Updated MDS 3.0 RAI Manual Errata

The PDF file labeled “MDS-3.0-RAI-Manual-v1.16R-Errata-v1.1-February-13-2019”, available in the Downloads section of the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual page, contains revisions to pages in Chapter 3, Section J, of the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual v1.16R, that (1) address coding item J0200 when the resident interview should have been conducted but was not conducted within the look-back period of the ARD and (2) amend the criteria for major surgery and correct the associated examples.

Changed manual pages are marked with the footer “October 2018 (R).”

The errata document begins with a table that lists all identified revisions and the pages to which they have been applied. Following the table are the actual corrected replacement pages for insertion into the printed manual.