DHSS COVID-19 Vaccination Booster Doses Survey

The Department of Health and Senior Services is planning for the upcoming approval of booster COVID-19 vaccination doses and long-term care facilities will be a priority. The federal pharmacy program used to administer first and second doses will not be available, so it is important to ensure long-term care facilities receive the needed support for the administration of booster doses. We are asking for your feedback regarding your facility’s readiness to administer booster doses. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VTT296F

For those SNFs (Medicaid/ Medicare certified) that already completed the NHSN survey, we already have your results no further action is needed.

For questions regarding this survey, please contact Lana Hudanick at Lana.hudanick@heatlh.mo.gov or 314-982-8260. Please reply by September 15, 2021.