CMS Memo: QSO-24-08-NH: Enhanced Barrier Precautions in Nursing Homes to Prevent Spread of Multidrug-resistant Organisms (MDROs)

Memorandum Summary

  • CMS is issuing new guidance for State Survey Agencies and long term care (LTC) facilities on the use of enhanced barrier precautions (EBP) to align with nationally accepted standards.
  • EBP recommendations now include use of EBP for residents with chronic wounds or indwelling medical devices during high-contact resident care activities regardless of their multidrug-resistant organism status.
  • The new guidance related to EBP is being incorporated into F880 Infection Prevention and Control.

Please see the full memo for complete details at

If you have questions regarding implementing EBP in your long-term care facility, please contact the Healthcare-Associated Infections/ Antimicrobial Resistance program at 573-751-6113.