MLN Workshops

MLN Workshops

Cape Girardeau

March 14, 2018: Leading and Supervising
May 15, 2018: Dementia with Lewy Bodies
June 5, 2018: Exploring the Fundamental Building Blocks



May 10, 2018: Leading and Supervising



February 8, 2018: Jolene Brackey: Enhanced Movements!
March 22, 2018: Compassion Fatigue
May 16-17, 2018: Springfest
June 13, 2018: Staff Retention


Jefferson City

June 22, 2018: Exploring the Fundamental Building Blocks


Kansas City

February 9, 2018: Jolene Brackey: Enhanced Movements!
March 16, 2018: Compassion Fatigue
May 9, 2018: Leading and Supervising
May 15-16, 2018: Springfest



February 15, 2018: Opening Your Hearts and Minds



April 25, 2018: Compassion Fatigue


Park Hills

March 27, 2018: Infection Control in Long-Term Care


Poplar Bluff

April 26, 2018: Infection Control in Long-Term Care
May 11, 2018: Staff Retention



May 2, 2018: Dementia with Lewy Bodies



April 26, 2018: Opening Your Hearts and Minds



April 25, 2018: Opening Your Hearts and Minds
May 1, 2018: Dementia with Lewy Bodies


St. Joseph

April 26, 2018: Compassion Fatigue


St. Louis

February 7, 2018: Jolene Brackey: Enhanced Movements!
March 15, 2018: Leading and Supervising
March 21, 2018: Compassion Fatigue
March 27, 2018: Staff Retention
April 26, 2018: Infection Control in Long-Term Care
May 2-3, 2018: Springfest
May 18, 2018: Opening Your Hearts and Minds
June 7, 2018: Exploring the Fundamental Building Blocks
June 20, 2018: Dementia with Lewy Bodies