QIN-QIOs Targeting Assistance to Nursing Facilities to Improve Infection Control

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has funded Health Quality Innovators (HQI) to deliver no-cost assistance to nursing homes in Missouri through the CMS Quality Innovation Network – Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) Program.

Through this initiative, which HQI calls the Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN), facilities that have an opportunity to improve their infection control efforts based on publicly available data on Nursing Home Compare are being tapped by HQIN to receive targeted virtual assistance. Selected facilities will receive performance data reports, quality coaching, improvement tools, peer-to-peer forums and educational programming.

HQI has been providing free, expert help to nursing homes for more than 35 years. Their team of quality improvement experts is made up of seasoned post-acute nurses and administrators, including an Infection Preventionist, MDS specialists and QAPI-Certified professionals.

To learn more about HQI and HQIN, visit www.hqin.org or contact Dana Schmitz, dschmitz@hqi.solutions.