New Changes coming in May for the COVID-19 Module Surveillance Pathways and Weekly HCP & Resident COVID-19 Vaccination Module

There will be various revisions to the LTCF COVID-19 Module surveillance pathways and COVID-19 Vaccination Modules for residents and healthcare personnel in the upcoming NHSN May release. CDC will be conducting training webinars next month. Please attend a training session to learn how data entry forms will change and receive instructions for accurate reporting. Below are a few changes you will see starting next month in the COVID-19 Module surveillance pathways.

NHSN COVID-19 Module Surveillance Pathway Forms will be Revised
New Changes Coming in May!!

What are the main changes?


  1. REMOVAL of Supplies and PPE Pathway
    1. Users will no longer need to report data to this pathway
  2. The Resident Impact and Facility Capacity Pathway (RIFC) and the Staff and Personnel Impact Pathway will have several data elements removed:
    1. COVID-19 test type
    2. Vaccine manufacturer (RIFC only)
    3. COVID-19 re-infections
    4. Other respiratory illness
    5. Testing performed and time for receiving results

Possible Additions

  1. Expand vaccination status options for boosters.
  2. Include simplified PPE shortage question.

How should I prepare for the upcoming changes?

  • Review ALL E-mail communication from NHSN
  • Attend COVID-19 Module trainings
  • Review the TOIs to assist with reporting elements
  • Update your CSV files as applicable
  • Templates will be updated on the COVID-19 webpage in May

How can I learn more?
CDC will be conducting training webinars in May. More information on these webinars will be shared in the coming weeks, so stayed tuned!

If you have questions, please send an e-mail to with ‘COVID-19 Surveillance Pathway Forms’ in the subject line. Below are the changes that will also take place in the COVID-19 Vaccination Module starting next month.


NHSN Weekly COVID-19 Vaccination Cumulative Summary Forms will be Revised
New Changes Coming in May!!

What are the main changes?


  1. COVID-19 vaccination data will no longer be reported by vaccine manufacturer for questions on primary vaccine series and additional/booster doses.
  2. Questions on vaccine supply will be removed.
  3. Completing monthly reporting plans for COVID-19 vaccination modules in the Long-Term Care Facility Component will no longer be required. Instead, upon saving or uploading data, users will agree to the following:
    1. The data reported are consistent with definitions outlined in NHSN surveillance protocols (including tables of instructions and frequently asked questions).
    2. The data will be sent to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to fulfill CMS quality reporting requirements (when applicable).


  1. Adding a note at the top of form specifying that data can be submitted by completing the questions on the data collection form or by using the new event-level COVID-19 vaccination forms.
  2. Adding a question for facilities to report the cumulative number of individuals who are up to date with COVID-19 vaccination.
  3. Adding two fields to question #4 to report the cumulative number of individuals who received only one booster dose and two or more booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine (Note: For residents only)

How should I prepare?
Facilities should develop or update data tracking mechanisms to collect weekly COVID-19 vaccination data on residents and healthcare personnel for the additional questions.

Tip: Using the new event-level COVID-19 vaccination forms in NHSN’s Long-Term Care Facility Component can simplify the tracking and reporting of data on multiple booster doses and up to date status.

How can I learn more?
CDC will be conducting training webinars in May. More information on these webinars will be shared in the coming weeks, so stayed tuned so you can register for the sessions.

If you have questions, please send an e-mail to with ‘COVID-19 Vaccination Data Reporting’ in the subject line.