MLN’s Oktoberfest, Nursing Home Administrator Conference

October 12-14, 2016:  Nursing Home Administrator Conference
Location:  Hilton Branson Convention Center, Branson

It is time to discover new experiences at the NHA Oktoberfest Conference in beautiful Branson!  The purpose of the activity is to enable the learner to acquire/ increase knowledge and skills to better care for the elderly.  Expert speakers will get you recharged while providing the latest information on hot topics in long-term care.

Please find registration and more information here.

MLN Geriatric Emergencies Workshop

September 21, 2016:  Kirksville Area Technical Center, Kirksville
September 22, 2016:  Tiger Place, Columbia
October 5, 2016:  Cape Girardeau Career & Technology Center, Cape Girardeau
October 6, 2016:  Cardinal Ritter Sr. Services on the Cardinal Carberry Campus, St. Louis

MLN brings you this workshop to educate health care professionals to effectively treat older residents in emergency situations. The objectives for this workshop include: 1. Discuss the aging process and the changes that occur over time. 2. Demonstrate multiple assessment tools. 3. Describe communication techniques for the elderly. 4. Discuss medical/legal issues and do not resuscitate (DNR).

Please see the Workshop brochure and more information including registration here.

Busy Doing Nothing? How to Foster Purpose and Meaning for Seniors in LTC

Webinar –November 9, 2016 webinar 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. CT.
Presenter: Kathleen Weissberg, Select Rehabilitation

Are your residents busy doing nothing?  Are they actively engaged?  Research evidence indicates today’s seniors prefer continued engagement in meaningful and purposeful activities and occupations.  Those who are occupationally active show positive therapeutic benefits, demonstrate fewer negative behaviors, need less help with self-care tasks, report positive mood, and describe greater quality of life.

Please find registration and more information here.

Consumer Voice – Webinar series

  • Webinar  – Obtaining Quality Care for Residents with Dementia
    September 13, 2016: Webinar 1:00 p.m.-2 p.m.
    Presenter:   Jonathan Evans, MD

This webinar presents successful person-centered strategies that lead to quality care for residents with dementia.

  • Webinar  – Piecing Together Quality Long-Term Care
    October 11, 2016: Webinar 1:00 p.m.-2 p.m.
    Presenter:   Robyn Grant, MSW               

This webinar will walk you through the different pieces you, or your client, need to consider to obtain quality long-term services and supports.

More information and registration is available here

Empira researcher Sue Ann Guildermann coming to Missouri

Empira researcher Sue Ann Guildermann coming to Missouri to share research findings that link long-term care residents’ falls with sleep interruptions and discuss interventions proven to reduce falls and improve residents’ quality of life.

Three half-day seminars will be held, times and locations are forthcoming:

  • November 29, 2016 – Louis area
  • November 30, 2016 – Lake Ozark
  • December 1, 2016 – Kansas City area

CEUs will be available for long-term care administrators, social workers, and activity professionals.

Funding for this project provided by MOLANE, Missouri Health Care Association, MC5, and Health Systems, Inc.

RAI Manual Changes

QIPMO will be presenting two different webinars on changes to the RAI Manual that are being implemented October 1st, 2016.  One webinar will cover the new MDS Section GG and Delirium and the other webinar is on General MDS Manual Updates.  Both webinars will be presented on multiple days at different times.  There is no cost for the webinars.

To sign up for these webinars:

  • Section GG and Delirium, multiple dates and times from August 26, 2016 through September 9, 2016 visit enrollment webpage here .
  • General MDS Manual Updates, multiple dates and times from September 12 through September 28, 2016 visit enrollment webpage here.

MLN 2016 DON/Charge Nurse/CNA Day

September 20-21, 2016:  Director of Nursing Institute
September 20, 2016:  Charge Nurse/CNA Day
Location:  Orlando’s Event and Conference Center, St. Louis, MO

Missouri League for Nursing is excited to invite Directors of Nursing, Charge Nurses, and Certified Nursing Assistants to attend an educational event catered to YOUR needs! This conference will be energetic and hands-on all while being in a learning environment. You will be given useful information to take back and implement in your home right away to better serve your residents. We will give you the confidence, knowledge, direction, and motivation needed to help you enhance your role of caring for the elderly.

Please see the brochure on MLN’s website for more information.

