot, Pioneer Network; and teams from nursing homes participating in the National Learning Collaborative on Using MDS 3.0 as the Engine for High Quality Individualized Care.  Staff from several homes that have participated in the National Learning Collaborative will share how engaging staff in individualizing care has led to better quality of care and quality of life for their residents.

Please visit

CMS Reminder: Revisions to Forms 672 and 802

Effective December 1, 2012 CMS instructed surveyors to return to the “Traditional Survey Process” of reviewing Quality Measures during offsite preparation.  

This change also implemented the use of the new “Form CMS 802 (04/12) ROSTER/SAMPLE MATRIX” andForm CMS-802P (04/12) ROSTER/SAMPLE MATRIX INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROVIDERS.”  

This change has also implemented instructional updates toForm CMS 672 (05/12) RESIDENT CENSUS AND CONDITIONS OF RESIDENTS.”  

If your facility automates forms from the MDS software, please ensure to present the new forms to the facility surveyors.  You may need to contact your vendor if your software does not generate the new forms.  

Facilities are required to utilize the new forms.  Upon survey entrance, surveyors will provide the administrator with the forms to be completed.  The new forms are also available for download online:

MDS 2013 Workshops – Registration Now Open

  • February 19 – 20, 2013:  RAI Process from Start to Finish – Columbia, MO

This workshop will look at the RAI process from beginning to end.  The MDS is used for both a clinical assessment and a financial assessment and this workshop will discuss the rules on scheduling these assessments and meeting the requirements individually and combined.  Item-by-item coding will be reviewed.  From coding the MDS, we will then look at the CAA to care plan process.  An overview of the Medicare requirements that need to be followed for appropriate reimbursement will be discussed.  Finally, we will review how to stay up-to-date in this ever-changing world of MDS 3.0. 

  • April 23, 2013:  CMS Updates – Columbia, MO

This advanced RAI session will help participants identify tools that will facilitate improvements in patient/resident outcomes, both clinical and financial.  CMS hot topics and common survey issues will be reviewed as they pertain to the care of residents. 

To register and view the brochure, please visit:

Revised MDS 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument Manual

CMS has posted a revised MDS 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Manual V1.09, effective November 7, 2012.  Locate the entire manual and/or changes only, by visiting:  Click on the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual link.  Scroll to the Downloads section at the bottom of this page and click:  MDS 3.0 RAI Manual V1.09 to obtain the entire manual, or click:  All Change Tables and Pages for V1.09 to obtain only the changes that have occurred.

The changes are not as extensive as in the past; however, it is still imperative that your facility review the change tables, as most relate to the PPS assessments that affect Medicare Part A reimbursement.  Facilities are expected to be familiar with these changes in order to correctly code the MDS and claim Medicare Part A reimbursement.  If you have any questions, you may contact Joan Brundick, BSN, RN, State RAI Coordinator at 573-751-6308 or email

CMS Updates Workshop

November 13, 2012:  Columbia, Missouri

This advanced RAI session will help participants identify tools that will facilitate improvements in patient/resident outcomes, both clinically and financially.  Using the QI/QM Reports for quality improvement, CMS hot topics and common survey issues are on the agenda.  For more details and registration information, please visit:

Reducing Anti-Psychotics Through Individualized Care – Medical Perspective and Case Studies

Series #4 of the National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series on Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care

  • September 20, 2012:  Part Nine – Individualizing Care and Environments: Non-pharmacologic Interventions Instead of Anti-Psychotic Medications
  • October 18, 2012:  Part Ten – Promoting Mental Health Through Team-based Individualized Assessment and Care Planning

For additional information, please visit the website:

Section Q: Error in Technical Specs

MDS 3.0 Submission Specs Errata V1.11.0 for the October 1, 2012 Release [ZIP, 9KB]  

Technical information related to the MDS 3.0 is also available under the Downloads section of this page:

CMS has identified an error in their technical specifications that needs to be corrected immediately.  The software is leading assessors to ask the resident about community discharge when there is already an active discharge plan in place.  This is the opposite of how the process should work.  The intent of Section Q is to ask those residents who do not have an active discharge plan in place if they would like to talk to someone about returning to the community.  Please check with your software vendor, as it is imperative that they are notified in order to correct your software and you are able to correctly complete Section Q.

CMS Memorandum: Updates to the Nursing Home Compare Website

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Memorandum Ref: S&C: 12-37-NH:

Nursing Home Compare: CMS will launch a re-designed Nursing Home Compare website on July 19, 2012.

