MC5 Webinar

March 6, 2024: The Validation Method:  Connect and Communicate with Older Adults
Presenter: Vicki deKlerk, Executive Director, The Validation Institute

Over 37 years ago, when reality orientation was the norm, Naomi Feil, a woman with unique empathy and insight into the world of disoriented elders, created the Validation Method, motivating older adults with cognitive decline to communicate more, relieve stress, and enhance dignity and happiness in their final stage of life.

Today, the validation method is practiced around the world, and her daughter, Vicki deKlerk, continues her work through the Validation Training Institute, providing education, quality standards and easy pathways for learning this evidence-based method.

Through the magic of Zoom, Vicki will join us from the Netherlands, using interactive exercises, she will describe, demonstrate and share 2 key prerequisite skills of the Validation Method. There will be an opportunity to share in conversation and engage in a Q & A with attendees.

MLN Nursing Home Administrator Conference

May 21-23, 2024: 33rd Annual Nursing Home Administrator Conference
Location: Downstream Casino, Quapaw, OK

Elevate your leadership at the 33rd Annual NHA Conference hosted by the Missouri League for Nursing at Downstream Casino from May 21-23, 2024. Join MLN for a Quad-State Extravaganza that promises unmatched insights, networking, and celebration tailored to meet the unique challenges and opportunities in the realm of nursing home administration.

VOYCE Professional Development Webinar

March 7, 2024: Climb Out of the Cost Burden: Resources Available for Low-Income Housing Needs

Over 10 million households headed by someone 65 and older are cost-burdened, meaning they pay more than 1/3 of their income on housing. Service providers encountering clients needing low-income housing must be aware of the available programs and services to ensure smooth transitions. Join VOYCE to understand the current issues in St. Louis regarding low-income housing for older adults and what factors in individuals’ lives impact, and sometimes inhibit, their capacity to live independently in low-income housing. This presentation will explore St. Louis-based aid that can help people mitigate unique barriers to housing and locate their next home, including Show-Me Home, Missouri’s Money Follows the Person program.

DMH Free Webinars – Tools for Everyone

February 8, 2024: Registration
February 13, 2024: Registration
February 21, 2024: Registration
February 29, 2024: Registration

Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum, including: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.

Registration is also available on the Upcoming Webinar Webpage.

Regulation Summation Monthly Webinar Series 2024

January 31-December 18, 2024: Regulation Summation Monthly Webinar Series 2024

LeadingAge Missouri in conjunction with LeadingAge Iowa is pleased to provide a monthly webinar series throughout 2024 reviewing the regulations contained in Appendix PP of the State Operations Manual. The Regulation Summation will provide attendees with a detailed review of the regulations including the regulatory language, interpretative guidance, examples of noncompliance, and strategies to maintain compliance.

VOYCE Professional Development Webinar

February 1, 2024: Assisting with Addiction: The Growing Threat of Substance Use Disorder in Older Adults

Substance use disorder is a significant issue in Missouri, but its impact on older adults is often overlooked. Join us for an insightful conversation in which we will explore the trends in substance use and mental health among older Missourians and discuss the steps that healthcare providers can take to develop effective interventions and provide equitable treatment for individuals. Presented by VOYCE and led by Dr. Julie Gary, Ph.D., MPH, St. Louis City Department of Health.

Recreation and Activity Professionals Webinar Series

February 5-8, 2024: Recreation and Activity Professionals Webinar Series

Hear talks about the industry by nationally-renowned speakers and recreation and activities experts and come up to speed on best practices in programming and resident care– all information and ideas you can immediately put into practice! This is a DON’T MISS event if you seek to enhance your knowledge, elevate your residents’ and clients’ experiences, and improve your programs.

VOYCE’s Upcoming Events

January 23, 2024: Nutrition and Dietary Changes as We Age: Feed Your Soul

Discover the essential elements to guarantee that you or your friends and relatives receive assistance with making healthy choices and access to resources for ongoing support. Enjoy a cooking demonstration, and learn about how nutritional needs, dietary deficiencies, and appetite levels change throughout life.


February 5, 2024: Prepare Your Family: Will Your Wishes Be Honored?

