Missouri Certificate of Need Program

What does the Missouri Certificate of Need Program (CONP) do? The CONP reviews proposals for new and additional long-term care beds, major medical equipment, and new hospitals. Approval by the Missouri Health Facilities Review Committee is required before an applicant may proceed with their proposal or obtain licensure. CONP also collects LTC occupancy every quarter.

You can view CON applications filed with DHSS on our website here under the Upcoming Meetings section. This section also includes details about an upcoming CON meeting and agenda items, and additional documentation received regarding a project. Any person or facility may submit written support, neutral, or opposing letters on a CON project up to three (3) business days before a scheduled CON meeting. Written support/neutral/opposition may be emailed to CONP@health.mo.gov or mailed to 3418 Knipp Drive, Jefferson City, Mo 65102. Any person may also testify in support, neutral, or opposition at an in-person CON meeting. Questions can be emailed to CONP@health.mo.gov.