MDS 3.0 Update Required

MDS 3.0 requires new items on assessments with a Target Date of April 1, 2012 and later.  Failure to upgrade your software will result in fatal errors.  Contact your software vendor for a software upgrade prior to encoding assessments with a Target Date of 04/01/2012 and later.  The enhanced software should incorporate the changes contained in the MDS 3.0 Submission Specs V1.10.1, at:

jRAVEN users will find jRAVEN 1.1.4 available for download after 03/27/2012 at:  This upgrade incorporates the changes beginning 04/01/2012.
If you have questions, please contact Joan Brundick, State RAI Coordinator, Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services at 573-751-6308.

CMS Quality Measure Reports

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released provider preview reports where facilities can view their individual Quality Measures (QMs) that will be factored into their Five Star Rating.  QMs will not be made public until April 19, 2012.  To preview your facility’s QM report you must access and log into the CASPER Reporting link located at the top of your MDS State Welcome page.  Remember that your CASPER log in ID is the same as your MDS submission log in ID.  Once you are logged in, click on the ‘Folders’ button and access the Five Star Report in your ‘st LTC facid’ folder, where st is the 2-digit postal code of the State in which your facility is located and facid is the State assigned facility ID of your facility.  (For Missouri, it should look like MO LTC #####)  You will find the QMs on page 2 of the Five Star preview.  For assistance in viewing these QM preview reports, please contact Joan Brundick, State RAI Coordinator, Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services at 573-751-6308.

National Learning Collaborative – Using MDS 3.0 as an Engine for High Quality Individualized Care

The Pioneer Network is now offering the second set of MDS 3.0 webinars.  Clinical Applications – An Interdisciplinary Team Approach to Health Promotion

February 9, 2012: Promoting Mobility and Reducing Falls by Individualizing Care and Eliminating Alarms

March 22, 2012: Individualizing Dining – New Practice Standards

April 19, 2012: Smooth Transitions in Care – Getting New Residents Off To a Good Start From Day One

For details and registration information please visit:

MDS Information – When and how to establish the Assessment Reference Date (ARD)

The ARD is defined as the specific end point of look-back periods in the MDS assessment process.  It allows for those who complete the MDS to refer to the same period of time when reporting the condition of the resident.  For SNF PPS assessments, this date also determines payment.  Chapter 6, Section 6.8, of the RAI manual speaks specifically to early, late, and missed assessments.  It states that the ARD must be “established” or “set” within well-defined windows of time.  Backdating the ARD because you forgot to set it in the defined window is not allowed.  In order to prove that you are not backdating assessments, CMS has commented that the MDS is the only acceptable documentation form for establishing or setting the ARD.  Please read the Establishment of ARD from the Federal Register.  This means that your facility needs to set the ARD by opening the assessment in the computer and entering the ARD date in A2300 during the defined window of time.  The facility still has 14 days from the ARD to then complete the assessment and have all signatures in place.  If you have any questions, please contact Joan Brundick, State RAI Coordinator, at