Have the uncomfortable conversations now to ensure your wishes are carried out. The benefits of having these documents in place: Property Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, HIPAA Authorization, Advanced Directives, Guardianship, DNR, and Out-of-hospital DNR.


February 20, 2024: Put the Care in Caregiving

The pressures of caregiving, whether inside or outside the home, can lead to a lack of empathy and several physical symptoms, known as caregiver compassion fatigue or burnout. In the wake of a pandemic that claimed over 5.5 million lives, knowing your limits and what to do when you’ve reached them is essential. Learn the signs of caregiver compassion fatigue to identify them in yourself or others and explore options for relief.


February 29, 2024: Summit to Protect Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities

This summit is a conversation with the community, professionals, older adults, and others to learn what needs to be fixed in the adult protection system.

MC5 Route 71 Region

January 25, 2024: You’re Not Special: Navigating Staffing in the Me Culture
Presenters: Wendy Boren, BSN, RN, QIPMO, University of Missouri, Sinclair School of Nursing and Nicky Martin, MPA, BS, LNHA, CDPQIPMO, Sinclair School of Nursing

Staffing is a constant battle, but the current culture makes staffing healthcare a different kind of challenge than we’ve ever faced before. Recruiting and retaining staff in the “me” culture requires ingenuity, patience, compromise, and a new spin on professionalism. This program will highlight those challenges through interactive discussion and give participants real tools to creative winning strategies that may just take them from “me” to “we.”

MALA & DSDS Sessions for RCF/ALF

March 6-13, 2024: Various Locations

The Missouri Assisted Living Association (MALA) and Division of Senior and Disability Services (DSDS) have scheduled sessions to share new resources, upcoming initiatives and clarify information related to Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) in Residential Care Facilities (RCF) and Assisted Living Facilities (ALF). Please see the attached for additional information and for the locations, dates and time.

Dementia Training for I/DD Service Providers Webinar

January 16, 2024: Dementia Training for I/DD Service Providers Webinar

Join the ACL-funded National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center (NADRC) for the webinar, “Strengthening the Dementia Capable Workforce: Dementia Training for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Service Providers.”

This webinar will explore educational programs utilized when training providers of aging and I/DD services and how to build systems to support individuals, families, and providers within local communities.

NADRC webinars are free of charge and open to the public, although pre-registration is required. The webinars are recorded and will be available for future viewing on the NADRC website. Closed captioning is available during the webinar and will be included in the recording.

Contact with any questions.

Candida auris Information

The Healthcare-Associated Infections/ Antimicrobial Resistance (HAI/AR) Program at the Department of Health and Senior Services held a webinar on December 20, 2023 to outline recommended actions resulting from recent cases of Candida auris (C. auris) detected in Missouri. C. auris is considered an urgent threat according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A Health Alert with more information can be found here.

The informational webinar on the emerging C. auris situation in MO has been posted along with the PowerPoint presentations. The recording and PowerPoints can be found here: under the heading Candida auris Informational Webinar”.

You may also view this C. auris Information Sheet for LTC for more information.

If there are any questions please contact the HAI/AR program at 573-751-6113 or

Activity Director Workshop

January 9-February 6, 2024: Online Activity Director Workshop

Activity Director participants will learn how to identify the activity needs of residents as well as designate programs to maintain and/or increase the resident’s capability of activities in daily living.  Upon successful completion of the course, attendees will have met the Missouri State requirements to be an Activity Director in a long term care setting and will receive a Certificate of Attendance from the Missouri Health Care Association.

Social Service Designee

January 9-February 6, 2024: Online SSD Workshop

Social Service Designee participants will receive insight to the Social Service department of a long term care facility, learn the aging process, the performance skills of the SSD and understand the role and function of the position. Upon successful completion of the course, attendees will have met the Missouri State requirements to be a Social Service Designee in a long term care setting and will receive a Certificate of Attendance from the Missouri Health Care Association.