Vibrant Living for Men

September 1, 2016:  Vibrant Living for Men
Location:  The Piper Assisted Living and Memory Care, Kansas City, KS
Presenter:  Glenn Blacklock, Administrator

This all-day workshop will explore options for helping men to live more vibrant and satisfying lives. We will discuss the current state of most activity programs, which are often heavily focused toward activities enjoyed by women. We will also identify the reasons activities and pastimes can’t just be left to Activity professionals anymore. Everyone needs to be involved. This practice makes for an environment that opens the door for everyone in the organization to share their passions and interests. Relationships flourish and spontaneous things begin to happen.  As men begin to rethink what they can and would like to do, they often find new purpose and meaning in their lives, and their once-vibrant spirits rise again.

For more information including registration, please visit the event page.

It’s Time to “Restore” Your Restorative Nursing Program

August 25, 2016:  Webinar 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. CT
Presenter:  Kathleen Weissberg from Select Rehabilitation
Registration Deadline is August 23, 2016.

This training session will review the philosophy, design, implementation, and successful documentation of a Restorative Nursing Program.  Nurses, Nurse Assistants, Restorative Aides, and therapists all must work together in the facility to implement a rehabilitative approach that focuses on the resident’s function.  Types of Restorative programs are reviewed along with role delineations for each.  For each Restorative Program, documentation and coding guidelines, key training elements, and program goals are reviewed.

Click here to register

System Improvement Webinar: Internal Oversite (F281, F312)

August 4, 2016:  Webinar 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. CT
Presenter:  Liz Davidson from LeadingAge Iowa
Registration Deadline is August 2, 2016.

According to the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) publication of the OIG Compliance Program Guidance for Nursing Facilities, conducting internal monitoring and auditing (oversight) is one of the key elements to successful compliance program. During this webinar, we will discuss key strategies, best practices, and tools to use to conduct internal monitoring and oversight within your organization. Case studies of actual F-tag citations for F281 (Professional Standards) and F312 (Activities of Daily Living), two of the most frequently cited F-tags nationally, will be used to help leverage a better understanding of how internal oversight can improve not only compliance, but overall quality of care.

Click here to register

Conversations with Carmen

July 22, 2016:  What Kind of Culture Does Your Language Create?
Host/Presenter:  Carmen Bowman, MHS

It is not news that the language of institutional care could use some work.  Even CMS notes a needed language change by encouraging the elimination of labels such as “feeder” in its interpretive guidance for Tag F241 Dignity.  Do these institutional words still abide in your culture?  Facility, beds, frontline, work the floor, toileting, non-compliant, behaviors, difficult, activities, dietary, resident, elope, expire?  Have you personally and community-wide adopted language that is softer, more normal, dignified?  The best news?  Changing language costs no money. Yes, changing language is a no-cost practice that does wonders to shift from an institutional culture to a home/natural/normal culture instead.  Join us to learn more about the unintended consequences of traditional institutional language; word replacements to consider; and ideas on how to change language.  Join our host Carmen Bowman as she shares from the paper she co-authored The Power of Language to Create Culture.

For more information including registration, please visit the Action Pact event page here.

TMF Free Learning Webinar

July 12, 2016:  Vaccinating Adults: Don’t Miss Out on Opportunities for Prevention
Presenter:  Carolyn Bridges, MD

Immunizations are one of the best ways to decrease the incidence of preventable diseases.  This learning session will explore disparities in adult immunizations, standards of practice, effectiveness of vaccines and payment for adult vaccinations.

For more information including registration, please visit the event page here.

Action Pact Workshop – The Benefits of Household Dining

July 21, 2016:  The Benefits of Household Dining; Maxinizing Choice and Relationships in this Pleasure of Daily Life
Location:  The Piper Assisted Living and Memory Care, Kansas City, KS
Presenter:  Linda Bump

So, does dining really matter anymore?  Have we already done as much as we can in changing dining to be more resident directed?  Why must we continue to move our systems forward in honoring resident choice in dining and in creating relationship-based dining service systems?

There are many reasons:

  • Because our residents are demanding it
  • Because our residents deserve it
  • Because CMS is advocating for increasing change
  • Because we CAN, and simply
  • Because it is the right thing to do!

