Nursing Home Quality Improvement Collaborative Learning Session II

October 1, 2015:  Collaborative Learning Session II:  Activities for Daily Living, Incontinence and Antipsychotic Medications

Join this webinar to learn more about key interventions, strategies for improving activities of daily living, incontinence and antipsychotic medication quality measures through experiences shared by nursing home peers.

Please visit the event page here to register for this webinar.

Conversations with Carmen

October 1, 2015:  Creating Rampant Normalcy
Guest Speaker:  Glenn, Blacklick, NHA, Action Pact Consultant

The September webinar received such positive reviews that Action Pact is going to offer it again on Thursday, October 1.  If you missed it the first time, here is your 2nd chance.  This is a hot topic!

Nationally known for successfully bringing normal life pursuits to nursing home residents, Glenn will share how to accomplish this, from his dual perspective as a recreation therapist and innovative administrator.  Hear how residents have ventured out of the community to climb trees, navigate rivers, go boating, fishing, motorcycling; and also ventured inside the community, engaging their talents and pursuing wellness.  Glenn encourages others to look at their home and community through residents’ eyes – where a good life every day is within their reach.

Please visit the Conversations with Carmen event page here for more details including registration.

Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight On…

Reducing Inappropriate Use of Antipsychotic Medications – Communication
Understanding dementia residents who are unable to communicate on the same level as others can aid in the reduction of inappropriate antipsychotics. However, meeting their needs can become very challenging if their behaviors are not understood.  Click on the links below to learn more.


CDI Prevention
It is important to understand Clostridium difficile infections and guidelines for preventing infections.  Click on the links below to learn more.

Care Planning for Resident Choice

The assessment of risk in long-term care is often an unbalanced exercise.  In order to optimize opportunities for resident choice; to attain each resident’s highest practicable level of well-being; and to mitigate risk, the Rothschild Foundation has created a task force.  This group is charged with developing a care planning process to plan for each resident’s choice when that choice carries potential risk.

For more information, including the pilot summary and process, please visit the MC5 resource page here.

On the Road to Culture Change…Visit to Dolan Memory Care Homes (Update)

The Neighborhood at Les Maisons consists of four assisted living homes located on a private cul-de-sac in St. Louis.  They are owned and operated by Dolan Memory Care Homes.  The homes are named after French cities, Calais Manor, Clermont Manor, Lourdes Manor, and Lyon Manor.  Each home has…to read more and view photos, click here:  Dolan Memory Care Homes

When the Tail Wags the Dog

ChangingAging brings you this inspiring article about a 76-year-old woman who was rejected when she applied to adopt a second “senior” dog to keep her aging pet company.  She was denied sight unseen, just based on her age alone.  Read the article, When the Tail Wags the Dog, to see the true struggle this woman had endured.

You may also visit ChangingAging’s website here for this publication and other recent articles.

Nursing Home Quality Improvement Webinar

September 3, 2015:  Reducing the Inappropriate Use of Antipsychotic Medications (12:00 Noon-1:00 p.m. CT)

Join this webinar to learn more about key interventions, strategies and the importance of reducing antipsychotic medications.

For more information, please visit the TMF website here and sign in.  You may also register on the event page here.

Person-Directed Webinar Series

September 21, 2015:  Opening Our Eyes to a Person-Directed Culture
October 1, 2015:  Communicating in a Person-Directed Culture
October 27, 2015:  Rolling Out the Person-Centered Care Tool with Advancing Excellence
November 5, 2015:  Learning from the Experts: Using Data to Improve Care with Abramson Center
November 19, 2015:  Engaging Lives – It’s So Much More than Bingo!

MOLANE (Missouri Local Area Network for Excellence) is part of the Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Home Campaign.  MOLANE and MC5 are sponsoring this five part webinar series on the topic of person-directed culture.  And it’s FREE!

Please see the brochure here or visit the MC5 website here for details including registration and speaker information.