Deconstructing Immediate Jeopardy & High Risk Tags

January 9-December 10, 2024: Deconstructing IJ & High Risk Tags (12-Part Webinar Series)

This series is designed to empower nursing home professionals with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the top risk areas associated with Immediate Jeopardy citations. Drawing from real-life examples of IJ citations, we’ll delve into actionable solutions to prevent these critical citations in facilities.

Participants will dig into the critical issues in nursing homes while exploring strategies to prevent immediate jeopardy citations.

Documentation in Depth

January 16-December 17, 2024: Documentation in Depth (12- Part Webinar Series)

This monthly series facilitates moving clinical documentation from satisfactory to superior with a focus on defending quality of care and supporting accurate reimbursement. Discussion will include assessment considerations, effective care planning in high-risk areas, reporting daily care and services, and overcoming common barriers. Extensive case studies and documentation examples will be included.

MHCA Behavioral Health: Care Process for Residents with Dementia

February 8-29, 2024: Behavioral Health: Care Process for Residents with Dementia (4-Part Webinar Series)

Join MHCA as Barbara Speedling, author of “Why is Grandma Screaming?” presents the webinar series, “Behavioral Health: Care Process for Residents with Dementia”. Following this 4-part webinar series participants will be able to describe the importance of a comprehensive holistic assessment and understand the impact of the disease process, the history of lifelong psychosocial issues and coping skills, develop team approaches to non-pharmacological interventions for mood and behavior, and create a satisfying livable environment by understanding the impact of human nature on care relationships, mood, and behavior.

LTCF December 2023 Updates

Below is important information regarding modifications to the Long-term Care Facility COVID-19/Respiratory Pathogens Module and the COVID-19/Respiratory Pathogens Vaccination Module. The changes described below are now visible within the NHSN application. These updates became effective beginning the week of December 17, 2023. Resources on the NHSN LTCF COVID-19/Respiratory Pathogens Module webpage and the COVID-19/Respiratory Pathogens Vaccination Modules webpage have been updated, where indicated, with revised forms, instructions, FAQs, and CSV templates.



The geolocation function is now available within the application. To complete this item, select the icon on the alerts page that is labeled “Facility Geolocation.”

Point of Care (POC) Test Reporting Tool

No enhancements

State Veterans Homes COVID-19 Event Reporting Tool

No enhancements

COVID-19/Respiratory Pathogens Pathway Data Reporting

  • Optional Influenza/RSV Tab
  • NEW! Data reported to the optional Influenza/RSV tab can now be viewed as a report/line list by using the Analysis tab within the application. The analysis function is a tool that can be used to view data reported to NSHN. Please note, reporting to the Influenza/RSV tab is OPTIONAL.

COVlD-19/Respiratory Pathogens Vaccination Influenza and RSV Line List Report for Residents

New! You can now use the Influenza / RSV line listing report to review your facility’s data (or your group’s data) submitted for weekly reporting of Influenza and RSV vaccination rates for residents. These data are included in the line list “Line Listing: All COVID-19 Vaccination Cumulative Summary Data – Residents” found under COVID-19 Module > COVID-19 Vaccination in the analysis tab within the NHSN application.

COVlD-19/Respiratory Pathogens Vaccination Summary Form Changes for Healthcare Personnel

New! Form changes take place 1/1/2024 (Quarter 1, 2024)

  • Questions related to COVID-19 primary series vaccination will be removed
  • The question about HCP being up to date with COVID-19 vaccination (formerly Question #4) is moved up on the form to Question #2
  • Questions 3.1-3.3 will now refer to those who are not up to date in Question #2
  • HCP should not be considered up to date for COVID-19 vaccination unless they received the updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine

COVlD-19/Respiratory Pathogens Vaccination Trainings

Webinar dates posted below and on the website under the “Announcement Section”

Initial Session

When: January 4, 2024 1:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Updates to Weekly COVID-19 Vaccination Healthcare Personnel Summary Form: Long Term Care Component
Register in advance for this webinar:

Replay Session

When: January 9, 2024 2:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Updates to Weekly COVID-19 Vaccination Healthcare Personnel Summary Form: Long Term Care Component
Register in advance for this webinar:

Replay Session

When: January 16, 2024 1:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Replay: Updates to Weekly COVID-19 Vaccination Healthcare Personnel Summary Form: Long Term Care Component
Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

DMH Free Webinars – Tools for Everyone

January 04, 2024: Registration
January 10, 2024: Registration
January 16, 2024: Registration
January 25, 2024: Registration
January 31, 2024: Registration

Presenters: Kathleen Deppeler, Director of Positive Supports
Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead

Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum, including: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.

