July 31-Auguest 3, 2016: Revolutionizing the Culture of Aging
Location: Hyatt Regency New Orleans, New Orleans, LA
This highly regarded, dynamic meeting weaves together the experiences and expertise in all sectors of the aging field, from C-suite corporate staff, administrators, managers, nurses, social workers, activity professionals, researchers, regulators to elders and care partners, etc. Attendees are self-selected learners and “movers and shakers” interested in improvement and excellence in care and support of elders. Attendees from past conferences enthusiastically report high satisfaction and comment on how different the Pioneer Network conference is from other conferences. They share receiving benefit from:
- Being with like-minded people from across the United States and internationally who share their passion for changing the culture of long-term care
- Learning from experts who are on their “culture change journey”
- Making connections that will help them with their personal and professional journey
- Connecting with resources and vendors that can help them achieve their goals
Please visit the Pioneer Network’s Conference webpage here for more information including registration.