Hot Topics Webinar

March 17, 2016:  Palliative Care for Persons Living with Advanced Dementia: Why Comfort Matters!
Presenters:  Tena Alonzo, Director of Education & Research, Beatitudes and Ann Wyatt, Residential Care Policy & Strategy Consultant, Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, New York City, Inc.

Comfort Matters™ is a comprehensive, palliative approach to caring for persons living with advanced dementia, developed by the Beatitudes Campus in Phoenix, Arizona.  This webinar will describe some assumptions that exist about persons in different stages of dementia and the principles and practices embodied in this approach to their care as well as the organizational adaptations needed in order to support comfort practices in residential long-term care settings.  The Alzheimer’s Association, NYC Chapter, worked with three nursing homes to adapt and implement these practices and their findings, processes and challenges will be shared.

Please see the Hot Topics Event page here for more information and to register.