November 7, 2023: What Living as a Resident Can Teach Long-Term Care Staff
Location: Online Webinar
Presenter: Leslie Pedtke, MHA, LNHA
MC5 is pleased to be able to repeat this program after having experienced technical issues on the initial showing on October 10.
November 8, 2023: Self-Care for Helpers
Location: Methodist Church, the Celebration Center, Sedalia and Virtual
Presenter: Jessica Janis, LPC
This presentation provides information on vicarious trauma, burnout, and self-care strategies for helpers. We will also discuss ways to reduce stress, increase happiness, and promote whole person well-being. Most importantly, we will discuss common barriers for helpers to implement self-care. This fun but in-depth look at how we choose to treat ourselves is sure to help put your need for self-care into perspective.
November 9, 2023: Exploring Person-Centered Care: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, and Where We Want To Go
Location: The Sarah Community, Bridgeton
Presenters: Joan Devine, Advocate, and Sennora Williams, MC5 Board President
Over the past years, providers have been faced with many challenges as they have worked to continue on the path to growing a culture in their communities that is person-centered. In order to find the way back to that path, we need to start by understanding the past – the ideals and the work that are the foundation of a person centered culture. Next step is to explore where we are. Current challenges, successes, and opportunities. With the past and present in mind, we are ready to define where we need to go, and what it will take, tools that can help up, and how, by working together, we can advance the work of growing person-centered cultures.
November 9, 2023: You’re Not Special: Navigating Staffing in the Me Culture
Location: Nevada Public Library, Nevada
Presenters: Wendy Boren, BSN, RN, QIPMO, University of Missouri, Sinclair School of Nursing and Nicky Martin, MPA, BS, LNHA, CDPQIPMO, Sinclair School of Nursing
Staffing is a constant battle, but the current culture makes staffing healthcare a different kind of challenge than we’ve ever faced before. Recruiting and retaining staff in the “me” culture requires ingenuity, patience, compromise, and a new spin on professionalism. This program will highlight those challenges through interactive discussion and give participants real tools to creative winning strategies that may just take them from “me” to “we.”
November 17, 2023: “Let’s Talk” on Regulation and Person-Centered Care
Location: Farmington Public Library, Farmington
Presenters: Kate Parsons, Regulatory Auditor Supervisor, and Cindy Rexroad, Regulatory Compliance Manager, DHSS Region 2
In this program we will talk about current hot topics related to long term care, frequently asked questions, recent changes, and frequent citations seen in the region. We will be focusing on moving forward with person centered care after the end of the COVID PHE.
November 17, 2023: You’re Not Special: Navigating Staffing in the Me Culture
Location: Cape Girardeau Public Library, Cape Girardeau
Presenters: Wendy Boren, BSN, RN, QIPMO, University of Missouri, Sinclair School of Nursing and Nicky Martin, MPA, BS, LNHA, CDPQIPMO, Sinclair School of Nursing
Staffing is a constant battle, but the current culture makes staffing healthcare a different kind of challenge than we’ve ever faced before. Recruiting and retaining staff in the “me” culture requires ingenuity, patience, compromise, and a new spin on professionalism. This program will highlight those challenges through interactive discussion and give participants real tools to creative winning strategies that may just take them from “me” to “we.”