Advancing Excellence in Long-Term Care Collaborative Presents Disrupt Infections

October 9, 2015:  Disrupt Infections:  Creating a Community of Prevention
Location:  Meramec Bluffs, Ballwin, MO

This workshop explores how creating commUNITY immUNITY in the care setting can help break the web of infection in simple, practical ways. It also describes a continuum of organizational infection prevention, raising awareness of how acceptance of some current practices inhibits additional practical actions that would better disrupt infections. Attendees will have an opportunity to start developing an organizational plan for infection prevention with elevated steps to apply to their usual infection care routines. Lynda Crandall (CEO of Pioneer Network), Carol Scott (Executive Director of Advancing Excellence), and Dr. Bill Thomas (founder of the Eden Alternative and Green Houses) will be presenting the 2-hour production.

Please see the brochure or the link on Advancing Excellence’s website, or Dr. Bill Thomas’ Disrupt Tour website. You may also go directly to the registration page.

See Me – Not My Dementia

Language can have tremendous impact on how people living with dementia feel about themselves and how they are treated and considered by others.  Using appropriate language is respectful, supportive, and non-discriminatory.  In this issue of Living Fully With Dementia: Words Matter, see the many words that are recommended to use versus those to avoid along with the rationale behind them.

Please see the Dementia Action Alliance’s website here for the full publication and more information.

Person-Centered Care Tips

Selfie Tip #9:  The Power of Meaningful Activities

We all need to have a purpose: to be needed, to make a difference, to be a part of something.  It is no different for those living in long-term care.  Helping residents find meaning and purpose in their daily life is not just the Activity Director’s job.  Find out what makes an activity meaningful, according to what each resident values.

Please see the flyer here for more information.

The Conversation Project Event

September 29, 2015:  How to Express Wishes about Health Care Preferences
Location:  Ethical Society of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO

Many people experience uncertainty when faced with having to make medical decisions for a loved one.  The Conversation Project is a national initiative created to encourage and assist people to talk with their families and their health providers about their wishes for care if they become seriously ill.  The aim of the program is to change the culture from silence about death to one in which end of life care is openly discussed.

Please see the flyer here for more details including time, specific location, and all sponsors.

Live Stream the 2015 Pioneer Network Conference

Can’t make the 2015 Pioneer Network Conference in Chicago?  Tune-in via livestream video August 3-4 for select education sessions brought to you by ChangingAging with support from Kimberly-Clark Corporation.

The livestream feed will be available FREE to the public from the Pioneer Network website.  The Pioneer Network Annual Conference is the premier event of the year showcasing the latest developments in the long-term care culture change movement.

Click here to view the full Livestream broadcast schedule, including sessions by Karen Schoeneman, Glenn Blacklock, Megan Hannan, Peggy Brenner, Susan Frazier, Loretta Downs and more!

Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action

July 23, 2015:  “Light ‘em Up or Let ‘em Go!”
Presenter:  Christopher Ridenhour, Director of Employee Engagement and Hospitality Training

Transforming organizational cultures requires each of us to become role models for the behaviors and attitudes we expect from others.  This session will be useful for anyone who recognizes they haven’t fully reached their full potential as a role model and champion for change; needs research-based tools for inspiring and motivating colleagues to higher levels of performance and cooperation; and seeks a clear road to establishing a positive and lasting leadership legacy.

Please visit for more information and to register for this webinar.

Making a Difference: Best Practices in Dementia Care

July 31, 2015:  Teepa Snow
Location:  Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, MO

After watching her role-play and hands on training, you will leave with techniques and an understanding of your dementia residents that you did not have before.  Return to your community with a new outlook and with resources that you can implement immediately to see results.  This seminar is hosted by Martin Bros Distributing Company, Inc. and the Missouri Health Care Association and has been approved for six (6) Patient Care hours.