Participants will explore each topic (see agenda) through lively discussion, the experiences of staff and residents pioneering work and personal exercises.  Using the guidance and challenges of the New Dining Practice Standards to guide our thought from Mazlov’s early work to creating The Kitchen as a Great Good Place in our residents’ lives, participants will leave feeling prepared to meet the challenges ahead in maximizing dining as a pleasure of their residents’ lives.

For more information including registration, please visit the Action Pact event page here.

Conversations with Carmen

June 17, 2016:  Reducing Unnecessary Wheelchair Use
Guest:  Leslie Jarema, LNHA, Director of Health Services, The Forest at Duke CCRC

Approximately two-thirds of nursing home residents are in wheelchairs the majority of the time.  Although not talked about much, the negative, iatrogenic consequences of overuse of wheelchairs are many: accelerated loss of muscle mass, pressure sores, significant discomfort and physical strain from operating chairs which increase risks for falling, injuries from falls, depression and pneumonia.  Older people’s health, mobility and self-image can suffer from too much time in wheelchairs.  They are treated as less able, even spoken to differently, promoting a cycle of helplessness.  The Forest at Duke is part of a movement that gives priority to the well-being of residents and their caregivers – above the functions of the nursing home or convenience of the staff.  Join us and our guest Leslie Jerema to learn how she led her community to use wheel chairs for transport only and helps residents be as active as possible.

For more information, please visit the event registration page here.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Rules Impacting Overtime and Exemption Status Webinar

June 16, 2016:  1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Registration Deadline is June 13, 2016

On March 14, 2016, the Department of Labor submitted the final proposed overtime rule updates of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to the Office of Management and Budget.  As a result, these updates could go into effect by late summer 2016.  This webinar will present the finalized regulations and any unexpected surprises as nearly every employer in the nation will be affected by the U.S. Department of Labor’s proposed revisions.  Their impact will touch not only how employers classify their exempt and non-exempt employees, but also the organization’s bottom line profits.  Soon, employers will have to pay time-and-one-half overtime pay to many employees for hours worked over 40 in a workweek, and who had previously earned a straight salary under one of the white-collar exemptions.

Click here to register

VOYCE’s Long Term Care Conference

June 10, 2016:  The Changing Landscape of Long Term Care Conference
Location:  Renaissance St. Louis Airport Hotel

Hear national and local experts discuss dynamic strategies, innovative tools and available long-term care options.

The format has been set with two educational tracks throughout the day; one for professionals working in long-term care and one for the general public who are looking for answers to the complexity of long-term care.

See the registration packet for the full description of the topics and the national and local expert speakers on the VOYCE event web page here.

2016 Pioneer Network Conference

July 31-Auguest 3, 2016:  Revolutionizing the Culture of Aging
Location:  Hyatt Regency New Orleans, New Orleans, LA

This highly regarded, dynamic meeting weaves together the experiences and expertise in all sectors of the aging field, from C-suite corporate staff, administrators, managers, nurses, social workers, activity professionals, researchers, regulators to elders and care partners, etc.  Attendees are self-selected learners and “movers and shakers” interested in improvement and excellence in care and support of elders.  Attendees from past conferences enthusiastically report high satisfaction and comment on how different the Pioneer Network conference is from other conferences.  They share receiving benefit from:

  • Being with like-minded people from across the United States and internationally who share their passion for changing the culture of long-term care
  • Learning from experts who are on their “culture change journey”
  • Making connections that will help them with their personal and professional journey
  • Connecting with resources and vendors that can help them achieve their goals

Please visit the Pioneer Network’s Conference webpage here for more information including registration.

Conversations with Carmen

May 20, 2016:  Improving Mobility the “Advancing Excellence” Way
Guest:  Carol Benner, Advancing Excellence Campaign

For years we have talked about preventing and reducing falls, searching for the right solution.  We even tied people to their chairs to keep them from falling, not yet realizing that the key to preventing falls is to improve mobility.  Then we “alarmed” them, which only resulted in increased immobility.  Mobility is the key to maintaining both physical health and quality of life.  The Advancing Excellence Campaign has selected Mobility as one of its nine goals.  With an expert panel, it has prepared a full set of quality improvement tools to help assess, measure and improve mobility for nursing home residents.  This conversation will focus on:

  • What mobility is
  • Why maintaining/improving mobility is important
  • How to measure mobility using an evidence-based tool
  • How to incorporate mobility in your QAPI efforts
  • How to use a root cause analysis to help you identify areas for improvement

Please visit the event page here for more information including registration.