Action Pact 1-Day Workshop

June 9, 2016:  From Good Sleep to Wellness
Location:  Kansas City, KS

Participants will take an in-depth look at the impact of sleep or lack of sleep on the life of those they serve.  They will consider the causes and contributing factors, identifying those that can be changed and develop plans for addressing them based upon the concepts of high involvement and resident-directed care.

Please see the even details and registration info here.

Conversations with Carmen

April 22, 2016:  Dignity-Based Approach to Incontinence
Guest:  Susan Fry, Retired Culture Change Nurse Leader

Guest Susan Fry will report out on a multisite research study regarding a dignity-based approach to incontinence management. Join us to hear both the change steps and the exciting improved outcomes realized:

  • Disturbing residents less often increases comfort and dignity and respects natural sleep patterns, which improves alertness, appetite and nutrition while reducing confusion.
  • Reducing the risk for falls by supporting residents to sleep naturally through the night without the need to get up to use the bathroom.
  • Higher quality products keep skin dryer and promote skin health.
  • Better leakage protection encourages resident confidence and security.
  • Individualized care respects residents’ dignity and voiding patterns, and improves the level of participation in daily activities.

Please visit the event page here for more information and to register.

Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action

April 14, 2016:  Educating the Next Generation of Nurses in Person-Directed Care
Presenter:  Christine Mueller, Ph.D., Professor & Associate Dean for Academic Programs, School of Nursing – University of Minnesota

This webinar will provide specific strategies about how to partner with schools of nursing and engage your nursing staff in being guides and mentors for nursing students in providing person-directed care.  Learn how your organization can be a place to foster enthusiasm in nursing students about working in long-term care.

For more information including registration, please visit the Pioneer Network’s event page here.

Monthly Challenge Poster from MoLANE

“Distracted and Overwhelmed”
This month’s poster urges the use of physical and verbal clues when communicating with a resident who seems withdrawn or has a hard time following instructions.  Please use this poster to stimulate discussion among direct care staff to help them learn more verbal and physical clues and to encourage their use.

Please see the poster and MoLANE Letter for more information.

Conversations with Carmen

March 18, 2016:  ALARMS: The New Deficient Practice?  Replacing Alarms With Better Practices
Presenter:  Carmen Bowman, co-author of “Alarms: The New Deficient Practice? Eliminating Alarms and Preventing Falls by Engaging with …. Life”

Join the discussion to consider the use of alarms.  Could it be that alarms actually fit CMS’ definition of “convenience,” which is not to be a reason for restraints at Tag F221?  Hear how the use of alarms could be deficient practice on/for at least seven tags.  Although no research shows that alarms prevent falls and there is evidence that alarms cause people physical and psychological harm, they are still used widely.  Eliminating alarms has actually reduced falls in the homes that have done so, committing to the better practices of

  • proactively checking in with residents
  • focusing on mobility
  • anticipating needs and
  • engaging residents with real life.

For more information including registration, please visit the event page here.

Hot Topics Webinar

March 17, 2016:  Palliative Care for Persons Living with Advanced Dementia: Why Comfort Matters!
Presenters:  Tena Alonzo, Director of Education & Research, Beatitudes and Ann Wyatt, Residential Care Policy & Strategy Consultant, Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, New York City, Inc.

Comfort Matters™ is a comprehensive, palliative approach to caring for persons living with advanced dementia, developed by the Beatitudes Campus in Phoenix, Arizona.  This webinar will describe some assumptions that exist about persons in different stages of dementia and the principles and practices embodied in this approach to their care as well as the organizational adaptations needed in order to support comfort practices in residential long-term care settings.  The Alzheimer’s Association, NYC Chapter, worked with three nursing homes to adapt and implement these practices and their findings, processes and challenges will be shared.

Please see the Hot Topics Event page here for more information and to register.


MC5 2016 Annual Conference – Registration Now Available!

May 3-5, 2016:  Honoring the Past: Challenging the Future of Culture Change
Location:  Hilton Garden Inn, Columbia, MO

As the leader in promoting person-centered care and personal choice, MC5 provides this annual opportunity for care professionals and businesses to network in an exciting, and partnership-building event to bring the best ideas and services to the seniors of our state.

