CMS Memo S&C 16-11 ALL: Exit Conferences- Sharing Specific Regulatory References or Tags

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has clarified guidance to surveyors regarding the procedures for conducting exit conferences, specifically related to the sharing of regulatory tags.  There are significant changes to the exit conference process in this memo.  In addition to the guidance in this memo, CMS has also given direction that the staff identifier list is not to be released even if requested.  This guidance applies to Medicare/Medicaid certified homes only.  The Section for Long-Term Care Regulation will implement these changes no later than March 31, 2016.

Please see the memo and attachments below or visit

SC16-11-ALL Memo
SC16-11-ALL.02 SOM Chapter 2
SC16-11-ALL.03 SOM Chapter 5
SC16-11-ALL.04 SOM Appendix P