TB Testing

There has been confusion regarding whether the IGRA (T-SPOT) blood test is acceptable for residents of LTC facilities. There was a revision to state statute 199.290 in 2013 that allows for the use of IGRA for healthcare facility workers. However, a revision was not made to 19 CSR 20.100, which states residents must be tested using the two-step TST.

We received clarification from DCPH that residents can be tested using the IGRA blood test, which is in alignment with CDC guidelines. DCPH staff indicated they are looking at revisions to 19 CSR 20-20.100 but did not give a timeframe on when this might occur. This means IGRA is acceptable for residents and staff. Our TB Flowsheets reflect this on our website (https://health.mo.gov/seniors/nursinghomes/providerinfo.php).