Please see the brochure on the MC5 conference & events here page for more details.

Conversations with Carmen

February 19, 2016:  Facing Risk: Care Planning for Resident Choice
Guest:  Karen Shoeneman, Retired Deputy Director CMS Division of Nursing Homes

Are you holding back on offering true choice to residents, even though you want to – for fear of deficiencies being cited, possible legal action or other negative outcomes?  We challenge you to think again.  It is possible to hone our skills in order to honor resident choice.

Please visit the Conversations with Carmen event page here for more details including registration.

Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action

February 11, 2016:  Building Community Through Meaningful Engagement
Presenters:  Angie McAlister, Director of Cultural Transformation-Hometown, Signature HealthCARE and Linda McDaniel, Director of Clinical Care-Hometown, Signature HealthCARE

How can you build true community by engaging elders and the care team in new and innovative ways?  Join us for this webinar as we discuss concepts that have worked in our homes to build vibrant communities that promote growth for all.  We will discuss new ways to strengthen individualized approaches to protect and honor personal preferences through innovative programming methods.  We will also define intentional spontaneity and outline the benefits and discuss how to build flexibility into the day.

Please visit the Hot Topics event registration page here for more details.

Nursing Home Quality Improvement Spotlight On…

Quality Measure and Coding:  Bowel and Bladder

Quality measure review and proper documentation for loss of bowel and bladder control assists in improving the quality of care for your residents.  Click on the following links to learn more about this quality measure and coding.

Percent of Low-Risk Residents Who Lose Control of Their Bowel or Bladder Tip Sheet (PDF)
Quality Measure Video Series: Percent of Low-Risk Residents Who Lose Control of Bowel or Bladder (Long Stay) (Video)


February 4, 2016:  Conducting a Standardized Nursing Home Resident Assessment of Activities of Daily Living and Bowel/Bladder Continence Using the Minimum Data Set

Please join this webinar for a dynamic discussion about Minimum Data Set (MDS) requirements for clinical assessment to improve activities of daily living (ADLs) and bowel/bladder continence for nursing home residents. Attendees will hear an experienced MDS clinical coordinator describe the process to evaluate each aspect of ADLs and bowel/urinary continence to include MDS coding.

Please visit the event page here to register.

2015 and 2016 Hot Topics Webinars available as a bundle!

Pioneer Network’s Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action on demand webinars are a great resource for in-service training.  You can watch/show these webinar recordings as many times as you’d like and copy the handouts if you so desire.  The On-Demand version of our ten 2015 webinars are available for a special bundle price of $500 (a $990 value!).  Some of the webinar titles for sale include: Moving Past the 3Bs of a Traditional Activities Calendar; A Person-centered Approach to Eliminating Alarms and Physical Restraints; Safety vs. Autonomy for Elders: What if Maslow was Wrong?  For a complete list of On Demand webinars, click here.  If you’re not interested in the bundle purchase for the 2015 webinars, they are still available for $99 each. The 2014 webinars listed are available for $99/each.  To take advantage of the bulk discount, contact

The dates, topics and presenters are set for Pioneer Network’s 2016 webinars!  We are offering all 12 webinars for a discounted bundle price of $890 (that’s3 free webinars from the individual webinar rate).  Many of these webinars are from our most highly rated 2015 conference sessions.  Topics are always highly relevant to person centered care/person directed living.  The 2016 webinar titles are listed here.  To take advantage of the bulk discount, contact

On the Road…to Culture Change: NHC Healthcare, Maryland Heights

NHC Healthcare, Maryland Heights
In early August 2015, I attended the national culture change conference hosted by the Pioneer Network in Chicago, Illinois.  During one of the training sessions, someone asked if nursing homes could keep live chickens…to read more and view photos, click here: NHC Healthcare, Maryland Heights

Hot Topics: Culture Change in Action

February 11, 2016:  Building Community Through Meaningful Engagement
Presenters:  Angie McAlister, Director of Cultural Transformation-Hometown, Signature HealthCARE and Linda McDaniel, Director of Clinical Care-Hometown, Signature HealthCARE

How can you build true community by engaging elders and the care team in new and innovative ways?  Join us for this webinar as we discuss concepts that have worked in our homes to build vibrant communities that promote growth for all.  We will discuss new ways to strengthen individualized approaches to protect and honor personal preferences through innovative programming methods.  We will also define intentional spontaneity and outline the benefits and discuss how to build flexibility into the day.