Please see the brochure along with discount information on the MC5 website here or you Teepa Snow’s event page for the Columbia seminar located here.

Advancing Excellence in Long-Term Care Collaborative 2015 Do You…Webinar Series

Nationally-known speakers partner with Advancing Excellence to bring you subjects aligned with the 9 AE Campaign goals.  This series will be a great team-based training!  Sit with your staff and learn together how to make the latest topics work for you.  Choose 1 or all 10!  Webinars start July 1, 2015!

Please see the brochure here or visit the Advancing Excellence in Long-Term Care Collaborative website here for more information and to register.

2015 Pioneer Network Conference

August 2-5, 2015:  Navigating the Winds of Change
Location:  Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont/Chicago, Illinois

This year will be the 15th annual meeting put on by Pioneer Network and can be enjoyed by all – elders, families and other consumers, providers, owners, nurses, CNAs and direct care staff, physicians, social workers, activity staff, food service staff, maintenance staff, advocates, researchers, academicians and others interested in improving the lives of elders.  There are nearly 90 sessions offering the opportunity to learn about and discuss ways to change thinking, practice, policy and research.  This conference is a place where people are learning, smiling, connecting and changing.

Please visit the Pioneer Network’s Conference web page here for more information and registration details.

On the Road to Culture Change…Visit to Lincoln Community Care Center (Update)

In 2011, I visited Lincoln Community Care Center (LCCC), a 66-resident skilled nursing and 14-resident assisted living home located in Lincoln.  Recently, Administrator Donna Bowers invited me back to share the changes that have taken place since.  I visited again in March 2015.  One of the first things I noticed was… to read more and view photos, click here: Lincoln Community Care Center Update

Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action

June 23, 2015:  Speaking from Experience:  The Wisdom of Elders
Presenter:  Anna Ortigara, Organizational Change Consultant with PHI and Lynda Crandall, Executive Director with the Pioneer Network

The voices of people living in long-term care settings have been frequently missing from formal discussions and change efforts.  Their voices help us to not only learn the extent to which person-centered practices are in place and experienced by residents, but also how important various actions and practices and environments are to them.  During this webinar, participants will think about and identify methods or systems for acting on the desires of residents; identify questions that may facilitate deeper conversation and learning with residents; and reconsider the importance and depth of information collected about residents relative to meaningful living.

Please visit for more information and to register for this webinar.

Person-Centered Care Tips

Selfie Tip #6:  Me in My New Home

Just as a “selfie” is about YOU, Person-Centered Care is all about the PERSON!  Think of yourself in an unfamiliar situation.  Finding the bathrooms and where to get a cup of coffee or a bite to eat is likely a top priority.  And by the way… who are all these people and how will I remember their names?

Please see the flyer here for more information.

Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action

May 26, 2015:  Safety vs. Autonomy for Elders:  What if Maslow was Wrong
Presenter:  Theresa (Terri) A. Harvath, Ph.D., RN, FAAN

During this webinar, we will examine case studies and generate ideas and strategies to help care providers make well-reasoned decisions when the values of autonomy and safety collide.

Please visit for more information and to register for this webinar.

Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action

April 23, 2015:  QI Closest to the Resident:  Engaging Staff to Prevent Avoidable Hospitalizations and Use of Antipsychotic Medications
Presenter:  Barbara Frank, co-founder of B&F Consulting, Warren, RI and Clare Hays, MD, Medical Director, Birmingham Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Birmingham, AL, and Medical Director of Alabama CMS Innovation Center Project to Reduce Avoidable Hospitalizations among Nursing Home Residents, an AQAF initiative

This webinar provides the how-to for a simple, potent process of moving QI out of the conference room to the staff closest to the residents. During the webinar, speakers apply QI closest to the resident to preventing avoidable hospitalizations and use of antipsychotic medications for residents living with dementia but the practice can be used for any quality improvement effort.

Please visit for more information and to register for this webinar.