Registration is also available on the Upcoming Webinar Webpage.

Medicare from Start to Finish

January 9, 2024: Live Virtual Workshop
March 12, 2024: In-Seat Workshop
May 14, 2024: In-Seat Workshop
September 17, 2024: In-Seat Workshop
November 12, 2024: Live Virtual Workshop

This workshop will review the SNF QRP reports from CASPER that provides information about the Medicare Part A stays in your SNF. It will also explore factors impacting SNF PPS assessment schedule, PDPM basics, and consolidating billing that can impact the financial facet of the facility. It also explains Medicare eligibility, coverage, and skilling criteria. The completion of the MDS is becoming more difficult and confusing, this workshop will help clear up the confusion surrounding this process. This workshop is geared towards those individuals working in long‐term care who have a leadership role such as ADM, DON, ADON, or MDS Coordinator.

MALA 2024 Train the Trainer Events

January 10, 2024: 2024 Train the Trainer
March 6, 2024: 2024 Train the Trainer
May 8, 2024: 2024 Train the Trainer
July 10, 2024: 2024 Train the Trainer
September 4, 2024: 2024 Train the Trainer
November 6, 2024: 2024 Train the Trainer

Participants must receive approval in order to attend this workshop. Those wishing to attend must submit the following to MALA at least five days prior to the workshop date:

  • A completed application form
  • Copy of nursing license or a report printed from Nursys
  • Copy of social security card
  • Payment

Upon MALA’s review of your application, you will receive an approval/confirmation letter via email. We must have your email address to send more information prior to the workshop.

RAI Process from Start to Finish

April 9-10, 2024: In-Seat Workshop
June 18-19, 2024: In-Seat Workshop
August 13-14, 2024: In-Seat Workshop
October 29-30, 2024: In-Seat Workshop
December 10-11, 2024: Live Virtual Workshop

This workshop will look at the RAI process from beginning to end and at each item of the MDS. The MDS is used for both a clinical and a financial assessment and will discuss the rules on scheduling these assessments and meeting the clinical & financial requirements. This includes a basic understanding of PDPM and how it correlates within the RAI process. This virtual workshop reviews how to gain access to and read the MDS reports from CASPER to self-audit your RAI process and look at your QMs. This workshop is designed for the MDS Coordinator and Care Plan Coordinator, or for the DON or ADM who needs a better understanding of the complexity of the RAI Process.

LeadingAge Missouri – Management Strategies for Workers Compensation in Today’s Long Term Care Environment

Learn the elements of Total Safety Management, a comprehensive behavior-based safety program, to reduce employee injury and minimize workers compensation expense. Learn about claims management and the HCFM workers compensation insurance trust.

Details and registration can be found on the links below.

April 10-11, 2024: Management Strategies for Workers Compensation in Today’s Long Term Care Environment
June 12-13, 2024: Management Strategies for Workers Compensation in Today’s Long Term Care Environment
October 9-10, 2024: Management Strategies for Workers Compensation in Today’s Long Term Care Environment


DMH Free Webinars – Tools for Everyone

December 4, 2023: Registration
December 14, 2023: Registration
December 20, 2023: Registration

Presenters: Terri Werner, Central Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Brandy Allen, Northern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Katherine Earll, Eastern Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead
Cana Poteet, Western Area Positive Supports Consultant Lead

Tools of Choice is an evidence-based program focused on the implementation of universal positive practices. This two-hour introductory training is open to community members, parents, and professionals. It covers key concepts of the Tools of Choice curriculum, including: What is behavior, building positive relationships, and how to increase desirable behavior. Join the Positive Support Consultants in learning strategies to make positive change by implementing universal positive practices.

Registration is also available on the Upcoming Webinar Webpage.