With the Nursing Home Compare website release, CMS is adding several new types of information:

  • Quality measures based on MDS 3.0 data.  The MDS 3.0 assessments will replace the MDS 2.0-based quality measures previously posted on Nursing Home Compare.  In addition, CMS will post data on two measures of use of anti-psychotic medication use (short-stay incidence and long-stay prevalence).
  • Detailed Inspection Reports (Form CMS-2567).
  • Ownership information.  CMS will post information on the legal business names of nursing homes.
  • Information on Physical Therapist staffing levels.  Physical Therapist hours per resident day will be reported.

Click here to view memo:

Click here to visit the Nursing Home Compare website:

MDS Section Q Referral Process

Please pass this information along to the social worker/social services individual, as well as the MDS Coordinator, as they are frequently the individuals who are completing Section Q:

DHSS is finding that many homes do not understand the Section Q referral process when a resident has an active discharge plan in place.  If the resident has a plan to return home (as in short stay rehab) then you code a 1 “yes” in item #Q0400.  When you code 1 “yes”, the MDS has a skip pattern that skips asking the resident the question in #Q0500 and leads the assessor to #Q0600 Referral question.  The expectation is that you do not need to refer a person who has an active discharge plan in place, so you would code 0 “No-referral not needed” in #Q0600.  Residents with active discharge plans already have plans/resources in place.  They do not need options counseling to help obtain more information.  Section Q is intended to capture those long stay residents, who no one has ever thought about discharging before.

If you have questions, please contact:  Joan Brundick, State RAI Coordinator, Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services (DHSS), Telephone 573-751-6308 or E-mail:

Pioneer Network’s National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series THREE on Using the MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care

Pioneer Network’s National Learning Collaborative Webinar Series Three:  Operationalizing OBRA: A Performance Improvement Approach to Individualizing Care:

  • June 19, 2012: Part Seven MDS and Quality of Life: Operationalizing Customary Routines
  • July 19, 2012: Part Eight MDS and QAPI: How to Improve Outcomes through Just-in-Time Assessment, Care Planning and Quality Improvement by Staff Closest to the Residents

Pioneer Network continues its groundbreaking webinar series to introduce why and how to put in place the organizational culture changes necessary to integrate MDS 3.0 so that it contributes to strong organizational performance.  Hundreds of participants from around the nation heard up-to-date information from the CMS MDS team and concrete strategies presented by practitioners who have integrated culture change and the MDS to improve resident, staff and organizational outcomes.  Please visit:


MDS Section Q

Please note that effective May 1, 2012 all MDS Section Q referrals will be made via the following web link:

Recently, Missouri’s Money Follows the Person program staff presented a webinar to help educate nursing facility staff on use of a new Section Q web referral system and information on changes to MDS Section Q effective 4/1/2012.  MFP also provided a brief overview of the MFP program.  If you were unable to participate in the live webinar, you can access the recorded webinar here:

If you have any questions, please contact Program Assistant Anna Duncan at or at 573-522-1591.

MDS 3.0 QM Data Availability and Updated RAI Manual

The new Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 Quality Measure (QM) data will be available to individual facilities and State Agency staff beginning April 1, 2012.  The QM’s will not be available to the public on Nursing Home Compare and factored into the Five Star Rating until July, 2012.  The April 1, 2012 release coincides with the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) manual update and a few changes in the MDS 3.0 Item Set.

MDS 3.0 QM Reports

The following reports will be available in the MDS 3.0 QM Reports report category in the CASPER Reporting application:

  • MDS 3.0 Facility Quality Measure Report
  • MDS 3.0 Monthly Comparison Report
  • MDS 3.0 Resident Level Quality Measure Report
  • MDS 3.0 QM Package Reports – this package includes:
      • MDS 3.0 Facility Quality Measure Report – automatically selected by default
      • MDS 3.0 Resident Level Quality Measure Report – automatically selected by default
      • MDS 3.0 Submission Statistics By Facility Report

MDS 3.0 RAI Manual and Item Sets

There are a few changes to the RAI Manual and Item Sets.  Facilities are required to use the new Item Sets with an Assessment Reference Date (ARD) of April 1, 2012 or later.  The new manual and change tables can be downloaded at:

The new item sets can be downloaded at:

802 and 672 Forms

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will soon be releasing a Survey and Certification (S&C) memo regarding changes in the 802 form and 672 instructions.  When the S&C memo is released, surveyors will again start pulling and using the new QM’s, along with the new 802 form and 672 instructions during offsite preparation.  Until the S&C memo is released, surveyors will not use QM’s nor the new 802 and 672 forms in the survey process.