Please visit the Hot Topics event registration page here for more details.

Resident-to-Resident Mistreatment Webinar

February 2, 2016: Resident-to-Resident Elder Mistreatment in Nursing Homes:  Findings from the First Prevalence Study

Join us for a webinar hosted by Consumer Voice in collaboration with the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) to discuss the prevalence of resident-to-resident mistreatment and learn how to identify, prevent, and respond to these incidents

Click here to register.

Person-centered care and resident choice: Giving elders a voice

One perception often interfering with the adoption and implementation of person-centered care practices in nursing homes is apprehension by staff, administrators, and governing boards about potential legal liability and regulatory exposure if residents suffer injuries.  This is primarily because a number of person-centered practices, such as offering residents meaningful choices and honoring their decisions, represent significant deviations from prior accepted more paternalistic institution-centered practice.  To read the full article, please visit here.

The full Process for Care Planning for Resident Choice, which includes blank forms and case studies, are available at,, and

Person-Centered Care Tip

Tip #12:  “Person-Centered Care and QAPI”
Person-Centered Care is one of nine Advancing Excellence goals — aligned with QAPI –which provide tracking charts and trend graphs to help your home monitor progress on your chosen goals.  While Advancing Excellence supports the QAPI approach, participation does not automatically mean you are implementing QAPI.

Please see the flyer here for more information.

MC5 2016 Annual Conference – Flyer Update

May 3-5, 2016:  Honoring the Past: Challenging the Future of Culture Change
Location:  Hilton Garden Inn, Columbia, MO

As the leader in promoting person-centered care and personal choice, MC5 provides this annual opportunity for care professionals and businesses to network in an exciting, and partnership-building event to bring the best ideas and services to the seniors of our state.

Please see the flyer here and stay tuned to MC5 for more registration details coming soon.

Culture Change with Carmen

Alarms: The New Deficient Practice? Eliminating Alarms and Preventing Falls by Engaging with Life
Come on Long Term Care! Be the Best, Smash the Box and get ready for the Baby Boomers

February 10, 2016:  Osage Beach, MO
February 11, 2016:  Springfield, MO
February 12, 2016:  Sikeston, MO

Join Carmen Bowman for an all-day event at three locations as she discusses the use of alarms.  See how eliminating alarms has actually reduced falls in the homes that no longer use them.  She will also help you find out if your home is really offering the right ways to attract Baby Boomers.

Please see the flyer here for more details.

Age of Disruption Tour

October 9, 2015:  Aging: Life’s Most Dangerous Game
Location:  Kranzberg Arts Center-Black Box Theater, St. Louis, MO

Join Dr. Bill Thomas and musical guest Nate Silas Richardson for an entertaining and highly disruptive evening exploration of aging as part of his national Age of Disruption Tour.  His message is invigoratingly simple – the transition into our elder years should not be spent in frenzied disharmony.  In order to play “life’s most dangerous game” successfully we need to re-imagine and create clear and satisfying purpose to how we spend the rest of our lives.

Please see the flyer attached for more information or visit Dr. Bill Thomas’ St. Louis events page here to register.

Readmissions, Medication Safety, and Behavioral Health Open Forum

October 14, 2015:  Readmissions & Medication Safety Open Forum

Attend this free WebEx event to meet with TMF QIN-QIO Readmissions, Medication Safety and Behavioral Health quality improvement consultants who will be available to answer questions and provide technical assistance.  During this monthly Open Forum, your team can network with other providers and TMF QIN-QIO staff, ask questions and problem-solve on topics such as Care Transitions, Readmissions Reduction, Medication Safety, Adverse Drug Events, Behavioral Health, or other issues your project may have.

Please see the TMF QIN-QIO registration page for this event here.